179 research outputs found


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    The agriculture of the Metropolitan Area of Curitiba (MAC) is basically characterized by horticultural production, being responsible for 50% of the Paraná state total production. The problem is that part of those foods has been presenting pesticides residues, worsening the crisis of the conventional agriculture (C). Seeking to assist to the alimentary demand of the population and the tendencies of the current market, the agricultural science has been developing new forms of cultivation of horticultural, as the organic agriculture (O) and the hydroponics (H) among other. Except for pesticides residues, nitrate content, dry matter and vitamin C, there are no strong evidences that organic, conventional and hydroponics foods differ in their concentrations of nutrients, being required new and improved studies. The aim of the present work was to comparatively evaluate the cultivation systems practiced in MAC, besides analyzing the quality of conventional, organic and hydroponics produced and/or commercialized at MAC. Ten horticultural cultures were monitored in relation to toxicity absence, nutritional and structural aspect. In a general way, the data obtained by physical-chemical analysis showed great variation, what can justify the high values obtained for standard deviation. In many cases, the standard deviation exceeded the average, fact that can explain the occurrence of no significant statistical difference (p≤0.05) among some of the analyzed samples, when compared in relation to the cultivation system. The largest differences among the cultivation systems were observed in relation to the micronutrients, mainly in tomato and strawberry cultures. Those samples didn't present significant statistical differences (p≤0.05), when compared conventional and organic cultivation systems, even so differing of the samples obtained by hydroponics cultivation system that presented higher contents. The nitrite and nitrate concentrations in the analyzed cultures presented the following relation: lettuce, cherry tomato and tomato - O < C < H; spinach, strawberry and potato - O < C; water cress C < H < O; cauliflower, carrot and cucumber - C < O. Considering ADI (acceptable daily intakes) in relation to nitrites and nitrates, water cress, lettuce and spinach cultures were the ones that presented the largest restrictions to consumption, varying of about 81 and 100 g for the organic and hydroponic water cress, 330 and 148 g for conventional and hydroponic lettuce and 192 to 301 g for conventional and hydroponic spinach, respectively. The horticultural cultivated by organic, conventional and hydroponics system presented respectively, 9.68%, 33.87% and 41.18% of the samples with some pesticide residue. Independently of the cultivation system all analyzed samples of water cress showed positive reaction to carbon disulfide (CS2). Although indications of possible false positive evidenced, the confirmatory tests to each molecule are necessaries. The water cress, lettuce and cherry tomato showed quantitative structural differences according to the handling system in which they were cultivated. The organic cultivation presents larger mass even in the leaves of Nasturtium officinale and Lactuca sativa as in the fruit of Lycopersicum esculentum var. cerisiforme Key-words: Pesticides; Structural Analysis; Contaminants; Quality Control, Horticultural; Cultivation Systems.A agricultura da Região Metropolitana de Curitiba (RMC) está voltada basicamente para a produção de hortícolas, respondendo por 50% da produção do Estado do Paraná. O problema é que parte desses alimentos têm apresentado resíduos de agrotóxicos, agravando a crise da agricultura convencional (C). Visando atender à demanda alimentar da população e às tendências do mercado atual, a ciência agrícola tem fundamentado novas formas de cultivo de hortícolas, como a agricultura orgânica (O) e a hidropônica (H) entre outras. Além dos resíduos de agrotóxicos, conteúdo de nitrato, matéria seca e vitamina C, existem poucas evidências de que alimentos orgânicos, convencionais e hidropônicos diferem em suas concentrações de nutrientes, havendo necessidade de novos e criteriosos estudos. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar comparativamente os sistemas de cultivo praticados na RMC, além de analisar a qualidade de hortícolas convencionais, orgânicas e hidropônicas, produzidas e/ou comercializadas na RMC. Foram monitoradas 10 culturas de hortícolas em relação à ausência de toxicidade, aspecto nutricional e estrutural. De um modo geral, os dados obtidos nas análises físico-químicas mostraram grande variação, o que pode justificar os altos valores para o desvio padrão. Em muitos casos, o desvio padrão excedeu a média, fato que pode explicar a não ocorrência de diferença estatística significativa (p≤0,05) entre algumas das amostras analisadas, quando comparadas em relação ao sistema de cultivo. As maiores diferenças entre os sistemas de cultivo foram observadas em relação aos micronutrientes, principalmente nas culturas de tomate salada e morango. Essas amostras não apresentaram diferenças estatísticas significativas (p≤0,05), quando comparados os sistemas de cultivo convencional e orgânico, diferindo, porém das amostras obtidas pelo sistema de cultivo hidropônico, que apresentaram teores mais elevados. As concentrações de nitritos e nitratos nas culturas analisadas apresentaram a seguinte relação: alface, tomate cereja e tomate tipo salada - O < C < H; espinafre, morango e batata - O < C; agrião - C < H < O; couve-flor, cenoura e pepino - C < O. Considerando a IDA em relação aos nitritos e nitratos, as culturas de agrião, alface e espinafre foram as que apresentaram as maiores restrições ao consumo, variando de 81 e 100 g para o agrião orgânico e hidropônico, 330 e 148 g para a alface convencional e hidropônica e 192 a 301 g para o espinafre convencional e hidropônico, respectivamente. As hortícolas cultivadas pelo sistema de produção orgânico, convencional e hidropônico apresentaram, respectivamente, 9,68%, 33,87% e 41,18% de suas amostras com algum tipo de resíduo de agrotóxicos. Independente do sistema de cultivo, todas as amostras de agrião analisadas apresentaram reação positiva para o dissulfeto de carbono (CS2). Porém, indícios de possível falso positivo evidenciaram a necessidade de testes confirmatórios para cada molécula. As amostras de agrião, alface e de tomate cereja apresentaram diferenças estruturais quantitativas segundo o sistema de manejo em que foram cultivadas. O cultivo orgânico mostrou ser o que apresenta maior massa tanto nas folhas de Nasturtium officinale e Lactuca sativa quanto no fruto de Lycopersicum esculentum var. cerisiforme. Palavras-chave: Agrotóxicos; Análise Estrutural; Contaminantes; Controle de Qualidade; Hortícolas; Sistemas de Cultivo


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    Foram analisadas amostras de alface oriundas dos sistemas de cultivo convencional, orgânico e hidropônico na Região Metropolitana de Curitiba - RMC, em relação à sua composição nutricional e contaminantes. Foram observadas algumas tendências, sendo que as alfaces hidropônicas apresentaram maiores teores de Mg, Na, Co e Cu e as alfaces orgânicas apresentaram menores teores de nitritos (46,7%) e de nitratos (157,4%) quando comparadas às convencionais. Enquanto as alfaces orgânicas apresentaram-se isentas de resíduos de agrotóxicos, as convencionais e as hidropônicas apresentaram, respectivamente, 33,33% e 66,67% de suas amostras contaminadas. Palavras-chave: Lactuca sativa L., controle de qualidade; agrotóxicos; minerais; nitritos e nitratos.The lettuce samples were analyzed from conventional, organic and hydroponic systems in the Metropolitan Area of Curitiba - MAC, regarding the nutritional composition and contaminants. Some tendencies were observed, the hydroponic lettuces showed higher contents of Mg, Na, Co and Cu and the organic lettuces showed lower contents of nitrites (46.7%) and nitrates (157.4%) when compared in relation to the conventional system. While the organic lettuces came exempt of agrotoxics residues, conventional ones and hydroponics presented, respectively, 33.33% and 66.67%. Keywords: Lactuca sativa L., quality control; agrotoxics; nitrites and nitrate

    Olanzapine plus fluoxetine treatment increases Nt-3 protein levels in the rat prefrontal cortex

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    AbstractEvidence is emerging for a role for neurotrophins in the treatment of mood disorders. In this study, we evaluated the effects of chronic administration of fluoxetine, olanzapine and the combination of fluoxetine/olanzapine on the brain-derived-neurotrophic factor (BDNF), nerve growth factor (NGF), and neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) in the rat brain. Wistar rats received daily injections of olanzapine (3 or 6mg/kg) and/or fluoxetine (12.5 or 25mg/kg) for 28 days, and we evaluated for BDNF, NGF and NT-3 protein levels in the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus and amygdala. Our results showed that treatment with fluoxetine and olanzapine alone or in combination did not alter BDNF in the prefrontal cortex (p=0.37), hippocampus (p=0.98) and amygdala (p=0.57) or NGF protein levels in the prefrontal cortex (p=0.72), hippocampus (p=0.23) and amygdala (p=0.64), but NT-3 protein levels were increased by olanzapine 6mg/kg/fluoxetine 25mg/kg combination in the prefrontal cortex (p=0.03), in the hippocampus (p=0.83) and amygdala (p=0.88) NT-3 protein levels did not alter. Finally, these findings further support the hypothesis that NT-3 could be involved in the effect of treatment with antipsychotic and antidepressant combination in mood disorders


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    Foram analisadas infusos de duas amostras de chá preto, uma amostra de orange pekoe tipo Assam, duas amostras de chá mate tostado, quatro amostras de erva-mate e uma amostra de café liofilizado, dissoluções à quente de uma amostra de leite em pó desnatado, uma amostra de leite em pó integral e uma amostra de alimento com proteína isolada de soja instantâneo. Estas amostras foram adquiridas em supermercados da Região Metropolitana de Curitiba; com a finalidade de verificar e comparar os teores de cálcio desses diferentes tipos de bebidas. Nas determinações foi utilizada metodologia oficial e todas as análises em triplicata. Os teores de cálcio obtidos foram analisados estatisticamente: as amostras de chá preto apresentaram o menor teor de cálcio que variou de 16,94 mg/100 mL até 24,84 mg/100 mL. As amostras de chámate tostado mostraram valores mais elevados, sendo que uma delas acusou 78,39 mg/100 mL, equivalendo aomesmo teor de cálcio de umleite empó. Quanto às amostras de erva-mate, amaioria comparase à quantidade de cálcio dos leites empó e do alimento comproteína isolada de soja instantâneo, onde uma destacou-se significativamente das demais com valor de 171,55 mg/100 mL, seguida apenas da amostra de café liofilizado que apresentou 141,68 mg/100 mL. CALCIUM ANALYSIS IN DIFFERENT DRINKS Abstract Two samples of black tea, a sample of orange pekoe variety Assam, two samples of toasted tea, four varieties of erva-mate, a freeze dried coffee sample were prepared by hot infusion, samples of skimmed powder milk and powder wholemilk and one instant isolated soy protein sample were prepared in hot water. These samples were purchased in markets in Curitiba to identify and analyze calcium content in comparison with Official methodologies were used and for all determinations three analyses were done. Black tea samples resulted minor calcium content (16.94 to 24.84 mg/ 100 mL). Toasted tea resulted major calcium amount with 78.39 mg/100 mL, similar to calcium amount of powder and soy milk. Erva-mate samples are comparable to calcium content in powder milk. Freeze dried coffee presented high calcium amount (141.68 mg/100 mL)

    An antiviral trap made of protein nanofibrils and iron oxyhydroxide nanoparticles

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    Minimizing the spread of viruses in the environment is the first defence line when fighting outbreaks and pandemics, but the current COVID-19 pandemic demonstrates how difficult this is on a global scale, particularly in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way. Here we introduce and develop a sustainable and biodegradable antiviral filtration membrane composed of amyloid nanofibrils made from food-grade milk proteins and iron oxyhydroxide nanoparticles synthesized in situ from iron salts by simple pH tuning. Thus, all the membrane components are made of environmentally friendly, non-toxic and widely available materials. The membrane has outstanding efficacy against a broad range of viruses, which include enveloped, non-enveloped, airborne and waterborne viruses, such as SARS-CoV-2, H1N1 (the influenza A virus strain responsible for the swine flu pandemic in 2009) and enterovirus 71 (a non-enveloped virus resistant to harsh conditions, such as highly acidic pH), which highlights a possible role in fighting the current and future viral outbreaks and pandemics


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    CHEMICAL CARACTERIZATION OF AGARICUS BLASEI MURRIL MUSHROOM The mushroom is important by propertieds nutritional and functional. It was determined the chemical composition of drought sample of mushroom blasei Murril, from Pilar city, São Paulo, in agreement with Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) methodology. The results in drought base were compared with dates obtained from producers and literature. The Agaricus blasei Murril presented high tenor of protein (31,34%), Fe (6,03 mg/100g), Zn (10,58 mg/100g), Cu (4,23 mg/100g), K (2,16 g/100g) and P (0,56 g/100g), Both with very organic importance, and considered essentials nutrients to human health. It presented high nourishing fiber tenor (20,59%), responsible for benefit effects, such as reduction of blood cholesterol and reduction of blood glucose. The high tenors of protein and nourishing fiber found, can justify their inclusion in our nourishment. Keywords: Quality Control, Sum Mushroom, Dietary Fiber.Os cogumelos comestíveis apresentam importantes propriedades nutricionais e funcionais. O Agaricus blasei Murril, oriundo da cidade de Pilar, São Paulo, tem despertado estudos nas diversas áreas, sendo importante a determinação de sua composição química na forma mais comercializada, desidratada, e de acordo com metodologia da Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC). Os resultados em base seca foram comparados com dados obtidos junto a produtores e na literatura. O Agaricus blasei Murril apresentou alto teor de proteína (31,34%), Fe (6,03 mg/100g), zinco (10,58 mg/100g), cobre (4,23 mg/100g), potássio (2,16 g/100g) e fósforo (0,56 g/100g), todos de grande importância orgânica, sendo considerados nutrientes essenciais para a saúde humana. Apresentou ainda alto teor de fibras alimentares (20,59%), responsáveis pela promoção de efeitos fisiológicos benéficos, tais como laxação e/ou atenuação do colesterol sangüíneo e/ou atenuação da glicose sangüínea. Os altos valores de proteínas e fibras alimentares encontrados, por si só, já seriam um subsídio para justificar sua inclusão na dieta alimentar. Palavras-chave: Controle de Qualidade; Cogumelo do Sol; Fibra Alimentar

    The Cytoplasmic Location of Chicken Mx Is Not the Determining Factor for Its Lack of Antiviral Activity

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    Chicken Mx belongs to the Mx family of interferon-induced dynamin-like GTPases, which in some species possess potent antiviral properties. Conflicting data exist for the antiviral capability of chicken Mx. Reports of anti-influenza activity of alleles encoding an Asn631 polymorphism have not been supported by subsequent studies. The normal cytoplasmic localisation of chicken Mx may influence its antiviral capacity. Here we report further studies to determine the antiviral potential of chicken Mx against Newcastle disease virus (NDV), an economically important cytoplasmic RNA virus of chickens, and Thogoto virus, an orthomyxovirus known to be exquisitely sensitive to the cytoplasmic MxA protein from humans. We also report the consequences of re-locating chicken Mx to the nucleus.Chicken Mx was tested in virus infection assays using NDV. Neither the Asn631 nor Ser631 Mx alleles (when transfected into 293T cells) showed inhibition of virus-directed gene expression when the cells were subsequently infected with NDV. Human MxA however did show significant inhibition of NDV-directed gene expression. Chicken Mx failed to inhibit a Thogoto virus (THOV) minireplicon system in which the cytoplasmic human MxA protein showed potent and specific inhibition. Relocalisation of chicken Mx to the nucleus was achieved by inserting the Simian Virus 40 large T antigen nuclear localisation sequence (SV40 NLS) at the N-terminus of chicken Mx. Nuclear re-localised chicken Mx did not inhibit influenza (A/PR/8/34) gene expression during virus infection in cell culture or influenza polymerase activity in A/PR/8/34 or A/Turkey/50-92/91 minireplicon systems.The chicken Mx protein (Asn631) lacks inhibitory effects against THOV and NDV, and is unable to suppress influenza replication when artificially re-localised to the cell nucleus. Thus, the natural cytoplasmic localisation of the chicken Mx protein does not account for its lack of antiviral activity

    Influenza A viruses alter the stability and antiviral contribution of host E3-ubiquitin ligase Mdm2 during the time-course of infection

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    International audienceThe interplay between influenza A viruses (IAV) and the p53 pathway has been reported in several studies, highlighting the antiviral contribution of p53. Here, we investigated the impact of IAV on the E3-ubiquitin ligase Mdm2, a major regulator of p53, and observed that IAV targets Mdm2, notably via its non-structural protein (NS1), therefore altering Mdm2 stability, p53/Mdm2 interaction and regulatory loop during the time-course of infection. This study also highlights a new antiviral facet of Mdm2 possibly increasing the list of its many p53-independent functions. Altogether, our work contributes to better understand the mechanisms underlining the complex interactions between IAV and the p53 pathway, for which both NS1 and Mdm2 arise as key players

    Exogenous IFN-alpha Administration Reduces Influenza A Virus Replication in the Lower Respiratory Tract of Rhesus Macaques

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    To determine the role of innate immune responses in controlling influenza A virus replication, rhesus macaques (RM) were administered pegylated IFN-alpha prior to virus challenge. Systemic and mucosal pegylated IFN-alpha administration induced expression of the interferon-stimulated genes (ISG) MxA and OAS in the airways. RM treated with IFN-alpha 24 hours prior to influenza virus challenge had significantly lower peak vRNA levels in the trachea compared to untreated animals. In addition to blunting viral replication, IFN-alpha treatment minimized the weight loss and spike in body temperature after influenza infection of RM. These results confirm the importance of IFN-alpha induced innate immune responses in the rapid control of influenza A virus replication in primates

    Ribavirin Enhances IFN-α Signalling and MxA Expression: A Novel Immune Modulation Mechanism during Treatment of HCV

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    The nucleoside analogue Ribavirin significantly increases patient response to IFN-α treatment of HCV, by directly inhibiting viral replication. Recent studies indicate that Ribavirin also regulates immunity and we propose that Ribavirin enhances specific interferon sensitive gene (ISG) expression by amplifying the IFN-α-JAK/STAT pathway. We found that IFN-α-induced STAT1 and STAT3 phosphorylation was increased in hepatocytes co-treated with Ribavirin and IFN-α, compared to IFN-α alone. Ribavirin specifically enhanced IFN-α induced mRNA and protein of the anti-viral mediator MxA, which co-localised with HCV core protein. These novel findings indicate for the first time that Ribavirin, in addition to its viral incorporation, also enhances IFN-α-JAK/STAT signalling, leading to a novel MxA-mediated immuno-modulatory mechanism that may enhance IFN-α anti-viral activity against HCV