3,047 research outputs found

    Effects of Performance Feedback on High School Teachers’ Use of Opportunities to Respond and Positive Feedback: Considering Efficiency in High Need Schools

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    The transition into high school presents new challenges for adolescents and performance in ninth grade is highly predictive of success throughout the remainder of high school. However, focus on teacher performance has great promise for increasing student engagement in the classroom and raising student achievement. Unfortunately, many of these practices typically are not implemented within classrooms where students are at highest risk for failure. Two studies were implemented to examine the effect of simple performance feedback strategies as a means of increasing teachers’ provision of opportunities for student responses and positive feedback during instruction. Results showed no effect in teacher behavior as a result of performance feedback. A discussion considers the implications of high need schools, efficiency, and the necessary and sufficient strategies for changing teacher behavior

    "Endomicrobia" and Other Bacteria Associated with the Hindgut of Dermolepida albohirtum Larvae

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    Symbiotic bacteria residing in the hindgut chambers of scarab beetle larvae may be useful in paratransgenic approaches to reduce larval root-feeding activities on agricultural crops. We compared the bacterial community profiles associated with the hindgut walls of individual Dermolepida albohirtum third-instar larvae over 2 years and those associated with their plant root food source among different geographic regions. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis was used with universal and Actinobacteria-specific 16S rRNA primers to reveal a number of taxa that were found consistently in all D. albohirtum larvae but not in samples from their food source, sugarcane roots. These taxa included representatives from the "Endomicrobia," Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, and Actinobacteria and were related to previously described bacteria from the intestines of other scarab larvae and termites. These universally distributed taxa have the potential to form vertically transmitted symbiotic associations with these insects

    Measuring the Plasticity of Social Approach: A Randomized Controlled Trial of the Effects of the PEERS Intervention on EEG Asymmetry in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    This study examined whether the Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS: Social skills for teenagers with developmental and autism spectrum disorders: The PEERS treatment manual, Routledge, New York, 2010a) affected neural function, via EEG asymmetry, in a randomized controlled trial of adolescents with Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and a group of typically developing adolescents. Adolescents with ASD in PEERS shifted from right-hemisphere gamma-band EEG asymmetry before PEERS to left-hemisphere EEG asymmetry after PEERS, versus a waitlist ASD group. Left-hemisphere EEG asymmetry was associated with more social contacts and knowledge, and fewer symptoms of autism. Adolescents with ASD in PEERS no longer differed from typically developing adolescents in left-dominant EEG asymmetry at post-test. These findings are discussed via the Modifier Model of Autism (Mundy et al. in Res Pract Persons Severe Disabl 32(2):124, 2007), with emphasis on remediating isolation/withdrawal in ASD

    Guidance for the evaluation and treatment of hereditary and acquired thrombophilia

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    Thrombophilias are hereditary and/or acquired conditions that predispose patients to thrombosis. Testing for thrombophilia is commonly performed in patients with venous thrombosis and their relatives; however such testing usually does not provide information that impacts management and may result in harm. This manuscript, initiated by the Anticoagulation Forum, provides clinical guidance for thrombophilia testing in five clinical situations: following 1) provoked venous thromboembolism, 2) unprovoked venous thromboembolism; 3) in relatives of patients with thrombosis, 4) in female relatives of patients with thrombosis considering estrogen use; and 5) in female relatives of patients with thrombosis who are considering pregnancy. Additionally, guidance is provided regarding the timing of thrombophilia testing. The role of thrombophilia testing in arterial thrombosis and for evaluation of recurrent pregnancy loss is not addressed. Statements are based on existing guidelines and consensus expert opinion where guidelines are lacking. We recommend that thrombophilia testing not be performed in most situations. When performed, it should be used in a highly selective manner, and only in circumstances where the information obtained will influence a decision important to the patient, and outweigh the potential risks of testing. Testing should not be performed during acute thrombosis or during the initial (3-month) period of anticoagulation

    Core competencies for pain management: results of an interprofessional consensus summit.

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    ObjectiveThe objective of this project was to develop core competencies in pain assessment and management for prelicensure health professional education. Such core pain competencies common to all prelicensure health professionals have not been previously reported.MethodsAn interprofessional executive committee led a consensus-building process to develop the core competencies. An in-depth literature review was conducted followed by engagement of an interprofessional Competency Advisory Committee to critique competencies through an iterative process. A 2-day summit was held so that consensus could be reached.ResultsThe consensus-derived competencies were categorized within four domains: multidimensional nature of pain, pain assessment and measurement, management of pain, and context of pain management. These domains address the fundamental concepts and complexity of pain; how pain is observed and assessed; collaborative approaches to treatment options; and application of competencies across the life span in the context of various settings, populations, and care team models. A set of values and guiding principles are embedded within each domain.ConclusionsThese competencies can serve as a foundation for developing, defining, and revising curricula and as a resource for the creation of learning activities across health professions designed to advance care that effectively responds to pain

    Predicting postoperative troponin in patients undergoing elective hip or knee arthroplasty: A comparison of five cardiac risk prediction tools

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    BACKGROUND: Elderly patients undergoing hip or knee arthroplasty are at a risk for myocardial injury after noncardiac surgery (MINS). We evaluated the ability of five common cardiac risk scores, alone or combined with baseline high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I (hs-cTnI), in predicting MINS and postoperative day 2 (POD2) hs-cTnI levels in patients undergoing elective total hip or knee arthroplasty. METHODS: This study is ancillary to the Genetics-InFormatics Trial (GIFT) of Warfarin Therapy to Prevent Deep Venous Thrombosis, which enrolled patients 65 years and older undergoing elective total hip or knee arthroplasty. The five cardiac risk scores evaluated were the atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease calculator (ASCVD), the Framingham risk score (FRS), the American College of Surgeon\u27s National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (ACS-NSQIP) calculator, the revised cardiac risk index (RCRI), and the reconstructed RCRI (R-RCRI). RESULTS: None of the scores predicted MINS in women. Among men, the ASCVD ( CONCLUSION: In elderly patients undergoing elective hip or knee arthroplasty, several of the scores modestly predicted MINS in men and correlated with POD2 hs-cTnI

    Self-Association of Organic Solutes in Solution: A NEXAFS Study of Aqueous Imidazole

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    N K-edge near-edge X-ray absorption fine-structure (NEXAFS) spectra of imidazole in concentrated aqueous solutions have been acquired. The NEXAFS spectra of the solution species differ significantly from those of imidazole monomers in the gas phase and in the solid state of imidazole, demonstrating the strong sensitivity of NEXAFS to the local chemical and structural environment. In a concentration range from 0.5 to 8.2 mol L−1 the NEXAFS spectrum of aqueous imidazole does not change strongly, confirming previous suggestions that imidazole self-associates are already present at concentrations more dilute than the range investigated here. We show that various types of electronic structure calculations (Gaussian, StoBe, CASTEP) provide a consistent and complete interpretation of all features in the gas phase and solid state spectra based on ground state electronic structure. This suggests that such computational modelling of experimental NEXAFS will permit an incisive analysis of the molecular interactions of organic solutes in solutions. It is confirmed that microhydrated clusters with a single imidazole molecule are poor models of imidazole in aqueous solution. Our analysis indicates that models including both a hydrogen-bonded network of hydrate molecules, and imidazole–imidazole interactions, are necessary to explain the electronic structure evident in the NEXAFS spectra

    Determining therapeutic susceptibility in multiple myeloma by single-cell mass accumulation

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    Multiple myeloma (MM) has benefited from significant advancements in treatment that have improved outcomes and reduced morbidity. However, the disease remains incurable and is characterized by high rates of drug resistance and relapse. Consequently, methods to select the most efficacious therapy are of great interest. Here we utilize a functional assay to assess the ex vivo drug sensitivity of single multiple myeloma cells based on measuring their mass accumulation rate (MAR). We show that MAR accurately and rapidly defines therapeutic susceptibility across human multiple myeloma cell lines to a gamut of standard-of-care therapies. Finally, we demonstrate that our MAR assay, without the need for extended culture ex vivo, correctly defines the response of nine patients to standard-of-care drugs according to their clinical diagnoses. This data highlights the MAR assay in both research and clinical applications as a promising tool for predicting therapeutic response using clinical samples
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