51 research outputs found

    Le pluralisme politique à l’épreuve de la vie privée : entre normes et pratiques

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    L’espace des relations interpersonnelles et privées, en tant qu’espace de politisation et d’expression des choix politiques, est peu connu. C’est à une meilleure connaissance du « citoyen privé » et de la « politisation intime » que cet article veut contribuer, en étudiant les ressemblances et les divergences idéologiques au sein du cercle des proches. Présentant les résultats d’une enquête quantitative et représentative de la population française inédite, « Famille, amour et politique », réalisée par le CEVIPOF, il examine la filiation, la conjugalité, et l’amitié et montre les interactions et les transactions qui opèrent entre le système des normes et le système des affects des individus. La famille apparaît plus hétérogame politiquement tandis que le couple et le cercle des amis sont plus homogames. Toutefois, c’est le niveau de politisation des individus qui est en dernière instance le plus déterminant. Une affiliation politique affirmée, et tout particulièrement à gauche, ainsi qu’un intérêt marqué pour la politique, renforcent toujours l’homogamie politique au sein du cercle des proches, dans les principes comme dans les faits. Plus largement, l’article ouvre une réflexion sur l’espace de la vie privée en tant que terrain d’expérience des conditions de la pluralité démocratique.Little is known of the role played by private interpersonal relationships in politicization and the expression of political choices. This article aims to improve our understanding of “private citizens” and “personal politicization” through a study of ideological similarities and divergences within family and friendship circles. The analysis, based on findings from an unprecedented quantitative representative French population survey by the CEVIPOF (Center for the study of French political life) entitled “Famille, amour et politique” [Family, love and politics], examines filiation, conjugality and friendship, showing the interactions and transactions that take place between the system of norms and the system of individual feelings. Families appear more heterogamous politically, while couples and friendship circles are more homogamous. However, individuals’ level of politicization is ultimately the most determinant factor. Having a strong political affiliation, particularly on the left of the political spectrum, and a strong interest in politics always strengthens intra-circle political homogamy in terms of both principles and actions. At a more general level, the article reflects on the sphere of private life as a field for the development of conditions of democratic pluralism


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    The article shows peculiarities of cardio-vascular disorders among pre-military-age boysinTernopil region. It’s established, that the autonomous vascular dysfunction is detected in 75.9 % observed boys, mitral valve prolapse in 48.1 % patients. The autonomous vascular dysfunction has hypertensive type in 62.9 % and cardial type in 12.0% cases.Работа посвящена изучению кардиологической патологии у допризывников Тернопольской области. Установлено, что вегето-сосудистая дисфункция регистрируется в 75,9 % обследованных, пролапс митрального клапана - 48,1 % пациентов. Вегето-сосудистая дисфункция, в основном, протекает за гипертоническим (62,9 %) и кардиальным типом (12,0 %).Робота присвячена вивченню кардіологічної патології у допризовників Тернопільської області. Встановлено, що вегето-судинна дисфункція реєструється в 75,9% обстежених, пролапс морального клапана -48,1 % пацієнтів. Вегето-судинна дисфункція, в основному, протікає за гіпертонічним (62,9 %) та кардіальним типом (12,0 %)

    The Results of Experimental testing of the Program of Technical and Tactical training of Judo

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    Хацаюк, О. В. Результати дослідно-експериментальної перевірки програми техніко-тактичної підготовленості дзюдоїстів-ветеранів / Хацаюк О. В., Чередніченко С. В., Дяченко А. А. та ін. // Науковий часопис НПУ імені М. П. Драгоманова. Серія 15: Науково-педагогічні проблеми фізичної культури (фізична культура і спорт). - 2021. - Вип. 7(138). - С. 124-131. - DOI: 10.31392/NPU-nc.series15.2021.7(138).26.Розглянуто питання розроблення спеціалізованого комплексу науково-методичного забезпечення системи багаторічної підготовки дзюдоїстів-ветеранів, що забезпечить формування ефективного техніко-тактичного арсеналу одноборців досліджуваної категорії (із урахуванням їх індивідуально-типологічних, психофізичних особливостей) та сприятиме успішній їх змагальній діяльності. Визначено ефективність експериментальної програми техніко-тактичної підготовленості дзюдоїстів-ветеранів в системі їх річного циклу підготовки. Встановлено, що поетапне формування технічної та тактичної майстерності дзюдоїстів-ветеранів (різних вікових груп та вагових категорій) із урахуванням особливостей річного циклу підготовки забезпечує підвищення показників їх змагальної діяльності, що свідчить про високу ефективність розробленої експериментальної програми.Today it is important to develop a Specialized set of Scientific and Methodological support for long-term training of Veteran Judokas, which will ensure the formation of an effective Technical and Tactical Arsenal of wrestlers of the studied category (taking into account their individual-typological, psychophysical features) and promote their successful Competitive activities. The main Purpose of the study is to determine the effectiveness of the Experimental Program of Technical and Tactical training of Veteran Judokas in the System of their annual Training Cycle. During the Empirical Study, the following methods were used: abstraction, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, modeling, expert evaluation method, mathematical and statistical (correlation analysis, factor analysis, scaling), modern scientific tools and more. As a result of Research and Analytical work, members of the Research Group determined the effectiveness of the Experimental Program of Technical and Tactical training of Veteran Judokas in the System of their annual training Cycle. It is established that the gradual Formation of Technical and Tactical skills of Veteran Judokas (different age groups and weight categories) taking into account the peculiarities of the annual training Cycle provides an increase in their competitive activity, which indicates the high efficiency of the Experimental Program. Prospects for Further Research in the chosen direction of Scientific Intelligence include the development of a Pedagogical Model with technical means of teaching the Formation of Readiness of Veteran judokas (women) for competitive activities in the System of their long-term training.Рассмотрены вопросы разработки специализированного комплекса научно-методического обеспечения системы многолетней подготовки дзюдоистов-ветеранов, что обеспечит формирование эффективного технико-тактического арсенала единоборцев изучаемой категории (с учетом их индивидуально-типологических, психофизических особенностей) и будет способствовать успешной их соревновательной деятельности. Определена эффективность экспериментальной программы технико-тактической подготовленности дзюдоистов-ветеранов в системе их годового цикла подготовки. Установлено, что поэтапное формирование технического и тактического мастерства дзюдоистов-ветеранов (различных возрастов и весовых категорий) с учетом особенностей годового цикла подготовки обеспечивает повышение показателей соревновательной деятельности, что свидетельствует о высокой эффективности разработанной экспериментальной программы

    On the polyamorphism of fullerite-based orientational glasses

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    The dilatometric investigation in the temperature range of 2-28K shows that a first-order polyamorphous transition occurs in the orientational glasses based on C60 doped with H2, D2 and Xe. A polyamorphous transition was also detected in C60 doped with Kr and He. It is observed that the hysteresis of thermal expansion caused by the polyamorphous transition (and, hence, the transition temperature) is essentially dependent on the type of doping gas. Both positive and negative contributions to the thermal expansion were observed in the low temperature phase of the glasses. The relaxation time of the negative contribution occurs to be much longer than that of the positive contribution. The positive contribution is found to be due to phonon and libron modes, whilst the negative contribution is attributed to tunneling states of the C60 molecules. The characteristic time of the phase transformation from the low-T phase to the high-T phase has been found for the C60-H2 system at 12K. A theoretical model is proposed to interpret these observed phenomena. The theoretical model proposed, includes a consideration of the nature of polyamorphism in glasses, as well as the thermodynamics and kinetics of the transition. A model of non-interacting tunneling states is used to explain the negative contribution to the thermal expansion. The experimental data obtained is considered within the framework of the theoretical model. From the theoretical model the order of magnitude of the polyamorphous transition temperature has been estimated. It is found that the late stage of the polyamorphous transformation is described well by the Kolmogorov law with an exponent of n=1. At this stage of the transformation, the two-dimensional phase boundary moves along the normal, and the nucleation is not important.Comment: 29 pages, 14 figures, added references, corrected typo

    About brownian movement in liquids

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    It has been shown that Brownian movement in water occurs as a result of elastic collisions of ice nanocrystals with Brownian particles. Water consists of 87 % of ice nanocrystals and 13 % of water molecules. At 300 K, the ice nanocrystal in water on average consists of 24 water molecules. Brownian movement is an experimental confirmation of the nanocrystalline structure of liquids. This concept of liquids is of great importance for the theory of crystallization and modification of alloys. In metallic liquids, Brownian motion refers to microscopic non-metallic particles and intermetallides that have densities comparable to melt densities. In liquid aluminum alloys, Brownian particles are microscopic alumina particles that remain in the castings when they solidify


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    The main problems of silumin’ moulding are connected with insufficient modifying of casting structure, their considerable inclination to gas porosity, difficult to remove nonmetallic inclusions and these features are shown in the article. Protection of liquid silumin from influence of the air atmosphere; use of crucibles from aluminum oxide; refinement of fusion from nonmetallic inclusions and application of the accelerated hydrogen hardening of castings were used to solve these problems, as it is shown in the article

    Effect of gases released during solidification of castings on microstructure of alloys

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    Thermodynamic calculation of formation of spherical gas bubbles different in water – wetting on flat surfaces by metal melt is made. This process consists of two stages. The first stage is formation of equilibrium gas bubble in the form of ball segment. The second stage is its swinging into a spherical bubble. Calculations were made for gas bubbles with constant volume. It is shown that Gibbs energy of spherical gas bubble formation on water – wetting metal melt substrate is three times less than on nonwettable melt substrate. Thus, gases released by solidification of the castings will preferably be formed and removed as bubbles on the molten metal surfaces of the crystallizable phases of the alloys and directly affect on their microstructure


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    It is shown that melting and molding of cast iron with globular graphite are complex physical and chemical nanostructural processes. The major role in these processes is played by the centers of crystallization of dendrites of graphite, graphite nanocrystals, the dissolved and adsorbed oxygen. The role of the modifying ligature of FeSiMg is reduced generally to essential decrease of concentration of the adsorbed oxygen and an enrichment of fusion by the centers of crystallization of graphite dendrites