398 research outputs found

    Selective leaching of ecotoxic metals from lime dosing plant metalliferous ochre using acid mine drainage and organic acids

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordLime dosing in a high-density sludge (LD-HDS) process is amongst the most widely applied acid mine drainage (AMD) treatment processes worldwide. It is effective and reliable, however, an intrinsic issue for metalliferous mining derived AMD is the formation of an ecotoxic metal(loid)- bearing (e.g. As, Pb, Ni, Cd and Sb) ochre waste product. Herein the efficacy and selectivity of AMD (pH 3.5; 1-500 g/L), citric and oxalic acid (0.01-1M) for ecotoxic metal(loid) dissolution from such ochre has been investigated. When AMD is applied at a low solid-liquid ratio (namely 1 g/L) or citric and oxalic acids are at low concentrations (namely ≤0.1M) such lixiviants are selective for certain ecotoxic metals which have been designated by BCR 4-step sequential extraction as “exchangeable” (namely: Sb, Cd, Cu and Ni) in preference to Fe. This suggests that they could potentially be integrated into the LD-HDS process in order to lower the ecotoxicity of the final ochre product and thereby valorise it for use in a wide range of commercial applications. Conversely when AMD is applied at a higher solid-liquid ratio (namely ≥100 g/L) ecotoxic metal precipitation occurred (due to the alkaline pH of the ochre). This suggests that the ochre could also be reused for AMD remediation.Interreg I

    Seasonal variation in daily patterns of social contacts in the European badger Meles meles

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via the DOI in this record.Social interactions among hosts influence the persistence and spread of infectious pathogens. Daily 20 and seasonal variation in the frequency and type of social interactions will play an important role in 21 disease epidemiology, and alongside other factors may have an influence on wider disease dynamics 22 by causing seasonal forcing of infection, especially if the seasonal variation experienced by a 23 population is considerable. We explored temporal variation in within-group contacts in a high-24 density population of European badgers Meles meles naturally-infected with bovine tuberculosis. 25 Summer contacts were more likely and of longer duration during the daytime, while the frequency 26 and duration of winter contacts did not differ between day and night. In spring and autumn within-27 group contacts peaked at dawn and dusk, corresponding with when they were of shortest duration 28 with reduced potential for aerosol transmission of pathogens. Summer and winter could be critical 29 for bovine tuberculosis transmission in badgers, due to the high frequency and duration of contacts 30 during resting periods, and we discuss the links between this result and empirical data. This study 31 reveals clear seasonality in daily patterns of contact frequency and duration in species living in stable 32 social groups, suggesting that changes in social contacts could drive seasonal forcing of infection in 33 wildlife populations even when the number of individuals interacting remains similar.MJS is funded by NERC grant NE/M004546/1 awarded to RAM, DPC, DJH and MB, with RJD and the 386 APHA team at Woodchester Park, UK as project partners. Data were collected for NW’s PhD, funded 387 by Defra. We thank Jared Wilson-Aggarwal and two anonymous reviewers for useful comments and 388 Keith Silk for providing the photograph for Figure 1

    SSMap: A new UniProt-PDB mapping resource for the curation of structural-related information in the UniProt/Swiss-Prot Knowledgebase

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Sequences and structures provide valuable complementary information on protein features and functions. However, it is not always straightforward for users to gather information concurrently from the sequence and structure levels. The UniProt knowledgebase (UniProtKB) strives to help users on this undertaking by providing complete cross-references to Protein Data Bank (PDB) as well as coherent feature annotation using available structural information. In this study, SSMap – a new UniProt-PDB residue-residue level mapping – was generated. The primary objective of this mapping is not only to facilitate the two tasks mentioned above, but also to palliate a number of shortcomings of existent mappings. SSMap is the first isoform sequence-specific mapping resource and is up-to-date for UniProtKB annotation tasks. The method employed by SSMap differs from the other mapping resources in that it stresses on the correct reconstruction of the PDB sequence from structures, and on the correct attribution of a UniProtKB entry to each PDB chain by using a series of post-processing steps.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>SSMap was compared to other existing mapping resources in terms of the correctness of the attribution of PDB chains to UniProtKB entries, and of the quality of the pairwise alignments supporting the residue-residue mapping. It was found that SSMap shared about 80% of the mappings with other mapping sources. New and alternative mappings proposed by SSMap were mostly good as assessed by manual verification of data subsets. As for local pairwise alignments, it was shown that major discrepancies (both in terms of alignment lengths and boundaries), when present, were often due to differences in methodologies used for the mappings.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>SSMap provides an independent, good quality UniProt-PDB mapping. The systematic comparison conducted in this study allows the further identification of general problems in UniProt-PDB mappings so that both the coverage and the quality of the mappings can be systematically improved for the benefit of the scientific community. SSMap mapping is currently used to provide PDB cross-references in UniProtKB.</p

    Analysis of a viral metagenomic library from 200 m depth in Monterey Bay, California constructed by direct shotgun cloning

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Viruses have a profound influence on both the ecology and evolution of marine plankton, but the genetic diversity of viral assemblages, particularly those in deeper ocean waters, remains poorly described. Here we report on the construction and analysis of a viral metagenome prepared from below the euphotic zone in a temperate, eutrophic bay of coastal California.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We purified viruses from approximately one cubic meter of seawater collected from 200m depth in Monterey Bay, CA. DNA was extracted from the virus fraction, sheared, and cloned with no prior amplification into a plasmid vector and propagated in <it>E. coli </it>to produce the MBv200m library. Random clones were sequenced by the Sanger method. Sequences were assembled then compared to sequences in GenBank and to other viral metagenomic libraries using BLAST analyses.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Only 26% of the 881 sequences remaining after assembly had significant (E ≤ 0.001) BLAST hits to sequences in the GenBank nr database, with most being matches to bacteria (15%) and viruses (8%). When BLAST analysis included environmental sequences, 74% of sequences in the MBv200m library had a significant match. Most of these hits (70%) were to microbial metagenome sequences and only 0.7% were to sequences from viral metagenomes. Of the 121 sequences with a significant hit to a known virus, 94% matched bacteriophages (Families <it>Podo</it>-, <it>Sipho</it>-, and <it>Myoviridae</it>) and 6% matched viruses of eukaryotes in the Family <it>Phycodnaviridae </it>(5 sequences) or the Mimivirus (2 sequences). The largest percentages of hits to viral genes of known function were to those involved in DNA modification (25%) or structural genes (17%). Based on reciprocal BLAST analyses, the MBv200m library appeared to be most similar to viral metagenomes from two other bays and least similar to a viral metagenome from the Arctic Ocean.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Direct cloning of DNA from diverse marine viruses was feasible and resulted in a distribution of virus types and functional genes at depth that differed in detail, but were broadly similar to those found in surface marine waters. Targeted viral analyses are useful for identifying those components of the greater marine metagenome that circulate in the subcellular size fraction.</p

    High tumour contamination of leukaphereses in patients with small cell carcinoma of the lung: a comparison of immunocytochemistry and RT-PCR

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    In small-cell lung carcinoma (SCLC) tumour cell contamination of leukaphereses is unknown. The present study was performed to define appropriate markers for reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), then to assess the contamination rate of leukaphereses and corresponding bone marrow samples. Immunocytochemistry (ICC) and RT-PCR methods were also compared. Among the 33 patients included, analyses were performed in 16 who had multiple leukaphereses and 17 who had only bone marrow. Leukapheresis products and bone marrow were analysed by ICC using several specific monoclonal antibodies against neural-cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM), epithelial glycoprotein (EGP-40) and cytokeratins (CK). Samples were also analyzed by RT-PCR for expression for N-CAM, synaptophysin, neuron-specific enolase, chromogranin, cytokeratin-18/-19, CEA, EGP-40, apomucin type 1 (MUC-1) and human endothelial cell-specific molecule (ESM-1). Using ICC staining, contaminating tumour cells were detected in 34% of leukaphereses (27% in patients with limited disease and 43% in those with extensive disease). N-CAM was the most reliable marker for detection of contamination. For RT-PCR, CK-19 and CEA were the only appropriate markers. Positive signal rate in leukaphereses increased to 78% (89% for patients with limited disease and 67% for extensive disease). In bone marrow, both techniques were in agreement whereas in leukaphereses, RT-PCR was better than ICC. A high rate of tumour cell contamination was demonstrated not only in bone marrow but also in leukaphereses from SCLC patients. The most appropriate technique was RT-PCR mainly in patients with limited disease. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Genomic and biological characterization of a velogenic Newcastle disease virus isolated from a healthy backyard poultry flock in 2010

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Newcastle disease virus (NDV) causes severe and economically important disease in poultry around the globe. None of NDV strains in Pakistan have been completely characterized and the role of rural poultry in harbouring NDV is unclear. Since they have a very important role for long-term circulation of the virus, samples were collected from apparently healthy backyard poultry (BYP) flocks. These samples were biologically analyzed using mean death time (MDT) and intracerebral pathogenicity index (ICPI), whereas genotypically characterized by the real-time PCRs coupled with sequencing of the complete genome.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>Despite of being non-pathogenic for BYP, the isolate exhibited MDT of 49.6 h in embryonated chicken eggs and an ICPI value of 1.5. The F gene based real-time PCR was positive, whereas M-gene based was negative due to substantial changes in the probe-binding site. The entire genome of the isolate was found to be 15192 nucleotides long and encodes for six genes with an order of 3'-NP-P-M-F-HN-L-5'. The F protein cleavage site, an indicative of pathogenicity, was <sup>112</sup>RRQKRF<sup>117</sup>. Complete genome comparison indicated that the RNA dependent RNA polymerase gene was the most and the phosphoprotein was least conserved gene, among all the genes. The isolate showed an Y526Q substitution in the HN protein, which determines neuraminidase receptor binding and fusion activity of NDV. Phylogenetic analysis, based on F and HN genes, classified this isolate into genotype VII, a predominant genotype responsible for ND outbreaks in Asian countries. However, it clustered well apart from other isolates in this genotype to be considered a new subgenotype (VII-f).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results revealed that this isolate was similar to virulent strains of NDV and was avirulent in BYP either due to resistance of local breeds or due to other factors such as substantial mutations in the HN protein. Furthermore, we have characterized the first isolate of NDV, which could act as domestic reference strain and could help in development and selection of appropriate strain of NDV for vaccine in the country.</p

    Elevated serum matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) concentration predicts the presence of colorectal neoplasia in symptomatic patients

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    Early detection of polyps or colorectal carcinoma can reduce colorectal carcinoma-associated deaths. Previous studies have demonstrated raised serum levels of matrix metalloproteinase 9 (sMMP-9) in a range of cancers. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of sMMP-9 levels in identifying colorectal neoplasia. Consenting patients donated a blood sample and were assessed by proforma-led history and physical examination. Samples were analysed for sMMP-9 concentration (enzyme-linked immuno-sorbant assay) and compared to final diagnoses. Logistic regression modelling determined independent factors associated with neoplasia. A total of 365 patients were recruited of whom 300 were analysed, including 46 normal controls. A total of 27 significant adenomas and 63 malignancies were identified. The median sMMP-9 concentration was 443ng ml−1 (IQR: 219–782; mean: 546). Patients with neoplasia had significantly elevated sMMP-9 levels (P<0.001). Logistic regression modelling identified elevated log(sMMP-9) as the most significant predictor of neoplasia (χ2=38.33, P<0.001). Other significant factors were age, sex, smoking history, abdominal pain and weight loss. The model accurately predicted neoplasia in 77.3% of cases. Sensitivity and specificity were 77.9 and 77.1%. sMMP-9 estimation can accurately stratify patient to low- or high-risk cohorts. Serum sampling is a potential means of avoiding unnecessary colonoscopy and reducing patient anxiety, iatrogenic morbidity and mortality, and cost

    Identification of Synaptic Targets of Drosophila Pumilio

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    Drosophila Pumilio (Pum) protein is a translational regulator involved in embryonic patterning and germline development. Recent findings demonstrate that Pum also plays an important role in the nervous system, both at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) and in long-term memory formation. In neurons, Pum appears to play a role in homeostatic control of excitability via down regulation of para, a voltage gated sodium channel, and may more generally modulate local protein synthesis in neurons via translational repression of eIF-4E. Aside from these, the biologically relevant targets of Pum in the nervous system remain largely unknown. We hypothesized that Pum might play a role in regulating the local translation underlying synapse-specific modifications during memory formation. To identify relevant translational targets, we used an informatics approach to predict Pum targets among mRNAs whose products have synaptic localization. We then used both in vitro binding and two in vivo assays to functionally confirm the fidelity of this informatics screening method. We find that Pum strongly and specifically binds to RNA sequences in the 3′UTR of four of the predicted target genes, demonstrating the validity of our method. We then demonstrate that one of these predicted target sequences, in the 3′UTR of discs large (dlg1), the Drosophila PSD95 ortholog, can functionally substitute for a canonical NRE (Nanos response element) in vivo in a heterologous functional assay. Finally, we show that the endogenous dlg1 mRNA can be regulated by Pumilio in a neuronal context, the adult mushroom bodies (MB), which is an anatomical site of memory storage

    A high proliferation rate measured by cyclin A predicts a favourable chemotherapy response in soft tissue sarcoma patients

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    A small but not insignificant number of patients experience a prolonged survival after treatment of metastatic soft tissue sarcoma. This must be weighed against the majority of the patients who benefit little from the therapy, but nevertheless experience its side-effects. It would therefore be of utmost importance to be able to screen for those patients who respond to the treatment. Since proliferating cells are more sensitive to chemotherapy than non-proliferative cells, we measured the proliferation rate of the primary tumour of 55 soft tissue sarcoma patients with locally advanced or metastatic disease by determining the flow cytometric S phase fraction and immunohistochemical Ki-67 and cyclin A scores. S phase fraction or Ki-67 score did not predict chemotherapy response or progression-free survival. A high cyclin A score, however, correlated with a better chemotherapy response (P = 0.02) and longer progression-free survival time (P = 0.04). Our results suggest that a high cyclin A score predicts chemotherapy sensitivity. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig