354 research outputs found

    Vzpostavitev socialnega svetovalnega dela v avstrijskih solah - od projekta do redne ponudbe

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    The contribution introduces the present situation and the basic challenges of school social work in Austria. Starting with the perception of a developing “knowledge society” (Höhne, 2004), school is seen as a life place at which social subjects and problems occur and are made manifest. The analyses are based in particular on empirical studies by the University of Klagenfurt (Sting & Leitner, 2011) and the University of Graz (Gspurning, Heimgartner, Pieber, & Sing, 2011), which were carried out in school social work facilities of Carinthia and Styria, but they also include Austrian-wide research projects. A methodical view is presented along the main target groups “pupils”, “teachers” and “parents”, and the basic orientations are discussed. The thematic analysis characterizes school social work as a multi-thematic service (e.g., conflicts, love, problems at school, problems of the family) that needs to oppose the reduction to single problem areas such as drug abuse or violence. The structural analyses render visible the meaning of spatial conditions, personnel competence and the social-spatial network. Finally, the possibilities of a lasting implementation of empirical research in school social work are discussed. (DIPF/Orig.

    The Last Ship from Broadway to Newcastle: A feminist political musical for the Brexit era

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    Sting’s musical, The Last Ship premiered on Broadway in 2014. Four years later, following a series of workshops at Northern Stage, the musical embarked on its UK tour featuring a number of revisions to its narrative and structure. What emerges from the revised production is a narrative, which places women at the centre through affording them agency and allowing them to occupy powerful, liminal spaces. Whilst The Last Ship remains a tale for the working classes, its UK revisions do well to reposition the central role of the women in this community. Through removing principal characters, which previously served to reinforce a patriarchal hierarchy, the fictional women of Wallsend now drive the plot, allowing for The Last Ship to communicate a morality tale, which echoes the ideologies of a feminist, post-Brexit era

    A political turn-around? The UK Prime Minister’s epiphany on the EU.

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    This week, David Cameron was on a mission in Brussels to re-sell his controversial speech held in January. In his speech, the Prime Minister promised an “in-out” referendum on British EU membership after the next elections, as support for the EU was “wafer-thin” in Britain after poor crisis management. Cameron does have a point: Eurosceptics have gained ground within the Conservative Party and Britain, but also all over Europe. So, why has Cameron changed his opinion and now tries to make-believe that his speech was nothing more than a list of proposals benefiting the whole of the EU

    Encouraging help speeds up product development projects

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    __Abstract__ Ensuring new product development projects stay on track is challenging at the best of times. Part of the problem can lie with how project team members behave and communicate. However, a novel approach that triggers help for problems is successfully overcoming such behavioural difficulties and encouraging greater team cooperation

    Utjecaj socijalnog konteksta na obrazovanje mladih koji izlaze iz alternativne skrbi

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    In this paper we want to offer some initial insights into an ongoing study on the education and work situation of care leavers in Austria. We describe the transitional and educational situation of care leavers in Austria based on existing data. Then we explain the aims and design of the research project "Educational opportunities and the influence of social contextual conditions on educational biographies of care leavers". In a biographically oriented qualitative study, narrative interviews and network analyses are used to determine whether and how care leavers have been hampered in their educational pathways, what opened up the way for them and what influence social frameworks had on their educational biographies. Finally, we will outline some of the study’s initial results based on the case example of "Chantal".Ovim člankom željeli smo pružiti informacije o aktualnom istraživanju koje se bavi obrazovanjem i radom mladih koji izlaze iz alternativne skrbi u Austriji. U radu se na temelju postojećih podataka prikazuje tranzicija i obrazovna situacija ove skupine mladih, a zatim se daje prikaz istraživačkog projekta "Mogućnosti obrazovanja i utjecaj socijalnog konteksta na obrazovne biografije mladih koji izlaze iz alternativne skrbi". U biografski usmjerenoj kvalitativnoj studiji korišteni su narativni intervjui i analiza mreža kako bi se utvrdilo je li i na koji način obrazovanje mladih koji izlaze iz alternativne skrbi bilo onemogućeno, što im je otvorilo put i kakav su utjecaj imale društvene okolnosti na njihove obrazovne biografije. Na kraju su prikazani početni rezultati istraživanja prikazom primjera slučaja "Chantal"

    Top-down, bottom-up, or both? Toward an integrative perspective on operations strategy formation

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    Operations strategy is formed via complex processes that transpire in multiple directions at multiple organizational levels. While most previous studies focus on the “macro-level” process of strategy formation from the dominant top-down perspective, this study investigates the “micro-level” process of strategy formation that governs interactions among competitive priorities, objectives, and action plans within operations. Using 111 (59 top-down and 52 bottom-up) action plans collected from six German manufacturing plants, we build on Kim and Arnold's (1996) framework and propose an integrated process model of operations strategy formation that encompasses both top-down planning and bottom-up learning. We also identify a contingency factor that affects their balance: centralized versus decentralized organizational structure. Finally, based on the analysis of their respective strategic content, we provide evidence concerning the complementary roles of top-down and bottom-up action plans in operations strategy

    How Temporary Assignments Boost Innovation

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    When front-line manufacturing employees are exchanged between company sites, they contribute more valuable ideas

    Análisis de la Ley No. 720 "Ley del Adulto Mayor"

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    El presente trabajo investigativo aborda el análisis de la ley 720 “Ley Del Adulto Mayor”, una evaluación de vacíos y debilidades dentro de la misma. En Nicaragua existen normas que regula los derechos y beneficios de las personas adultas mayores, tal es el caso de la Ley N° 720”Ley del adulto mayor”.Pero existen algunas debilidades en la aplicación de la ley , así como también su divulgación e información sobre los beneficios que establece esta norma, y se debe considerar que a pesar que en Nicaragua la población es joven, ciertamente en unos años, será todo lo contrario. Esta es una investigación de carácter cualitativo d escriptivo, se realizó el análisis del problema, se recurrieron a fuentes tales como las leyes, el derecho comparado, artículos periodísticos y otros documentos e instrumentos que son relacionados a este tema, como objetivo se realizó un análisis enfocándose en los derechos y garantías consignadas en la ley N° 720 Ley del adulto mayor. Dentro del estudio se planteó, Qué leyes existen en el marco Nacional como Internacional para la protección de los derechos de las personas de la tercera edad, que si es eficaz la Ley Nº 720 para la protección de los derechos de las personas de la tercera edad, Qué derechos y beneficios establece la ley Nº 720 Ley del adulto Mayor, por otro lado qué vacíos y debilidades están presentes en la Ley del adulto may or así como también ¿Cómo regula Costa Rica el tema del adulto mayor? Además de un cuadro comparativo de la ley de Costa Rica y la ley de Nicaragua que tutela los derechos de los adultos mayores para ver similitudes y diferencias y concluimos con recomendaciones y posibles soluciones para mejoramiento de la Ley 720 “Ley del adulto Mayor”

    Social topographies of education. Socio-spatial contexts of the educational pathways taken by emerging young adults with experience in out-of-home care

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    In dem Beitrag wird mit Hilfe des Begriffs der \u27sozialen Topographien\u27 dafür plädiert, die sozialräumlichen Zusammenhänge und Einbettungen bei der Analyse von biographischen Bildungsprozessen systematisch zu berücksichtigen. Dabei wird zwischen der Auseinandersetzung mit der Positionierung im gesellschaftlichen Raum sozialer Ungleichheiten und der Konstitution von Zugehörigkeiten zu spezifischen, partiellen Sozialräumen unterschieden. Die bildungstheoretischen Überlegungen werden mit Hilfe einer empirischen Studie konkretisiert, in der Bildungswege von jungen Erwachsenen mit Kinder- und Jugendhilfeerfahrung untersucht wurden. Das Aufwachsen in stationären Betreuungseinrichtungen ist von sozialräumlichen Diskontinuitäten geprägt, während der primäre Bildungsort \u27Familie\u27 als prekär erlebt wird. Eine sozialtopographische Perspektive erscheint für diese Gruppe daher in besonderer Weise relevant. (DIPF/Orig.)Drawing on the term "social topographies", this contribution advocates systematically taking into account socio-spatial circumstances and forms of embeddedness when analysing biographical educational processes. A distinction is made between individuals\u27 position in social spaces which feature social inequalities and their constitution of belongings to specific, partial social spaces. Considerations from education theory are made concrete in the shape of an empirical study investigating the educational pathways taken by young adults with experience of the child and youth care system. A childhood spent in residential institutions is characterised by socio-spatial discontinuities, while the family - the primary place of education - is experienced as precarious. An approach based on social topographies thus appears especially relevant for this group. (DIPF/Orig.
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