1,814 research outputs found

    Information theoretic approach to interactive learning

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    The principles of statistical mechanics and information theory play an important role in learning and have inspired both theory and the design of numerous machine learning algorithms. The new aspect in this paper is a focus on integrating feedback from the learner. A quantitative approach to interactive learning and adaptive behavior is proposed, integrating model- and decision-making into one theoretical framework. This paper follows simple principles by requiring that the observer's world model and action policy should result in maximal predictive power at minimal complexity. Classes of optimal action policies and of optimal models are derived from an objective function that reflects this trade-off between prediction and complexity. The resulting optimal models then summarize, at different levels of abstraction, the process's causal organization in the presence of the learner's actions. A fundamental consequence of the proposed principle is that the learner's optimal action policies balance exploration and control as an emerging property. Interestingly, the explorative component is present in the absence of policy randomness, i.e. in the optimal deterministic behavior. This is a direct result of requiring maximal predictive power in the presence of feedback.Comment: 6 page

    The thermodynamics of prediction

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    A system responding to a stochastic driving signal can be interpreted as computing, by means of its dynamics, an implicit model of the environmental variables. The system's state retains information about past environmental fluctuations, and a fraction of this information is predictive of future ones. The remaining nonpredictive information reflects model complexity that does not improve predictive power, and thus represents the ineffectiveness of the model. We expose the fundamental equivalence between this model inefficiency and thermodynamic inefficiency, measured by dissipation. Our results hold arbitrarily far from thermodynamic equilibrium and are applicable to a wide range of systems, including biomolecular machines. They highlight a profound connection between the effective use of information and efficient thermodynamic operation: any system constructed to keep memory about its environment and to operate with maximal energetic efficiency has to be predictive.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Two ~35 day clocks in Her X-1: evidence for neutron star free precession

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    We present evidence for the existence of two ~35 day clocks in the Her X-1/HZ Her binary system. ~35 day modulations are observed 1) in the Turn-On cycles with two on- and two off-states, and 2) in the changing shape of the pulse profiles which re-appears regularly. The two ways of counting the 35 day cycles are generally in synchronization. This synchronization did apparently break down temporarily during the long Anomalous Low (AL3) which Her X-1 experienced in 1999/2000, in the sense that there must have been one extra Turn-On cycle. Our working hypothesis is that there are two clocks in the system, both with a period of about ~35 days: precession of the accretion disk (the less stable "Turn-On clock") and free precession of the neutron star (the more stable "Pulse profile clock"). We suggest that free precession of the neutron star is the master clock, and that the precession of the accretion disk is basically synchronized to that of the neutron star through a feed-back mechanism in the binary system. However, the Turn-On clock can slip against its master when the accretion disk has a very low inclination, as is observed to be the case during AL3. We take the apparent correlation between the histories of the Turn-Ons, of the Anomalous Lows and of the pulse period evolution, with a 5 yr quasi-periodicity, as evidence for strong physical interaction and feed-back between the major components in the system. We speculate that the 5 yr (10 yr) period is either due to a corresponding activity cycle of HZ Her or a natural ringing period of the physical system of coupled components. The question whether free precession really exists in neutron stars is of great importance for the understanding of matter with supra-nuclear density.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication by A&

    Optical Follow-up of New SMC Wing Be/X-ray Binaries

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    We investigate the optical counterparts of recently discovered Be/X-ray binaries in the Small Magellanic Cloud. In total four sources, SXP101, SXP700, SXP348 and SXP65.8 were detected during the Chandra Survey of the Wing of the SMC. SXP700 and SXP65.8 were previously unknown. Many optical ground based telescopes have been utilised in the optical follow-up, providing coverage in both the red and blue bands. This has led to the classification of all of the counterparts as Be stars and confirms that three lie within the Galactic spectral distribution of known Be/X-ray binaries. SXP101 lies outside this distribution becoming the latest spectral type known. Monitoring of the Halpha emission line suggests that all the sources bar SXP700 have highly variable circumstellar disks, possibly a result of their comparatively short orbital periods. Phase resolved X-ray spectroscopy has also been performed on SXP65.8, revealing that the emission is indeed harder during the passage of the X-ray beam through the line of sight.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Hercules X-1: Empirical Models of UV Emission Lines

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    The UV emission lines of Hercules X-1, resolved with the HST GHRS and STIS, can be divided into broad (FWHM 750 km/s) and narrow (FWHM 150 km/s) components. The broad lines can be unambiguously identified with emission from an accretion disk which rotates prograde with the orbit. The narrow lines, previously identified with the X-ray illuminated atmosphere of the companion star, are blueshifted at both phi=0.2 and phi=0.8 and the line flux at phi=0.2 is 0.2 of the flux at phi=0.8. Line ratio diagnostics show that the density of the narrow line region is log n=13.4+/-0.2 and the temperature is T=1.0+/-0.2x10^5 K. The symmetry of the eclipse ingress suggests that the line emission on the surface of the disk is left-right symmetric relative to the orbit. Model fits to the O V, Si IV, and He II line profiles agree with this result, but fits to the N V lines suggest that the receding side of the disk is brighter. We note that there are narrow absorption components in the N V lines with blueshifts of 500 km/s.Comment: To be published in the Astrophysical Journa

    Quasi-Homogeneous Thermodynamics and Black Holes

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    We propose a generalized thermodynamics in which quasi-homogeneity of the thermodynamic potentials plays a fundamental role. This thermodynamic formalism arises from a generalization of the approach presented in paper [1], and it is based on the requirement that quasi-homogeneity is a non-trivial symmetry for the Pfaffian form δQrev\delta Q_{rev}. It is shown that quasi-homogeneous thermodynamics fits the thermodynamic features of at least some self-gravitating systems. We analyze how quasi-homogeneous thermodynamics is suggested by black hole thermodynamics. Then, some existing results involving self-gravitating systems are also shortly discussed in the light of this thermodynamic framework. The consequences of the lack of extensivity are also recalled. We show that generalized Gibbs-Duhem equations arise as a consequence of quasi-homogeneity of the thermodynamic potentials. An heuristic link between this generalized thermodynamic formalism and the thermodynamic limit is also discussed.Comment: 39 pages, uses RevteX. Published version (minor changes w.r.t. the original one

    LS Peg: A Low-Inclination SW Sextantis-Type Cataclysmic Binary with High-Velocity Balmer Emission Line Wings

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    We present time-resolved spectroscopy and photometry of the bright cataclysmic variable LS Peg (= S193). The Balmer lines exhibit broad, asymmetric wings Doppler-shifted by about 2000 km/s at the edges, while the HeI lines show phase-dependent absorption features strikingly similar to SW Sextantis stars, as well as emission through most of the phase. The CIII/NIII emission blend does not show any phase dependence. From velocities of Halpha emission lines, we determine an orbital period of 0.174774 +/- 0.000003 d (= 4.1946 h), which agrees with Szkody's (1995) value of approximately 4.2 hours. No stable photometric signal was found at the orbital period. A non-coherent quasi-periodic photometric signal was seen at a period of 20.7 +/- 0.3 min. The high-velocity Balmer wings most probably arise from a stream re-impact point close to the white dwarf. We present simulated spectra based on a kinematic model similar to the modified disk-overflow scenario of Hellier & Robinson (1994). The models reproduce the broad line wings, though some other details are unexplained. Using an estimate of dynamical phase based on the model, we show that the phasing of the emission- and absorption-line variations is consistent with that in (eclipsing) SW Sex stars. We therefore identify LS Peg as a low-inclination SW Sex star. Our model suggests i = 30 deg, and the observed absence of any photometric signal at the orbital frequency establishes i < 60 deg. This constraint puts a severe strain on interpretations of the SW Sex phenomenon which rely on disk structures lying slightly out of the orbital plane.Comment: 29 pages, 13 figures, to be published in PASP Feb. 199

    Evolutionary influences on the structure of red-giant acoustic oscillation spectra from 600d of Kepler observations

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    Context: The Kepler space mission is reaching continuous observing times long enough to start studying the fine structure of the observed p-mode spectra. Aims: In this paper, we aim to study the signature of stellar evolution on the radial and p-dominated l=2 modes in an ensemble of red giants that show solar-type oscillations. Results: We find that the phase shift of the central radial mode (eps_c) is significantly different for red giants at a given large frequency separation (Dnu_c) but which burn only H in a shell (RGB) than those that have already ignited core He burning. Even though not directly probing the stellar core the pair of local seismic observables (Dnu_c, eps_c) can be used as an evolutionary stage discriminator that turned out to be as reliable as the period spacing of the mixed dipole modes. We find a tight correlation between eps_c and Dnu_c for RGB stars and no indication that eps_c depends on other properties of these stars. It appears that the difference in eps_c between the two populations becomes if we use an average of several radial orders, instead of a local, i.e. only around the central radial mode, Dnu to determine the phase shift. This indicates that the information on the evolutionary stage is encoded locally, in the shape of the radial mode sequence. This shape turns out to be approximately symmetric around the central radial mode for RGB stars but asymmetric for core He burning stars. We computed radial modes for a sequence of RG models and find them to qualitatively confirm our findings. We also find that, at least in our models, the local Dnu is an at least as good and mostly better proxy for both the asymptotic spacing and the large separation scaled from the model density than the average Dnu. Finally, we investigate the signature of the evolutionary stage on the small frequency separation and quantify the mass dependency of this seismic parameter.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Orbital dynamics of Cygnus X-3

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    Orbital-phased-resolved infrared spectra of Cygnus X-3 in outburst and quiescence, including tomographic analysis, are presented. We confirm the phasing of broad HeII and NV lines in quiescence, such that maximum blue shift corresponds to the X-ray minimum at phase = 0.00 +/- 0.04. In outburst, double-peaked HeI structures show a similar phasing with two significant differences: (a) although varying in relative strength, there is continuous line emission in blue and red peaks around the orbit, and (b) an absorption component, ~1/4 of an orbit out of phase with the emission features, is discerned. Doppler tomograms of the double-peaked profiles are consistent with a disk-wind geometry, rotating at velocities of 1000 km/s. Regrettably, the tomography algorithm will produce a similar ring structure from alternative line sources if contaminated by overlying P Cygni profiles. This is certainly the case in the strong 2.0587 micron HeI line, leading to an ambiguous solution for the nature of double-peaked emission. The absorption feature, detected 1/4 of an orbit out of phase with the emission features, is consistent with an origin in the He star wind and yields for the first time a plausible radial velocity curve for the system. We directly derive the mass function of the system, 0.027 M_sun. If we assume a neutron star accretor and adopt a high orbital inclination, i > 60 degrees, we obtain a mass range for the He star of 5 M_sun < M_WR < 11 M_sun. Alternatively if the compact object is a black hole, we estimate M_BH < 10 M_sun. We discuss the implications of these masses for the nature and size of the binary system.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ main journa

    A burst from the direction of UZ Fornacis with XMM-Newton

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    The XMM-Newton pointing towards the magnetic cataclysmic variable UZ For finds the source to be a factor > 10^3 fainter than previous EXOSAT and ROSAT observations. The source was not detected for the majority of a 22 ksec exposure with the EPIC cameras, suggesting that the accretion rate either decreased, or stopped altogether. However a 1.1 ksec burst was detected from UZ For during the observation. Spectral fits favour optically thin, kT = 4.4 keV thermal emission. Detection of the burst by the on-board Optical Monitor indicates that this was most probably an accretion event. The 0.1-10 keV luminosity of 2.1 x 10^30 erg/s is typical for accretion shock emission from high state polars and would result from the potential energy release of ~ 10^16 g of gas. There is no significant soft excess due to reprocessing in the white dwarf atmosphere.Comment: 7 pages, 2 postscript figures, ApJL, in pres
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