385 research outputs found

    From/To: Steve Franklin (Chalk\u27s reply filed first)

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    Investigation of long term stability in metal hydrides

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    It is apparent from the literature and the results of this study that cyclic degradation of AB(5) type metal hydrides varies widely according to the details of how the specimens are cycled. The Rapid Cycle Apparatus (RCA) used produced less degradation in 5000 to 10000 cycles than earlier work with a Slow Cycle Apparatus (SCA) produced in 1500 cycles. Evidence is presented that the 453 K (356 F) Thermal Aging (TA) time spent in the saturated condition causes hydride degradation. But increasing the cooling (saturation) period in the RCA did not greatly increase the rate of degradation. It appears that TA type degradation is secondary at low temperatures to another degradation mechanism. If rapid cycles are less damaging than slow cycles when the saturation time is equal, the rate of hydriding/dehydriding may be an important factor. The peak temperatures in the RCA were about 30 C lower than the SCA. The difference in peak cycle temperatures (125 C in the SCA, 95 C in RCA) cannot explain the differences in degradation. TA type degradation is similar to cyclic degradation in that nickel peaks and line broadening are observed in X ray diffraction patterns after either form of degradation

    Tracking motions from satellite water vapor imagery: Quantitative applications to hurricane track forecasting

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    Water vapor imagery from GOES satellites has been available for over a decade. These data are used extensively, mainly in a qualitative mode, by forecasters in the United States (Weldon and Holmes, 1991). Some attempts have been made at quantifying the data by tracking features in time sequences of the imagery (Stewart et al., 1985; Hayden and Stewart, 1987). For a variety of reasons, applications of this approach have produced marginal results (Velden, 1990). Recently, METEOSAT-3 (M-3) was repositioned at 50W by the European Space Agency, in order to provide complete coverage of the Atlantic Ocean. Data from this satellite are being transmitted to the U.S. for operational use. Compared with the GOES satellite, the M-3 has a superior resolution and signal-to-noise ratio in its water vapor channel, which translates into improved automated tracking capabilities. During a period in 1992 which included the Atlantic hurricane season, water vapor tracking algorithms were applied to the M-3 data in order to evaluate the coverage, accuracy and model impact of the derived vectors. Data sets were produced during several tropical cyclone cases, including Hurricane Andrew. In this paper, the M-3 water vapor wind sets are assessed, and their impact on a hurricane track forecast model is examined

    Importancia del factor colaboración dentro de una comunidad virtual en la enseñanza del derecho

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    La investigación tuvo por objeto medir el factor colaboración dentro de un entorno virtual de una rama del derecho y determinar cuánto ha evolucionado con respecto a otro entorno analizado por una tesis de investigación de la misma rama jurídica, la cual tomó una muestra con las mismas características a la muestra tomada por la investigación desarrollada por el suscrito. La investigación rescata la diferencia de dos tipos de sistemas educativos virtuales: tradicionales y contemporáneos.  Los sistemas educativos tradicionales hacen referencia a aquellas plataformas que sostienen un escenario virtual con una estructura más rígida y una comunidad más limitada. Por otro lado, los sistemas educativos contemporáneos hacen referencia a aquellas plataformas que sostienen un escenario virtual con una estructura más flexible y que alberga una comunidad más amplia. La tesis de investigación que se tomó como referencia concluyó que el nivel del factor colaboración en los sistemas educativos virtuales tradicionales era muy bajo por un débil acompañamiento de los compañeros y poca interacción en el escenario. Sin embargo, la muestra que analizó el articulo determinó que el factor colaboración tuvo un mayor nivel que la muestra analizada por la tesis, debido a que surgieron mejoras en el camino que se relacionaron con las recomendaciones brindadas por dicha investigación de referencia.   Por tal motivo, la presente investigación rescata como esencial que una comunidad virtual esté basada en la colaboración para el beneficio del estudiante, generando con ello menos rechazo en el proceso de enseñanza - aprendizaje

    Human cloning in film: horror, ambivalence, hope

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    Fictional filmic representations of human cloning have shifted in relation to the 1997 announcement of the birth of Dolly the cloned sheep, and since therapeutic human cloning became a scientific practice in the early twentieth century. The operation and detail of these shifts can be seen through an analysis of the films The Island (2005) and Aeon Flux (2005). These films provide a site for the examination of how these changes in human cloning from fiction to practice, and from horror to hope, have been represented and imagined, and how these distinctions have operated visually in fiction, and in relation to genre

    Meeting Radiation Protection Requirements and Reducing Spacecraft Mass - A Multifunctional Materials Approach

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    Both crew and radio-sensitive systems, especially electronics must be protected from the effects of the space radiation environment. One method of mitigating this radiation exposure is to use passive-shielding materials. In previous vehicle designs such as the International Space Station (ISS), materials such as aluminum and polyethylene have been used as parasitic shielding to protect crew and electronics from exposure, but these designs add mass and decrease the amount of usable volume inside the vehicle. Thus, it is of interest to understand whether structural materials can also be designed to provide the radiation shielding capability needed for crew and electronics, while still providing weight savings and increased useable volume when compared against previous vehicle shielding designs. In this paper, we present calculations and analysis using the HZETRN (deterministic) and FLUKA (Monte Carlo) codes to investigate the radiation mitigation properties of these structural shielding materials, which includes graded-Z and composite materials. This work is also a follow-on to an earlier paper, that compared computational results for three radiation transport codes, HZETRN, HETC, and FLUKA, using the Feb. 1956 solar particle event (SPE) spectrum. In the following analysis, we consider the October 1989 Ground Level Enhanced (GLE) SPE as the input source term based on the Band function fitting method. Using HZETRN and FLUKA, parametric absorbed doses at the center of a hemispherical structure on the lunar surface are calculated for various thicknesses of graded-Z layups and an all-aluminum structure. HZETRN and FLUKA calculations are compared and are in reasonable (18% to 27%) agreement. Both codes are in agreement with respect to the predicted shielding material performance trends. The results from both HZETRN and FLUKA are analyzed and the radiation protection properties and potential weight savings of various materials and materials lay-ups are compared

    Gravitational radiation reaction and inspiral waveforms in the adiabatic limit

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    We describe progress evolving an important limit of binary orbits in general relativity, that of a stellar mass compact object gradually spiraling into a much larger, massive black hole. These systems are of great interest for gravitational wave observations. We have developed tools to compute for the first time the radiated fluxes of energy and angular momentum, as well as instantaneous snapshot waveforms, for generic geodesic orbits. For special classes of orbits, we compute the orbital evolution and waveforms for the complete inspiral by imposing global conservation of energy and angular momentum. For fully generic orbits, inspirals and waveforms can be obtained by augmenting our approach with a prescription for the self force in the adiabatic limit derived by Mino. The resulting waveforms should be sufficiently accurate to be used in future gravitational-wave searches.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Examining \u3cem\u3eDSM\u3c/em\u3e Criteria for Trichotillomania in A Dimensional Framework: Implications for \u3cem\u3eDSM-5\u3c/em\u3e And Diagnostic Practice

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    Background: Diagnosis of Trichotillomania (TTM) requires meeting several criteria that aim to embody the core pathology of the disorder. These criteria are traditionally interpreted monothetically, in that they are all equally necessary for diagnosis. Alternatively, a dimensional conceptualization of psychopathology allows for examination of the relatedness of each criterion to the TTM latent continuum. Objectives: First, to examine the ability of recently removed criteria (B and C) to identify the latent dimensions of TTM psychopathology, such that they discriminate between individuals with low and high degrees of hair pulling severity. Second, to determine the impact of removing criteria B and C on the information content of remaining diagnostic criteria. Third, to determine the psychometric properties of remaining TTM diagnostic criteria that remain largely unchanged in DSM-5; that is, whether they measure distinct or overlapping levels of TTM psychopathology. Fourth, to determine whether information content derived from diagnostic criteria aid in the prediction of disease trajectory (i.e., can relapse propensity be predicted from criteria endorsement patterns). Method: Statistics derived from Item Response Theory were used to examine diagnostic criteria endorsement in 91 adults with TTM who underwent psychotherapy. Results: The removal of two criteria in DSM-5 and psychometric validity of remaining criteria was supported. Additionally, individual trait parameters were used to predict treatment progress, uncovering predictive power where none previously existed. Conclusions: Diagnostic criteria for TTM should be examined in dimensional models, which allow for nuanced and sensitive measurement of core symptomology in treatment contexts

    The Space Technology 8 Mission

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    The Space Technology 8 (ST8) mission is the latest in NASA’s New Millennium Program technology demonstration missions. ST8 includes a spacecraft bus built by industry, flying four new technology payloads in low- Earth orbit. This paper will describe each payload, along with a brief description of the mission and spacecraft. The payloads include a miniature loop heat pipe intended to save mass and power on future small satellites, designed and built by NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center; a lightweight, 35g/m linear mass, 40-m deployable boom intended as a future solar sail mast built by ATK Space Systems; a deployable, lightweight Ultraflex solar array producing 175W/kg, also built by ATK Space Systems; and a high-speed, parallel-processing computer system built of state-of-the-art COTS processors, demonstrating SEU tolerance without the need for radiation-hardened electronics, and 100M operations per second per Watt processing throughput density

    Comparisons of Salmonella conjugation and virulence gene hyperexpression mediated by rumen protozoa from domestic and exotic ruminants

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    Recent studies have identified a phenomenon in which ciliated protozoa engulf Salmonella and the intra-protozoal environment hyperactivates virulence gene expression and provides a venue for conjugal transfer of antibiotic resistance plasmids. The former observation is relegated to Salmonella bearing the SGI1 multiresistance integron while the latter phenomenon appears to be a more generalized event for recipient Salmonella. Our previous studies have assessed virulence gene hyperexpression only with protozoa from the bovine rumen while conjugal transfer has been demonstrated in rumen protozoa from cattle and goats. The present study examined virulence gene hyperexpression for Salmonella exposed to rumen protozoa obtained from cattle, sheep, goats, or two African ruminants (giraffe and bongo). Conjugal transfer was also assessed in these protozoa using Salmonella as the recipient. Virulence gene hyperexpression was only observed following exposure to the rumen protozoa from cattle and sheep while elevated virulence was also observed in these animals. Conjugal transfer events were, however, observed in all protozoa evaluated. It therefore appears that the protozoa-based hypervirulence is not universal to all ruminants while conjugal transfer is more ubiquitous