233 research outputs found

    Analysis of Radiation-induced Cross Domain Errors in TMR Architectures on SRAM-based FPGAs

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    SRAM-Based FPGAs represent a low-cost alternative to ASIC device thanks to their high performance and design flexibility. In particular, for aerospace and avionics application fields, SRAM-based FPGAs are increasingly adopted for their configurability features making them a viable solution for long-time applications. However, these fields are characterized by a radiation environment that makes the technology extremely sensitive to radiation-induced Single Event Upsets (SEUs) in the SRAM-based FPGA’s configuration memory. Configuration scrubbing and Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) have been widely adopted in order to cope with SEU effects. However, modern FPGA devices are characterized by a heterogeneous routing resource distribution and a complex configuration memory mapping causing an increasing sensitivity to Cross Domain Errors affecting the TMR structure. In this paper we developed a new methodology to calculate the reliability of TMR architecture considering the intrinsic characteristics of the new generation of SRAM-based FPGAs. The method includes the analysis of the configuration bit sharing phenomena and of the routing long lines. We experimentally evaluate the method of various benchmark circuits evaluating the Mean Upset To Failure (MUTF). Finally, we used the results of the developed method to implement an improved design achieving 29x improvement of the MUTF

    Effective Characterization of Radiation-induced SET on Flash-based FPGAs

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    Single Event Transients (SETs) are one of the major concern for Flash-based Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). In this paper, we propose a new analysis to characterize the SET phenomena within Flash-based FPGAs

    Digital Design Techniques for Dependable High Performance Computing

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    As today’s process technologies continuously scale down, circuits become increasingly more vulnerable to radiation-induced soft errors in nanoscale VLSI technologies. The reduction of node capacitance and supply voltages coupled with increasingly denser chips are raising soft error rates and making them an important design issue. This research work is focused on the development of design techniques for high-reliability modern VLSI technologies, focusing mainly on Radiation-induced Single Event Transient. In this work, we evaluate the complete life-cycle of the SET pulse from the generation to the mitigation. A new simulation tool, Rad-Ray, has been developed to simulate and model the passage of heavy ion into the silicon matter of modern Integrated Circuit and predict the transient voltage pulse taking into account the physical description of the design. An analysis and mitigation tool has been developed to evaluate the propagation of the predicted SET pulses within the circuit and apply a selective mitigation technique to the sensitive nodes of the circuit. The analysis and mitigation tools have been applied to many industrial projects as well as the EUCLID space mission project, including more than ten modules. The obtained results demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed tools

    Gene expression reliability estimation through cluster-based analysis

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    Gene expression is the fundamental control of the structure and functions of the cellular versatility and adaptability of any organisms. The measurement of gene expressions is performed on images generated by optical inspection of microarray devices which allow the simultaneous analysis of thousands of genes. The images produced by these devices are used to calculate the expression levels of mRNA in order to draw diagnostic information related to human disease. The quality measures are mandatory in genes classification and in the decision-making diagnostic. However, microarrays are characterized by imperfections due to sample contaminations, scratches, precipitation or imperfect gridding and spot detection. The automatic and efficient quality measurement of microarray is needed in order to discriminate faulty gene expression levels. In this paper we present a new method for estimate the quality degree and the data's reliability of a microarray analysis. The efficiency of the proposed approach in terms of genes expression classification has been demonstrated through a clustering supervised analysis performed on a set of three different histological samples related to the Lymphoma's cancer diseas

    A graph-based representation of Gene Expression profiles in DNA microarrays

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    This paper proposes a new and very flexible data model, called gene expression graph (GEG), for genes expression analysis and classification. Three features differentiate GEGs from other available microarray data representation structures: (i) the memory occupation of a GEG is independent of the number of samples used to built it; (ii) a GEG more clearly expresses relationships among expressed and non expressed genes in both healthy and diseased tissues experiments; (iii) GEGs allow to easily implement very efficient classifiers. The paper also presents a simple classifier for sample-based classification to show the flexibility and user-friendliness of the proposed data structur

    Differential gene expression graphs: A data structure for classification in DNA microarrays

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    This paper proposes an innovative data structure to be used as a backbone in designing microarray phenotype sample classifiers. The data structure is based on graphs and it is built from a differential analysis of the expression levels of healthy and diseased tissue samples in a microarray dataset. The proposed data structure is built in such a way that, by construction, it shows a number of properties that are perfectly suited to address several problems like feature extraction, clustering, and classificatio

    On the Mitigation of Single Event Transients on Flash-based FPGAs

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    Thanks to the immunity against Single Event Upsets in configuration memory, Flash-based FPGA is becoming widely adopted in mission- and safety-critical applications, such as in aerospace field. However, the decreasing of device feature size leads to an increasing of the device sensitivity regarding Single Event Transients (SETs). In this paper, we developed a new workflow to evaluate SET phenomena in a specific convergence case and introduce a new mitigation of SET pulse without introducing any performance penalization to the original netlist

    A Radiation-Hardened CMOS Full-Adder Based on Layout Selective Transistor Duplication

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    Single event transients (SETs) have become increasingly problematic for modern CMOS circuits due to the continuous scaling of feature sizes and higher operating frequencies. Especially when involving safety-critical or radiation-exposed applications, the circuits must be designed using hardening techniques. In this brief, we present a new radiation-hardened-by-design full-adder cell on 45-nm technology. The proposed design is hardened against transient errors by selective duplication of sensitive transistors based on a comprehensive radiationsensitivity analysis. Experimental results show a 62% reduction in the SET sensitivity of the proposed design with respect to the unhardened one. Moreover, the proposed hardening technique leads to improvement in performance and power overhead and zero area overhead with respect to the state-of-the-art techniques applied to the unhardened full-adder cell
