117 research outputs found

    Tv’s egenreklame og kanalstemmen – en kvalitativ undersøgelse

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    Tv-stationer fungerer som distributører af andres markedsføring i form af reklamer, men de er samtidig også selvstændige aktører i medieret markedskommunikation, idet tv-kanalerne må gøre opmærksom på sig selv og deres egenart for at tiltrække og fastholde seere. Artiklen kate- goriserer og definerer, hvordan tv-stationerne sætter sig selv i scene i form af egenreklame og kanalstemme. En sammenlignende analyse af DR1, TV2 og TV3 påviser, at stationernes egenreklamer formmæssigt konvergerer i perioden 1993 til 1996. Der sker samtidig en selvstændig- gørelse af egenreklamen, idet kanalstemmen – voice over’en – har fået mere autonomi, og stemmen fungerer som en central instans for ska- belse af nærvær, fællesskab og continuity

    MT i psykiatrien. Et universitetsperspektiv.

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    Tale ved musikterapiklinikken 20 års jubilæu


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    Michael Skovmand og Kim Chr. Schrøder: Media Cultures. Reappraising Transnational Medi

    Minimalisme i TV-reklamen

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    Minimalisme i TV-reklame

    Tabula De Speciebus Continuae quantitatis

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    The spirit of Europe: Heidegger and Valéry on the "End of Spirit"

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    ‘Entirely oblivious to the events unfolding on the “other shore,” Europe tolerated that the Mediterranean, her sea, would turn into a graveyard,’ (Cacciari 2016: viii) These words from the Italian philosopher Massimo Cacciari’s 2016 study on Europe and Empire indicate to us how Europe today still suffers from a “historical emphysema.” This thesis addresses the question of how these pulmonary difficulties of Europe are related to the process of a history in which the name of Europe comes to be related to and even identified with what is called “spirit.” As is well known, Europe has been conceived as ‘no more than a geographical accident, the peninsula that Asia shoves into the Atlantic’ (Sartre 1988: 292). However, the thesis argues that another definition of Europe, even if intimately bound up with its geography, comes to the fore as the spirit of Europe. In order to bring to light the “spiritual geography” of Europe, I focus primarily on two strands of the twentieth century philosophical inquiry into the notion of “Europe;” one by the German philosopher Martin Heidegger and the other by the French poet and thinker Paul Valéry. The argument is that what these two thinkers achieve in their thought testifies to the history of an ambiguous relation between Europe and spirit. For both thinkers Europe appears as such only as it is shaped and reshaped by this spiritual relation, one which Europe today retains in its absence, that is, in its spiritlessness

    Book review: intoxication by Jean-Luc Nancy

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    What is the relationship between philosophy, poetry and intoxication and should we expect ‘a sober or drunk discourse’ on the topic? Intoxication, a short reflection from Jean-Luc Nancy, explores the ambivalent pleasures of intoxication as it has been configured within histories of philosophical and poetic thought. This abundant meander through the work of Plato, Hegel and Baudelaire among others offers readers a rewarding, even intoxicating, experience, writes Bjarke Mørkøre Stigel Hansen

    Hvad betyder den stigende E-handel for vejtrafikken?

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    E-handlen er stigende, bl.a. er der stor vækst i E-handel med fysiske og ferske produkter. Dagligt leveres i Danmark ca. 430.000 e-handlede pakker, fordelt på 10-20.000 varebiler, der anvendes til pakkekørsel. E- handel kan dog kun tages til indtægt for en lille del af varebilstrafikken, og den samlede trafik.Analyser af de store veje i de centrale dele af Hovedstadsområdet viser, at pakketerminalernes placering er afgørende for E-handelstrafikkens ruter på vejnettet. For forbindelser mellem Københavns centrum og området vest for København kan varebiler med E-pakker stå for op til 9 % af varebiltrafikken, eller 1,8 % af den samlede trafik. Andre steder er betydningen mindre. E-handlens vækst forventes at fortsætte, og ændrede forbrugerpræferencer mod f.eks. straks-levering eller levering på fastsatte tidspunkter kan give mere trafik, men effektivisering blandt transportører (pakkebutikker o.l.) trækker i den anden retning. Den lille betydning af E-handel for trafikken på det overordnede vejnet peger mod, at de planlægningsmæssige implikationer først og fremmest er af lokal/regional karakter i og omkring de største byer og knyttet til lokaliseringen af logistik-knudepunkter

    A multimodal analysis of facework strategies in a corpus of charity ads on British television

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    The aim of this article is to carry out a qualitative multimodal analysis of the codification of verbal and non-verbal politeness strategies in a sub-corpus of five charity commercials aired on British television. Brown and Levinson's (1987) verbal politeness strategies are taken as a starting point together with a detailed analysis of facework that is realized through paralinguistic and extralinguistic modes of communication (Kress and van Leeuwen, 2006 and Machin, 2010). In what we have identified as the problem phase of the commercial, our analysis has revealed that advertisers deliberately attempt to create threats to the viewer's positive and negative face by making him/her feel responsible for the plight of others. In all five ads, through multi-scene montage, positive and off-record politeness strategies are enacted involving vivid case stories, demand images, sad music and serious extradiegetic voices. These strategies also help convey the idea that the suffering of others might also affect viewers at some point in their lives and thus strengthen the bond between the characters depicted in the ads and those watching them. During the solution phase, in which images, melodies and voice-overs become more upbeat, negative politeness strategies are used to soften the actual request to donate while positive politeness strategies are employed to appeal to the presupposed solidarity of the viewers. Our analysis points to the need to carry out further research on the interplay between verbal and non-verbal communication, especially in the field of politeness studies.Pennock-Speck, B.; Saz Rubio, MMD. (2013). A multimodal analysis of facework strategies in a corpus of charity ads on British television. Journal of Pragmatics. 49(1):38-56. doi:10.1016/j.pragma.2012.12.010S385649