61 research outputs found

    16 years of Ulysses Interstellar Dust Measurements in the Solar System: II. Fluctuations in the Dust Flow from the Data

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    The Ulysses spacecraft provided the first opportunity to identify and study Interstellar Dust (ISD) in-situ in the Solar System between 1992 and 2007. Here we present the first comprehensive analysis of the ISD component in the entire Ulysses dust data set. We analysed several parameters of the ISD flow in a time-resolved fashion: flux, flow direction, mass index, and flow width. The general picture is in agreement with a time-dependent focussing/defocussing of the charged dust particles due to long-term variations of the solar magnetic field throughout a solar magnetic cycle of 22 years. In addition, we confirm a shift in dust direction of 50∘±7∘50^{\circ} \pm 7^{\circ} in 2005, along with a steep, size-dependent increase in flux by a factor of 4 within 8 months. To date, this is difficult to interpret and has to be examined in more detail by new dynamical simulations. This work is part of a series of three papers. This paper concentrates on the time-dependent flux and direction of the ISD. In a companion paper (Kr\"uger et al., 2015) we analyse the overall mass distribution of the ISD measured by Ulysses, and a third paper discusses the results of modelling the flow of the ISD as seen by Ulysses (Sterken et al., 2015).Comment: 41 pages, 10 figures, 5 table

    Die Dispersion des Interstellaren Staubs im Sonnensystem

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    The space between the stars is filled with gas and interstellar dust (ISD) which has been observed by astronomical methods as well as by in-situ measurements of spacecraft in the solar system. Many questions on the composition, morphology and size distribution of ISD still exist today which require more and improved measurements. Modeling and understanding of the ISD flow through the solar system is needed to interpret these observations. Also, the modelling is necessary for designing and optimizing future ISD missions. The work in this thesis follows the ISD flow through the solar system taking into account solar gravity, solar radiation pressure force and Lorentz force resulting from the motion of the charged grains through the interplanetary magnetic field. The influence of these forces on the trajectories, densities and fluxes were systematically studied by simulating dust trajectories over a large range of grain properties. Also the ISD size distribution in the solar system varies strongly with grain properties, location in the solar system and time in the solar cycle. These modified size distributions are discussed for a fixed position along the ISD flow axis and for moving objects like Saturn, Jupiter and the main-belt asteroid Ceres. Implications for specific missions (Cassini, JUICE and Stardust) are studied too. The ISD flux predicted for Cassini at Saturn reveals that between 2010 and 2017 the flux of different smaller sizes of the grains is maximum at different times. For the JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (JUICE), the simulations showed that there is an optimum opportunity for ISD observations just before and at arrival of the spacecraft at Jupiter in 2030. Finally, the simulation results for the Stardust sample return mission were compared to the preliminary findings (ISD samples) of the Stardust Team. The observations cannot be taken as a proof, but are compatible with an interstellar origin of the ISD candidates.Der Raum zwischen den Sternen enthaelt Gas und interstellarem Staub (IS), die mit astronomischen Methoden, sowie durch in-situ Messungen von Raumsonden im Sonnensystem beobachtet werden. Jedoch existieren noch viele Fragen ueber die Zusammensetzung, die Morphologie und Groessenverteilung des IS, welche mehr und verbesserte Messungen erforderen. Um diese Beobachtungen zu interpretieren wird ein besseres Verstaendnis des IS-Flusses durch das Sonnensystem benoetigt. Auch ist die Modellierung fuer die Gestaltung und Optimierung zukuenftiger Missionen mit IS Messungen notwendig. Diese Arbeit modelliert den Fluss des IS durch das Sonnensystem unter Beruecksichtigung der Gravitation und des Strahlungsdrucks der Sonne und der Lorentz-Kraft, die aus der Bewegung der geladenen Koerner im interplanetaren Magnetfeld resultiert. Der Einfluss dieser Kraefte auf die Bahnen, Dichten und Fluesse wurde systematisch durch Simulation von Staubtrajektorien ueber einen grossen Bereich von IS-Eigenschaften untersucht. Auch die IS-Groessenverteilung im Sonnensystem haengt stark von den Staubeigenschaften, der Position im Sonnensystem und der Zeit im solaren Zyklus ab. Solche modifizierten Groessenverteilungen werden fuer feste Positionen entlang der IS Stroemungsachse und fuer sich bewegende Objekte wie Saturn, Jupiter und den Main-Asteroid Ceres diskutiert. Die Auswirkungen fuer die spezifischen Missionen Cassini, JUICE und Stardust werden untersucht. Die Vorhersage des IS-Fusses fuer Cassini zeigt, dass zwischen 2010 und 2017 der Fluss fuer kleine Teilchen maximal ist. Fuer JUICE zeigen die Simulationen, dass es eine optimale Gelegenheit fuer IS Beobachtungen im Jahr 2030 gibt. Schliesslich werden die Simulationensergebnisse fuer die Stardust Mission mit den vorlaeufigen Ergebnissen (IS Proben) des Stardust Teams verglichen. Die Beobachtungen koennen zwar nicht als Beweis erachtet werden, sind aber durchaus kompatibel mit einem interstellaren Ursprung der IS Kandidaten

    Interstellar Dust in the Solar System: Model versus In-Situ Spacecraft Data

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    In the early 1990s, contemporary interstellar dust penetrating deep into the heliosphere was identified with the in-situ dust detector on board the Ulysses spacecraft. Later on, interstellar dust was also identified in the data sets measured with dust instruments on board Galileo, Cassini and Helios. Ulysses monitored the interstellar dust stream at high ecliptic latitudes for about 16 years. The three other spacecraft data sets were obtained in the ecliptic plane and cover much shorter time intervals.We compare in-situ interstellar dust measurements obtained with these four spacecrafts, published in the literature, with predictions of a state-of-the-art model for the dynamics of interstellar dust in the inner solar system (Interplanetary Meteoroid environment for EXploration, IMEX), in order to test the reliability of the model predictions. Micrometer and sub-micrometer sized dust particles are subject to solar gravity and radiation pressure as well as to the Lorentz force on a charged dust particle moving through the Interplanetary Magnetic Field. The IMEX model was calibrated with the Ulysses interstellar dust measurements and includes these relevant forces. We study the time-resolved flux and mass distribution of interstellar dust in the solar system. The IMEX model agrees with the spacecraft measurements within a factor of 2 to 3, also for time intervals and spatial regions not covered by the original model calibration with the Ulysses data set. It usually underestimates the dust fluxes measured by the space missions which were not used for the model calibration, i.e. Galileo, Cassini and Helios. IMEX is a unique time-dependent model for the prediction of interstellar dust fluxes and mass distributions for the inner and outer solar system. The model is suited to study dust detection conditions for past and future space missions.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Heliospheric modulation of the interstellar dust flow on to Earth

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    Aims. Based on measurements by the Ulysses spacecraft and high-resolution modelling of the motion of interstellar dust (ISD) through the heliosphere we predict the ISD flow in the inner planetary system and on to the Earth. This is the third paper in a series of three about the flow and filtering of the ISD. Methods. Micrometer- and sub-micrometer-sized dust particles are subject to solar gravity and radiation pressure as well as to interactions with the interplanetary magnetic field that result in a complex size-dependent flow pattern of ISD in the planetary system. With high-resolution dynamical modelling we study the time-resolved flux and mass distribution of ISD and the requirements for detection of ISD near the Earth. Results. Along the Earth orbit the density, speed, and flow direction of ISD depend strongly on the Earth's position and the size of the interstellar grains. A broad maximum of the ISD flux (2x10^{-4}/m^2/s of particles with radii >~0.3\mu m) occurs in March when the Earth moves against the ISD flow. During this time period the relative speed with respect to the Earth is highest (~60 km/s), whereas in September when the Earth moves with the ISD flow, both the flux and the speed are lowest (<~10 km/s). The mean ISD mass flow on to the Earth is ~100 kg/year with the highest flux of ~3.5kg/day occurring for about 2 weeks close to the end of the year when the Earth passes near the narrow gravitational focus region downstream from the Sun. The phase of the 22-year solar wind cycle has a strong effect on the number density and flow of sub-micrometer-sized ISD particles. During the years of maximum electromagnetic focussing (year 2031 +/- 3) there is a chance that ISD particles with sizes even below 0.1\mu m can reach the Earth. Conclusions. We demonstrate that ISD can be effectively detected, analysed, and collected by space probes at 1 AU distance from the Sun.Comment: 17 pages, 17 figure

    Reprocessed precise science orbits and gravity field recovery for the entire GOCE mission

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    ESA’s Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) orbited the Earth between 2009 and 2013 for the determination of the static part of Earth’s gravity field. The GPS-derived precise science orbits (PSOs) were operationally generated by the Astronomical Institute of the University of Bern (AIUB). Due to a significantly improved understanding of remaining artifacts after the end of the GOCE mission (especially in the GOCE gradiometry data), ESA initiated a reprocessing of the entire GOCE Level 1b data in 2018. In this framework, AIUB was commissioned to recompute the GOCE reduced-dynamic and kinematic PSOs. In this paper, we report on the employed precise orbit determination methods, with a focus on measures undertaken to mitigate ionosphere-induced artifacts in the kinematic orbits and thereof derived gravity field models. With respect to the PSOs computed during the operational phase of GOCE, the reprocessed PSOs show in average a 8–9% better consistency with GPS data, 31% smaller 3-dimensional reduced-dynamic orbit overlaps, an 8% better 3-dimensional consistency between reduced-dynamic and kinematic orbits, and a 3–7% reduction of satellite laser ranging residuals. In the second part of the paper, we present results from GPS-based gravity field determinations that highlight the strong benefit of the GOCE reprocessed kinematic PSOs. Due to the applied data weighting strategy, a substantially improved quality of gravity field coefficients between degree 10 and 40 is achieved, corresponding to a remarkable reduction of ionosphere-induced artifacts along the geomagnetic equator. For a static gravity field solution covering the entire mission period, geoid height differences with respect to a superior inter-satellite ranging solution are markedly reduced (43% in terms of global RMS, compared to previous GOCE GPS-based gravity fields). Furthermore, we demonstrate that the reprocessed GOCE PSOs allow to recover long-wavelength time-variable gravity field signals (up to degree 10), comparable to information derived from GPS data of dedicated satellite missions. To this end, it is essential to take into account the GOCE common-mode accelerometer data in the gravity field recovery

    Reprocessed precise science orbits and gravity field recovery for the entire GOCE mission.

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    ESA’s Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) orbited the Earth between 2009 and 2013 for the determination of the static part of Earth’s gravity field. The GPS-derived precise science orbits (PSOs) were operationally generated by the Astronomical Institute of the University of Bern (AIUB). Due to a significantly improved understanding of remaining artifacts after the end of the GOCE mission (especially in the GOCE gradiometry data), ESA initiated a reprocessing of the entire GOCE Level 1b data in 2018. In this framework, AIUB was commissioned to recompute the GOCE reduced-dynamic and kinematic PSOs. In this paper, we report on the employed precise orbit determination methods, with a focus on measures undertaken to mitigate ionosphere-induced artifacts in the kinematic orbits and thereof derived gravity field models. With respect to the PSOs computed during the operational phase of GOCE, the reprocessed PSOs show in average a 8–9% better consistency with GPS data, 31% smaller 3-dimensional reduced-dynamic orbit overlaps, an 8% better 3-dimensional consistency between reduced-dynamic and kinematic orbits, and a 3–7% reduction of satellite laser ranging residuals. In the second part of the paper, we present results from GPS-based gravity field determinations that highlight the strong benefit of the GOCE reprocessed kinematic PSOs. Due to the applied data weighting strategy, a substantially improved quality of gravity field coefficients between degree 10 and 40 is achieved, corresponding to a remarkable reduction of ionosphere-induced artifacts along the geomagnetic equator. For a static gravity field solution covering the entire mission period, geoid height differences with respect to a superior inter-satellite ranging solution are markedly reduced (43% in terms of global RMS, compared to previous GOCE GPS-based gravity fields). Furthermore, we demonstrate that the reprocessed GOCE PSOs allow to recover long-wavelength time-variable gravity field signals (up to degree 10), comparable to information derived from GPS data of dedicated satellite missions. To this end, it is essential to take into account the GOCE common-mode accelerometer data in the gravity field recovery

    Modelling DESTINY+ interplanetary and interstellar dust measurements en route to the active asteroid (3200) Phaethon

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    The JAXA/ISAS spacecraft DESTINY+^+ will be launched to the active asteroid (3200) Phaethon in 2022. Among the proposed core payload is the DESTINY+ Dust Analyzer (DDA) which is an upgrade of the Cosmic Dust Analyzer flown on the Cassini spacecraft to Saturn (Srama et al. 2011). We use two up-to-date computer models, the ESA Interplanetary Meteoroid Engineering Model (IMEM, Dikarev et al. 2005), and the interstellar dust module of the Interplanetary Meteoroid environment for EXploration model (IMEX; Sterken2013 et al., Strub et al. 2019) to study the detection conditions and fluences of interplanetary and interstellar dust with DDA. Our results show that a statistically significant number of interplanetary and interstellar dust particles will be detectable with DDA during the 4-years interplanetary cruise of DESTINY+. The particle impact direction and speed can be used to descriminate between interstellar and interplanetary particles and likely also to distinguish between cometary and asteroidal particles.Comment: 40 pages, 18 Figures, accepted for Planetary and Space Scienc

    Near-Earth Supernovae in the Past 10 Myr: Implications for the Heliosphere

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    We summarize evidence that multiple supernovae exploded within 100 pc of Earth in the past few Myr. These events had dramatic effects on the heliosphere, compressing it to within ~20 au. We advocate for cross-disciplinary research of nearby supernovae, including on interstellar dust and cosmic rays. We urge for support of theory work, direct exploration, and study of extrasolar astrospheres.Comment: White paper submitted to the Solar and Space Physics 2024 Decadal Surve

    Coordinated Microanalyses of Seven Particles of Probable Interstellar Origin from the Stardust Mission

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    Stardust, a NASA Discovery-class mission, was the first sample-return mission to return solid samples from beyond the Moon. Stardust was effectively two missions in one spacecraft: it returned the first materials from a known primitive solar system body, the Jupiter-family comet Wild 2; Stardust also returned a collector that was exposed to the contemporary interstellar dust stream for 200 days during the interplanetary cruise. Both collections present severe technical challenges in sample preparation and in analysis. By far the largest collection is the cometary one: approximately 300 micro g of material was returned from Wild 2, mostly consisting of approx. 1 ng particles embedded in aerogel or captured as residues in craters on aluminum foils. Because of their relatively large size, identification of the impacts of cometary particles in the collection media is straightforward. Reliable techniques have been developed for the extraction of these particles from aerogel. Coordinated analyses are also relatively straightforward, often beginning with synchrotron-based x-ray fluorescence (S-XRF), X-ray Absorption Near-Edge Spectoscopy (XANES) and x-ray diffraction (S-XRD) analyses of particles while still embedded in small extracted wedges of aerogel called ``keystones'', followed by ultramicrotomy and TEM, Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy (STXM) and ion microprobe analyses (e.g., Ogliore et al., 2010). Impacts in foils can be readily analyzed by SEM-EDX, and TEM analysis after FIB liftout sample preparation. In contrast, the interstellar dust collection is vastly more challenging. The sample size is approximately six orders of magnitude smaller in total mass. The largest particles are only a few pg in mass, of which there may be only approx.10 in the entire collection. The technical challenges, however, are matched by the scientific importance of the collection. We formed a consortium carry out the Stardust Interstellar Preliminary Examination (ISPE) to carry out an assessment of this collection, partly in order to characterize the collection in sufficient detail so that future investigators could make well-informed sample requests. The ISPE is the sixth PE on extraterrestrial collections carried out with NASA support. Some of the basic questions that we asked were: how many impacts are there in the collector, and what fraction of them have characteristics consistent with extraterrestrial materials? What is the elemental composition of the rock-forming elements? Is there crystalline material? Are there organics? Here we present coordinated microanalyses of particles captured in aerogel, using S-FTIR, S-XRF, STXM, S-XRD; and coordinated microanalyses of residues in aluminum foil, using SEMEDX, Auger spectroscopy, STEM, and ion microprobe. We discuss a novel approach that we employed for identification of tracks in aerogel, and new sample preparation techniques developed during the ISPE. We have identified seven particles - three in aerogel and four in foils - that are most consistent with an interstellar origin. The seven particles exhibit a large diversity in elemental composition. Dynamical evidence, supported supported by laboratory simulations of interstellar dust impacts in aerogel and foils, and numerical modeling of interstellar dust propagation in the heliosphere, suggests that at least some of the particles have high optical cross-section, perhaps due to an aggregate structure. However, the observations are most consistent with a variety of morphologie

    Planetary Exploration Horizon 2061 Report, Chapter 3: From science questions to Solar System exploration

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    This chapter of the Planetary Exploration Horizon 2061 Report reviews the way the six key questions about planetary systems, from their origins to the way they work and their habitability, identified in chapter 1, can be addressed by means of solar system exploration, and how one can find partial answers to these six questions by flying to the different provinces to the solar system: terrestrial planets, giant planets, small bodies, and up to its interface with the local interstellar medium. It derives from this analysis a synthetic description of the most important space observations to be performed at the different solar system objects by future planetary exploration missions. These observation requirements illustrate the diversity of measurement techniques to be used as well as the diversity of destinations where these observations must be made. They constitute the base for the identification of the future planetary missions we need to fly by 2061, which are described in chapter 4. Q1- How well do we understand the diversity of planetary systems objects? Q2- How well do we understand the diversity of planetary system architectures? Q3- What are the origins and formation scenarios for planetary systems? Q4- How do planetary systems work? Q5- Do planetary systems host potential habitats? Q6- Where and how to search for life?Comment: 107 pages, 37 figures, Horizon 2061 is a science-driven, foresight exercise, for future scientific investigation
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