48 research outputs found

    RP-2 Thermal Stability and Heat Transfer Investigation for Hydrocarbon Boost Engines

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    A series of electrically heated tube tests were performed at the NASA Glenn Research Center s Heated Tube Facility to investigate the use of RP-2 as a fuel for next generation regeneratively cooled hydrocarbon boost engines. The effect that test duration, operating condition and test piece material have on the overall thermal stability and materials compatibility characteristics of RP-2 were evaluated using copper and 304 stainless steel test sections. The copper tests were run at 1000 psia, heat flux up to 6.0 Btu/in.2-sec, and wall temperatures up to 1180 F. Preliminary results, using measured wall temperature as an indirect indicator of the carbon deposition process, show that in copper test pieces above approximately 850 F, RP-2 begins to undergo thermal decomposition resulting in local carbon deposits. Wall temperature traces show significant local temperature increases followed by near instantaneous drops which have been attributed to the carbon deposition/shedding process in previous investigations. Data reduction is currently underway for the stainless steel test sections and carbon deposition measurements will be performed in the future for all test sections used in this investigation. In conjunction with the existing thermal stability database, these findings give insight into the feasibility of cooling a long life, high performance, high-pressure liquid rocket combustor and nozzle with RP-2

    Application of Background Oriented Schlieren for Altitude Testing of Rocket Engines

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    A series of experiments was performed to determine the feasibility of using the Background Oriented Schlieren, BOS, flow visualization technique to image a simulated, small, rocket engine, plume under altitude test conditions. Testing was performed at the NASA Glenn Research Centers Altitude Combustion Stand, ACS, using nitrogen as the exhaust gas simulant. Due to limited optical access to the facility test capsule, all of the hardware required to conduct the BOS were located inside the vacuum chamber. During the test series 26 runs were performed using two different nozzle configurations with pressures in the test capsule around 0.3 psia. No problems were encountered during the test series resulting from the optical hardware being located in the test capsule and acceptable resolution images were captured. The test campaign demonstrated the ability of using the BOS technique for small, rocket engine, plume flow visualization during altitude testing

    Vaporization and Zonal Mixing in Performance Modeling of Advanced LOX-Methane Rockets

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    Initial modeling of LOX-Methane reaction control (RCE) 100 lbf thrusters and larger, 5500 lbf thrusters with the TDK/VIPER code has shown good agreement with sea-level and altitude test data. However, the vaporization and zonal mixing upstream of the compressible flow stage of the models leveraged empirical trends to match the sea-level data. This was necessary in part because the codes are designed primarily to handle the compressible part of the flow (i.e. contraction through expansion) and in part because there was limited data on the thrusters themselves on which to base a rigorous model. A more rigorous model has been developed which includes detailed vaporization trends based on element type and geometry, radial variations in mixture ratio within each of the "zones" associated with elements and not just between zones of different element types, and, to the extent possible, updated kinetic rates. The Spray Combustion Analysis Program (SCAP) was leveraged to support assumptions in the vaporization trends. Data of both thrusters is revisited and the model maintains a good predictive capability while addressing some of the major limitations of the previous version

    Thermal Stability of RP-2 for Hydrocarbon Boost Regenerative Cooling

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    A series of tests were performed in the NASA Glenn Research Centers Heated Tube Facility to study the heat transfer and thermal stability behavior of RP-2 under conditions similar to those found in rocket engine cooling channels. It has long been known that hydrocarbon fuels, such as RP-2, can decompose at high temperature to form deposits (coke) which can adversely impact rocket engine cooling channel performance. The heated tube facility provides a simple means to study these effects. Using resistively heated copper tubes in a vacuum chamber, flowing RP-2 was heated to explore thermal effects at a range of test conditions. Wall temperature (850-1050F) and bulk fluid temperature (300-500F) were varied to define thermal decomposition and stability at each condition. Flow velocity and pressure were fixed at 75 fts and 1000 psia, respectively. Additionally, five different batches of RP-2 were tested at identical conditions to examine any thermal stability differences resulting from batch to batch compositional variation. Among these tests was one with a potential coke reducing additive known as 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroquinoline (THQ). While copper tubes were used for the majority of tests, two exploratory tests were performed with a copper alloy known as GRCop-42. Each tube was instrumented with 15 thermocouples to examine the temperature profile, and carbon deposition at each thermocouple location was determined post-test in an oxidation furnace. In many tests, intermittent local temperature increases were observed visually and in the thermocouple data. These hot spots did not appear to correspond with a higher carbon deposition

    Análise experimental do comportamento término do telhado verde extensivo para Florianópolis

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Florianópolis, 2016.O desempenho térmico de uma edificação está diretamente relacionado aos materiais que compõem sua envoltória, pois é a área que limita o ambiente interno e externo, sendo o meio por onde ocorrem as trocas de calor entre eles. Nos países tropicais, a cobertura das edificações influencia fortemente na transferência de calor aos ambientes internos, pois é a área mais exposta à radiação solar direta. O telhado verde é uma técnica conhecida desde as antigas civilizações. Seu uso pode trazer benefícios como a redução no consumo energético das edificações, redução do efeito ilha de calor urbano, gestão de águas pluviais, entre outros. As Certificações Ambientais, vigentes atualmente no Brasil, incentivam o uso da cobertura vegetal nas edificações por meio de pontuações e bonificações. Adicionalmente, municípios de diferentes regiões do Brasil têm sancionado leis referente a telhados verdes em projetos de novas edificações. Assim, este experimento teve como finalidade identificar elementos que compõem o sistema telhado verde e que são capazes de contribuir no processo de transferência de calor através da cobertura. O ensaio foi realizado na cidade de Florianópolis - SC. A bancada experimental sobre a qual foram desenvolvidos os ensaios consiste em uma câmara fechada e isolada termicamente, para reduzir as trocas térmicas entre o interior e o exterior. A temperatura do ar no interior do aparato foi mantida constante artificialmente, a fim de analisar a influência das condicionantes externas. Sobre a bancada foram instaladas lajes de concreto que serviram de base para as diferentes configurações de coberturas verdes analisadas, que incluíram variação do teor de umidade e espessura do substrato, variação da camada vegetal e isolamento térmico. Para todas as medições foram registrados dados de temperatura e fluxo de calor superficiais. A calibração dos sensores e testes iniciais na bancada garantiram a confiabilidade para os ensaios propostos. Os resultados indicam que a variação da espessura do substrato e da camada vegetal apresentam os dados mais significativos na redução do ganho de calor. A variação do teor de umidade apresentou resultados interessantes na análise de temperatura. Apesar da temperatura média no substrato úmido ser 8,63°C menor do que no substrato seco, a diferença entre as temperaturas médias registradas na laje de concreto foi de apenas 0,79°C. A umidade relativa do ar foi relevante para as amostras com vegetação, trazendo benefício quanto mais seco fosse o ar. Sem a camada vegetal, os resultados acompanharam as variações da temperatura do ar externo. A presença de vegetação e a maior espessura de substrato resultaram em um atraso térmico de 5,95 e 4,77h, respectivamente. O amortecimento térmico para os mesmos casos foi de 42% e 43%.Abstract : The thermal performance of a building is directly related to the materials that make up its envelope as it is the area that limits the internal and external environment, and the means by which occur heat exchange between them. In tropical countries, the coverage of buildings strongly influences the transfer of heat to internal environments, it is the most exposed area to direct sunlight. The green roof is a technique known since ancient civilizations. Its use can bring benefits such as reducing the energy consumption of buildings, reducing the urban heat island effect, storm water management, among others. The Environmental Certifications currently in force in Brazil, encouraging the use of vegetation cover in buildings through scores and bonuses. In addition, municipalities in different regions of Brazil have sanctioned laws relating to green roofs on new buildings projects. Thus, this experiment aimed to identify elements that make up the green roof system and are able to contribute in the heat transfer process through the cover. The test was conducted in the city of Florianópolis - SC. The test rig on which tests have been developed consisting of a closed thermally insulated chambre, to reduce heat exchanges between the inside and the outside. The air temperature inside the apparatus is artificially maintained constant in order to analyze the influence of external factors. On the bench were installed concrete slabs that formed the basis for the various combinations of green roofs analyzed, which included variation of moisture content and thickness of the substrate, the plant layer variation and thermal insulation. For all measurements were recorded temperature data and surface heat flux. The calibration of sensors and initial tests on the bench ensure reliability for the proposed testing. The results indicate that variation in substrate thickness and vegetal layer have the most significant data in reducing heat gain. The variation of moisture content presents interesting results in temperature analysis. Although the average temperature in moist substrate be 8,63°C lower than in the dry substrate, the difference between the average temperatures recorded in the concrete slab was only 0,79°C. The relative humidity was relevant to the samples with vegetation, bringing the drier would benefit the air. No vegetable layer, the results followed the changes in the outside air temperature. The presence of vegetation and higher substrate thickness resulted in a thermal delay 5.95 and 4,77h, respectively. The thermal buffer for the same cases were 42% and 43%

    Perfil clínico e sociodemográfico de usuários com diagnóstico de acidente vascular encefálico atendidos em um laboratório de ensino prático em fisioterapia

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    Introdução: o Acidente Vascular Encefálico (AVE) é caracterizado pela diminuição ou completa interrupção do aporte sanguíneo cerebral Objetivo: caracterizar o perfil clínico e sociodemográfico dos usuários com diagnóstico de AVE atendidos em um Laboratório de Ensino Prático (LEP) em Fisioterapia Método: trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, descritivo e de natureza documental, com coleta de dados em 22 prontuários nos quais analisaram-se as seguintes variáveis acerca do perfil clínico e sociodemográfico. Resultados: a média de idade foi de 57,2 anos, sendo que 13 (59,1%) são do sexo masculino e a maioria dos pacientes aposentados. Quanto ao tipo de AVE, 95,5% dos casos são isquêmicos e não foram verificadas grandes diferenças quanto ao lado acometido. As principais queixas relatadas foram: fraqueza muscular, dificuldade na marcha, falta de coordenação motora e dificuldade nas atividades de vida diária. Em relação ao tempo médio decorrido da data do último AVE até o dia da avaliação que consta no prontuário, encontrou-se 45,2 meses (DP=49,6), com tempo mínimo de 0,4 meses (12 dias) e tempo máximo de 156 meses (13 anos).Os pacientes foram atendidos em média 74,5 vezes no LEP, sendo que em 40,1% dos casos os tratamentos estão em andamento.  Conclusão: um dado relevante a ser considerado nesta pesquisa, é a ausência de informações em alguns prontuários. Para tanto, os resultados encontrados são de grande valia,  sinalizando para a importância de capacitações acerca do preenchimento correto dos prontuários. E assim,  conhecimentos acerca dos dados obtidos possibilitam subsídios para o aprimoramento dos processos acerca da assistência aos usuários com diagnóstico clínico de Acidente Vascular Encefálico

    Student Leadership and Extended Learning Programs in Alaska: Rationale and Methods of Evaluation

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    Prepared for Division of Educational Program Support Department of Education State of AlaskaYe

    O efeito da fisioterapia aquática na interação social de idosos

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    O termo qualidade de vida está ligado diretamente a aspectos da vida do ser humano, como sua autoestima, capacidade funcional, estado emocional, interação social, nível socioeconômico, atividade intelectual, o autocuidado, a satisfação com o emprego e/ou com atividades diárias. A capacidade de interagir socialmente é fundamental para o idoso, para conquistar e manter redes de apoio social e garantir melhor qualidade de vida. A fisioterapia aquática utiliza as propriedades físicas da água e sua capacidade térmica para promover bem estar físico e mental, desempenha um papel importante na melhoria e na manutenção da amplitude de movimento das articulações, na redução da tensão muscular e no relaxamento. Objetivo: investigar o efeito da fisioterapia aquática na interação social de idosos. Método: a amostra foi constituída por 58 idosos, participantes do Grupo de Atividades Hidrocinesioterapêuticas, residentes no município de Santa Maria/RS. Os dados obtidos para a pesquisa foram coletados a partir de dois questionários, sendo eles, Inventário de habilidades sociais e Questionário Qualidade de Vida da OMS. Os dados foram analisados através da estatística descritiva, com valores absolutos e percentuais. Resultados e considerações finais: participar de um grupo de fisioterapia aquática leva a uma boa interação social, que consequentemente gera uma melhor qualidade de vida, ainda que a integração proporcionada pela participação no grupo, desperta sentimentos positivos e satisfação, contribuindo para uma melhora na autoestima e na interação social dos participantes

    Survey of Constellation-Era LOX/Methane Development Activities and Future Development Needs

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    NASA formed the Constellation Program in 2005 to achieve the objectives of maintaining American presence in low-Earth orbit, returning to the moon for purposes of establishing an outpost, and laying the foundation to explore Mars and beyond in the first half of the 21st century. The Exploration Technology Development Program (ETDP) was formulated to address the technology needs to address Constellation architecture decisions. The Propellants and Cryogenic Advanced Development (PCAD) project was tasked with risk mitigation of specific propulsion related technologies to support ETDP. Propulsion systems were identified as critical technologies owing to the high gear-ratio of lunar Mars landers Cryogenic propellants offer performance advantage over storables (NTOMMH) Mass savings translate to greater payload capacity In-situ production of propellant an attractive feature; methane and oxygen identified as possible Martian in-situ propellants New technologies were required to meet more difficult missions High performance LOX/LH2 deep throttle descent engines High performance LOX/LCH4 ascent main and reaction control system (RCS) engines The PCAD project sought to provide those technologies through Reliable ignition pulse RCS Fast start High efficiency engines Stable deep throttling