408 research outputs found

    Assessment of Genetic Diversity of Seagrass Populations Using DNA Fingerprinting: Implications for Population Stability and Management

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    Populations of the temperate seagrass, Zostera marina L. (eelgrass), often exist as discontinuous beds in estuaries, harbors, and bays where they can reproduce sexually or vegetatively through clonal propagation. We examined the genetic structure of three geographically and morphologically distinct populations from central California (Elkhorn Slough, Tomales Bay, and Del Monte Beach), using multilocus restriction fragment length polymorphisms (DNA fingerprints). Within-population genetic similarity (Sw) values for the three eelgrass populations ranged from 0.44 to 0.68. The Tomales Bay population located in an undisturbed, littoral site possessed a within-population genetic similarity (Sw = 0.44) that was significantly lower than those of the other two populations. Cluster analysis identified genetic substructure in only the undisturbed subtidal population (Del Monte Beach). Between-population similarity values Sb for all pairwise comparisons ranged from 0.47 to 0.51. The three eelgrass populations show significantly less between locale genetic similarity than found within populations, indicating that gene flow is restricted between locales even though two of the populations are separated by only 30 km. The study demonstrates that (i) natural populations of Z. marina from both disturbed and undisturbed habitats possess high genetic diversity and are not primarily clonal, (ii) gene flow is restricted even between populations in dose proximity, (iii) an intertidal population from a highly disturbed habitat shows much lower genetic diversity than an intertidal population from an undisturbed site, and (iv) DNA fingerprinting techniques can be exploited to understand gene flow and population genetic structure in Z. marina, a widespread and ecologically important species, and as such are relevant to the management of this coastal resource

    Resource allocation by the marine cyanobacterium Synechococcus WH8102 in response to different nutrient supply ratios

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    Differences in relative availability of nitrate vs. phosphate may contribute to regional variations in plankton elemental stoichiometry. As a representative of the globally abundant marine Synechococcus, strain WH8102 was grown in 16 chemostats up to 52  d at a fixed growth rate with nitrogen–phosphorus ratios (N : Psupply) of 1–50. Initially, the phosphate and nitrate concentrations in the vessel decreased when the respective nutrient was limiting. Cell growth generally stabilized, although several chemostats had apparent oscillations in biomass. We observed extensive plasticity in the elemental content and ratios. N : Pcell matched the supply values between N : Psupply 5 and 20. The C : Pcell followed a similar trend. In contrast, the mean C : Ncell was 6.8 and did not vary as a function of supply ratios. We also observed that induction of alkaline phosphatase, the fraction of P allocated to nucleic acids, and the lipid sulfoquinovosyldiacylglycerol : phosphatidyglycerol ratio inversely correlated with P availability. Our results suggest that this extensive plasticity in the elemental content and ratios depends both on the external nutrient availability as well as past growth history. Thus, our study provides a quantitative understanding of the regulation of the elemental stoichiometry of an abundant ocean phytoplankton lineage

    Modeling metallic island coalescence stress via adhesive contact between surfaces

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    Tensile stress generation associated with island coalescence is almost universally observed in thin films that grow via the Volmer-Weber mode. The commonly accepted mechanism for the origin of this tensile stress is a process driven by the reduction in surface energy at the expense of the strain energy associated with the deformation of coalescing islands during grain boundary formation. In the present work, we have performed molecular statics calculations using an embedded atom interatomic potential to obtain a functional form of the interfacial energy vs distance between two closely spaced free surfaces. The sum of interfacial energy plus strain energy provides a measure of the total system energy as a function of island separation. Depending on the initial separation between islands, we find that in cases where coalescence is thermodynamically favored, gap closure can occur either spontaneously or be kinetically limited due to an energetic barrier. Atomistic simulations of island coalescence using conjugate gradient energy minimization calculations agree well with the predicted stress as a function of island size from our model of spontaneous coalescence. Molecular dynamics simulations of island coalescence demonstrate that only modest barriers to coalescence can be overcome at room temperature. A comparison with thermally activated coalescence results at room temperature reveals that existing coalescence models significantly overestimate the magnitude of the stress resulting from island coalescence.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, submitted to PR

    Kinetics of UV254 inactivation of selected viral pathogens in a static system

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    Aims:  The objective of this study was to estimate UV254 inactivation constants for four viral pathogens: influenza virus type A, porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome virus (PRRSV), bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) and reovirus. Methods and Results:  Viruses in culture medium were exposed to one of nine doses of UV254 and then titrated for infectious virus. Analysis showed that viral inactivation by UV254 was more accurately described by a two-stage inactivation model vs a standard one-stage inactivation model. Conclusions:  The results provided evidence for the existence of two heterogeneous viral subpopulations among the viruses tested, one highly susceptible to UV254 inactivation and the other more resistant. Importantly, inactivation constants based on the one-stage inactivation model would have underestimated the UV254 dose required for the inactivation of these viruses under the conditions of the experiment. Significance and Impact of the Study:  To improve the accuracy of estimates, it is recommended that research involving the inactivation of micro-organisms evaluates inactivation kinetics using both one-stage and two-stage models. These results will be of interest to persons responsible for microbial agents under laboratory or field conditions

    Manganese concentrations in soil and settled dust in an area with historic ferroalloy production

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    Ferroalloy production can release a number of metals into the environment, of which manganese (Mn) is of major concern. Other elements include lead, iron, zinc, copper, chromium, and cadmium. Manganese exposure derived from settled dust and suspended aerosols can cause a variety of adverse neurological effects to chronically exposed individuals. To better estimate the current levels of exposure, this study quantified metal levels in dust collected inside homes (n=85), outside homes (n=81), in attics (n=6), and in surface soil (n=252) in an area with historic ferroalloy production. Metals contained in indoor and outdoor dust samples were quantified using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy while attic and soil measurements were made with a XRF instrument. Mean Mn concentrations in soil (4600 μg/g) and indoor dust (870 μg/g) collected within 0.5 km of a plant exceeded levels previously found in suburban and urban areas, but did decrease outside 1.0 km to the upper end of background concentrations. Mn concentrations in attic dust were approximately 120 times larger than other indoor dust levels, consistent with historical emissions that yielded high airborne concentrations in the region. Considering the potential health effects that are associated with chronic manganese inhalation and ingestion exposure, remediation of soil near the plants and frequent, on-going hygiene indoors may decrease residential exposure and the likelihood of adverse health effects

    A Large-Scale Zebrafish Gene Knockout Resource for the Genome-Wide Study of Gene Function

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    With the completion of the zebrafish genome sequencing project, it becomes possible to analyze the function of zebrafish genes in a systematic way. The first step in such an analysis is to inactivate each protein-coding gene by targeted or random mutation. Here we describe a streamlined pipeline using proviral insertions coupled with high-throughput sequencing and mapping technologies to widely mutagenize genes in the zebrafish genome. We also report the first 6144 mutagenized and archived F1’s predicted to carry up to 3776 mutations in annotated genes. Using in vitro fertilization, we have rescued and characterized ~0.5% of the predicted mutations, showing mutation efficacy and a variety of phenotypes relevant to both developmental processes and human genetic diseases. Mutagenized fish lines are being made freely available to the public through the Zebrafish International Resource Center. These fish lines establish an important milestone for zebrafish genetics research and should greatly facilitate systematic functional studies of the vertebrate genome

    The Early Ultraviolet Light-Curves of Type II Supernovae and the Radii of Their Progenitor Stars

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    We present a sample of 34 normal SNe II detected with the Zwicky Transient Facility, with multi-band UV light-curves starting at t4t \leq 4 days after explosion, as well as X-ray detections and upper limits. We characterize the early UV-optical colors and provide prescriptions for empirical host-extinction corrections. We show that the t>2t > 2\,days UV-optical colors and the blackbody evolution of the sample are consistent with the predictions of spherical phase shock-cooling (SC), independently of the presence of `flash ionization" features. We present a framework for fitting SC models which can reproduce the parameters of a set of multi-group simulations without a significant bias up to 20% in radius and velocity. Observations of about half of the SNe II in the sample are well-fit by models with breakout radii <1014<10^{14}\,cm. The other half are typically more luminous, with observations from day 1 onward that are better fit by a model with a large >1014>10^{14}\,cm breakout radius. However, these fits predict an early rise during the first day that is too slow. We suggest these large-breakout events are explosions of stars with an inflated envelope or a confined CSM with a steep density profile, at which breakout occurs. Using the X-ray data, we derive constraints on the extended (1015\sim10^{15} cm) CSM density independent of spectral modeling, and find most SNe II progenitors lose <104Myr1<10^{-4} M_{\odot}\, \rm yr^{-1} a few years before explosion. This provides independent evidence the CSM around many SNe II progenitors is confined. We show that the overall observed breakout radius distribution is skewed to higher radii due to a luminosity bias. We argue that the 6622+11%66^{+11}_{-22}\% of red supergiants (RSG) explode as SNe II with breakout radii consistent with the observed distribution of field RSG, with a tail extending to large radii, likely due to the presence of CSM.Comment: Submitted to ApJ. Comments are welcome at [email protected] or [email protected]