38 research outputs found

    Superheater Tube Flat Wall Stationary Temperature Field

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    The BKZ-220-100-9 steam generator platen superheater tube flat wall stationary temperature fields analysis have been made. The six steel grades, using in boiler fabrication, namely, St. 10, St. 20, 12H1MF, 15HM, 1H18N9T and 12H18N12T, have been used. The temperature curves calculation has been made by using outer and inner surface heat-transfer coefficients nine different combinations

    Optimization of the coherence function estimation for multi-core central processing unit

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    The paper considers use of parallel processing on multi-core central processing unit for optimization of the coherence function evaluation arising in digital signal processing. Coherence function along with other methods of spectral analysis is commonly used for vibration diagnosis of rotating machinery and its particular nodes. An algorithm is given for the function evaluation for signals represented with digital samples. The algorithm is analyzed for its software implementation and computational problems. Optimization measures are described, including algorithmic, architecture and compiler optimization, their results are assessed for multi-core processors from different manufacturers. Thus, speeding-up of the parallel execution with respect to sequential execution was studied and results are presented for Intel Core i7-4720HQ и AMD FX-9590 processors. The results show comparatively high efficiency of the optimization measures taken. In particular, acceleration indicators and average CPU utilization have been significantly improved, showing high degree of parallelism of the constructed calculating functions. The developed software underwent state registration and will be used as a part of a software and hardware solution for rotating machinery fault diagnosis and pipeline leak location with acoustic correlation method

    The leak location package for assessment of the time-frequency correlation method for leak location

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    The paper describes the simplest implementation of a software and hardware package for acoustic correlation leak location and results of its performance assessment for location of water leaks from a metallic pipe in laboratory conditions. A distinctive feature of this leak locator is the use of the software based on the time-frequency correlation analysis of signals, which was proposed in our previous papers. Comparative analysis results are given for the information content of classical and time-frequency cross-correlation functions as obtained during processing of experimental data. The results obtained justify comparatively higher efficiency of a time-frequency cross correlation method to solve the leak location task. Improved efficiency is determined by bandpass filtration embedded into the time-frequency cross-correlation function calculation

    Algorithm for J-Integral Measurements by Digital Image Correlation

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    The work is devoted to the testing of the algorithm for calculating J-integral based on the construction of vector fields by digital image correlation (DIC) method. A comparative analysis of J-integral values calculated using DIC and instrumental data obtained in accordance with ASTM E 1820 "Standard Test Method for Measurement of Fracture Toughness" has made. It is shown that this approach can be used for cases when the standard technique for measuring the J-integral cannot be applied, or the standard technique does not allow achieving the required accuracy for the integral determination in local areas of the loaded material

    Comparative physical-tribological properties of anti-friction ion-plasma Ti-C-Mo-S coating on VT6 alloy or 20X13 and 40X steels

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    Results of comparative tests mechanical and tribological properties of solid antifriction Ti-C-Mo-S coating, deposited by magnetron-plasma combined sputtering method on substrates of VT6 titanium alloy, 40X and 20X13 hardened steels are provided. Coating is sputtered using the same conditions and technological regimes on substrates of different materials. However, the friction tests results showed significant difference in tribological characteristics of coating depending on type of material used for substrate, first of all by wear-resistance ability. Authors suppose that this is due to difference between physical properties such as composition and structure of substrate materials that determines hardness and coating adhesion to surface


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    The article presents the results of a comparative study of the effect of adjuvant radiotherapy on the survival to biochemical recurrence (BCR) in patients undergoing radical prostatectomy (RP) of prostate cancer (PCa) depending on preand post-operative prognosis factors. Adjuvant radiation therapy following prostatectomy in a total focal dose of 60 Gy in patients with locally advanced prostate cancer (pT3a-b) or the localized process with positive surgical margins (rT2R1) and highly differentiated adenocarcinoma (Gleason score equal to 6 or less) according to a postoperative morphological examination significantly increases a 5-year survival to BCR by 25.7 % (p = 0.047) compared to observation. Работа посвящена результатам сравнительного исследования по изучению влияния адъювантной лучевой терапии на выживаемость до биохимического рецидива (БхР) у пациентов, перенесших радикальную простатэктомию (РПЭ) по поводу рака предстательной железы (РПЖ), в зависимости от пред- и послеоперационных факторов прогноза. Проведение адъювантной лучевой терапии после РПЭ в суммарной очаговой дозе 60 Гр у пациентов с местно-распространенным РПЖ (pT3a-b) или локализованным процессом после нерадикально хирургического вмешательства (рТ2R1) и высокодифференцированной аденокарциномой (сумма Глисона 6 и менее) по данным послеоперационного морфологического исследования позволяет статистически значимо на 25,7 % повысить 5-летний показатель выживаемости до БхР (р = 0,047) по сравнению с наблюдением.

    On the invariance of characteristic exponents of linear systems under exponentially decreasing perturbations

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