261 research outputs found

    "Coseismic foliations" in gouge and cataclasite: experimental observations and consequences for interpreting the fault rock record

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    Foliated gouges and cataclasites are commonly interpreted as the product of distributed (aseismic) fault creep. However, foliated fault rocks are often associated with localized slip surfaces, the latter indicating potentially unstable (seismic) behavior. One possibility is that such fault zones preserve the effects of both seismic slip and slower aseismic creep. An alternative possibility explored here is that some foliated fault rocks and localized slip surfaces develop contemporaneously during seismic slip. We studied the microstructural evolution of calcite- dolomite gouges deformed experimentally at slip velocities <1.13 m/s and for total displacements of 0.03 - 1 m, in the range expected for the average coseismic slip during earthquakes of Mw 3-7. As strain progressively localized in the gouge layers at the onset of high-velocity shearing, an initial mixed assemblage of calcite and dolomite grains evolved quickly to an organized, foliated fabric. The foliation was defined mainly by compositional layering and grain size variations that formed by cataclasis and shearing of individual foliation domains. Quantitative image analysis (e.g. grain size, strain) showed that the most significant microstructural changes in the bulk gouge occurred before and during dynamic weakening (<0.08 m displacement). Strain was localized to a bounding slip surface by the end of dynamic weakening and thus microstructural evolution in the bulk gouge ceased. Our experiments suggest that certain types of foliated gouge and cataclasite can form by distributed brittle \u201cflow\u201d as strain localizes to a bounding slip surface during coseismic shearing. We will also present preliminary observations of natural calcite-dolomite foliated cataclasites from the Campo Imperatore normal fault, central Italy, which bear striking resemblance to our well-characterized experimental examples

    Aportes del Proyecto Regiotram Norte para el Cumplimiento de los ODS y la Agenda del 2030

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    El proyecto Regiotram Norte o mejor conocido como tren de cercanías es un proyecto que planea la construcción de un tren de carga y transporte de pasajeros destinado a la comunicación de los municipios de Chía, Cajicá y Zipaquirá con Bogotá desde el centro de la ciudad hasta la zona norte. El proyecto contempla un recorrido total de 48 km con 20 estaciones, esto con el fin de facilitar el transporte de alrededor de 250.000 personas que diariamente se transporte desde y hacia la capital. Adicionalmente, se plantea la recuperación de las vías férreas sin un uso prolongado o casi nulo, mitigando gastos de elaboración y ejecución; además de plantear una forma factible y eficiente de transporte para la comunidad, también se quiere optar por un medio alternativo para el desarrollo de la industria, el comercio y la economía de la zona. Se estipula que la firma del acta para el inicio de obras se plantearía para inicios de 2023 y cronológicamente, su inauguración sería para el año 2026, dando origen a la presente tesis la cual se plantea el estudio del aporte del Regiotram Norte para el cumplimiento de los ODS y la agenda del 2030. Por lo anterior, el presente documento académico describe el desarrollo del proyecto en cuanto al objetivo planteado, el aprovechamiento de los recursos y el estudio zonal intermunicipal para su ejecución. Palabras clave: Regiotram norte, tren de cercanías, aprovechamiento de recursos, vías férreas, ODS, agenda del 2030

    Training and hackathon on building biodiversity knowledge graphs

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    Knowledge graphs have the potential to unite disconnected digitized biodiversity data, and there are a number of efforts underway to build biodiversity knowledge graphs. More generally, the recent popularity of knowledge graphs, driven in part by the advent and success of the Google Knowledge Graph, has breathed life into the ongoing development of semantic web infrastructure and prototypes in the biodiversity informatics community. We describe a one week training event and hackathon that focused on applying three specific knowledge graph technologies – the Neptune graph database; Metaphactory; and Wikidata - to a diverse set of biodiversity use cases. We give an overview of the training, the projects that were advanced throughout the week, and the critical discussions that emerged. We believe that the main barriers towards adoption of biodiversity knowledge graphs are the lack of understanding of knowledge graphs and the lack of adoption of shared unique identifiers. Furthermore, we believe an important advancement in the outlook of knowledge graph development is the emergence of Wikidata as an identifier broker and as a scoping tool. To remedy the current barriers towards biodiversity knowledge graph development, we recommend continued discussions at workshops and at conferences, which we expect to increase awareness and adoption of knowledge graph technologies

    Algoritmo genetico modificado aplicado al problema de secuenciamiento de tareas en sistemas de produccion lineal – flow shop

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    En este trabajo se aborda el problema de producción de Flow Shop que consiste en el secuenciamiento de tareas con el objetivo de minimizar el tiempo total de producción aplicable a las industrias de proceso donde el uso eficiente de los recursos es de vital importancia. El problema es resuelto utilizando una metaheurística denominada algoritmo genético modificado de Chu-Beasley. Para evaluar la confiabilidad de la metodología se usaron datos de prueba que fueron tomados de la literatura especializada obteniendo resultados de alta calidad

    The Waves and Cycles of COVID-19 Pandemic: A Phase Synchronization Approach

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    This study pretends to contribute to a better understanding of the COVID-19 dynamics through the non-parametric technique of phase synchronization by comparing the fifteen most affected countries by the number of positive cases plus China, where the first outbreak took place in December 2019. It was possible to state the number of cycles and waves for each one of the studied countries and to determine periods of synchronization between them. The results also showed the average duration of the cycles and some coincidences regarding Nason (2020); Bontempi (2021); Coccia (2021); Rusiñol, Zammit, Itarte, Forés, Martı́nez-Puchol, Girones, Borrego, Corominas, and Bofill-Mas (2021). This study is limited by the reliability of the number of positive cases reported by national governments and health authorities because of an insufficient number of tests and a great number of asymptomatic persons but presents a legit alternative to predict the evolution of the pandemic in a country due to the forward looking behavior of another one, therefore studies like this could be useful to implement contention measures and to prepare the health systems in advance