2,251 research outputs found

    Speculative Design and Curriculum Development: Using Worldbuilding to Imagine a New Major in a Post-Course Era

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    Randy Bass, Executive Director of Georgetown’s Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship, recently made the provocative claim that we inhabit a “post-course era.” Building on the findings of the National Survey of Student Engagement that show that the places in which undergraduate students demonstrate the highest degree of engagement is in areas outside the traditional curriculum and its courses, Bass suggests that we not merely try to enrich the formal curriculum, but that we also consider supporting and augmenting activities in the “extra” curriculum. We can thereby create opportunities for learning within informal as well as formal settings. In the process of developing a new BA degree within the School of Cinematic Arts at the University of Southern California dedicated to Media Arts and Practice—a major that is designed to support students interested not just in media literacy but also in media expertise and the ability to communicate powerfully through diverse media forms—we wanted to imagine a major for the post-course era: a major without courses, traditional assignments, and expected modes of assessment. This essay explores the design challenge posed in trying to imagine such a major, and offers a speculative degree proposal for the post-course era

    A New Approach in Microprocessor/Microcontroller Courses/Laboratories Material Design and Development

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    Courses in microprocessors and microcontrollers are standard parts of the Engineering Technology core curricula. The traditional course material developments include both lectures and associated laboratory exercises. No matter how creative is the curriculum; it is usually budgetary constraints that confine the creativity when developing new curricula. This limits the freedom of the major approach in new course development. This article demonstrates new course lecture and laboratories material development that starts from ground up with both a hardware platform and simulation software design for microprocessor/microcontroller related courses. It is not only very cost effective, but also does not limit the instructor\u27s creativity when developing new curricula. The only obstacle is the instructor\u27s imagination on courses and laboratories activities. This system can be implemented at no cost to the department for sponsoring the courses. As a matter of fact, the initial trials of this system have generated revenue, thereby supporting future improvements and development needs. This new approach in course improvement starts with the design of a hardware platform in a custom made evaluation board. It involves the system circuit and power supply design, printed circuit board layout, prototype testing, and circuit board fabrication. The second step is to design the simulation software for laboratory uses. The total design and development of both software and hardware was a two year evolutionary process

    Monitoring wader breeding productivity

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    A robust understanding of the mechanisms driving demographic change in wild animal populations is fundamental to the delivery of effective conservation interventions. Demographic change can be driven by variation in adult survival, recruitment of juveniles into the breeding population or breeding productivity – the number of fledglings produced per breeding pair. Across Europe, low breeding productivity in wader populations has been a significant driver of population decline, increasing the importance of gathering accurate data on breeding productivity. Monitoring wader breeding productivity is challenging because finding nests can be time‐consuming and requires experienced fieldworkers; wader chicks are nidifugous and difficult to count due to their cryptic behaviour; and waders often have high re‐laying rates following nest failure, meaning that hatching or fledging can be highly asynchronous. This paper reviews approaches to estimating breeding productivity where fieldworkers either record the agitation or alarm‐calling behaviour of adults with dependent young, make direct observations of broods on survey visits, or both. Using a systematic literature search (restricted to Europe where most of these studies have taken place) we identified 38 peer‐reviewed papers which used this approach. The productivity metrics produced can be divided into the following categories: (i) ‘Hatching Success’ (HS), (ii) ‘Fledging Success’ (FS) and (iii) ‘Young Fledged Per Pair’ (YFP), from the coarsest to the most precise. The first two metrics are most often used when direct observations of broods are not possible due to the behaviour of broods or vegetation structure; YFP is preferred if brood counts are possible. Design of an appropriate metric depends on (i) whether accurate brood counts are possible; (ii) whether adults exhibit diagnostic agitation behaviour when young are present; (iii) whether individual breeding territories are separable; (iv) whether re‐nesting rates are assumed to be high; and (v) the availability of experienced surveyors (particularly where behavioural observations are required). Globally there are many wader species for which the methods described here could provide valuable information and we hope this review encourages further development or adoption of these methods

    Computer assisted learning in UK engineering degree programmes : lessons learned from an extensive case study programme

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    This paper gives a synopsis of an extensive programme of case studies on real uses of Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) materials within UK engineering degree programmes. The programme was conducted between 2000 and 2003 and followed a questionnaire-based survey looking at CAL use in the UK and in Australia. The synopsis reveals a number of key messages for academic tutors and authors including students’ enthusiasm for notes, self-tests and features to aid visualisation. Publishers should also consider pricing and licensing arrangements suited to the individual user

    Natural Resource Management Newsletter

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    The misdiagnosis of epilepsy in people with intellectual disabilities: A systematic review

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    AbstractPurposeEpilepsy is common in people with intellectual disabilities. Epilepsy can be difficult to diagnose and may be misdiagnosed in around 25% of cases. A systematic review was conducted to explore:(i)How common the misdiagnosis of epilepsy is amongst people with intellectual disabilities.(ii)Reasons for misdiagnosis of epilepsy.(iii)Implications of misdiagnosis.(iv)Improving diagnosis.MethodsPrimary studies and systematic reviews published in the English language between 1998 and 2008 were identified from electronic databases, experts, the Internet, grey literature, and citation tracking. Included studies were critically appraised by team members using the appraisal tools produced by the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) at the Public Health Resource Unit, Oxford.ResultsEight studies were included in the review and critically appraised: six cohort studies and two case studies. Where data was provided in the cohort studies between 32% and 38% of people with intellectual disabilities were diagnosed as not having epilepsy or as having nonepileptic events. The main reason for misdiagnosis was the misinterpretation of behavioural, physiological, syndrome related, medication related or psychological events by parents, paid carers and health professionals.ConclusionsThose working in epilepsy and intellectual disability services and families must be made more aware of the possibility of misdiagnosis. Future research is needed about the misdiagnosis of epilepsy amongst people with intellectual disabilities and carer knowledge

    Natural Resource Management Newsletter

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    Monitoring impacts from Council Regulation (EU) No 333/2011: End-of-waste criteria for Al/Fe scrap

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    On 9 October 2011, Council Regulation 333/2011 came into force establishing criteria by which scrap from iron and steel, aluminium and aluminium alloys could cease to be regulated as waste. This study examines the impacts of the Regulation on scrap availability, trade flows, prices, administrative requirements and environment or human health incidents. Because no data currently distinguishes between waste and end-of-waste compliant scrap, information was collected from the EU Competent Authorities and industry using detailed surveys. Across Europe, approximately 250 companies provided responses to the industry survey (representing approximately one quarter of the membership of the scrap industry associations), with a further 15 submissions from industry associations and 25 from Competent Authorities, although the survey responses were notably skewed towards Italy. The results of the study show that more than 1,100 scrap industry companies are already using the end-of-waste criteria across Europe. Uptake is most pronounced in Italy, where over 1,000 scrap companies generate end-of-waste compliant scrap. This rapid uptake in Italy is due in part to a specific legal framework on secondary raw materials already in place before the introduction of the end-of-waste criteria. In the rest of Europe there are a further 100 scrap companies active in end-of-waste scrap. In terms of the quantity of end-of-waste compliant scrap available on the market, this study estimates that, as a lower bound, at least 15% of EU scrap steel and 10% of EU scrap aluminium is compliant. Importantly, this study has found almost no evidence that end-of-waste has caused any negative impacts on the market, whether that be to scrap quality, availability/trade or on the environment. On the contrary, quite a number of the survey participants, both from industry and Competent Authorities highlighted the perceived benefits of the introduction of end-of-waste for metal scrap. These perceived benefits include: creating a simplified regulatory framework and offering companies greater flexibility and legal certainty. Some companies identified improved scrap quality and increased sales prices. At the expert workshop participants debated several ideas for a future monitoring system. One key conclusion was that there is no urgent need to revisit monitoring in the near future, due to the relatively modest rate of uptake outside Italy and the very few, if any, negative impacts observed so far. A repeat of the industry and authorities’ surveys in 2-3 years times was deemed to be the most appropriate way to monitor end-of-waste for scrap metal, and copper scrap could be added to the scope of that exercise.JRC.J.5-Sustainable Production and Consumptio

    Using Ethnography of Email to Understand Distributed Scientific Collaborations

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    In this brief poster abstract we explore the finding from previous research that distributed teams collaborating on research use email to an overwhelming degree. This email is the source of collaboration and one of the central documents in the practice of doing science. We present an early idea of email focused ethnography and using visualizations to assist in the qualitative exploration of analyzing email communications. Of interest is the utility of different visualizations to inform follow up interviews of longitudinal fieldwork and data collection. Two such visualizations are presented and described. Along with the benefits of the techniques we describe some of the challenges.ye
