2,066 research outputs found

    Vryheid en gebondenheid in die ekonomie van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika

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    Toe ek ingewillig het om u toe te spreek oor „Vryheid en gebondenheid in die Ekonomie van die Republiek van Suid- Afrika” het ek nie besef dat dit ’n onderwerp is wat veel meer diepgaande studie vereis as waartoe iemand wat tot ’n groot mate die kantoor en studeerkamer verruil het vir die plaas in staat is nie. Ek is dus bevrees dat ek nie reg sal kan laat geskied aan so ’n belangrike onderwerp nie en u hoë verwagtings waarskynlik sal teleurstel

    Cardiogenic shock – a look at acute functional mitral incompetence

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    A 44-year-old man presented with cardiogenic shock secondary to acute functional mitral incompetence as well as septic shock related to pneumonia. The patient  deteriorated haemodynamically despite adequate medical therapy. An echocardiogram revealed a massive mitral incompetence and an ejection fraction of 32%. An intra-aortic balloon pump was placed and the patient improved dramatically. On day 6 after admission the echocardiogram was repeated, revealing a mild mitral incompetence and an ejection fraction of 58%

    Die noodsaak van kultuurdifferensiasie in die onderwys

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    In this article the author discusses the necessity of cultural differentiation in education. Following a brief introduction in which various viewpoints are compared and contrasted, he outlines the concepts of culture, education and educational system, following this by a discussion of the interaction between culture and the educational system. He further illuminates this by referring to a number of the modes of existence of educational systems. In the physical manifestation of an educational system three main components can be distinguished, viz. educational policy, educational administration and execution of education. After a close reasoning and explication of these points, he comes to the conclusion that the educational system also belongs to culture, in that the educational system is man's most comprehensive cultural product in the field of education and teaching. This leads to the second part of the article where close attention is paid to the links between culture and the aims of education, between culture and the cirriculum. He comes to the final conclusion then that cultural differentiation is essential in education. Each country with a multi-cultural society has to work hard, through research and honest reflection, to enrich and to refine the existing practices in education

    Clergy, crusified within the body of Christ - a challenge to pastoral care

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    M.A. Thesis / University of Pretoria / Department of Practical Theology / Advised by Prof M MasangoA tree is known by its fruit (Matthew 7:16), and a person’s priorities are known by reading his diary! We try so hard to be something we are not and often we succeed, … but it is only for a short moment, or maybe two… The words you and I speak become a mirror, reflecting our heart’s content to whoever wants to listen. James asks this question; “Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring?” (James 3:11 - NIV) How then, is it possible to speak peace and war from the same tongue? How could I bless and curse, all in one breath? How could I declare my love for my Lord, yet crucify him from the same heart? How could I love my neighbour with bloodstained hands? How could we declare victory in the cross at Calvary, where our Saviour died? How could we claim to be victorious in Jesus, saying that we will reign with him forever, (Rev 22: 5) and yet, as Christians, we are crucified over and over again? This is the true mystery in Christ; there is victory in defeat, there is strength in weakness, there is life after death

    Minimum vereistes vir 'n Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysstelsel: 'n Nederlands-Belgiese perspektief1

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    A common element among the different educational interest groups in South Africa is the expectation that a new education system should be acceptable to the international community. This expectation could therefore serve as one of the determinants that might guide the development of an education system that could serve the educational needs of a majority of interest groups. This article is the result of qualitative research by means of which the opinions of Belgian and Dutch communities were identified. These opinions regarding the education system policy, education system administration, school system and supportive services of the South African education system, can also be viewed as an exponent of the opinion of the international community

    Misdaad en die impak daarvan op die mens – ’n Christelike perspektief

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    Crime and its impact on man – a Christian perspective Crime is a depressing and frightening reality, especially within the South African context. In this article the following aspects are discussed from the vantage point of a Christian world view: the concept crime, its impact on ‘victims’, and the care-taking of victims’ needs. Crime has a two-sided effect: it affects the victim and the perpetrator as well as their next of kin. Problematic issues regarding crime are outlined in the introductory part of the article. Subsequently a Christian perspective and what this frame of reference implies are discussed. On the basis of this perspective it is argued that crime is in essence a transgression of universal laws as well as of laws applied by governments and other authorities. When one lives lawlessly one implicitly and explicitly does not obey God’s commandment to love one’s neighbour and to honour and glorify God. As a result of the emotional ‘distance’ between a person affected by crime and a perpetrator, a crime-affected person is often not able to react and behave as can be expected of a believer whose way of life is intended to honour God. In addition to possible negative behavioural patterns and reactions, post-traumatic stress can contribute to dysfunctional development of traumatised people’s potential. The Word of God teaches that care should be given to the interests of one’s neighbour (in this case ‘neighbour’ implies both perpetrator and crime-affected person). A person affected by crime deserves the attention and support of both care-giving professionals and of members of the community at large

    Die effek van multimedia leer- en onderrigsteunmateriaal op leesvaardighede van grondslagfaseleerders

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    The Department of Education, educators, parents and various stakeholders are concerned about the poor reading skills of learners in South African schools. Various national and international studies reveal shockingly low levels of reading proficiency among South African learners. The Department of Education has launched various investigations to establish why the levels of reading proficiencies are so poor. The National Reading Strategy was one of the responses to address their concerns. In order to address this issue effectively, it is imperative that the effective teaching of reading should commence in the Foundation Phase, where the basis for more advanced skills should be established. The purpose of this study was to establish whether the development and implementation of multimedia learning and teaching support material (LTSM) by means of a digital book disc (DBD) would contribute to effective facilitation of reading skills. The results of this study indicate that the integration of the DBD, as a form of multimedia LTSM, effectively supports the facilitation of reading skills.Keywords: Multimedia learning, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Early Childhood Education, Foundation Phase, DVD, teaching, learning, reading skillsArticle text in Afrikaan

    Who is the nutrition workforce in the Western Cape?

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    Objectives: The aim of the present study was to determine the current nutrition staffing profile of the Integrated Nutrition Programme (INP) inDepartment of Health in the Western Cape, and establish whether it is adequate to meet the objectives of the INP.Method: Self-administered questionnaires compiled in English were used as the main data collection instrument for nutrition staff in districtsand at hospitals (n = 647). Eight individual questionnaires, one per staff category, were developed and utilised in the study.Results: Foodservice workers were the largest group of nutrition personnel (n = 509; 79%), followed by dietitians (n = 64; 10%), managers(n = 31; 5%), auxiliary workers (n = 28; 4%), and administrative workers (n = 15; 2%). Sixty-two per cent of the nutrition workforce waslocated in urban areas and 38% in rural districts. Hospital and district dietitians experienced common problems, as well as specific differences.Regarding problems, both categories referred to limited resources, inadequate number of available posts, and lack of acknowledgementand support from administrative and supply chain management. District dietitians were also hampered by lack of space for consultations,poor referrals from doctors, insufficient posts for nutrition advisers, and difficulty in communicating with Xhosa-speaking patients. Hospitaldietitians were hampered by insufficient interaction with district dietitians and lack of dietitians for specialised units. They also mentioned thatpoor salaries were affecting morale.Conclusion: Recommendations such as additional posts for dietitians, improved conditions of service and salaries, increased advocacy fornutrition, and a number of human resources recommendations were made, and should be considered if the INP objectives are to be met

    A neuronal network model of interictal and recurrent ictal activity

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    We propose a neuronal network model which undergoes a saddle-node bifurcation on an invariant circle as the mechanism of the transition from the interictal to the ictal (seizure) state. In the vicinity of this transition, the model captures important dynamical features of both interictal and ictal states. We study the nature of interictal spikes and early warnings of the transition predicted by this model. We further demonstrate that recurrent seizures emerge due to the interaction between two networks.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure


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    The various existing models of intervention research all have advantages and disadvantages.Postgraduate students, and especially doctoral students in Social Work, have on many occasionsexpressed their dilemma in choosing a specific model of research for intervention procedures.Therefore, many have used the intervention research model or the developmental research andutilisation model, while others have adapted these models to suit their specific researchendeavours. After making a careful study of these two models, an adapted intervention researchmodel will be suggested for use in studies of a combined research and practice nature