123 research outputs found

    "Kartki z podróży" and the poetics of the reportage

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    W artykule podjęto problematykę związku "Kartek z podróży" Józefa Ignacego Kraszewskiego z poetyką reportażu. Punktem wyjścia analizy jest założenie, że utwór ten stanowi przykład dzieła głęboko synkretycznego, w którym przenikają się elementy poetyki: dziennika podróży, reportażu, przewodnika, vademecum, szkicu fizjologicznego oraz ekfrazy. Początkowe fragmenty artykułu dotyczą poetyki reportażu oraz okoliczności powstania „Kartek z podróży”. Kluczowa część pracy poświęcona została analizie związku utworu Kraszewskiego z tradycją reportażu. W tym celu został podjęty problem obecności wyznaczników poetyki XIX-wiecznego reportażu (ze względu na: funkcje, stosunek do czytelnika oraz ukształtowanie językowe), wskazanych przez Jolantę Sztachelską, w analizowanym tekście. Podczas analizy posłużono się konsekwentnie kategorią dominanty genologicznej, postrzegając utwór Kraszewskiego przez pryzmat formowania się gatunku reportażowego. Podstawę interpretacji stanowi tekst "Kartek z podróży", natomiast kontekstem dla rozważań nad poglądami pisarza dotyczącymi korespondencji zagranicznej.The aim of the article is to tackle the issue of the relationship between Józef Ignacy Kraszewski’s "Kartki z podróży" and the poetics of the reportage. The departing point of the analysis is the assumption that the text in question is an example of a heavily syncretic work of literature and combines the genre features of a travel memoir, a reportage, a travel guide, a vade mecum, a physiological sketch, and an ekphrasis. The opening of the article deals with the poetics of reportage and the circumstances under which "Kartki z podróży" came into existence. The most crucial part of the article is dedicated to the analysis of the connection between Kraszewski’s work and the reportage tradition. To achieve this, the problem of the presence of the defi ning features of the 19th-century reportage poetics (taking into account their function, relation to the reader, and linguistic shape, as indicated by Jolanta Sztachelska 1997) in the given text is elaborated upon. The analysis consistently employs the theoretical category of the genre’s dominant mode and views Kraszewski’s work through the prism of the process of the reportage genre development. The whole interpretation is based on the text of "Kartki z podróży", and the context in which the writer’s views on his foreign correspondence are investigated are those fragments of the book "Gawędy o sztuce i literaturze" in which the author expresses his opinions on the literature theory

    An E scher-like architect

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    It’s a beautiful game that enables us to create paradoxes, to reconstruct deformed images and to deform properly constructed ones. I t’s beautiful play in which imagination is the way of seeing reality and a form follows a vision, jumping by order of a randomly thrown dice

    Freedom of Assembly in Poland

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    In the chapter of the book, the author describes the procedure for normative regulation of the organization and holding of assemblies in the Republic of Poland, given that the right to freedom of assembly is enshrined in the Constitution of Poland. The author identifies certain signs and types of assemblies, depending on which a particular assembly is subject to regulation or not. In particular, the issues of holding flash mobs have not been settled. There also remain questions how to determine the boundaries when the personal moral convictions of representatives of the authorities become an obstacle to the exercise of the right to freedom of assembly, or the holding of assemblies is limited with reference to the convictions of most of the society; how to draw the line between peaceful assemblies and assemblies that threaten the safety of people; how to distinguish between spontaneous and scheduled assemblies. Some of these dilemmas are being resolved at the judicial level, but some have yet to be resolved

    Evidence of bacteriogenic iron and manganese oxyhydroxides in Albian-Cenomanian marine sediments of the Carpathian realm (Poland)

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    The Albian and Cenomanian marine sediments of the Silesian and Tatric basins in the Carpathian realm of the Western Tethys contain ferric and ferromanganese oxyhydroxides, visible macroscopically as brown stainings. They coat calcareous bioclasts and mineral clasts, fill pore spaces, or locally form continuous, parallel microlayers, tens of micrometers thick. Light-microscope (LM) and scanning-electron-microscope (SEM) obser- vations show that the coatings contain elongated capsules, approximately 3-5 \mum across and enriched in iron and manganese, which may be remnants of the original sheaths of iron-related bacteria (IRB). Moreover, the ferric and ferromanganese staining observed under LM is similar to bacterial structures, resembling the sheaths, filaments and rods formed by present-day bacteria of the Sphaerotilus-Leptothrix group. All of the possible bacteria-like structures are well preserved owing to processes of early diagenetic cementation. If the observed structures are fossil IRB, these organisms could have played an important role in iron and manganese accumulation on the sea floor during Albian-Cenomanian time. The most plausible source of metals for bacterial concentration in the Silesian Basin might have been submarine low-temperature hydrothermal vents, as previously was hypothesized for Cenomanian-Turonian deposits on the basis of geochemical indices

    The effect of the rehabilitation program on balance, gait, physical performance and trunk rotation in Parkinson's disease

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    BACKGROUND: Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive, neurodegenerative disease which leads to postural and gait disorders, limitation in mobility, activities of daily living and disability. AIMS: The aim of the study is to assess the effects of the rehabilitation program on balance, gait, motor performance and trunk rotations in PD patients. METHODS: Sixty-four patients with 1.5–3.0 stage PD in the Hoehn and Yahr scale were randomly allocated to rehabilitation and control groups. Sixty-one patients completed the study. Patients were assessed three times, at month intervals. Between the first and second assessments, the rehabilitation group participated in a rehabilitation training program focused on mobility, balance and gait exercises, consisting of 28 sessions. Balance was assessed with tandem stance and the Pastor test (shoulder tug). Gait was assessed with a 10 m walk at preferred speed and 360° turn. Motor performance was evaluated by means of the Physical Performance Test (PPT) and timed motor activities. The trunk rotations were measured in the lumbar and thoraco-lumbar spine with a tape measure. RESULTS: The rehabilitation group significantly improved (p < 0.05) in balance and gait outcomes, PPT score, timed activities and trunk rotations both in comparison to the control group and baseline results. The positive effects of the exercise program maintained for at least 1 month. CONCLUSION: The 4-week rehabilitation training program focused on mobility, balance and gait exercises improved balance, gait, physical performance and trunk rotations in patients with PD

    Maturalne wskaźniki EWD w ewaluacji pracy szkoły ponadgimnazjalnej

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    Artykuł z numeru 3/2012 internetowego czasopisma edukacyjnego ORE "Trendy

    Hyperthyroidism in Children

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    Hyperthyroidism is the state of excessive synthesis and release of the thyroid hormones by thyrocytes. Graves’ disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism in children. The condition may occur at any age but the prevalence increases with age. According to the classical paradigm, coexistence of genetic susceptibility, environment triggers and immunological dysfunction are responsible for its development. Diagnosis of Graves’ disease is based on presence of characteristic clinical symptoms, TSH receptor antibodies and excess of thyroid hormones. The management in pediatric population involves mainly pharmacotherapy (thyrostatics, β-adrenolitics), in resistant cases radical radioiodine I131 therapy or surgical treatment is necessary

    Skuteczność terapii wśrodowisku wirtualnym wpierwszych 12 miesiącach po udarze mózgu

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    Background and purpose Reinforced feedback in virtual environment (RFVE) therapy is emerging as an innovative method in rehabilitation, which may be advantageous in the treatment of the affected arm after stroke. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of assisted motor training in a virtual environment for the treatment of the upper extremity (UE) after stroke compared to traditional neuromotor rehabilitation (TNR), studying also if differences exist related to the type of stroke (haemorrhagic or ischaemic). Material and methods Eighty patients affected by a stroke (48 ischaemic and 32 haemorrhagic) that occurred at least 1 year before were enrolled. The clinical assessment comprising the Fugl-Meyer UE (F-M UE), modified Ashworth (Bohannon &amp; Smith) and Functional Independence Measure scale (FIM) was administered before and after the treatment. Results A statistically significant difference between RFVE and TNR groups (Mann-Whitney U-test) was observed in the clinical outcomes of F-M UE and FIM (both p &lt; 0.001), but not Ashworth (p = 0.053). The outcomes of F-M UE and FIM improved in the RFVE haemorrhagic group and in the TNR haemorrhagic group with a significant difference between groups (both p &lt; 0.001), but not for Ashworth (p = 0.651). Comparing the RFVE ischaemic group to the TNR ischaemic group, statistically significant differences emerged in F-M UE (p &lt; 0.001), FIM (p &lt; 0.001), and Ashworth (p = 0.036). Conclusions The RFVE therapy in combination with TNR showed better improvements compared to the TNR treatment only. The RFVE therapy combined with the TNR treatment was more effective than the TNR double training, in both post-ischaemic and post-haemorrhagic groups. We observed improvements in both groups of patients: post-haemorrhagic and post-ischaemic stroke after RFVE training.Wstęp i cel pracy Terapia w środowisku wirtualnym (reinforced feedback in virtual environment – RFVE) staje się nowatorską metodą w rehabilitacji, której zastosowanie może mieć korzystny wpływ w leczeniu porażonej kończyny górnej u chorych po udarze mózgu. Celem pracy było zbadanie wpływu terapii RFVE w leczeniu kończyny górnej po udarze mózgu w stosunku do tradycyjnej rehabilitacji neurologicznej (TRN) oraz określenie występowania różnic zależnych od rodzaju udaru mózgu (krwotoczny, niedokrwienny). Materiał i metody Badaniom poddano 80 chorych (48 pacjentów po udarze niedokrwiennym i 32 pacjentów po krwotocznym udarze mózgu) z niedowładem połowiczym w okresie do roku po przebytym udarze mózgu. Funkcje kończyny górnej oceniano na początku i po zakończeniu badania. Ocena kliniczna obejmowała skalę Fugl-Meyer dla kończyn górnych (F-M UE), zmodyfikowaną skalę Ashworth (Bohannon &amp; Smith) i skalę Functional Independence Measure (FIM). Wyniki Zaobserwowano istotne różnice między grupami RFVE i TNR (test U Manna-Whitneya) w ocenie w skalach F-M UE i FIM (p &lt; 0,001 dla obu różnic), nie stwierdzono natomiast różnicy w skali Ashworth (p = 0,053). Wyniki w skali F-M UE i FIM poprawiły się w grupie chorych z udarem krwotocznym po terapii RFVE i TNR z istotną różnicą pomiędzy grupami (p &lt; 0,001 dla obu różnic), nie stwierdzono natomiast różnicy w skali Ashworth (p = 0,651). Istotne różnice odnotowano również, porównując grupę chorych z udarem niedokrwiennym po terapii RFVE oraz po terapii TNR w skalach F-M UE (p &lt; 0,001), FIM (p = 0,001) i Ashworth (p = 0,036). Wnioski Zastosowanie RFVE połączonej z TNR prowadzi do większej poprawy niż leczenie wyłącznie za pomocą TNR. Terapia w środowisku wirtualnym połączona z TNR była skuteczniejsza niż TNR prowadzona dwa razy intensywniej niż zwykle, zarówno u chorych po udarze niedokrwiennym, jak i krwotocznym. Poprawa po RFVE dotyczyła nie tylko chorych po udarze niedokrwiennym, lecz także krwotocznym