8 research outputs found


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    Dalam kegiatan suatu organisasi atau lembaga baik vokasi ataupun non vokasi pastinya memerlukan suatu sumber dana sebagai penyokong kegiatan dan prasarana yang ada dalam organisasi atau lembaga tersebut. Dalam memperoleh sumber dana, tentunya pihak pengaju (organisasi atau lembaga) tersebut meminta kepada pemberi dana baik yang berasal dari per orangan, organisasi lain atau bahkan kepada pemerintah yang ada dalam negara tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Markov Chain untuk mengoptimalkan percepatan dalam penyusunan RKAT dan juga mengetahui metode terbaik dalam penyusunan RKAT. Setelah melakukan penelitian dihasilkan penyusunan RKAT dengan dengan menggunakan metode Markov Chain memiliki persentase sebesar 66,67% cukup – efisien pada tahun 2021 & 2022, 33,33% cukup – efisien pada tahun 2023. Sehingga persentase  untuk pengeluaran selama 3 periode sebesar 55,56%.


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    Sebagai agenda tahunan di Universitas Bojonegoro, maka KKN Tematik 2022 menjadi salah satu kegiatan penting dimana mahasiswa mendapat peluang mengabdi secara langsung di masyarakat untuk menerapkan ilmu yan dimiliki. Salah satu kelompok KKN yang mendapatkan lokasi di desa Wedi kecamatan Kapas kabupaten Bojonegoro mendapatkan bahwa terdapat salah satu UMKM di desa Wedi yang memerlukan pendampingan untuk peningkatan daya jual produknya, yaitu Kurma Salak. Kurma Salak sendiri merupakan olahan khas dari Salak Wedi yang merupakan salah satu icon andalan di kabupaten Bojonegoro. Dengan adanya pendampingan yang tepat di beberapa bidang mulai dari bidang legalitas usaha, pembuatan laporan keuangan, branding produk serta digital marketing, maka diharapkan produk Kurma Salak menjadi salah satu produk yang memiliki ciri khas dan keunikan sebagai produk andalan Bojonegoro

    Optimasi Pemasaran untuk Produk UMKM SARBUS Desa Sarangan Kanor Bojonegoro dengan metode Markov chain

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    Para pebisnis membutuhkan beragam cara di dunia saat ini karena persaingan di pasar Indonesia semakin ketat. Dengan meningkatnya persaingan antara pengusaha besar dan pelaku usaha kecil dan menengah di Indonesia, penjualan produk dari pelaku usaha kecil dan menengah di pedesaan mengalami penurunan yang signifikan. Akibatnya, usaha kecil dan menengah ingin meningkatkan penjualan mereka tetapi tidak tahu di mana harus mempromosikan atau memasarkannya agar efektif. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan memodelkan masalah pemilihan media periklanan yang tepat selama 6 bulan ke depan dan memilih media periklanan yang tepat untuk mempromosikan produk UMKM Sarbus dari Desa Sarangan Kecamatan Kanor Kabupaten Bojonegoro selama 6 tahun ke depan dengan menggunakan Markov Chain. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah pada bulan pertama, kedua, dan keenam, UKM SARBUS disarankan berjualan menggunakan media sosial WhatsApp, sedangkan pada bulan ketiga, bulan keempat, dan kelima, UKM SARBUS sebaiknya berjualan menggunakan YouTube

    Analysis of the Implementation of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) Using Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) : (Case Study of PT. Pertamina Hulu Rokan Jambi Merang)

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    Basically, the control of maintenance/maintenance can be determined according to business needs and operating conditions. However, changes may occur and require adjustment from time to time. So every part of the maintenance needs to organize the system effectively. In this regard, it is important for management to pay attention to analyzing the implementation of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) on maintenance work. At the SKN Plant which is the Central Gas Plant there are several gas processing processes, one of which is the Amine System or CO2 Removal which functions to reduce the level of CO2 contained in gas production. In the Amine System or CO2 removal process there are several equipment to support the process One of these is the Amine Circulation Pump (SK 25 P 05 A/B) which runs continuously alternately unit A and unit B. To maintain the pump's performance, the company performs maintenance by implementing a Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) system. The extent to which the effectiveness of the implementation of the TPM system carried out by Pertamina Hulu Rokan Jambi Merang, the author will analyze using the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) approach to the Amine Circulation Pump (SK 25 P 05 A/B). The formulation of the problem in this research is the application of Total Productifities Maintenance (TPM) on the Amine Circulation Pump (SK 25 P 05 A/B) in the CO2 removal process (Amine System) using the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) approach with the aim of knowing the level of reliability of the pump. Amine Circulation (SK 25 P 05 A/B) in the CO2 removal process (Amine System) using the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) approach. The results of this study are the average Overral Equipment Effectiveness value at PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan Jambi Merang on the amine circulation pump engine SK 25 P05 A/B from January-December is 56.68%. Based on the analysis of Overall Equipment Effectiveness, the current maintenance system is not optimal because it is not in accordance with the standards set by JIPM of > 85%

    Optimizing the Power Supply Planned Maintenance System With The Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Method at PT. Pertamina EP Asset 4 Sukowati A Field

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    PT.Pertamina EP Asset 4 Sukowati A Field is an industry that never stops 24 hours for the continuity of the Oil and Gas production process. The process must require energy, one of the main ones is electrical energy which is used to supply power to production support equipment/machines. In the PT.Pertamina EP Asset 4 Sukowati A field, there are 3 Gensets, namely Genset 1 (125 KVA), Genset 2 (100 KVA) and Genset 3 (100 KVA) which are used to supply electrical energy. The three generators have a rather old operating age, often have problems with damage to their engine components, and the schedule for generator maintenance is also uncertain. The problem that becomes the object of this research is optimizing the power supply planned maintenance system with the RCM method at PT.Pertamina EP Asset 4 Sukowati A Field and identifying the comparison of power supply maintenance systems before and after using the RCM method. The purpose of this research is to optimize the power supply planned maintenance system with the RCM method at PT. Pertamina EP Asset 4 Sukowati A Field and identify comparisons before and after using the RCM method. The results of this study indicate that Gensets 1, 2, and 3 often experience downtime / failure in operation, because the machine tools are a bit old, as well as machine maintenance that has not been accurate and planned. With these conditions, the company needs the reliability of generator engine maintenance with the RCM method, so that the generator engine gets accurate and planned maintenance, so as to minimize downtime / failure in operation and also the previous generator engine maintenance is less accurate and planned, while maintenance with the RCM method is more efficient. accurate and planned

    "Ledre Super" Supply Chain Performance Measurement Using The Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) Method : (Case Study of Home Industry Moro Tresno)

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    Supply Chain Management (SCM) is a system that involves the process of producing, storing, shipping, distributing and selling products to meet the demand for these products into the hands of consumers. This research was conducted in a home industry, namely the home industry of Moro Tresno. Moro Tresno's home industry has a variety of products marketed, but researchers only conduct research on super ledre products. This company has a major problem faced by is how to respond to orders from consumers. The company has not been able to fulfill when there is an increase in orders during the holiday season and approaching holidays. From a normal order of 9,900 packs, it can increase up to 80% to 17,820 packs. This supply chain performance measurement uses the SCOR method by applying 4 attributes, namely, reliability, responsiveness, agility, and asset management, and weighted by the pairwise comparison method. The data collection process was carried out by interviewing the home industry owner Moro Tresno because it was believed to be able to provide correct and accurate information. The total value of performance is 95.36. Dimensions that need improvement are reliability and agility. Recommendations for improving the reliability dimension RL.2.3 Accuracy of documentation by making tables neater. Meanwhile, RL.2.4 Perfect condition by analyzing seven tools to find out the cause and follow up on product damage and reliability in delivery. Improvement of agility AG.2.1 Days to meet the increase in production carried out socialization of craftsmen, selecting craftsmen according to performance, recruiting new craftsmen and giving awards to craftsmen


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    Pada operasional sebuah kapal ikan persoalan keselamatan dan lingkungan masih menjadi perhatian yang utama karena berkaitan langsung dengan biaya. Dengan melakukan review secara teknis dan ekonomis diharapkan dapat memberikan gambaran komprehensif kepada para desainer dan investor kapal sehingga membantu mereka dalam mengambil keputusan. Analisa teknis dilakukan dengan melakukan pengujian model kapal selanjutnya hasilnya dikembangkan dengan teori-teori ilmu perkapalan (Naval Architect Theories)untuk mendapatkan beberapa konfigurasi kapal ikan yang dirancang. Sedangkan analisa ekonomis menggunakan metode Accounting Rate of Return (ARR) dan Internal Rate of Return (IRR) dengan nilai Sensitivitasnya. Sebagai hasil ada delapan (8) konfigurasi kapal ikan yang berbeda dengan nilai sensitivitasnya masing-masing. Sebagai hasil, ada beberapa konfigurasi kapal ikan katamaran yang layak untuk dibangun (Feasible) karena memiliki nilai IRR lebih besar daripada ARR dengan durasi titik impas (BEP) lebih kecil dari umur layanan (service life) nya