277 research outputs found

    Erosive Hit-and-Run Impact Events: Debris Unbound

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    Erosive collisions among planetary embryos in the inner solar system can lead to multiple remnant bodies, varied in mass, composition and residual velocity. Some of the smaller, unbound debris may become available to seed the main asteroid belt. The makeup of these collisionally produced bodies is different from the canonical chondritic composition, in terms of rock/iron ratio and may contain further shock-processed material. Having some of the material in the asteroid belt owe its origin from collisions of larger planetary bodies may help in explaining some of the diversity and oddities in composition of different asteroid groups.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Evaluating impact and recovery of mangroves following extreme climatic events using satellite remote sensing in Exmouth Gulf, north western Australia

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    The objective of this study was to study mangrove response (impact and recovery) from extreme climatic events such as tropical cyclones, marine heatwaves, and drought events on the eastern shores of Exmouth Gulf. Mangroves in arid regions, like those in Exmouth, are considered the most sensitive to disturbances due to already existing at their physiological limits. Projected increase in frequency, severity and duration of climate extremes is also considered a major challenge for mangroves in the future. Mangroves are critically important communities providing a wide variety of essential ecosystem services and coastal protection, making it important to monitor them from these events and assess recovery. This study used satellite remote sensing and a multiple endmember spectral mixture analysis (MESMA) to detect and quantify impact and track recovery of mangroves from 1998 to 2021. This study found that greater impacts on mangroves were associated with cyclone and drought events, whereas marine heatwaves did not cause much impact. It was also demonstrated that cyclones tended to result in increases in mangrove cover. A cyclone associated with rainfall occurring before a drought event may have ameliorated extreme drought conditions, potentially reducing the disturbance of this event on mangroves. In addition, recovery from one cyclone was particularly slow, however this may be attributed to an extreme drought event that occurred four years later which also resulted in high impact and slow recovery. This raises the concern of compound impacts slowing recovery of mangroves in the area. Impacts associated with one marine heatwave, considered due to other causes, which resulted in lower magnitudes of negative impact resulted in more rapid mangrove recovery. This study has found additional impacts on mangroves in Exmouth Gulf that had previously gone unreported, demonstrating the importance of remote sensing in monitoring these communities. In addition, demonstrating the need for further long-term monitoring of these mangroves

    CMB Spectral Distortion Constraints on Thermal Inflation

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    Thermal inflation is a second epoch of exponential expansion at typical energy scales V1/41068GeVV^{1/4} \sim 10^{6 \sim 8} \mathrm{GeV}. If the usual primordial inflation is followed by thermal inflation, the primordial power spectrum is only modestly redshifted on large scales, but strongly suppressed on scales smaller than the horizon size at the beginning of thermal inflation, k>kb=abHbk > k_{\rm b} = a_{\rm b} H_{\rm b}. We calculate the spectral distortion of the cosmic microwave background generated by the dissipation of acoustic waves in this context. For kb103Mpc1k_{\rm b} \ll 10^3 \mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}, thermal inflation results in a large suppression of the μ\mu-distortion amplitude, predicting that it falls well below the standard value of μ2×108\mu \simeq 2\times 10^{-8}. Thus, future spectral distortion experiments, similar to PIXIE, can place new limits on the thermal inflation scenario, constraining kb103Mpc1k_{\rm b} \gtrsim 10^3 \mathrm{Mpc}^{-1} if μ2×108\mu \simeq 2\times 10^{-8} were found.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Treating Men’s Orgasmic Difficulties.

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    Gestational diabetes

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    Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is defined as hyperglycaemia that is diagnosed for the first time in the second or third trimester of pregnancy. It occurs in 1 in 7 pregnancies worldwide and is associated with increased risk of adverse perinatal outcome, in particular, infant birth weight that is large for gestational age, increased infant adiposity, preeclampsia and preterm delivery, and increased delivery by caesarean section. This review focuses on the controversy regarding screening and diagnosis of GDM following development of the International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups (IADPSG) guidelines and the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) 2015 guidelines. It reviews the most recent research in to diet and exercise modification in prevention and management of GDM, pharmacological management and post-partum management to delay and/or prevent progression to type 2 diabetes

    Medication nonadherence: health impact, prevalence, correlates and interventions

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    Nonadherence to medicines is a global problem compromising health and economic outcomes for individuals and society. This article outlines how adherence is defined and measured, and examines the impact, prevalence and determinants of nonadherence. It also discusses how a psychosocial perspective can inform the development of interventions to optimise adherence and presents a series of recommendations for future research to overcome common limitations associated with the medication nonadherence literature. Nonadherence is best understood in terms of the interactions between an individual and a specific disease/treatment, within a social and environmental context. Adherence is a product of motivation and ability. Motivation comprises conscious decision-making processes but also from more 'instinctive', intuitive and habitual processes. Ability comprises the physical and psychological skills needed to adhere. Both motivation and ability are influenced by environmental and social factors which influence the opportunity to adhere as well as triggers or cues to actions which may be internal (e.g. experiencing symptoms) or external (e.g. receiving a reminder). Systematic reviews of adherence interventions show that effective solutions are elusive, partly because few have a strong theoretical basis. Adherence support targeted at the level of individuals will be more effective if it is tailored to address the specific perceptions (e.g. beliefs about illness and treatment) and practicalities (e.g. capability and resources) influencing individuals' motivation and ability to adhere

    Anthropic Likelihood for the Cosmological Constant and the Primordial Density Perturbation Amplitude

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    Weinberg et al. calculated the anthropic likelihood of the cosmological constant using a model assuming that the number of observers is proportional to the total mass of gravitationally collapsed objects, with mass greater than a certain threshold, at t \rightarrow \infty. We argue that Weinberg's model is biased toward small \Lambda, and to try to avoid this bias we modify his model in a way that the number of observers is proportional to the number of collapsed objects, with mass and time equal to certain preferred mass and time scales. Compared to Weinberg's model, this model gives a lower anthropic likelihood of \Lambda_0 (T_+(\Lambda_0) ~ 5%). On the other hand, the anthropic likelihood of the primordial density perturbation amplitude from this model is high, while the likelihood from Weinberg's model is low. Furthermore, observers will be affected by the history of the collapsed object, and we introduce a method to calculate the anthropic likelihoods of \Lambda and Q from the mass history using the extended Press-Schechter formalism. The anthropic likelihoods for Λ\Lambda and Q from this method are similar to those from our single mass constraint model, but, unlike models using the single mass constraint which always have degeneracies between \Lambda and Q, the results from models using the mass history are robust even if we allow both \Lambda and Q to vary. In the case of Weinberg's flat prior distribution of \Lambda (pocket based multiverse measure), our mass history model gives T_+(\Lambda_0) ~ 10%, while the scale factor cutoff measure and the causal patch measure give T_+(\Lambda_0) \geq 30%.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figure

    Navigating the Rough Waters of Change : The New OhioLINK ETD Service

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    On January 14, 2013, the OhioLINK community was informed that the Electronic Theses & Dissertations (ETD) service was down for emergency maintenance. Few in the community could have predicted that single event would trigger a tidal wave of changes that ultimately resulted in a complete system rebuild. Panel participants will discuss the situation from their perspectives as OhioLINK ETD stakeholders. Implementing a new consortial system is a tricky undertaking even with adequate time to plan for the development. What additional pressures come into play when an emergency necessitates rapid development and implementation? What is the impact of changing to a new system in the middle of the academic year during the weeks leading up to the community’s busiest ETD season? How will the hundreds of papers submitted but not approved before the system went down be handled? What adjustments will stakeholders need to make in the short term to realize the long term benefit of an improved consortial ETD submission and approval system? What improvements have been realized with the new system? Communication is vitally important during times of transition. What successes and/or failures of communication can be identified in hindsight? How would the situation be different if the Ohio ETD community had not gathered in the summer of 2012 to discuss their needs and desires for a better system that provided a foundation for functional requirements? What are these new functions and how are they working so far? What future enhancements are on the horizon for the new system? The panelists will discuss these and other issues in a session designed for active audience participation