1,431 research outputs found

    Electrochemical processes and systems: application for tutors

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    The features of redox reactions and the principles of their balancing according to the medium composition are considered. The basic representations about electrochemical processes and systems are outlined. The reactions and principles of chemical sources of electric energy and electrolysis systems functioning are analyzed. A general idea is given about the chemical properties of metals, corrosion resistance in environments of various aggressiveness, and the protection principles are given. Multivariate tasks and exercises for students, and PhD student’s classroom and independent work are offered. For teachers, PhD students and students of universities of specialties "Chemical technologies and engineering", "Biotechnologies and bioengineering", "Oil and gas engineering and technologies".Розглянуто особливості окисно-відновних реакцій і принципи їх балансування залежно від складу середовища. Викладено фундаментальні уявлення про електрохімічні процеси і системи. Проаналізовано перебіг реакцій і принципи функціонування хімічних джерел електричної енергії та систем електролізу. Узагальнено уявлення щодо хімічних властивостей металів, корозійної стійкості у середовищах різної агресивності та наведено принципи організації захисту від руйнування. Запропоновано багатоваріантні завдання та вправи для аудиторної та самостійної роботи студентів і аспірантів. Розраховано на викладачів, аспірантів і студентів вищих навчальних закладів спеціальностей "Хімічні технології та інженерія”, "Біотехнології та біоінженерія", "Нафтогазова інженерія та технології"

    Increase housing provision of citizens as a priority direction of social and economic development of the region

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    Set out the results of the study provide citizens with housing as a priority direction of social and economic development of the market; showed the causes of low housing provision of citizens of the Belgorod region, made conclusions and identified measures to increase housing provision in the cities of RussiayesBelgorod State National Research Universit

    Irrational behavior of youth when taking financial decisions

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    Purpose: The article contains research on internal factors of irrational behaviour initiated by the objective to reveal correlation between individual and personal, psychological peculiarities and irrational behavior in life situations. Design/Methodology/Approach: The article is based on a hypothesis that there is a correlation between personal peculiarities and an irrational choice when students of economic HEIs make decisions of economic nature. Such life-purpose orientations as “Locus of control Me” and “Locus of control Life” are connected with irrational economic behavior. Findings: The study allows enriching the subject field of behavioral economics from the point of view of the specificity of economic and psychological characteristics, attitudes towards an economic choice, and the identification of emotional and personal indicators of irrational behavior. It has been revealed that the psychological characteristics of a person (mental processes, orientation of an individual, life-purpose orientations) influence students' irrational economic behavior. Practical Implications: The results of the study can be used by economic institutions (HEIs) in the selection of students for educational programs. The developed diagnostic game technique, the styles of irrational behavior described by the authors can be used in the practice of the educational process of economic HEIs or in assessing the propensity to make irrational economic decisions in other areas of human activity Originality/Value: The main contribution of this study is the clarification of factors of finacial behavior of youth.peer-reviewe

    Effect of chemically active medium on frequency dependence of magnetic losses in soft magnetic Fe-based amorphous alloys

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    The effects of the electrolytic hydrogenation and oxidation and of the interaction of the surface ribbon with water and vapor on the frequency dependence of magnetic losses per magnetization-reversal cycle are studied based on the example of soft magnetic Fe81B13Si 4C2 amorphous alloy, which exhibits a positive saturation magnetostriction. It was shown that, after the hydrogenation and oxidation of soft magnetic amorphous alloys, their frequency dependences of magnetic losses per magnetization-reversal cycle, which are reduced to unit induction, exhibit groups of hydrogen- and oxygen-related peaks in the frequency ranges of 35-55 and 55-80 Hz, which can be explained by the formation of O-A and H-A atomic pairs (where A are atoms of alloy components) and their reorientation in a magnetic field in the course of magnetization reversal at certain frequencies. The formation of analogous groups of peaks for samples of soft magnetic Fe-based amorphous alloys was observed after the interaction of the ribbon surface with water and vapor and after heat treatment in air. This fact confirms the possibility of the hydrogenation and oxidation of the alloys during the aforementioned processes. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    About material and technical equipment of educational processes in electrophysics and electrical engineering

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    Рассматривается проблема обучения студентов технической направленности. Авторы предлагают новые решения проблемы подготовки по специальности заинтересованных студентов, обучающихся в энергетических ВУЗах страны (в частности в УрФУ).The problem of training students of technical specialties is considered (in the article в статье/in research в исследовании). Authors suggest new solutions concerning about a problem of training interested students who are studying in Power Engineering universities around the country, UrFU in particular, by their specialty

    Professional task as substantial reference point of educational professional activity of bachelors

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    In article the practical applicability of professional tasks for selection of content of preparation at development of educational programs of a bachelor degree is discussed. The way of specification of content of educational professional activity on the example of one of problems of the Pedagogical education direction is offeredОбсуждается практическая применимость профессиональных задач для отбора содержания подготовки при освоении образовательных программ бакалавриата. Предлагается способ уточнения содержания учебно-профессиональной деятельности на примере одной из задач направления «Педагогическое образование

    Physical culture and health of the person

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    The physical culture is both part of the general culture of the person, and part of culture of the society, including set of values, knowledge and norms which are used by society for development of physical and mental abilities of the person. It is important means in education of "the new person", combining spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection". Through social useful activity the physical culture satisfies social needs of the person for communication, entertainment, gamesФизическая культура является как частью общей культуры человека, так и частью культуры общества, включающей в себя совокупность ценностей, знаний и норм, которые используются обществом для развития физических и интеллектуальных способностей человека. Она является важным средством в воспитании «нового человека», сочетающего в себе духовное богатство, моральную чистоту и физическое совершенство». Через социальную полезную деятельность физкультура удовлетворяет социальные потребности человека в общении, развлечении, игра