288 research outputs found

    The Sober Joy of Thieving

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    Radical Prototypes: Allan Kaprow and the Invention of Happenings by Judith F. Rodenbeck. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2011. Pp. 312, 47 illustrations. 34.95cloth,34.95 cloth, 17.95 paper

    Uniform Inductive Improvement

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    We examine uniform procedures for improving the scientific competence of inductive inference machines. Formally, such procedures are construed as recursive operators. Several senses of improvement are considered, including (a) enlarging the class of functions on which success is certain, and (b) transforming probable success into certain success

    Phoenix: Preliminary design of a high speed civil transport

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    The goal of the Phoenix Design Project was to develop a second generation high speed civil transport (HSCT) that will meet the needs of the traveler and airline industry beginning in the 21st century. The primary emphasis of the HSCT is to take advantage of the growing needs of the Pacific Basin and the passengers who are involved in that growth. A passenger load of 150 persons, a mission range of 5150 nautical miles, and a cruise speed of Mach 2.5 constitutes the primary design points of this HSCT. The design concept is made possible with the use of a well designed double delta wing and four mixed flow engines. Passenger comfort, compatibility with existing airport infrastructure, and cost competitive with current subsonic aircraft make the Phoenix a viable aircraft for the future

    Synthesizing inductive expertise

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    AbstractWe consider programs that accept descriptions of inductive inference problems and return machines that solve them. Several design specifications for synthesizers of this kind are considered from a recursion-theoretic perspective

    A Universal Inductive Inference Machine

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    A paradigm of scientific discovery is defined within a first-order logical framework. It is shown that within this paradigm there exists a formal scientist that is Turing computable and universal in the sense that it solves every problem that any scientist can solve. It is also shown that universal scientists exist for no regular logics that extend first order logic and satisfy the Lowenheim-Skolem condition

    Logic and Learning

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    The theory of first-order logic - or Model Theory - appears in few studies of learning and scientific discovery. We speculate about the reasons for this omission, and then argue for the utility of Model Theory in the analysis and design of automated systems of scientific discovery. One scientific task is treated from this perspective in detail, namely, concept discovery. Two formal paradigms bearing on this probleni are presented and investigated using the tools of logical theory. One paradigm bears on PAC learning, the other on identification in the limit

    Photo-CIDNP study of biological molecules

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    A moment in the pragmatic political style: the rhetoric of Louis D. Brandeis

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    This thesis examines the rhetoric of Louis D. Brandeis in light of pragmatism-specifically, the philosophical pragmatism of William James and John Dewey. While a number of scholars claim that pragmatism has nothing to offer politics, rhetoric, or decision-making, this thesis argues that Brandeis's method of acting politically, speaking publicly, and solving problems exemplifies the pragmatic political style-a style of political operation that is characteristically pragmatic, a direct extension of James and Dewey's philosophy. This thesis illustrates Brandeis's pragmatic political style through an analysis of his rhetoric prior to taking his seat on the United States Supreme Court, his rhetoric while on the Supreme Court, and his rhetoric as one of America's most prominent Zionists. This thesis shows that pragmatism (at least William James and John Dewey's classical American pragmatism-the pragmatism Brandeis exemplifies rhetorically) can be a fruitful part of political operation

    Atividades de extensão universitária : Portal da Transparência como fonte de vantagem competitiva para empresas do setor farmacêutico

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    Esta pesquisa objetiva entender como o Portal da Transparência pode ser utilizado como uma fonte de dados para que as empresas do setor farmacêutico obtenham vantagem competitiva frente aos seus concorrentes ao vender para o governo. Para tal, foi realizada, inicialmente, uma revisão bibliográfica sobre os principais aspectos relacionados ao tema. A seguir, utilizou-se uma abordagem de entrevistas com gerentes, diretores e proprietários de empresas do setor farmacêutico no Brasil, realizadas entre os dias 1o de outubro até 18 de outubro remotamente, com roteiros semiestruturados. Foram entrevistados 15 profissionais dentre os cargos mencionados acima. Observou-se que o Portal da Transparência pode ser utilizado como uma fonte de dados para obter vantagem competitiva no mercado de vendas para o governo, sendo responsável por muitas vitórias em licitações