808 research outputs found

    Symbolic dynamics for Lozi maps

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    In this paper we study the family of the Lozi maps La,b:R2R2L_{a,b} : {\mathbb R}^2 \to {\mathbb R}^2, La,b=(1+yax,bx)L_{a,b} = (1 + y - a|x|, bx), and their strange attractors Λa,b\Lambda_{a,b}. We introduce the set of kneading sequences for the Lozi map and prove that it determines the symbolic dynamics for that map. We also introduce two other equivalent approaches

    Entropy of homeomorphisms on unimodal inverse limit spaces

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    We prove that every self-homeomorphism h:KsKsh : K_s \to K_s on the inverse limit space KsK_s of the tent map TsT_s with slope s(2,2]s \in (\sqrt 2, 2] has topological entropy \htop(h) = |R| \log s, where RZR \in \Z is such that hh and σR\sigma^R are isotopic. Conclusions on the possible values of the entropy of homeomorphisms of the inverse limit space of a (renormalizable) quadratic map are drawn as well

    The Trans-Pacific Partnership:The Death-Knell of Generic Pharmaceuticals?

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    As global commerce continues to expand, many states find international trade agreements to be a useful tool to facilitate this continued expansion. Trade agreements permit developing or poorer nations to establish robust, mutually beneficial trade relationships with powerful economies such as the United States. In the face of regional competition from China, several nations bordering the Pacific Ocean, including the United States, have reached a far-reaching trade agreement called the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). This Note will focus on one particular piece of the TPP: the pharmaceutical trade and the international availability of generic medicines. The TPP has the potential to dramatically alter intellectual property laws in the signatory nations and may have a disruptive effect on the availability of generic pharmaceuticals worldwide. This Note analyzes the potential for this problem and proposes an alternative mechanism in which signatory nations are granted automatic licenses for certain medicines they deem essential

    Celebrating the Communion Rite

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    After our Prayer of Thanksgiving thunders to its climax with the singing of the Great Amen we are led to the altar-table to feast on the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. This ritual moment is the high point of the Eucharistic celebration. Our reception of the Body and Blood of Christ is both a profound statement of faith and a paradigm for how we are to live in the world as Christians. When we step forward to receive Holy Communion we declare our assent to be transformed into Christ’s hands and feet for the life of the world. Unfortunately, far too often the presence of Christ in the gathered assembly is not reflected or honored in our liturgical praxis and, thus, a personal piety vaunted from centuries of solitary focus on the sacredness of the eucharistic species still haunts this point of the liturgy. In many parish communities the assembly sings the liturgy with gusto until the communion rite where their lips fall silent. Even more problematic, postures and gestures of members of the assembly often reflect a private “inward” piety that runs contrary to the communal/ecclesial nature of the sacramental action. Celebrated well, through robust communal song, gesture and symbol, the ritual unfolding of the communion rite can serve as proclamation of our unity in the Body of Christ and as a model for Christian living. This study will examine each element of the communion rite and will show how, through careful preparation and diligent catechesis, parish communities may celebrate well this ritual that is central to our faith

    The Modern-Day Sand War: A New Dimension of the Morocco-Algeria Conflict Explored Through Youth

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    Since the 1963 Sand War, there has been a constant progression of tension between the countries of Morocco and Algeria. From physical space–the Western Sahara and border denotation–to diplomatic relations, Morocco and Algeria may never be the same after their colonization in the early 19th century. Due to the rise in extremist rhetoric, political accusations, economic instability, and social violence, the Moroccan-Algerian relationship can only get worse from here. Do these signs point to a modern-day Sand War approaching? This paper seeks to examine the existence of a modern-day Sand War and its consequences, specifically through the lens of youth (18-25) in the MENA region

    Graduate Recital: Roberta Stimac, Piano; November 2, 1975

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    Centennial East Recital HallSunday AfternoonNovember 2, 19752:00 p.m