398 research outputs found

    Polarization probes of vorticity in heavy ion collisions

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    We discuss the information that can be deduced from a measurement of particle (hyperon or vector meson) polarization in ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions. We describe the sensitivity of polarization to initial conditions, hydrodynamic evolution and mean free path, and find that the polarization observable is sensitive to all details and stages of the system's evolution. We suggest that an experimental investigation covering production plane and reaction plane polarizations, as well as the polarization of jet-associated particles in the plane defined by the jet and particle direction, can help in disentangling the factors contributing to this observable. Scans of polarization in energy and rapidity might also point to a change in the system's properties.Comment: In press, Phys.Rev.C. One new figure, text streamlined and edited, physics conclusions and reasoning not change

    Analysis of the S.C. Accountability Act and no child left behind, 2003

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    K-12 school funding: The unfinished agenda, circa 2007

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    Time-resolved dosimetry for validation of 4D dose calculation in PBS proton therapy

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    Four-dimensional dose calculation (4D-DC) is crucial for predicting the dosimetric outcome in the presence of intra-fractional organ motion. Time-resolved dosimetry can provide significant insights into 4D pencil beam scanning dose accumulation and is therefore irreplaceable for benchmarking 4D-DC. In this study a novel approach of time-resolved dosimetry using five PinPoint ionization chambers (ICs) embedded in an anthropomorphic dynamic phantom was employed and validated against beam delivery details. Beam intensity variations as well as the beam delivery time structure were well reflected with an accuracy comparable to the temporal resolution of the IC measurements. The 4D dosimetry approach was further applied for benchmarking the 4D-DC implemented in the RayStation 6.99 treatment planning system. Agreement between computed values and measurements was investigated for (i) partial doses based on individual breathing phases, and (ii) temporally distributed cumulative doses. For varied beam delivery and patient-related parameters the average unsigned dose difference for (i) was 0.04 +/- 0.03 Gy over all considered IC measurement values, while the prescribed physical dose was 2 Gy. By implementing (ii), a strong effect of the dose gradient on measurement accuracy was observed. The gradient originated from scanned beam energy modulation and target motion transversal to the beam. Excluding measurements in the high gradient the relative dose difference between measurements and 4D-DCs for a given treatment plan at the end of delivery was 3.5% on average and 6.6% at maximum over measurement points inside the target. Overall, the agreement between 4D dose measurements in the moving phantom and retrospective 4D-DC was found to be comparable to the static dose differences for all delivery scenarios. The presented 4D-DC has been proven to be suitable for simulating treatment deliveries with various beam- as well as patient-specific parameters and can therefore be employed for dosimetric validation of different motion mitigation techniques

    Social immunity modulates competition between coinfecting pathogens

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    Coinfections with multiple pathogens can result in complex within‐host dynamics affecting virulence and transmission. While multiple infections are intensively studied in solitary hosts, it is so far unresolved how social host interactions interfere with pathogen competition, and if this depends on coinfection diversity. We studied how the collective disease defences of ants – their social immunity – influence pathogen competition in coinfections of same or different fungal pathogen species. Social immunity reduced virulence for all pathogen combinations, but interfered with spore production only in different‐species coinfections. Here, it decreased overall pathogen sporulation success while increasing co‐sporulation on individual cadavers and maintaining a higher pathogen diversity at the community level. Mathematical modelling revealed that host sanitary care alone can modulate competitive outcomes between pathogens, giving advantage to fast‐germinating, thus less grooming‐sensitive ones. Host social interactions can hence modulate infection dynamics in coinfected group members, thereby altering pathogen communities at the host level and population level

    Creating a Multilingual Geospatial Thesaurus: GEOSS Societal Benefit Areas Translations for Italian, Spanish, French and Slovenian

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    The Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) Societal Benefit Areas (SBAs) are a set of terms of interest for the development of global spatial data infrastructures. These SBAs form a two level hierarchy (categories and subcategories) ranging from natural disasters to human health. The SBAs are used widely by international geographic information sharing initiatives and policy makers. One of the uses of the SBAs is to allow users to search a spatial data infrastructure for resources that relate to the theme of interest (category or subcategory) selected. However, the SBAs are currently only specified in English. In this paper, we provide a translation of the SBAs into Italian, Spanish, French, and Slovenian in order to support multilingual search, and we underline the issues involved in the translation. Since some of these issues seem to be strictly related to a few discrepancies present in the original version of the SBAs, this paper also proposes a revision of the original set of terms in English

    Rapid identification of Burkholderia mallei and Burkholderia pseudomallei by intact cell Matrix-assisted Laser Desorption/Ionisation mass spectrometric typing

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    BACKGROUND: Burkholderia (B.) pseudomallei and B. mallei are genetically closely related species. B. pseudomallei causes melioidosis in humans and animals, whereas B. mallei is the causative agent of glanders in equines and rarely also in humans. Both agents have been classified by the CDC as priority category B biological agents. Rapid identification is crucial, because both agents are intrinsically resistant to many antibiotics. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) has the potential of rapid and reliable identification of pathogens, but is limited by the availability of a database containing validated reference spectra. The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of MALDI-TOF MS for the rapid and reliable identification and differentiation of B. pseudomallei and B. mallei and to build up a reliable reference database for both organisms. RESULTS: A collection of ten B. pseudomallei and seventeen B. mallei strains was used to generate a library of reference spectra. Samples of both species could be identified by MALDI-TOF MS, if a dedicated subset of the reference spectra library was used. In comparison with samples representing B. mallei, higher genetic diversity among B. pseudomallei was reflected in the higher average Eucledian distances between the mass spectra and a broader range of identification score values obtained with commercial software for the identification of microorganisms. The type strain of B. pseudomallei (ATCC 23343) was isolated decades ago and is outstanding in the spectrum-based dendrograms probably due to massive methylations as indicated by two intensive series of mass increments of 14 Da specifically and reproducibly found in the spectra of this strain. CONCLUSIONS: Handling of pathogens under BSL 3 conditions is dangerous and cumbersome but can be minimized by inactivation of bacteria with ethanol, subsequent protein extraction under BSL 1 conditions and MALDI-TOF MS analysis being faster than nucleic amplification methods. Our spectra demonstrated a higher homogeneity in B. mallei than in B. pseudomallei isolates. As expected for closely related species, the identification process with MALDI Biotyper software (Bruker Daltonik GmbH, Bremen, Germany) requires the careful selection of spectra from reference strains. When a dedicated reference set is used and spectra of high quality are acquired, it is possible to distinguish both species unambiguously. The need for a careful curation of reference spectra databases is stressed

    Genomic Scans across Three Eucalypts Suggest that Adaptation to Aridity is a Genome-Wide Phenomenon

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    Widespread species spanning strong environmental (e.g., climatic) gradients frequently display morphological and physiological adaptations to local conditions. Some adaptations are common to different species that occupy similar environments. However, the genomic architecture underlying such convergent traits may not be the same between species. Using genomic data from previous studies of three widespread eucalypt species that grow along rainfall gradients in southern Australia, our probabilistic approach provides evidence that adaptation to aridity is a genome-wide phenomenon, likely to involve multiple and diverse genes, gene families and regulatory regions that affect a multitude of complex genetic and biochemical processes