13 research outputs found

    Calcium binding to a disordered domain of a type III-secreted protein from a coral pathogen promotes secondary structure formation and catalytic activity

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    Strains of the Gram-negative bacterium Vibrio coralliilyticus cause the bleaching of corals due to decomposition of symbiotic microalgae. The V. coralliilyticus strain ATCC BAA-450 (Vc450) encodes a type III secretion system (T3SS). The gene cluster also encodes a protein (locus tag VIC_001052) with sequence homology to the T3SS-secreted nodulation proteins NopE1 and NopE2 of Bradyrhizobium japonicum (USDA110). VIC_001052 has been shown to undergo auto-cleavage in the presence of Ca2+ similar to the NopE proteins. We have studied the hitherto unknown secondary structure, Ca2+-binding affinity and stoichiometry of the "metal ion-inducible autocleavage" (MIIA) domain of VIC_001052 which does not possess a classical Ca2+-binding motif. CD and fluorescence spectroscopy revealed that the MIIA domain is largely intrinsically disordered. Binding of Ca2+ and other di- and trivalent cations induced secondary structure and hydrophobic packing after partial neutralization of the highly negatively charged MIIA domain. Mass spectrometry and isothermal titration calorimetry showed two Ca2+-binding sites which promote structure formation with a total binding enthalpy of -110 kJ mol(-1) at a low micromolar K-d. Putative binding motifs were identified by sequence similarity to EF-hand domains and their structure analyzed by molecular dynamics simulations. The stoichiometric Ca2+-dependent induction of structure correlated with catalytic activity and may provide a "host-sensing" mechanism that is shared among pathogens that use a T3SS for efficient secretion of disordered proteins

    Ability of 18F-FDG Positron Emission Tomography Radiomics and Machine Learning in Predicting KRAS Mutation Status in Therapy-Naive Lung Adenocarcinoma.

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    OBJECTIVE Considering the essential role of KRAS mutation in NSCLC and the limited experience of PET radiomic features in KRAS mutation, a prediction model was built in our current analysis. Our model aims to evaluate the status of KRAS mutants in lung adenocarcinoma by combining PET radiomics and machine learning. METHOD Patients were retrospectively selected from our database and screened from the NSCLC radiogenomic dataset from TCIA. The dataset was randomly divided into three subgroups. Two open-source software programs, 3D Slicer and Python, were used to segment lung tumours and extract radiomic features from 18F-FDG-PET images. Feature selection was performed by the Mann-Whitney U test, Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, and RFE. Logistic regression was used to build the prediction models. AUCs from ROCs were used to compare the predictive abilities of the models. Calibration plots were obtained to examine the agreements of observed and predictive values in the validation and testing groups. DCA curves were performed to check the clinical impact of the best model. Finally, a nomogram was obtained to present the selected model. RESULTS One hundred and nineteen patients with lung adenocarcinoma were included in our study. The whole group was divided into three datasets: a training set (n = 96), a validation set (n = 11), and a testing set (n = 12). In total, 1781 radiomic features were extracted from PET images. One hundred sixty-three predictive models were established according to each original feature group and their combinations. After model comparison and selection, one model, including wHLH_fo_IR, wHLH_glrlm_SRHGLE, wHLH_glszm_SAHGLE, and smoking habits, was validated with the highest predictive value. The model obtained AUCs of 0.731 (95% CI: 0.619~0.843), 0.750 (95% CI: 0.248~1.000), and 0.750 (95% CI: 0.448~1.000) in the training set, the validation set and the testing set, respectively. Results from calibration plots in validation and testing groups indicated that there was no departure between observed and predictive values in the two datasets (p = 0.377 and 0.861, respectively). CONCLUSIONS Our model combining 18F-FDG-PET radiomics and machine learning indicated a good predictive ability of KRAS status in lung adenocarcinoma. It may be a helpful non-invasive method to screen the KRAS mutation status of heterogenous lung adenocarcinoma before selected biopsy sampling

    Massenspektrometrische Untersuchungen des Komplexierungsverhaltens von Actinid- Ionen in Lösung

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    Da die Langzeit-RadiotoxizitĂ€t von abgebrannten Kernbrennstoffen von Plutonium und den minoren Actiniden dominiert wird, sind diese Elemente im Fokus der Untersuchungen bezĂŒglich der Entsorgung der radioaktiven AbfĂ€lle.rnUm ein besseres VerstĂ€ndnis der SelektivitĂ€t der Partitioning-Liganden BTP und BTBP bezĂŒglich der Extraktion von trivalenten Actiniden zu erlangen, wurden die Komplexe, die diese mit Lanthaniden in octanolischer Lösung bilden charakterisiert. Das unterschiedliche Extraktionsverhalten der Lanthaniden untereinander konnte dabei auf unterschiedliche PrĂ€ferenz zur Bildung von Ln(BTP)3-Komplexen abhĂ€ngig vom Ionenradius der Lanthaniden zurĂŒckgefĂŒhrt werden. DarĂŒber hinaus konnte gezeigt werden, dass abhĂ€ngig vom sterischen Anspruch der BTBP-Liganden in Eu(BTBP)2-Komplexen Nitratliganden in der ersten KoordinationssphĂ€re gebunden werden. rnDa das Verhalten von Plutonium unter geochemischen Bedingungen von besonderem Interesse fĂŒr die RisikoabschĂ€tzung von nuklearen Endlagern ist, widmet sich der zweite Teil der Arbeit dem Hydrolyse- und Kolloidbildungsverhalten von wĂ€ssrigen Plutoniumlösungen in den Oxidationsstufen IV bis VI. Daher wurden die Lösungsspezies von sowohl Zirconium(IV) als Analogon fĂŒr Plutonium(IV), als auch die von Uran(VI) und Plutonium(VI) direkt mittels massenspektrometrischer Methoden charakterisiert und quantifiziert. DarĂŒber hinaus wurde die kinetische Hemmung der Reduktion von Pu(V) zu Pu(IV) und nachfolgender Kolloidbildung untersucht, welche sich durch oberflĂ€cheninduzierte Reduktion an kolloidalen Kristallisationskeimen deutlich beschleunigen lĂ€sst.rnAs the long-term radiotoxicity of spent nuclear fuel is governed by Plutonium and the Minor Actinides, these elements are focussed on for investigations in the framework of safety assessment for nuclear waste repositories.rnTo shed more light on the selectivity of the partitioning ligands BTP and BTBP towards the extraction of trivalent actinides, the complexes these ligands form with lanthanides in octanolic solution were characterized. The differences in the extraction efficiencies among the different lanthanides were traced back to the varying preferential formation of Ln(BTP)3 complexes, depending on the ionic radius of the lanthanides. Additionally it was shown that depending on the sterical demand of BTBP ligands nitrate anions coordinate in the first coordination shell of Eu(BTBP)2-complexes.rnAs the behavior of Plutonium under geochemical conditions is of particular interest for the safety assessment of potential nuclear waste repositories, the second part of the thesis focuses on the hydrolysis and colloid formation behavior of aqueous Plutonium solutions. The solution species of Zirconium(IV) as analogue for Plutonium(IV) as well as of Uranium(VI) and Plutonium(VI) were characterized and quantified by means of electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Moreover the colloid-induced reduction of Pu(V) to Pu(IV) and the subsequent formation of colloidal species was investigated.r

    Temperature‒dependent luminescence spectroscopic and mass spectrometric investigations of U(VI) complexation with aqueous silicates in the acidic pH‒range

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    In this study the complexation of U(VI) with orthosilicic acid (H4SiO4) between pH 3.5 and 5 with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI‒MS) and laser‒induced luminescence spectroscopy was comprehensively characterized. The ESI‒MS experiments performed at a total silicon concentration of 5∙10‒5 M (exceeding the solubility of amorphous silica at both pH‒values) revealed the formation of oligomeric sodium‒silicates in addition to the UO2OSi(OH)3+ species. For the luminescence spectroscopic experiments (25 °C), the U(VI) concentration was fixed at 5∙10‒6 M, the silicon concentration was varied between 1.3∙10‒4 ‒ 1.3∙10‒3 M (reducing the formation of silicon oligomers) and the ionic strength was kept constant at 0.2 M NaClO4. The results confirmed the formation of the aqueous UO2OSi(OH)3+ complex. The conditional complexation constant at 25 °C, log *ÎČ = ‒0.31± 0.24, was extrapolated to infinite dilution using the Davies equation, which led to log *ÎČ0 = ‒0.06 ± 0.24. Further experiments at different temperatures (1 – 25 °C) allowed the calculation of the molal enthalpy of reaction ΔrHm0 = 45.8 ± 22.5 kJ∙mol‒1 and molal entropy of reaction ΔrSm0 = 152.5 ± 78.8 J∙K‒1∙mol‒1 using the van’t Hoff equation, corroborating an endothermic and entropy driven complexation process

    Complexation of Europium(III) by Bis(dialkyltriazinyl)bipyridines in 1-Octanol

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    The present work focuses on highly selective ligands for An<sup>III</sup>/Ln<sup>III</sup> separation: bis­(triazinyl)­bipyridines (BTBPs). By combining time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy, nanoelectrospray ionization mass spectrometry, vibronic sideband spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction, we obtain a detailed picture of the structure and stoichiometry of the first coordination sphere of Eu<sup>III</sup>-BTBP complexes in an octanolic solution. The main focus is on the 1:2 complexes because extraction studies revealed that those are the species extracted into the organic phase. The investigations on europium­(III) complexes of BTBP with different triazin alkylation revealed differences in the formed complexes due to the bulkiness of the ligands. Because of the vibronic sidebands in the fluorescence spectra, we were able to detect whether or not nitrate ligands are coordinated in the first coordination sphere of the Eu-BTBP complexes. In solution, less sterically demanding BTBP offers enough space for additional coordination of anions and/or solvent molecules to form 9-coordinated Eu-BTBP 1:2 complexes, while bulkier ligands tend to form 8-fold-coordinated structures. We also report the first crystal structure of a Ln-BTBP 1:2 complex and that of its 1:1 complex, both of which are 10-coordinated