131 research outputs found

    On Visibility in the Afshar Two-Slit Experiment

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    A modified version of Young's experiment by Shahriar Afshar indirectly reveals the presence of a fully articulated interference pattern prior to the post-selection of a particle in a "which-slit" basis. While this experiment does not constitute a violation of Bohr's Complementarity Principle as claimed by Afshar, both he and many of his critics incorrectly assume that a commonly used relationship between visibility parameter V and "which-way" parameter K has crucial relevance to his experiment. It is argued here that this relationship does not apply to this experimental situation and that it is wrong to make any use of it in support of claims for or against the bearing of this experiment on Complementarity.Comment: Final version; to appear in Foundations of Physic

    On the efficiency of quantum lithography

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    Quantum lithography promises, in principle, unlimited feature resolution, independent of wavelength. However, in the literature at least two different theoretical descriptions of quantum lithography exist. They differ in to which extent they predict that the photons retain spatial correlation from generation to the absorption, and while both predict the same feature size, they differ vastly in predicting how efficiently a quantum lithographic pattern can be exposed. Until recently, essentially all experiments reported have been performed in such a way that it is difficult to distinguish between the two theoretical explanations. However, last year an experiment was performed which gives different outcomes for the two theories. We comment on the experiment and show that the model that fits the data unfortunately indicates that the trade-off between resolution and efficiency in quantum lithography is very unfavourable.Comment: 19 pages, extended version including a thorough mathematical derivatio

    Reply to Comments of Steuernagel on the Afshar's Experiment

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    We respond to criticism of our paper "Paradox in Wave-Paricle Duality for Non-Perturbative Measurements". We disagree with Steuernagel's derivation of the visibility of the Afshar experiment. To calculate the fringe visibility, Steuernagel utilizes two different experimental situations, i.e. the wire grid in the pattern minima and in the pattern maxima. In our assessment, this proceduere cannot lead to the correct result for the complementarity properties of wave-particle in one particular experimental set-up

    Optical Lenses for Atomic Beams

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    Superpositions of paraxial laser beam modes to generate atom-optical lenses based on the optical dipole force are investigated theoretically. Thin, wide, parabolic, cylindrical and circular atom lenses with numerical apertures much greater than those reported in the literature to date can be synthesized. This superposition approach promises to make high quality atom beam imaging and nano-deposition feasible.Comment: 10 figure

    Synthesis and Characterization of New Polymers from Adenopus breviflorus benth oil, Styrene and Divinyl benzene by Cationic Polymerization

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    A variety of new polymers ranging from soft to hard plastics were prepared by cationic polymerization of Adenopus breviflorus oil with styrene and divinyl benzene initiated by modified boron trifluoride etherate. The fully cured thermosets were found to contain between 78- 92% cross linked materials possessing crosslink densities of between 2.39 x 103 to 2.09 x 104 mol/m3 and glass transition temperatures of 12 – 800C. The tensile moduli of the materials ranged from 1.47 to 404MPa, the ultimate tensile stress varied from 0.18 to 7.78MPa and the elongation at break varied between 2 and 34%. Depending on composition, some of the materials possessed good damping and shape memory properties. Overall the newly prepared materials from Adenopus breviflorus oil hold a lot of promise as new polymeric materials

    Spectrum of light scattering from an extended atomic wave packet

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    The spectrum of the light scattered from an extended atomic wave packet is calculated. For a wave packet consisting of two spatially separated peaks moving on parallel trajectories, the spectrum contains Ramsey-like fringes that are sensitive to the phase difference between the two components of the wave packet. Using this technique, one can establish the mutual coherence of the two components of the wave packet without recombining them.Comment: 4 page

    Approaching the Heisenberg limit with two mode squeezed states

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    Two mode squeezed states can be used to achieve Heisenberg limit scaling in interferometry: a phase shift of δϕ2.76/\delta \phi \approx 2.76 / can be resolved. The proposed scheme relies on balanced homodyne detection and can be implemented with current technology. The most important experimental imperfections are studied and their impact quantified.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figure

    Generalised Hong-Ou-Mandel Experiments with Bosons and Fermions

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    The Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) dip plays an important role in recent linear optics experiments. It is crucial for quantum computing with photons and can be used to characterise the quality of single photon sources and linear optics setups. In this paper, we consider generalised HOM experiments with NN bosons or fermions passing simultaneously through a symmetric Bell multiport beam splitter. It is shown that for even numbers of bosons, the HOM dip occurs naturally in the coincidence detection in the output ports. In contrast, fermions always leave the setup separately exhibiting perfect coincidence detection. Our results can be used to verify or employ the quantum statistics of particles experimentally.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, more references adde

    How to determine a quantum state by measurements: The Pauli problem for a particle with arbitrary potential

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    The problem of reconstructing a pure quantum state ¿¿> from measurable quantities is considered for a particle moving in a one-dimensional potential V(x). Suppose that the position probability distribution ¿¿(x,t)¿2 has been measured at time t, and let it have M nodes. It is shown that after measuring the time evolved distribution at a short-time interval ¿t later, ¿¿(x,t+¿t)¿2, the set of wave functions compatible with these distributions is given by a smooth manifold M in Hilbert space. The manifold M is isomorphic to an M-dimensional torus, TM. Finally, M additional expectation values of appropriately chosen nonlocal operators fix the quantum state uniquely. The method used here is the analog of an approach that has been applied successfully to the corresponding problem for a spin system

    Creation of maximally entangled photon-number states using optical fiber multiports

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    We theoretically demonstrate a method for producing the maximally path-entangled state (1/Sqrt[2]) (|N,0> + exp[iN phi] |0,N>) using intensity-symmetric multiport beamsplitters, single photon inputs, and either photon-counting postselection or conditional measurement. The use of postselection enables successful implementation with non-unit efficiency detectors. We also demonstrate how to make the same state more conveniently by replacing one of the single photon inputs by a coherent state.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. REVTeX4. Replaced with published versio