355 research outputs found

    Role of Toll-Like Receptor 4 (TLR4) in the Development of Inflammatory Process in Skin of Psoriasis Patients

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    The objective of the research was to study the mechanisms of developing local immune inflammation considering changes in immunohistochemical expression of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) in skin of psoriasis patients after systemic immunosuppressive therapy.Materials and methods. Immonohistochemical dynamic analysis of biopsy material taken from psoriaform skin areas in 62 psoriasis patients receiving systemic immunosuppressive therapy was made. Beyond that, to compare the results of the appropriate immunohistochemical examinations biopsy material from anterior abdominal wall taken after surgical intervention (e.g. hernia repair) in practically healthy persons of an appropriate age (5 patients) was studied. To determine the nature and area of local cellular immune and inflammatory reactions in skin of psoriasis patients, immunohistochemical techniques for determining TLR4 marker expression were used.Results and discussion. While studying TLR4 expression, background diffuse cytoplasmic and nuclear staining of epidermis, vascular endothelium and single macrophage cells were identified in psoriaform skin areas. The number of positive-stained epidermis cells was about 80%. After a course of systemic suppressive therapy with Etanercept during 3 months, immunohistochemical reaction to identify TLR4 expression allowed us to establish that both the number of positive-stained cells and response intensity in epidermis considerably reduced. The number of cells expressing TLR4 in the epidermis was up to 60%. Even after treatment, a considerable number of TLR4-positive dendrite cells with a greatly increased size and extended with their processes up to the horny layer were identified in the epidermis.Conclusions. The ligands activating toll-like receptors of macrophages and subsequent inflammatory reaction probably concentrate in epidermis dendrite cells as evidenced by immunohistochemical reactions. TLR4-positive macrophages after activation in dermal papilla migrate to the papilla base to be then included as a component of inflammatory perivascular infiltrates. After treatment, the number of cells (both dendrite and macrophage) with TLR expression significantly decreased. However, the background readiness to a burst of activity of toll-like receptors persists.


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    Purposes: This paper is devoted to the legal understanding of transaction costs both as a concept and a method developed within the framework of the institutional economics discipline for analyzing the consequences of various kinds arising from the exchange of goods. This work is relevant due to the need to apply new interdisciplinary methodological approaches to solving the problems that classical jurisprudence faces. The authors gave legalized concepts of transaction and transaction costs. Methods: As the main task within the framework of this paper, the authors proposed a classification of transaction costs, with the help of which it is possible to analyze legal activity in various fields. The study was based on the works of foreign and Russian scientists, economists and lawyers. Results: In the paper, the authors found that the classification of transaction costs used in economics was created only for analyzing relationships within substantive law and using them to analyze other legal relationships seems to be quite problematic. As a result of the study, the authors developed a new classification of transaction costs, which can be used both for the analysis of substantive and procedural law. Also, they focus on certain aspects of various transaction costs. Implications/Applications: In this regard, a problem arises in creating a classification that would take into account the advantages of all these approaches, and would also be suitable for describing both substantive and procedural legal relations. Novelty/Originality: The development of domestic and foreign legal science is impossible without the use of interdisciplinary approaches, including not only the interaction of intersectoral relations, and this article has studied this issue

    Spin electric effects in molecular antiferromagnets

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    Molecular nanomagnets show clear signatures of coherent behavior and have a wide variety of effective low-energy spin Hamiltonians suitable for encoding qubits and implementing spin-based quantum information processing. At the nanoscale, the preferred mechanism for control of quantum systems is through application of electric fields, which are strong, can be locally applied, and rapidly switched. In this work, we provide the theoretical tools for the search for single molecule magnets suitable for electric control. By group-theoretical symmetry analysis we find that the spin-electric coupling in triangular molecules is governed by the modification of the exchange interaction, and is possible even in the absence of spin-orbit coupling. In pentagonal molecules the spin-electric coupling can exist only in the presence of spin-orbit interaction. This kind of coupling is allowed for both s=1/2s=1/2 and s=3/2s=3/2 spins at the magnetic centers. Within the Hubbard model, we find a relation between the spin-electric coupling and the properties of the chemical bonds in a molecule, suggesting that the best candidates for strong spin-electric coupling are molecules with nearly degenerate bond orbitals. We also investigate the possible experimental signatures of spin-electric coupling in nuclear magnetic resonance and electron spin resonance spectroscopy, as well as in the thermodynamic measurements of magnetization, electric polarization, and specific heat of the molecules.Comment: 31 pages, 24 figure

    Boundary Element Modeling of Acoustic Fields Generated During Ultrasonic Angioplasty

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    We investigated possibilities of application of boundary element method (BEM) to modelling of acoustic fields generated during ultrasonic angioplasty. It was shown that modelling by means of BEM can be more efficient comparing with traditionally used modelling by means of finite element method (FEM). We also considered test problem of calculation of acoustic field created by ultrasonic waveguide in semi-infinite fluid media and the problem was solved by means of BEM and FEM with comparative analysis of obtained results. Modelling by means of BEM additionally involves application of mirror source method for avoidance of treatment of infinite fluid boundary. On the basis of analysis of the test problem we shown that BEM can be used as efficient tool for modelling of acoustic fields generated during ultrasonic surgical procedures, particularly, during ultrasonic angioplasty. BEM has several advantages in comparison with FEM and can be used as alternative to traditionally used modelling by means of FEM or as supplementary method

    Оцінка прогностичних критеріїв перебігу псоріазу для подальшої корекції лікування пацієнтів у післяопераційному періоді

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    Мета. Дослідити імуногістохімічні зміни в шкірі хворих із псоріазом для прогнозування можливого загострення шкір- ного псоріатичного процесу після виконання оперативного втручання. Матеріали і методи. Проведено імуногістохімічне дослідження біопсійного матеріалу, взятого з ділянок шкірної псо- ріатичної висипки та інтактної шкіри у хворих із псоріазом до виконання оперативного втручання. Крім того, для по- рівняння результатів імуногістохімічних досліджень вивчено біопсійний матеріал шкіри передньої черевної стінки, взятий у 5 практично здорових осіб відповідного віку після герніопластики. Для оцінки характеру та поширеності міс- цевих клітинних імунних і запальних реакцій у шкірі хворих із псоріазом застосовували імуногістохімічні методики з визначенням експресії маркерів імунного запалення. Результати. Представлені результати дослідження змін імуногістохімічної експресії прозапальних біологічних мар- керів у шкірі хворих із псоріазом до виконання оперативного втручання з подальшим аналізом впливу такого стресо- вого фактора, як оперативне втручання, на перебіг шкірного псоріатичного процесу. Висновки. Доведено, що одним із механізмів загострення запальних реакцій у хворих із псоріазом є активація імуно- компетентних клітин, зокрема через Toll–рецептори, що дає можливість скоригувати тактику лікування пацієнтів у піс- ляопераційному періоді

    Quantum rings as electron spin beam splitters

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    Quantum interference and spin-orbit interaction in a one-dimensional mesoscopic semiconductor ring with one input and two output leads can act as a spin beam splitter. Different polarization can be achieved in the two output channels from an originally totally unpolarized incoming spin state, very much like in a Stern-Gerlach apparatus. We determine the relevant parameters such that the device has unit efficiency.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; minor change

    Simulation of vibrational piezoelectric actuators of the micro-robot using the finite element method

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    This paper describes a micro-robot with the vibrational piezoelectric actuator that was developed and tested using finite element method. Dependency of the robot motion speed on vibration frequency and coefficient of friction of the actuating elements and bearing surface has been investigated. The principle for motion control of the robot has been described and potential domains for its application have been discusse

    Физико-математическая модель процесса взаимодействия СВЧ-сигнала с кристаллической структурой радиопоглощающего диэлектрика

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    За допомогою запропонованої в статті підходу можуть бути дослідженні перспективні способи отримання інформації про сучасні літальні апарати. Сучасна техніка створюється з використанням неметалічних матеріалів у своєї конструкції. Це зрозуміло за рядом причин, основною з яких є кращі характеристики речовин, що використовуються. Існуючі підходи щодо отримання радіолокаційної інформації про такі об’єкти є непідходящими оскільки вони засновані на використанні ефектів, що протікають в металах під час їх опромінення електромагнітним НВЧ полем. Проблемою є створення умов щодо дистанційної тимчасової зміни провідних властивостей для використання викликаних ефектів у існуючих способах радіолокації. Тенденція розвитку сучасних літальних засобів полягає у використанні неметалічних композитних матеріалів у конструкції планеру. Цей напрямок суттєво знижує можливості існуючих радіолокаційних засобів по виявленню та супроводженню таких літальних апаратів. Основний недолік існуючих метолів локації літальних апаратів полягає у використанні принципу „потужного сигналу”, тобто збільшенні потужності випроміненого зондуючого сигналу для підвищення рівня віддзеркаленого від повітряного об’єкту радіолокаційного сигналу і покращення прийомних характеристик РЛС виявлення.The use model can be marketed on stage of the finding and accompaniments radar station modern air integer. Mdeletion of increasing to efficiency antiradiolokation integer with artificially reduced. The task decrease of radar visibility a head part of a tracking can be decided by several ways, which optimize a configuration object and allow to achieve in signify at decrees an effective reflecting surface, as in this case it is necessary to lower the sizes, that is not always possible. So by the most effective way there is a development of the requirement to impedance. The technique of development of an impedance provides the account of a number the requirements, which stated in clause. The methods developed allows to evaluate dispersion of the part air object covered which different radio adsorbent material which gives the opportunity choose optimal from the point of view of air irradiation a reception angles frequency for mono static or di static radar station. There for having the results of the mathematics model it is possible to sub satiate and then performer adaptation and completing tasks for air complexes existing and being developed wile perfuming tasks on the radar visibility object.С помощью предложенного в статье подхода могут быть исследованы перспективные способы получения информации о современных летательных аппаратах. Современная техника разрабатывается с использованием неметаллических материалов. Это понятно по ряду причин, основной из которых есть лучшие характеристики веществ. Существующие подходы получения радиолокационной информации об объектах есть непригодными поскольку они основаны на применении эффектов, которые происходят в металлах. Проблемой есть создание условий дистанционного изменения свойств вещества. Тенденция развития летающих аппаратов состоит в использовании неметаллических материалов. Это направление снижает возможности РЛС по получению радиолокационной информации. Основной недостаток методов получения радиолокационной информации состоит в реализации принципа „мощного сигнала” для автоматического сопровождения воздушного объекта и улучшения приемных характеристик РЛС обнаружения

    Myth in the structure of national consciousness

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    In the context of globalization processes, the problem of nations and national selfconsciousness has become one of the most widely discussed in the modern social sciences and humanities. Within the framework of globalization approaches, a nation is viewed as a transitional formation between traditional locality and planetary interdependence. According to modern theories, the model of a nation is built on the basis of Western European developmental patterns. From such viewpoint, the characterization of ethnicity is rejected, as a feature of “primitive”, “pre-political” societies as marginal groups doomed to assimilation into the existing structures. The central problem of ethnical belonging is the issue of origin, the restoration of cultural and historical memory and the construction of the “appropriate past”, which would assist in solving the problems of the present. The core of any national culture is national-ethnic self-consciousness which is the key factor in the national identity formation. It is pointed out that certain types of myths are inseparable from the ethnic identity. Today, researchers speak of the process of “remythologization”. For Russia, which has always been a multiethnic state, the problem of scientific definition of nations, ethnic groups, national and ethnic consciousness has a special practical significance. In Russia and the post-Soviet space, the activation of mythological thinking has its own specifics.Keywords: Nations, Ethnicity, National consciousness, Myth, Globalizatio

    Low frequency and high intensity ultrasound in vascular surgery: theory, instrumentation and possibilities of clinical application

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    This paper presents a brief review of applications of ultrasound in modern surgery and results of original studies of the authors in the field of application of low frequency (24-36 kHz) high-intensity (up to 20 W/cm2) ultrasonic vibrations for disruption of thrombi and calcified atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels. Application of non-rigid wire ultrasonic waveguides with length up to 980 mm and diameter of working tip down to 0.3 mm enables minimally invasive surgical intervention, since a waveguide can be introduced along curved segments of blood vessels through a small incision situated at substantial distance from occlusion. Ultrasonic angioplasty can be successfully applied in combination with administration of thrombolytic drugs. The paper also considers physical mechanisms of thrombus disruption under influence of ultrasonic vibrations, particularly, effects of cavitation and acoustic streaming. We described design of ultrasonic waveguides for endovascular surgery and their manufacturing technology based on plasma-electrolytic etching. Application of finite element method and transfer matrix approach for design and model of wire waveguides is considered. Description of clinical system for ultrasonic angioplasty with automated resonance tuning of a waveguide is also provided. In addition, we report results of clinical application of ultrasonic angioplasty in patients with occlusion of iliofemoral segment