38,665 research outputs found

    On asymptotically flat solutions of Einstein's equations periodic in time II. Spacetimes with scalar-field sources

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    We extend the work in our earlier article [4] to show that time-periodic, asymptotically-flat solutions of the Einstein equations analytic at scri, whose source is one of a range of scalar-field models, are necessarily stationary. We also show that, for some of these scalar-field sources, in stationary, asymptotically-flat solutions analytic at scri, the scalar field necessarily inherits the symmetry. To prove these results we investigate miscellaneous properties of massless and conformal scalar fields coupled to gravity, in particular Bondi mass and its loss.Comment: 29 pages, published in Class. Quant. Grav. Replaced. Typos corrected, version which appeared in Class. Quant.Gra

    New tests of the pp-wave correspondence.

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    The pp-wave/SYM correspondence is an equivalence relation, H string = Δ-J , between the hamiltonian H string of string field theory in the pp-wave background and the dilatation operator Δ in = 4 Super Yang-Mills in the double scaling limit. We calculate matrix elements of these operators in string field theory and in gauge theory. In the string theory Hilbert space we use the natural string basis, and in the gauge theory we use the basis which is isomorphic to it. States in this basis are specific linear combinations of the original BMN operators, and were constructed previously for the case of two scalar impurities. We extend this construction to incorporate BMN operators with vector and mixed impurities. This enables us to verify from the gauge theory perspective two key properties of the three-string interaction vertex of Spradlin and Volovich: (1) the vanishing of the three-string amplitude for string states with one vector and one scalar impurity; and (2) the relative minus sign in the string amplitude involving states with two vector impurities compared to that with two scalar impurities. This implies a spontaneous breaking of the 2 symmetry of the string field theory in the pp-wave background. Furthermore, we calculate the gauge theory matrix elements of Δ-J for states with an arbitrary number of scalar impurities. In all cases we find perfect agreement with the corresponding string amplitudes derived from the three-string vertex

    The Measure Problem in Cosmology

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    The Hamiltonian structure of general relativity provides a natural canonical measure on the space of all classical universes, i.e., the multiverse. We review this construction and show how one can visualize the measure in terms of a "magnetic flux" of solutions through phase space. Previous studies identified a divergence in the measure, which we observe to be due to the dilatation invariance of flat FRW universes. We show that the divergence is removed if we identify universes which are so flat they cannot be observationally distinguished. The resulting measure is independent of time and of the choice of coordinates on the space of fields. We further show that, for some quantities of interest, the measure is very insensitive to the details of how the identification is made. One such quantity is the probability of inflation in simple scalar field models. We find that, according to our implementation of the canonical measure, the probability for N e-folds of inflation in single-field, slow-roll models is suppressed by of order exp(-3N) and we discuss the implications of this result.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures. Revised version with clarifying remarks on meaning of adopted measure, extra references and minor typographical correction

    Specific Heat of Ce(1-x)La(x)RhIn(5) in Zero and Applied Magnetic Field: A Very Rich Phase Diagram

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    Specific heat and magnetization results as a function of field on single- and poly-crystalline samples of Ce(1-x)La(x)RhIn(5) show 1.) a specific heat gamma of about 100 mJ/moleK^2 (in agreement with recent dHvA results of Alvers et al.); 2.) upturns at low temperatures in C/T and chi that fit a power law behavior ( Griffiths phase non-Fermi liquid behavior); 3.) a field induced anomaly in C/T as well as M vs H behavior in good agreement with the recent Griffiths phase theory of Castro Neto and Jones, where M~H at low field, M ~ H^lambda above a crossover field, C/T ~ T^(-1+lambda) at low field, and C/T ~ (H^(2+lambda/2)/T^(3-lambda/2))*exp(-mu(eff)H/T) above the same crossover field as determined in the magnetization and where lambda is independently determined from the temperature dependence of chi at low temperatures, chi ~ T^(-1+lambda) and low fields.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, to be published in Physical Review

    Singularity Theory in Classical Cosmology

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    This paper compares recent approaches appearing in the literature on the singularity problem for space-times with nonvanishing torsion.Comment: 4 pages, plain-tex, published in Nuovo Cimento B, volume 107, pages 849-851, year 199

    NASA/RAE collaboration on nonlinear control using the F-8C digital fly-by-wire aircraft

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    Design procedures are reviewed for variable integral control to optimize response (VICTOR) algorithms and results of preliminary flight tests are presented. The F-8C aircraft is operated in the remotely augmented vehicle (RAV) mode, with the control laws implemented as FORTRAN programs on a ground-based computer. Pilot commands and sensor information are telemetered to the ground, where the data are processed to form surface commands which are then telemetered back to the aircraft. The RAV mode represents a singlestring (simplex) system and is therefore vulnerable to a hardover since comparison monitoring is not possible. Hence, extensive error checking is conducted on both the ground and airborne computers to prevent the development of potentially hazardous situations. Experience with the RAV monitoring and validation procedures is described

    Heat Capacity Measurements in Pulsed Magnetic Fields

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    The new NHMFL 60T quasi-continuous magnet produces a flat-top field for a period of 100 ms at 60 Tesla, and for longer time at lower fields, e.g. 0.5 sec at 35 Tesla. We have developed for the first time the capability to measure heat capacity at very high magnetic fields in the NHMFL 60 T quasi-continuous magnet at LANL, using a probe built out of various plastic materials. The field plateau allows us to utilize a heat-pulse method to obtain heat capacity data. Proof-of-principle heat capacity experiments were performed on a variety of correlated electron systems. Both magnet performance characteristics and physical properties of various materials studied hold out a promise of wide application of this new tool.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, World Scientific Pub. Co., to be publishe

    A Decade Of Starspot Activity On The Eclipsing Short-Period RS Canum Venaticorum Star WY Cancri: 1988-1997

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    We present optical photometry of the short-period eclipsing RS CVn system WY Cancri for the years 1988–1997. For each light curve, we model the distortion waves in order to study the behavior of starspots in this system. After removing the spot effects f

    The asymptotic quasi-stationary states of the two-dimensional magnetically confined plasma and of the planetary atmosphere

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    We derive the differential equation governing the asymptotic quasi-stationary states of the two dimensional plasma immersed in a strong confining magnetic field and of the planetary atmosphere. These two systems are related by the property that there is an intrinsic constant length: the Larmor radius and respectively the Rossby radius and a condensate of the vorticity field in the unperturbed state related to the cyclotronic gyration and respectively to the Coriolis frequency. Although the closest physical model is the Charney-Hasegawa-Mima (CHM) equation, our model is more general and is related to the system consisting of a discrete set of point-like vortices interacting in plane by a short range potential. A field-theoretical formalism is developed for describing the continuous version of this system. The action functional can be written in the Bogomolnyi form (emphasizing the role of Self-Duality of the asymptotic states) but the minimum energy is no more topological and the asymptotic structures appear to be non-stationary, which is a major difference with respect to traditional topological vortex solutions. Versions of this field theory are discussed and we find arguments in favor of a particular form of the equation. We comment upon the significant difference between the CHM fluid/plasma and the Euler fluid and respectively the Abelian-Higgs vortex models.Comment: Latex 126 pages, 7 eps figures included. Discussion on various forms of the equatio