26 research outputs found

    Utjecaj latentnih motoričkih sposobnosti na uspjeh u judo borbi

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    The aim was to determine both the magnitude and the direction of the relations among certain motor abilities and performance in judo bouts performed in a standing position. Therefore, a sample of 122 of Zagreb’s Faculty of Kinesiology sophomores was tested. A battery of 15 motor tests was used and these were the predictor variables. The sample of criterion variables consisted of two performance indicators: the number of victories and technical efficacy points. The investigation was aimed at verifying the hypothesis that performance and final success (victory) in judo standing position bouts strongly depends on the motor features of the contestants involved. Regression and factor analyses were used. The obtained results indicate that there is a relationship between the latent motor variables and both criteria evaluating performance in standing position bouts - the number of victories and technical efficacy points.Uvod i cilj istraživanja Neprestano mijenjanje situacija, njihova dinamičnost, tijekom borbe od boraca traži dobru usvojenost tehničko-taktičkih stereotipa koje primjenjuju, sposobnost trenutačne reorganizacije tih sterotipa te stalno stvaranje novih obrambenih, napadačkih i protunapadačkih programa djelovanja. Činjenica da se tehnika juda u borbi primjenjuje uz konstantan protivnikov otpor te da svaka natjecateljska borba traje pet minuta, govori o velikoj energetskoj potrošnji judaša. Ako veličina energetske potrošnje judaša ovisi o trajanju i intenzitetu rada, karakteru tog rada te količini angažirane muskulature, onda judaš obavlja na natjecanju i treningu izuzetno težak rad praćen visokim stupnjem psihičkog naprezanja. Budući da prema pravilima natjecanja postoje i mogućnosti brzog završetka, u borbi se odvija pravi psihološki rat zbog kojega je potrošnja energije još i veća. Na uspjeh u judaškoj borbi, odnosno općenito u judu, utječu manje ili više sve ili gotovo sve čovjekove dimenzije, pa ih je sa znanstvenog aspekta potrebno ne samo utvrditi, već i ukazati na veličinu i smjer njihove povezanosti s uspjehom. Globalni je cilj ovog istraživanja utvrđivanje veličine i smjera relacija nekih motoričkih varijabli s uspjehom u borbi u stojećem stavu u judu. Metode rada Uzorak ispitanika definiran je kao skup redovnih studenata Kineziološkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 122 ispitanika muškog spola, Za procjenu motoričkih sposobnosti ispitanika u ovom istraživanju izabrano je 15 motoričkih testova koji najbolje definiraju latentne dimenzije koordinacije, repetitivne snage (snažne izdržljivosti ili izdržljivosti u snazi), eksplozivne snage, brzine i fleksibilnosti. Uspjeh u borbi u stojećem stavu definiran je dvjema kriterijskim varijablama: broj pobjeda i tehničke efikasnost. Prema prvom kriteriju izračunat je broj sveukupnih pobjeda iz pet borbi, a prema drugom kriteriju sumirana je tehnička efikasnost u borbama temeljem bodova dodijeljenih (i pobjedniku i poraženomu) za izvedene akcije. Sve prediktorske i kriterijske varijable bile su podvrgnute standardnim deskriptivnim postupcima za određivanje njihovih osnovnih statističkih parametara. Izračunate su: aritmetičke sredine (Mean), standardne devijacije (SD), najniži (MIN) i najviši (MAX) rezultati te koeficijenti asimetričnosti (skewness) i spljoštenosti (kurtosis) distribucije rezultata. Latentni prostor određen je faktorskom analizom pod modelom glavnih komponenata (Hotellingova metoda). Relacije između manifestnih i latentnih motoričkih varijabli s uspjehom u borbi u stojećam stavu utvrđene su regresijskom analizom. Rezultati Analiza deskriptivnih statističkih parametara varijabli za procjenu motoričkih sposobnosti otkriva da su motoričke varijable normalno distribuirane, osim varijable čučnjevi s teretom (MRLPCT). Hotelingovom metodom glavnih komponenata, a prema G-K kriteriju, ekstrahirano je 5 značajnih glavnih komponenata matrice korelacija motoričkih mjera. Temeljem glavnih komponenatai definirano je 5 statistički značajnih faktora Definirani i imenovani su na sljedeći način: prvi faktor je nazvan relativna snaga, drugi oblimin faktor diferencira osobe prema načinu i tipu očitovanja snage, apsolutne eksplozivne i relativne repetitivne, pa ga se za potrebe interpretacije može nazvati topološki faktor. Treći izolirani faktor može se bez većih poteškoća interpretirati kao fleksibilnost, dok je četvrti faktor interpretiran kao apsolutna repetitivna snaga, a peti kao sposobnost izvođenja složenih motoričkih zadataka brzinsko-eksplozivnog tipa. Regresijskom analizom obrađen je utjecaj prediktorskog skupa na kriterij uspjeha u borbi u stojećem stavu definiranog brojem pobjeda (BRPOBJ), pri čemu je prediktorski skup činilo pet izoliranih faktora latentnih motoričkih dimenzija definiranih kao: relativna snaga, topološki faktor, fleksibilnost, apsolutna repetitivna snaga i sposobnost izvođenja složenih motoričkih zadataka brzinsko-eksplozivnog tipa. Između latentnih motoričkih dimenzija te uspjeha u borbama u stojećem stavu definiranog brojem pobjeda ostvarena je statistički značajna povezanost na razini od .01. Multipla korelacija iznosi .38, što objašnjava oko 14% ukupne varijance kriterija uspjeha u borbi u stojećem stavu definiranog brojem pobjeda. Pojedinačni pozitivan, statistički značajan doprinos objašnjenju varijance kriterija uspjeha u borbi u stojećem stavu definiranog kao broj pobjeda ostvaruju faktori imenovani kao fleksibilnost i sposobnost izvođenja složenih motoričkih zadataka brzinsko-eksplozivnog tipa. Regresijskom analizom definiran je utjecaj prediktorskog skupa izoliranih latentnih motoričkih dimenzija na kriterij za procjenu tehničke efikasnosti u borbi u stojećem stavu prema kriteriju maksimalna vrijednost bodovane akcije (BMAXB). Iz tablice je vidljivo kako je ostvarena statistički značajna povezanost prediktorskog skupa i uspjeha u judo borbi u stojećem stavu definiranog tehničkom efikasnošću prema kriteriju maksimalna vrijednost bodovane akcije i to na razini od .01. Dobivenom multiplom korelacijom od .40 objašnjeno je oko 16% ukupne varijance za procjenu tehničke efikasnosti u borbi u stojećem stavu definirane prema kriteriju maksimalna vrijednost bodovane akcije. Pojedinačni, statistički značajan doprinos objašnjenju varijance kriterija definiranog tehničkom efikasnošću prema kriteriju maksimalna vrijednost bodovane akcije ostvaruju faktori imenovani fleksibilnost, čiji parcijalni koeficijent iznosi .25, i sposobnost izvođenja složenih motoričkih zadataka brzinsko-eksplozivnog tipa, čiji parcijalni koeficijent iznosi .21. Rasprava i zaključak Statistički značajna povezanost motoričkih varijabli s kriterijima uspjeha u borbi u stojećem stavu ostvarena je u latentnom prostoru. Povezanost latentnih motoričkih dimenzija s uspjehom u borbi utvrđena je regresijskom analizom dva kriterija uspješnosti u borbi (broj pobjeda, tehnička efikasnost). Koeficijenti multiple korelacije statistički su značajni, a razine su gotovo identične (broj pobjeda - R=.38, maksimalna vrijednost bodovane akcije - R=.40), čime se objašnjava prosječno 15% varijance uspješnosti u borbi. Statistički značajan pojedinačni doprinos objašnjenju varijanci uspješnosti u borbi prema oba kriterija od pet izoliranih dimenzija imaju samo dvije, fleksibilnost i sposobnost izvođenja složenih motoričkih zadataka brzinsko-eksplozivnog tipa. Utjecaj faktora fleksibilnosti na uspješnost u borbi objašnjava se zahtjevom da natjecatelj, i u napadu i u obrani, pri izvođenju tehničkih elemenata, izvodi pokrete velikih amplituda bez prevelike krutosti mišića. Utjecaj faktora interpretiranoga kao sposobnost izvođenja složenih motoričkih zadataka brzinsko-eksplozinog tipa, koji definiraju prvenstveno koordinacijski testovi, na uspješnost u borbi tumači se zahtjevom da se specifična složena gibanja u borbi izvode brzo. Drugim riječima, kvalitetno tehničko djelovanje natjecatelja u borbi, zbog složenosti judaške tehnike, nije moguće bez sposobnosti definirane tim faktorom koji je u biti po svojoj prirodi izrazito koordinacijski

    A study of the difficulties involved in introducing young children to judo techniques: a proposed teaching programme

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    Background: The study seeks to analyze the difficulty of implementing the fifteen techniques that make up the program of 1(st) Dan Black Belt in the Spanish context. The objective is to establish a sequential order, depending on the level of difficulty, allowing us to draw up a teaching program more consistent with the initiation process at early ages.Material/Methods: The sample consisted of 911 teachers whose level of experience was at least 1st Dan black belt. The instrument consists of six items and was developed to facilitate the implementation of the basic actions of pulling and pushing in terms of the direction of the technique and control of the fall, the level of difficulty in its application, the facility to adjust the technical action in relation to space and time, and level of intersegmental coordination in the implementation of each of the techniques. The study used factor analysis, descriptive and inferential variables with SPSS software. 12.0.Results: The results show that the level of difficulty in the implementation and adaptation of technology to space-time parameters are more difficult at these ages. De Ashi Harai or Okuri Ashi Harai pose an additional difficulty by introducing the element of precision.Conclusions: We suggest making a new proposal for a methodology of teaching with the aim of encouraging learning and bringing the environment closer to the sport of judo. Progress should be based on actions and techniques that facilitate the throwing of the companion, based on safety in the performance and the balance of the judoists.“Young Researcher 39 ½” Grant funded by the Archives of Bud

    Anthropometrical profile of elite Spanish judoka: comparative analysis among ages

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    Background and Study Aim: Judo athletes usually try to maximize muscle mass and to minimize adiposity in each weight category, but few studies focused on comparisons of different age categories and little is known about sexual dimorphism among judo athletes. The aim of the study was to compare anthropometrical variables in male and female judoka from Spanish National Teams.Material and Methods: Eighty-seven national level Spanish judoka from all seven weight categories took part in this study: females (n = 46) – cadet (n = 16), junior (n = 12) and senior (n = 18); males (n = 44) – cadet (n = 18), junior (n = 15) and senior (n = 8). Body mass, height, skinfold thickness, circumferences and breadth anthropometric measurements were carried out. Somatotype components, body mass index, body fat and muscle mass were also estimated. A two way (gender and age groups) analysis of variance and Tukey test were used to compare groups.Results: (1) males were heavier, taller, had lower body fat and higher muscle mass absolute and relative values, circumferences and bone diameters, lower endomorphic and higher mesomorphic components than females; (2) for skinfold thickness males presented lower values in limbs’ sites than females, but no difference was found in trunk skinfold thicknesses; (3) few differences were found among age categories, with cadets presenting smaller flexed arm circumference and humerus epicondyle bone breadth compared to junior and seniors, and lower absolute muscle mass compared to seniors; (4) tendency for reducing sexual dimorphism in some anthropological dimensions and in endomorphic and mesomorphic components was observed across age categories.Conclusions: Morphologically high level cadet judo athletes are quite similar to older athletes and coaches can select them from these ages. These data can be used as reference to coaches and physical conditioning professionals.This research was supported in 2010 by the Consejo Superior de Deportes, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia [Higher Council of Sports, Ministry of Education and Culture] (reference 33/UPB10/10

    Rule change and Olympic judo scores, penalties and match duration

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    In judo, between 2009 and 2013, many changes were added, especially after London 2012 Olympics to promote “positive” actions/score instead of “negative” actions/penalties. This study compared the total match duration, frequency of scores (ippon, wazari, yuko) and penalties (shido) between Rio 2016 and London 2012 (before and after rules change), considering weight categories and competition phases. Data from 470 male athletes and 307 female athletes who disputed, respectively, 1022 and 698 matches in both Olympic Games were analysed. Three-way ANOVA was used to compare sexes, weight categories, Olympic Games edition, with Tukey test as post hoc. The association between Olympic Games edition and percentage of matches without any score was tested via Chi-square and Cramer’s – V effect size was used. Significance level was set at 5%. Eta squared (η2) was used as effect size. Results (Rio 2016 vs. London 2012) suggest in no change in ippon and wazari scores, while decreasing the number of yuko and increasing the number of penalties. Females scored more yuko and received less penalties than males. Females matches in Rio were shorter than matches for all other groups. For scores and penalties, no difference was found concerning weight categories, but half-heavyweight matches were shorter than lightweight ones

    Three-dimensional assessment of the judo throwing techniques frequently used in competition

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    Background and Study Aim: Although the judo throwing techniques are not considered as injurious to the attacker, repetition of these techniques might cause repetitive strain type injuries. The goal of the study was knowledge about the degrees of flexion and extension and abduction and adduction of the main locomotive joints, performing the most employed throwing techniques in high-level competition. Material and Methods: Two world-class judoists, under the supervision of an elite Japanese expert, performed seoi-nage, uchi-mata, osoto-gari, ouchi-gari and kouchi-gari. They were analysed using three-dimensional technology. Results: Data of performance throws obtained from expert 1 and 2 respectively were very similar. Results indicate that systematic repetition of seoi-nage, uchi-mata and o-soto-gari can produce shoulder tendon pathologies. Long-term seoi-nage and uchi-mata practice might generate epicondylitis. Judokas who have suffered anterior cruciate ligament injuries must be careful when executing techniques that demand explosive knee extension (i.e. seoi-nage) against a great resistance. Judokas are not exposed to overuse injuries when they perform ouchi-gari and kouchi-gari throws. Conclusions: Systematic practice of the most employed judo throwing techniques in high-level judo can cause injuries by overuse in the upper-body joints (shoulder, elbow). Nevertheless, the lower-body joints (knee, ankle) do not seem to be at risk of injury by overuse

    Anthropometrical profile of elite Spanish judoka: comparative analysis among ages

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    P. 240-245El objetivo del estudio fue comparar las variables antropométricas en judoka masculino y femenino de los equipos nacionales españoles. Material y métodos: Participaron en este estudio ochenta y siete judokas españoles de todas las categorías de peso: mujeres (n = 46) - cadete (n = 16), junior (n = 12) y senior (n = 18); varones (n = 44) - cadete (n = 18), junior (n = 15) y senior (n = 8). Se realizaron mediciones antropométricas de masa corporal, altura, grosor del pliegue cutáneo, circunferencias y amplitud. También se estimaron los componentes del somatotipo, el índice de masa corporal, la grasa corporal y la masa muscular. Se utilizaron un análisis de varianza de dos vías (género y edad) y la prueba de Tukey para comparar los grupos. Resultados: (1) los hombres eran más pesados, más altos, tenían menor grasa corporal y mayor masa muscular absoluta y valores relativos, circunferencias y diámetros óseos, endomorfos inferiores y componentes mesomorfos superiores que las mujeres; (2) para el grosor del pliegue cutáneo, los hombres presentaron valores más bajos en las extremidades que las mujeres, pero no se encontraron diferencias en el grosor del pliegue cutáneo del tronco; (3) se encontraron pocas diferencias entre las categorías de edad, con cadetes que presentaban menor circunferencia del brazo flexionado y amplitud ósea del húmero epicondilo en comparación con los juveniles junior y senior, y menor masa muscular absoluta en comparación con los seniors; (4) Se observó una tendencia a reducir el dimorfismo sexual en algunas dimensiones antropológicas y en los componentes endomórficos y mesomórficos en todas las categorías de edad. Conclusiones: los atletas de judo de cadetes de nivel morfológicamente alto son muy similares a los atletas de mayor edad y los entrenadores pueden seleccionarlos a partir de estas edades. Estos datos pueden utilizarse como referencia para entrenadores y profesionales del acondicionamiento físicoS

    Three-dimensional assessment of the judo throwing techniques frequently used in competition

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    P. 107-115Antecedentes y objetivo del estudio: aunque las técnicas de lanzamiento de judo no se consideran perjudiciales para el atacante, la repetición de estas técnicas podría causar lesiones de tipo de esfuerzo repetitivo. El objetivo del estudio fue conocer los grados de flexión y extensión, y de abducción y aducción de las articulaciones locomotoras principales, realizando las técnicas de lanzamiento más empleadas en la competencia de alto nivel. Material y métodos: Dos judokas de clase mundial, bajo la supervisión de un experto japonés de élite, realizaron seoi-nage, uchi-mata, osoto-gari, ouchi-gari y kouchi-gari. Fueron analizados utilizando tecnología tridimensional. Resultados: Los datos de los tiros de rendimiento obtenidos de los expertos 1 y 2 respectivamente fueron muy similares. Los resultados indican que la repetición sistemática de seoi-nage, uchi-mata y o-soto-gari puede producir patologías en los tendones del hombro. La práctica a largo plazo de seoi-nage y uchi-mata puede generar epicondilitis. Los judokas que han sufrido lesiones en el ligamento cruzado anterior deben tener cuidado al ejecutar técnicas que exijan una extensión de rodilla explosiva (es decir, seoi-nage) contra una gran resistencia. Los judokas no están expuestos a lesiones por uso excesivo cuando realizan lanzamientos de ouchi-gari y kouchi-gari. Conclusiones: la práctica sistemática de las técnicas de lanzamiento de judo más empleadas en el judo de alto nivel puede causar lesiones por el uso excesivo en las articulaciones de la parte superior del cuerpo (hombro, codo). Sin embargo, las articulaciones de la parte inferior del cuerpo (rodilla, tobillo) no parecen correr el riesgo de lesionarse por el uso excesivoS

    The need of a weight management control program in judo: a proposal based on the successful case of wrestling

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    Judo competitions are divided into weight classes. However, most athletes reduce their body weight in a few days before competition in order to obtain a competitive advantage over lighter opponents. To achieve fast weight reduction, athletes use a number of aggressive nutritional strategies so many of them place themselves at a high health-injury risk. In collegiate wrestling, a similar problem has been observed and three wrestlers died in 1997 due to rapid weight loss regimes. After these deaths, the National Collegiate Athletic Association had implemented a successful weight management program which was proven to improve weight management behavior. No similar program has ever been discussed by judo federations even though judo competitors present a comparable inappropriate pattern of weight control. In view of this, the basis for a weight control program is provided in this manuscript, as follows: competition should begin within 1 hour after weigh-in, at the latest; each athlete is allowed to be weighed-in only once; rapid weight loss as well as artificial rehydration (i.e., saline infusion) methods are prohibited during the entire competition day; athletes should pass the hydration test to get their weigh-in validated; an individual minimum competitive weight (male athletes competing at no less than 7% and females at no less than 12% of body fat) should be determined at the beginning of each season; athletes are not allowed to compete in any weight class that requires weight reductions greater than 1.5% of body weight per week. In parallel, educational programs should aim at increasing the athletes', coaches' and parents' awareness about the risks of aggressive nutritional strategies as well as healthier ways to properly manage body weight.The authors would like to thank FAPESP (#06/51293-4 and #09/02896-6) and CNPq (#1428 10/2009-6) for the financial support.The authors would like to thank FAPESP (#06/512934 and #09/028966) and CNPq (#1428 10/20096) for the financial support

    Testing motor fitness in karate

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    Background and Study Aim: Evaluation of sport skills test can be very useful tool for coach practice. The aim of the present paper was: (a) to evaluate the reliability and accuracy of the Specific Physical Fitness Tests (SPFT) (b) to review the results of karate athletes who represent different weight categories, and who are at different stages of schooling; (c) to establish grading criteria of physical fitness preparation. Material/Methods: The reseach was conducted among 219 Kyokushin karate players, whose profiles were presented as (chi) over bar +/- SD and their main characteristics were the following: age 26.8 +/- 4.67 (19-39) years, body mass 75.2 +/- 8.35 (50-97) kg and body height 176.4 +/- 5.67 (160-196) cm. The value of the BMI amounted to 24.1 +/- 2.17 (17.9-29.4) kg/m(2). All the subjects of the research had training experience of 10.5 +/- 3.71 (4-20) years and their degree of proficiency ranged from 4(th) kyu to 3(rd) dan. The physical fitness trials proposed by Story (1989) included: hip turning speed, speed punches, flexibility, rapid kicks, agility, and evasion actions. It was supplemented by a test of local strength endurance, composing a battery of the SPFT, which was implemented by first of the authors between 1991 and 2006. Results: SPFT is characterized by high reliability and it can be used to diagnose the physical fitness preparation and monitor the individual results of training. It discriminates accurately competitors with different sports level and it is characterized by very high accuracy, it is correlated with the test results of motor general physical fitness abilities and coordination abilities as well as it is connected with the somatic build of the athlete. The performance classification table was developed on the basis of our research. Discussion: Results obtained in SPFT were shortly discussed. Conclusions: The collected results of our research allowed us to come to, the conclusion: The table can be applied not only to assess karate fighters, but also adepts in taekwondo, kick-boxing, ju-jitsu, hapkido or other mixed martial arts