5,703 research outputs found

    Comment on ``Evidence for Anisotropic State of Two-Dimensional Electrons in High Landau Levels''

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    In a recent letter M. Lilly et al [PRL 82, 394 (1999)] have shown that a highly anisotropic state can arise in certain two dimensional electron systems. In the large square samples studied, resistances measured in the two perpendicular directions are found to have a ratio that may be 60 or larger at low temperature and at certain magnetic fields. In Hall bar measurements, the anisotropy ratio is found to be much smaller (roughly 5). In this comment we resolve this discrepancy by noting that the anisotropy of the underlying sheet resistivities is correctly represented by Hall bar resistance measurements but shows up exponentially enhanced in resistance measurements on square samples due to simple geometric effects. We note, however, that the origin of this underlying resistivity anisotropy remains unknown, and is not addressed here.Comment: 1 page, minor calculational error repaire

    Generalized Quantum Hall Projection Hamiltonians

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    Certain well known quantum Hall states -- including the Laughlin states, the Moore-Read Pfaffian, and the Read-Rezayi Parafermion states -- can be defined as the unique lowest degree symmetric analytic function that vanishes as at least p powers as some number (g+1) of particles approach the same point. Analogously, these same quantum Hall states can be generated as the exact highest density zero energy state of simple angular momentum projection operators. Following this theme we determine the highest density zero energy state for many other values of p and g.Comment: 9 page

    Comparative genome analysis of Wolbachia strain wAu

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    BACKGROUND: Wolbachia intracellular bacteria can manipulate the reproduction of their arthropod hosts, including inducing sterility between populations known as cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI). Certain strains have been identified that are unable to induce or rescue CI, including wAu from Drosophila. Genome sequencing and comparison with CI-inducing related strain wMel was undertaken in order to better understand the molecular basis of the phenotype. RESULTS: Although the genomes were broadly similar, several rearrangements were identified, particularly in the prophage regions. Many orthologous genes contained single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) between the two strains, but a subset containing major differences that would likely cause inactivation in wAu were identified, including the absence of the wMel ortholog of a gene recently identified as a CI candidate in a proteomic study. The comparative analyses also focused on a family of transcriptional regulator genes implicated in CI in previous work, and revealed numerous differences between the strains, including those that would have major effects on predicted function. CONCLUSIONS: The study provides support for existing candidates and novel genes that may be involved in CI, and provides a basis for further functional studies to examine the molecular basis of the phenotype

    Skyrmions in the Moore-Read state at nu=5/2

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    We study charged excitations of the non-abelian Moore-Read liquid at filling factor nu=5/2, allowing for spin depolarization. Using a combination of numerical studies, and taking account of non-zero well widths, we find that at sufficiently low Zeeman energy it is energetically favourable for charge e/4 quasiholes to bind into "skyrmions" of charge e/2. We show that skyrmion formation is further promoted by disorder, and argue that this can lead to a depolarized nu=5/2 ground state in realistic experimental situations. We comment on the consequences for the activated transport.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    On the acceleration of wavefront applications using distributed many-core architectures

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    In this paper we investigate the use of distributed graphics processing unit (GPU)-based architectures to accelerate pipelined wavefront applications—a ubiquitous class of parallel algorithms used for the solution of a number of scientific and engineering applications. Specifically, we employ a recently developed port of the LU solver (from the NAS Parallel Benchmark suite) to investigate the performance of these algorithms on high-performance computing solutions from NVIDIA (Tesla C1060 and C2050) as well as on traditional clusters (AMD/InfiniBand and IBM BlueGene/P). Benchmark results are presented for problem classes A to C and a recently developed performance model is used to provide projections for problem classes D and E, the latter of which represents a billion-cell problem. Our results demonstrate that while the theoretical performance of GPU solutions will far exceed those of many traditional technologies, the sustained application performance is currently comparable for scientific wavefront applications. Finally, a breakdown of the GPU solution is conducted, exposing PCIe overheads and decomposition constraints. A new k-blocking strategy is proposed to improve the future performance of this class of algorithm on GPU-based architectures

    A nu=2/5 Paired Wavefunction

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    We construct a wavefunction, generalizing the well known Moore-Read Pfaffian, that describes spinless electrons at filling fraction nu=2/5 (or bosons at filling fraction nu=2/3) as the ground state of a very simple three body potential. We find, analogous to the Pfaffian, that when quasiholes are added there is a ground state degeneracy which can be identified as zero-modes of the quasiholes. The zero-modes are identified as having semionic statistics. We write this wavefunction as a correlator of the Virasoro minimal model conformal field theory M(5,3). Since this model is non-unitary, we conclude that this wavefunction is a quantum critical state. Nonetheless, we find that the overlaps of this wavefunction with exact diagonalizations in the lowest and first excited Landau level are very high, suggesting that this wavefunction may have experimental relevance for some transition that may occur in that regime.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Extending the Latent Multinomial Model with Complex Error Processes and Dynamic Markov Bases

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    The latent multinomial model (LMM) model of Link et al. (2010) provided a general framework for modelling mark-recapture data with potential errors in identification. Key to this approach was a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) scheme for sampling possible configurations of the counts true capture histories that could have generated the observed data. This MCMC algorithm used vectors from a basis for the kernel of the linear map between the true and observed counts to move between the possible configurations of the true data. Schofield and Bonner (2015) showed that a strict basis was sufficient for some models of the errors, including the model presented by Link et al. (2010), but a larger set called a Markov basis may be required for more complex models. We address two further challenges with this approach: 1) that models with more complex error mechanisms do not fit easily within the LMM and 2) that the Markov basis can be difficult or impossible to compute for even moderate sized studies. We address these issues by extending the LMM to separately model the capture/demographic process and the error process and by developing a new MCMC sampling scheme using dynamic Markov bases. Our work is motivated by a study of Queen snakes (Regina septemvittata) in Kentucky, USA, and we use simulation to compare the use of PIT tags, with perfect identification, and brands, which are prone to error, when estimating survival rates

    Climatic and eustatic controls on the development of a Late Triassic source rock in the Jameson Land Basin, East Greenland

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    This work was undertaken as part of the continuing work of CASP in East Greenland. The sponsoring companies are thanked for their continued support of this work. Help in the field by T. Kinnaird and useful discussions with A. Whitham are gratefully acknowledged. The reviews of L. Clemmensen and an anonymous reviewer, and the input from S. Jones led to improvements to the original paper.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Wilson Line Picture of Levin-Wen Partition Functions

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    Levin and Wen [Phys. Rev. B 71, 045110 (2005)] have recently given a lattice Hamiltonian description of doubled Chern-Simons theories. We relate the partition function of these theories to an expectation of Wilson loops that form a link in 2+1 dimensional spacetime known in the mathematical literature as Chain-Mail. This geometric construction gives physical interpretation of the Levin-Wen Hilbert space and Hamiltonian, its topological invariance, exactness under coarse-graining, and how two opposite chirality sectors of the doubled theory arise.Comment: Final published version; Appendix adde

    Spinful Composite Fermions in a Negative Effective Field

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    In this paper we study fractional quantum Hall composite fermion wavefunctions at filling fractions \nu = 2/3, 3/5, and 4/7. At each of these filling fractions, there are several possible wavefunctions with different spin polarizations, depending on how many spin-up or spin-down composite fermion Landau levels are occupied. We calculate the energy of the possible composite fermion wavefunctions and we predict transitions between ground states of different spin polarizations as the ratio of Zeeman energy to Coulomb energy is varied. Previously, several experiments have observed such transitions between states of differing spin polarization and we make direct comparison of our predictions to these experiments. For more detailed comparison between theory and experiment, we also include finite-thickness effects in our calculations. We find reasonable qualitative agreement between the experiments and composite fermion theory. Finally, we consider composite fermion states at filling factors \nu = 2+2/3, 2+3/5, and 2+4/7. The latter two cases we predict to be spin polarized even at zero Zeeman energy.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables. (revision: incorporated referee suggestions, note added, updated references