146 research outputs found

    Acute Toxicity, Antidiarrhoeal and Antioxidant Activities of Methanolic Leaf Extract of Baphia macrocalyx in Mice

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    The aim of the current study was to assess the acute toxicity, antidiarrhoeal and antioxidant potentials of methanolic leaf extract of Baphia macrocalyx (BM) in mice. Acute toxicity test of BM extract was performed based on OECD guideline 423. Results revealed that the extract did not produce any changes in general behaviour, body weight or mortality of the tested mice even at the highest oral administered dose (2000 mg/kg body weight). The antidiarrhoeal effect was examined using castor oil induced diarrhoea test. Results showed that BM extract delayed the onset of diarrhoea, decreased frequency of defaecation and reduced the severity of diarrhoeal drops in a dose dependent manner at doses of (100, 500 and 1000 mg/kg), respectively. The group that received the dose of 1000 mg/kg showed a significant difference (p < 0.001) in inhibition of diarrhoeal drops compared to the control group. For the determination of antioxidant activity, lipid peroxidation assay was used and BM extract significantly (p < 0.05) counteracted rotenone induced oxidative stress in brain tissues in a graded dose. Taken together, this study showed the potential of BM in inhibition of diarrhoea and oxidative stress with no toxic effects on tested mice, suggesting the use of this plant as an antioxidant and for ethno-medical management of diarrhoea Keywords: Baphia macrocalyx; Antidiarrhoeal; Antioxidant; Acute toxicit

    The development of a new blood substitute

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    Trattasi di un sommario pubblicato online nel sito dell'Agenzia di divulgazione scientifica Atlas of Science, AoS Nordic AB, Moscow, Russia, riguardante l'impiego di nuovi sostituti del sangu

    Seroprevalence of hepatitis B virus infection, anti-HCV antibodies and HIV and knowledge among people who use drugs attending methadone therapy clinic in Tanzania; a cross-sectional study

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    Background Methadone therapy clinics have been recently introduced in Tanzania, aiming at reducing risk behaviors and infection rates of viral hepatitis and HIV among people who use drugs. The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence, associated factors and knowledge level of these conditions among people who use drugs attending a methadone clinic in Tanzania. Methods We enrolled 253 People who using drugs receiving Methadone therapy. Clinical data was retrospectively collected from the medical records and face-to face interviews were conducted to determine the behavioral risk factors and respondents’ knowledge on viral hepatitis and HIV. Results An overall seroprevalence of viral hepatitis (either hepatitis B surface antigen or anti-hepatitis C virus) was 6.3%, while that of hepatitis B virus mono infection was 3.5% and anti-hepatitis C antibodies was 3.5%. Seroprevalence of HIV was 12.6%. Viral hepatitis was strongly predicted by advanced age (\u3e 35 years) (p = 0.02) and staying at Kirumba area (p = 0.004), and HIV infection was predicted by increased age (\u3e 37 years) (p = 0.04) and female sex (p \u3c 0.001). Regarding the knowledge of viral hepatitis, majority of the respondents were unaware of the transmission methods and availability of hepatitis B virus vaccines and only 17% were classified as well informed (provided ≥4 correct answers out of 7 questions). Good knowledge was highly predicted by higher education level of the individual (p = 0.001). Conclusions Despite the efforts to curb viral hepatitis and HIV infections through Methadone clinics, infection rates among people who use drugs are still high and the general knowledge on preventive measures is inadequate

    Evaluación del índice de saponificación de 5 margarinas de mesa mediante un método a pequeña escala.

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    La margarina es una emulsión de aceite vegetal, grasas mixtas, agua, sólidos de leche y aditivos alimenticios. Es un ingrediente fundamental en todas las cocinas, especialmente en la panificación y repostería, confiriéndole un exquisito sabor a productos como los pasteles. Sin embargo, su consumo debe ser controlado por su alto valor calórico y grasas saturadas de difícil digestión. En esta investigación se evaluó el Índice de saponificación (IS) de cinco margarinas mediante el empleo de un método a pequeña escala, basado en la Norma Mexicana NMX-F-174-S-1981, a consecuencia de la falta de este parámetro de calidad en la legislación mexicana para margarinas. Las muestras analizadas exhibieron valores que se ubican dentro de los rangos establecidos en la literatura; éstos bajos Índices de saponificación señalan que las margarinas contienen una gran proporción de ácidos grasos de cadena media y larga. Este trabajo se adhiere a la propuesta de que la legislación mexicana considere la inclusión de micrométodos perfectamente validados para la determinación de parámetros químicos en margarinas

    Effect of non-monetary incentives on uptake of couples’ counselling and testing among clients attending mobile HIV services in rural Zimbabwe: a cluster-randomised trial

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    Background Couples' HIV testing and counselling (CHTC) is associated with greater engagement with HIV prevention and care than individual testing and is cost-effective, but uptake remains suboptimal. Initiating discussion of CHTC might result in distrust between partners. Offering incentives for CHTC could change the focus of the pre-test discussion. We aimed to determine the impact of incentives for CHTC on uptake of couples testing and HIV case diagnosis in rural Zimbabwe. Methods In this cluster-randomised trial, 68 rural communities (the clusters) in four districts receiving mobile HIV testing services were randomly assigned (1:1) to incentives for CHTC or not. Allocation was not masked to participants and researchers. Randomisation was stratified by district and proximity to a health facility. Within each stratum random permutation was done to allocate clusters to the study groups. In intervention communities, residents were informed that couples who tested together could select one of three grocery items worth US$1·50. Standard mobilisation for testing was done in comparison communities. The primary outcome was the proportion of individuals testing with a partner. Analysis was by intention to treat. 3 months after CHTC, couple-testers from four communities per group individually completed a telephone survey to evaluate any social harms resulting from incentives or CHTC. The effect of incentives on CHTC was estimated using logistic regression with random effects adjusting for clustering. The trial was registered with the Pan African Clinical Trial Registry, number PACTR201606001630356. Findings From May 26, 2015, to Jan 29, 2016, of 24 679 participants counselled with data recorded, 14 099 (57·1%) were in the intervention group and 10 580 (42·9%) in the comparison group. 7852 (55·7%) testers in the intervention group versus 1062 (10·0%) in the comparison group tested with a partner (adjusted odds ratio 13·5 [95% CI 10·5–17·4]). Among 427 (83·7%) of 510 eligible participants who completed the telephone survey, 11 (2·6%) reported that they were pressured or themselves pressured their partner to test together; none regretted couples' testing. Relationship unrest was reported by eight individuals (1·9%), although none attributed this to incentives. Interpretation Small non-monetary incentives, which are potentially scalable, were associated with significantly increased CHTC and HIV case diagnosis. Incentives did not increase social harms beyond the few typically encountered with CHTC without incentives. The intervention could help achieve UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets

    Índice de saponificación de Cremas de leche y Cremas vegetales.

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    La cremade leche es una emulsión de grasa en agua, la sustitución por grasa vegetal y aditivos alimenticios genera un producto denominado crema vegetal.Por su delicioso sabor y textura, este alimento es un ingrediente fundamental en la cocina mexicana e internacional que imparte cremosidad y potencia el sabor de muchos platillos.Las características y calidad de la cremas regulares y vegetales, están vinculadas estrechamente al contenido de grasa.Siendo la crema un alimento rico en grasa, los criterios de calidad exigidos por la legislación mexicana para su comercialización, no consideran parámetros químicos como el pH y otras medidas de identidad propios de los materiales grasos como el Índice saponificación, entre otros.Esta investigación evaluó el Índice de saponificación de cremas regulares, light y vegetales utilizando un método a pequeña escala, basado en la Norma Mexicana NMX-F-174-S-1981con la finalidad de conocer el peso molecular promedio de los ácilglicéridos y ácidos grasos libres que poseen estos productos.Las muestras analizadas exhibieron valores por debajo delrango establecido en la literatura; éstos bajos Índices de saponificación señalan que tanto las cremas lácteas como las vegetales contienen una gran proporción de ácilglicéridos constituidos por ácidos grasos de cadena media y larga

    Índice de saponificación de mayonesas

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    La mayonesa es un sazonador empleado hoy en día en una gran variedad de platillos internacionales como acompañamiento, consiste de una emulsión aceite/agua cuya fase oleosa es generalmente un aceite vegetal ya sea de algodón, soya o maíz. En esta investigación, cinco mayonesas de mayor consumo entre la población neolonesa, fueron analizadas para conocer su Índice de saponificación (IS) aplicando el procedimiento señalado por la Norma Mexicana NMX-F-174-S-1981. Los valores obtenidos mostraron una confiabilidad muy aceptable y variaron en un rango de IS=83.25 a IS=168.43, lo que refleja la presencia de aceites vegetales cuyos triglicéridos tienen pesos moleculares entre 997.45 g/mol hasta 2,018 g/mol; los ácidos grasos constituyentes poseen masas molares promedio entre 332.48 g/mol y 672.67 g/mol. Esta última información revela la longitud de los ácidos grasos aportados por la mayonesa

    Determinación de índice de acidez y acidez total de cinco mayonesas.

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    La mayonesa es la salsa fría más popular y conocida de las cocinas en casi todos los hogares del mundo y es utilizada para aderezar los alimentos e impartirles un sabor agradable. Es un tipo de emulsión aceite-agua con un contenido mínimo en aceite del 65%, la fase oleosa consiste de un aceite vegetal como el de algodón, soya o maíz y la fase acuosa con un carácter ácido contiene diversos componentes. En esta investigación, cinco mayonesas fueron analizadas para conocer su pH, Índice de acidez (IA) y Acidez total como ácido acético (%). Las cinco mayonesas presentaron valores de pH entre 3.67 a 3.86, que se ajustan a la normatividad vigente. Los Índices de acidez (IA)determinados a las mayonesas se ubicaron entre 5.25 y 6.70. Sin embargo, las cifras de Acidez total fueron superiores a 0.50% en Ácido acético, lo que indica el inicio del proceso de hidrólisis del aceite con liberación de ácidos grasos, los cuales ocasionan un incremento en la acidez del producto

    Diazotrophic Cyanobacteria are Associated With a Low Nitrate Resupply to Surface Waters in Lake Tanganyika

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    In Lake Tanganyika, blooms of nitrogen-fixing (diazotrophic) cyanobacteria emerge, when the upper water column re-stratifies after a period of upwelling and convective mixing. During this seasonal transition, diazotrophic cyanobacteria exploit the abundant phosphate and fix nitrogen after other phytoplankton taxa have consumed the available nitrate. However, it remains less clear, which mechanisms favour diazotrophic cyanobacteria under more heavily stratified conditions with lower levels of excess phosphate and persistent nitrate-depletion. Here, we collected profiles of physicochemical parameters, nutrients and photo-pigments, as well as the medium- to large-sized phytoplankton community during two lake-wide cruises to elucidate to what extent the abundance of diazotrophic cyanobacteria in Lake Tanganyikamay be controlled by the nitrate resupply through the thermocline into the euphotic zone. At stations where nitrate was depleted, but phosphate remained available near the surface, high densities of diazotrophic cyanobacteria were associated with a low nitrate supply to surface waters. Our data provide first support for two conceptual scenarios, where the relative position of the thermocline and the euphotic depth may create a functional niche for diazotrophic cyanobacteria: when the upward transport of nitrate into the euphotic zone is reduced by a subjacent thermocline, diazotrophic cyanobacteria, comprising Dolichospermum and Anabaenopsis, are key players in the medium to large-sized phytoplankton community. By contrast, a thermocline located within the euphotic zone allows for a rapid vertical transport of nitrate for a thriving nitrate-assimilating phytoplankton community that evidently outcompetes diazotrophic cyanobacteria. This study highlights that, under nitrogen-depleted conditions, diazotrophic cyanobacteria can also grow in response to a reduced nutrient resupply to the productive surface waters

    Pyruvate kinase M2 activators promote tetramer formation and suppress tumorigenesis

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    Cancer cells engage in a metabolic program to enhance biosynthesis and support cell proliferation. The regulatory properties of pyruvate kinase M2 (PKM2) influence altered glucose metabolism in cancer. The interaction of PKM2 with phosphotyrosine-containing proteins inhibits enzyme activity and increases the availability of glycolytic metabolites to support cell proliferation. This suggests that high pyruvate kinase activity may suppress tumor growth. We show that expression of PKM1, the pyruvate kinase isoform with high constitutive activity, or exposure to published small-molecule PKM2 activators inhibits the growth of xenograft tumors. Structural studies reveal that small-molecule activators bind PKM2 at the subunit interaction interface, a site that is distinct from that of the endogenous activator fructose-1,6-bisphosphate (FBP). However, unlike FBP, binding of activators to PKM2 promotes a constitutively active enzyme state that is resistant to inhibition by tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins. These data support the notion that small-molecule activation of PKM2 can interfere with anabolic metabolism.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH grant R01 GM56203)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (grant NIH 5P01CA120964)Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center (NIH 5P30CA006516)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH grant R03MH085679)National Human Genome Research Institute (U.S.) (Intramural Research Program)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Molecular Libraries Initiative of the NIH Roadmap for Medical Research