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    269 research outputs found

    Pendampingan Penggunaan Teknologi Tepat Guna Botol Bekas Pembasmi Nyamuk Dalam Upaya Pencegahan Penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD)

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    Community empowerment carried out related to efforts to prevent dengue fever by using appropriate technology aims to provide information related to the dangers of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever and its prevention efforts carried out in Sooko village, Wringinanom sub-district, Gresik district. The research method used is the ABCD (Asset Based Community Development) method where in this method there are five stages which include: Define (Determine the Topic), Discovery (Deep Discovery), Dream (Dream), Design (Design and Design), Deliver or Destiny (Executing and Controlling). This community empowerment activity is said to be successful because it is in accordance with the objectives. The impact that can affect this activity is the reduction in the mosquito population, it can be proven by the presence of mosquito larvae that enter the mosquito exterminator. In addition, the insight gained by the community regarding the dangers of dengue hemorrhagic fever is getting wider. So that citizens can maximize in maintaining the cleanliness of the environment

    Pemikiran Ekonomi Ibnu Taimiyah

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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang gagasan-gagasan pokok dalam melakukan kegiatan ekonomi yang dilakukan masyarakat sebagaimana ajaran Islam menentukan yang dikembangkan oleh pemikiran Ibn Taimiyah yang terkenal dengan gerakan al-ruju’ ila Al-Qur’an (kembali pada sumber ajaran islam, yaitu Al-Qur’an dan As-sunnah), yang mana pemikiran Ibn Taimiyah ini memberikan solusi kepada negara dalam membangun morarilitass pembangunan dengan upaya menyadarkan rakyat bahwa moral dan etika merupakan hal yang penting dalam melakukan kegiatan perekonomian. Tujuan diadakannya penelitian ini yaitu untuk memberikan gambaran mengenai hal-hal pokok yang harus ada pada saat ingin melakukan kegiatan ekonomi yang sesuai dengan pandangan islam. Adapun dalam Penelitian ini kami menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kepustakaan yang mencakup gagasan-gagasan utama mengenai ekonomi islam yang di tinjau dari pemikiran Ibn Taimiyah serta prinsip-prinsip mengenai kegiatan ekonomi menurut ajaran islam. Sebab ketika seseorang ingin melakukan kegiatan perekonomian hal utama yang harus dilakukan adalah mengikut sertakan prinsip-prinsip ekonomi islam dalam kegiatan tersebut karena secara tidak langsung kegiatan ekonomi juga ada keterkaitannya dengan keimanan seseorang. Dalam melakukan kegiatan ekonomi haruslah bisa memahami dan juga menerapkan prinsip-prinsip atau aturan aturan yang telah di tetapkan didalam ajaran Islam. Sehingga hal-hal yang tidak di inginkan seperti adanya monopoli seprti tujuan dari pemikiran ekonomi islam menurut Ibnu Taimiya

    Madrasah Head Management In Improving Character Education Through Skills Day Activities

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    The application of character education in madrasas is a must to build the personality of a student. However, the reality in the field sometimes experiences obstacles so that there are gaps. This encourages MA NU Sunan Giri Talang Prigen, Pasuruan Regency to strive to realize the implementation of character education for students through Skills Day activities to be more optimal. In this regard, further discussion is needed regarding the management of madrasah principals in improving character education through Skills Day activities in MA. NU Sunan Giri Talang Prigen Pasuruan Regency. This research was carried out with the aim of describing several things which include (1) Planning for Character Education through Skills Day Activities in MA. NU Sunan Giri Talang Prigen Pasuruan Regency, (2) Implementation of Character Education through Skills Day Activities at MA NU Sunan Giri Talang Prigen Pasuruan Regency, (3) Results of Character education through Skills Day activities at MA NU Sunan Giri Talang Watuagung Prigen This research uses a phenomenological qualitative approach and a descriptive qualitative research type. Data were obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation. The research subjects were principals, teachers, and supervisors. Data analysis activities start from the data reduction stage, display data (data presentation), then draw conclusions/verification. Checking the validity of the data is carried out by diligent observation and triangulation. Based on the research, the following results were obtained: First, the management of madrasah principals in improving character education through Skills Day activities at MA NU Sunan Giri Talang Prigen Pasuruan Regency including (1) collaborating with various parties both from within the madrasa and from outside the madrasa, (2 ) adding hours of implementation outside of effective hours, (3) recruiting coaches from outside the madrasa who are competent, and (4) madrasas make interesting activities to motivate student participation. Second, the implementation of character education through "Skills Day" activities begins with religious activities, followed by extracurricular activities and the last is LSBM (Madrasah-Based Lesson Study) educational activities which are carried out routinely every Friday

    Innovation Of Amaly Interpretation Learning At Primaganda Senior High School Jombang

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    This study aims to describe the learning innovation of Tafsir Amaly at SMA Primaganda Jombang. Tafsir Amaly is a local content subject that is included in the Primaganda High School curriculum. Tafsir Amaly is a Sufism-based interpretation developed by Thoriqoh Syadziliyah Al Mas'udiyah Jombang. This type of research uses a qualitative approach. Data collection methods: observation, interviews, and documentation. Technical analysis includes data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. To check the validity of the data, research extension, observation persistence, and triangulation were used. The results showed that the innovation of the implementation of Amaly's Tafsir includes the application of a combination of student-centered and conventional methods in the form of jigsaw cooperative methods, drills, discussions, questions and answers, peer tutorials, exemplary affective methods, and so on supported by the book Tafsir Amaly juz 1 and Quran song as a compliment. Then the teaching aids use qurany 1-5 if needed according to the learning theme of Amaly's Tafsir, Then the learning media can be supported by other means, for example, audio speakers, and so on

    Mengembangkan Aspek Sosial Anak Usia Dini Dengan Metode Permainan

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    This study presents the improvement of early childhood development through the game method. This aims to determine the application of the game method in early childhood and what efforts are used to improve the social development of early childhood. Games  are  physical  activities  in  the  form  of  small  groups  that  allow  collaboration between students. There are various kind of games that are applied to early childhood effectively so that they can optimize the social development of early childhood both at school and the surrounding and environtment. Analysis of the data used by observation, interviews and documentation. Sources of data from this study include the community, teachers,  and  children.  Based  on  the  results  of  the  study,  it  can  be  interpreted  that applying the game method to early childhood in social development by getting used to grouping children randomly can increase cooperation between students so that children’s ability to socialize with friends, teachers and surrounding environment also increases

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Sholat Dalam Proses Pembelajaran Dengan Menggunakan Video Animasi

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    Learning to pray is a challenge for students to awaken their spiritual attitude and ability to pray properly. And the media used in learning should use multimedia-based media, this is in line with the characteristics of the 2013 curriculum listed in the annex to Permendikbud number 67 of 2013 concerning the Basic Framework and Structure of the 2013 Curriculum SD/MI. Through multimedia-based media, the experience that students receive is not only through text, but also audio and visual. In light of this background, the researcher wanted to know the ability of students in learning to pray and how to apply animated video media in improving students' prayer skills in Class III MI Tarbiyatul Muta'allimin Wonokoyo Menganti Gresik. To find out this, the researcher uses a type of animated video media in learning PAI in the prayer chapter. And the results of this study show that before the application of animated video media, the ability of class II students in the fiqh learning competency in prayer chapter material was still lacking, of all class II students only 30% of students who successfully passed the Pre-Cycle. 70% percent are declared not passed because the average value does not meet the SKM. And animated video media is said to be successfully applied in learning Fiqh Materials in the Prayer chapter with a value of > 75. This value is obtained from the observation sheet of the accompanying teacher with a score of 77.5. Animated video media is said to be effective in learning Fiqh Materials in the Prayer chapter for second grade students with an average percentage of 98.2%. In attitude competence, the minimum score achieved by students is B (good). The maximum value achieved is SB (very good). In the knowledge competence, in cycle I 50% percent of the 32 students managed to get the KKM standard with a minimum score of 75.00 and a maximum score of 95.00. Whereas in cycle II there was an increase of 14% percent from the previous stage which was initially 50% to 64%, with the maximum score achieved being 100. In skills competence, the maximum score achieved by students was 91.67. There were 3 students who scored 66.67 which were categorized under the KKM, here the researcher had tried to do remedial for the 2 students so that their scores reached the KKM. At this last stage 91.4% of students said And 8% of participants had not been said to be complete because the results achieved did not meet the minimum standard of completeness criteria (SKKM)

    Homeroom Teacher's Action On Hyperactive Students Of MIN 3 West Aceh

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    This study aims to determine the behavioral tendencies of hyperactive students in State Islamic Elementary School 3 of West Aceh and how the homeroom teacher manages hyperactive students in MIN 3 West Aceh. This study employs a descriptive qualitative methodology. Observations, interviews, and documentation were employed as data gathering strategies. This investigation was carried out at State Islamic Elementary School 3 of West Aceh. This study involved one principal of State Islamic Elementary School 3 of West Aceh and two homeroom teachers who teach hyperactive students. Based on the study's findings, it is apparent that the hyperactive students of MIN 3 Aceh Barat exhibit motor and mixed hyperactivity with a combination type. The homeroom activities for dealing with hyperactive students consist of (1) arranging seats, (2) issuing warnings, (3) providing hyperactive students with guidance, and (4) building a madrasa setting appropriate to the growth of hyperactive students

    Analisis Program Ta’limul Qur’an Di SMP Al-Azhar Menganti

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    The Ta'limul Qur'an program is a derivative program of Pondok Pesantren, meaning that it sees the condition of the community's need for the desire of parents to house their children but the child does not feel at home and the parents are forced to finally take a middle way, namely the Ta'limul Qur' program. an. In general, this study aims to observe, describe and analyze: Planning. Implementation. And monitoring the evaluation of the Ta'limul Qur'an program at Al-Azhar Menganti Middle School. In this study using a qualitative approach. Data were collected through interviews, observation, and documentation, then the data were analyzed by contextual data covering three procedures in the study, namely: data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the analysis of the Ta'limul Qur'an program at SMP Al-Azhar Menganti include, Planning the Ta'limul Qur'an program at SMP Al-Azhar Menganti in general, from the side they learn, it is still general material and religious material, for fluency. learning begins with preparing lesson plans. The implementation of learning in the Ta'limul Qur'an program consists of 3 steps, namely: The initial activity contains greetings, asking news, praying, learning motivation, showing learning objectives. The core activity in the Ta'limul Qur'an program uses the MIDI module in the form of a summary of the material, full color. Using the sorogan and question and answer method. Closing activities contain closing statements, giving assignments, explaining the material to be discussed at the upcoming meeting and reading prayers. Monitoring the evaluation of the Ta'limul Qur'an program at SMP Al-Azhar Menganti for the Tahfidz program using an oral test and a written test. The oral test is in the form of memorizing and connecting verses, while the written test is writing what they have memorized. Those who manage to get 2 juz will be graduated. For Diniyah, they use an oral test, for those who have completed 6th tilawati are included in munaqosah which are tested directly by the munaqisy team from Al-Falah Surabaya and those who pass will be graduated. For monitoring the evaluation of learning activities there are weekly, monthly, incidental evaluations and evaluations from the curriculum leader

    Relationship Of Learning Engagement And Classroom Incivility Of Islamic Education Religion Students In Jakarta

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    This study discusses learning engagement and Islami education student classroom incivility in DKI Jakarta during the pandemic covid 19. Which is often impoliteness or classroom incivility occurred in the learning which ultimately makes learning becomes ineffective because the activeness of students in online learning is one of the main success factors in online learning and the achievement of learning objectives. This study uses a quantitative approach, this research sample is an Islamic education student in DKI Jakarta. Involving 215 respondents which sampling using the method questionnaire and observation. The results of this study indicate a negative relationship between learning engagement and classroom incivility for Islamic education student classroom incivility in DKI Jakarta with a significance result of -0,495

    Efforts On Increasing Creativity Through Finger Painting Activities In Early Education

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    Efforts on increasing creativity through finger painting activities in early education:  developing children's creativity at a young age is necessary because creative children have an easier time solving their challenges. the development of children's creativity is suboptimal based on observations indicating that the teacher is less involved in the learning process and that the facilities available are restricted. this study aimed to determine children's creativity through finger painting activities. this research used 2 cycles of class action research (car) with 16 children as subjects. the data revealed pre-cycle and cycle 2 outcomes. in the pre-cycle, only 4 out of 6teen children had ideal development. in the first cycle, only 7 out of 6teen and thirteen out of 6teen children had an optimal effect in the second cycle. activities involving finger painting are beneficial for encouraging children's creativity. through finger painting, children's creativity can develop their adaptability, fluency, originality, and elaboration. the best developmental outcomes can be achieved if this exercise is performed regularly and under the supervision of professionals


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