19 research outputs found

    MXene Supported Cobalt Layered Double Hydroxide Nanocrystals: Facile Synthesis Route for a Synergistic Oxygen Evolution Reaction Electrocatalyst

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    International audienceThe development of reliable electrolyzers is closely related to the development of a cost-effective highly active and stable electrocatalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER). Herein, a simple method is used to synthesize a non-noble metal-based electrocatalyst for OER by synergistically coupling a catalytically active cobalt layered double hydroxide (Co-LDH) with a highly electrically conducting 2D transition metal carbide, Ti3C2Tx MXene. The synergy between these two bidimensional materials (Co-LDH and Ti3C2Tx), evidenced by coupling electron energy loss spectroscopy and density functional theory simulations, results in superior electrocatalytic properties and makes possible having an excellent and stable oxygen evolution electrocatalyst. Moreover, the oxidative-sensitive MXene structure is preserved during the synthesis of the composite and the formation of a well recovering Co-LDH phase avoids the irreversible oxidation of MXene at high potential values, which may affect its conductivity. With an overpotential of approximate to 330 mV at a current density of 10 mA cm(-2) the catalyst exhibits a higher catalytic activity toward OER than commercial IrO2 catalysts

    Outcome after allogeneic stem cell transplantation with haploidentical versus HLA-matched donors in patients with higher-risk MDS.

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    peer reviewedAllogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation remains the best curative option for higher-risk myelodysplastic syndrome. The presence of monosomal karyotype and/or complex karyotype abnormalities predicts inferior survival after allo-SCT in MDS patients. Haploidentical allo-SCT has been increasingly used in acute leukemia (AL) and has similar results as using HLA-matched donors, but data on higher-risk MDS is sparse. We compared outcomes in 266 patients with higher-risk MDS after HLA-matched sibling donor (MSD, n = 79), HLA-matched unrelated donor (MUD, n = 139) and HLA haploidentical donor (HID, n = 48) from 2010 to 2019. Median donor age differed between the three groups (p < 0.001). The overall survival was significantly different between the three groups with a better OS observed in the MUD group (p = 0.014). This observation could be explained by a higher progression-free survival with MUD (p = 0.014). The cumulative incidence of grade 2-4 acute GvHD was significantly higher in the HID group (p = 0.051). However, in multivariable analysis, patients transplanted using an HID had comparable mortality to patients transplanted using a MUD (subdistribution hazard ratio [sHR]: 0.58 [0.32-1.07]; p = 0.080) and a MSD ([sHR]: 0.56 [0.28-1.11]; p = 0.094). MUD do not remain a significant positive predictor of survival, suggesting that beyond the donor-recipient HLA matching, the donor age might impact recipient outcome

    Method validation and quality management in the flexible scope of accreditation

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    The History of the Miracle of the Blessed Sacrement by Stephen Ydens (d. 1615), Book of Piety or Controversial Book ? During his research on the printed tradition of the history of the Miracle of Blessed Sacrament written in the seventeenth century by canon Stephen (Étienne) Ydens († 1615), Renaud Adam not only studied the personality of the author, but also the way the story of the Eucharistic miracle in Brussels had been adopted for politicoreligious purposes. The canon of Saint Gudule used the text on the profanation of the hosts dating from the last third of the fourteenth century, to attack Protestantism and the – according to him equally dangerous – witchcraft. The study of the seventeenth century editions showed that the tone of the work gradually became less controversial, proving that Protestantism and witchcraft were considered a less significant threat than at the time of the redaction of the story by Ydens.L’étude de la tradition imprimée de l’Histoire du Saint sacrement de Miracle du chanoine Étienne Ydens († 1615) au XVIIe siècle est l’occasion de revenir non seulement sur la personnalité de son auteur, mais également sur l’instrumentalisation du récit du miracle eucharistique bruxellois à des fins politico-religieuses. Le chanoine de Sainte-Gudule a ainsi profité du récit de la profanation des hosties dans le dernier tiers du XIVe siècle pour s’attaquer de front à la religion protestante et à la sorcellerie, tout aussi dangereuse à ses yeux que le protestantisme. L’examen des éditions parues au cours du XVIIe siècle a montré que le caractère polémique de l’oeuvre s’est progressivement atténué au fil du temps, preuve que le protestantisme et la sorcellerie n’ont plus constitué une menace aussi importante qu’à l’époque de la rédaction d’Ydens.De Historie van de Heilig Sacrament van Mirakel van Steven Ydens († 1605), devotioneel boek of polemisch boek ? Het onderzoek naar de zeventiende-eeuwse gedrukte traditie van de geschiedenis van het Heilig Sacrament van Mirakel van kanunnik Steven (Étienne) Ydens († 1615) vormde de aanleiding om niet alleen de persoonlijkheid van de auteur te bestuderen, maar ook de wijze waarop het verhaal van het Brussels eucharistisch wonder werd ingezet voor politiek-religieuze doeleinden. De kanunnik van Sint-Goedele gebruikte het verhaal over de ontheiliging van hosties uit het laatste derde van de veertiende eeuw om het protestantisme en de – in zijn ogen al even gevaarlijke – hekserij te bestrijden. Uit de studie van de zeventiende-eeuwse edities is gebleken dat het controversiële karakter van het werk geleidelijk afnam. Dit toont aan dat protestantisme en hekserij in deze periode niet meer als een even grote bedreiging werden ervaren als ten tijde van de redactie van het werk door Ydens.Adam Renaud. L’Histoire du Saint sacrement de Miracle d’Étienne Ydens (1605), oeuvre de dévotion ou oeuvre polémique ?. In: Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, tome 92, fasc. 2, 2014. Histoire médiévale, moderne et contemporaine Middeleeuwse, moderne en hedendaagse geschiedenis. pp. 413-433

    Method Validation and Quality Management in the Flexible Scope of Accreditation: an Example of Laboratories Testing for Genetically Modified Organisms

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    Quality assurance is a prerequisite for accurate and reliable results in food and feed testing, ISO/IEC 17025 being recognized worldwide as the base standard. A flexible scope of accreditation enables testing laboratories to react quickly to customer demand and to cope with the large number of new methods, which have to be introduced in the laboratory. Precisely defined procedures for the validation of methods, together with performance and acceptance criteria, are the key points for flexible scope of accreditation. Testing for genetically modified organisms (GMO) is a challenging exercise, especially with more GMOs entering the world market. We describe here the organization and performance of validating quantitative detection methods for GMO testing in the context of the EU legislation. Operational procedures for method validation organized by the Community Reference Laboratory for Genetically Modified Food and Feed (CRL-GMFF), assisted by the European Network of GMO Laboratories (ENGL) are described. A protocol for validating methods within an individual laboratory is proposed and discussed in terms of the requirements of flexible scope of accreditation. The system setup can be an example for other similar fields of analytical work.JRC.I.6-Biotechnology and GMO

    Multiple Arterial Thrombosis in a 78-Year-Old Patient: Catastrophic Thrombotic Syndrome in COVID-19

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    International audienceWe describe a patient with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and multiple concomitant thromboses occurring on the 9th day of hospital stay. Thromboses were found in distinct zones of the aorta, as well as in the renal, humeral, and pulmonary arteries. The extensive biological workup performed following this catastrophic thrombotic syndrome found no evidence for underlying prothrombotic disease. In light of current evidence regarding endothelium abnormalities related to COVID-19, this extreme case of catastrophic thrombotic syndrome suggests that COVID-19 can induce severe arterial thrombosis following intense endothelial activation