47 research outputs found

    Research of Vitis vinifera leaves extraction process on Timatic laboratory extractor

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    Introduction: Herbal medicinal products are widely used for prevention and treatment of many diseases.Aim: The aim of our work was to study the parameters of grape leaves extraction on a laboratory extractor Timatic Micro.Materials and Methods: Towards achieving the goal, the tasks of determining the following factors influencing the grape leaves extraction were set: the degree of grinding and extraction time.Timatic Micro extractor was used for extraction. This contemporary technology is based on a double action of pressure – reduction of the pressure and percolation of biological material that intensifies extraction process. The extractant used was 40% ethyl alcohol as it provides maximum extraction of flavonoids and tannins. The extractor was set with standard parameters: compression - 2 minutes, decompression - 2 minutes.Results and Discussion: The degree of raw material depletion in the main biologically active substances of common grape leaves (tannins and flavonoids) significantly increases with decreasing the size of crushed grape leaves, and is the highest in the fraction less than 1 mm and is 69.93 %, 44.13% and 78.48% for extractives, tannins, and flavonoids, respectively (extraction time - 2 h). With increasing the time of extraction up to 4 h the yield of extractible substances increases by an average of 3%, but for 2 hours quite intensive extraction occurs, which gives high rates of raw material depletion.For obtaining the extract in the laboratory extractor Timatic, we have chosen as raw material a fraction of grape leaves of less than 1 mm and extraction time of 2 hours.Conclusion: The presented method has proven its reliability and efficiency in the extraction of substances in question

    Budget Federalism as an Integral Part of Ukraine’s Globalization Integration

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    CC BY-NC-ND 4.0The relevance of the researched problem is conditioned by the civilizational need of globalization entry of Ukraine in the European and world community with further reforming of its system of state administration in the financial sphere. The purpose of the article is based on the study of current world experience and the consequences of budget federalization as a phenomenon, analysis of the current reform situation in Ukraine and the development of useful recommendations for further approbation. The basic method is comparative, which allowed to compare different state and legal systems, in order to identify similarities or differences between them, resulting in a qualitative state of the legal system as a whole and individual legal institution. This allowed us to consider the problem in a holistic manner and from every side. The article analyzes the policy and experience of budget federalism of Ukraine and other countries, analyzes the development of budget legislation of Ukraine and develops recommendations for the Ukrainian legislator for further structural changes in the administration of the financial sector. It is claimed that Ukraine has done significant work in adapting its legislation to European and world practices through the introduction of budget (fiscal) federalism. Recommendations, analysis and review are aimed at adaptation of Ukrainian legislation to world economic systems during the process of globalization and embedding Ukraine in it

    Estados mentales dominantes de los militares: parámetros, estructura, interdependencia de los factores

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    El objetivo del artículo es fundamentar teóricamente y estudiar empíricamente los estados mentales dominantes de los militares que sirven en el ejército, algunos de los cuales participaron en operaciones militares; determinar los parámetros, estudiar la estructura y la interdependencia de los factores. Se utilizó las herramientas de psicodiagnóstico que reflejaron de manera relevante el sujeto y el objeto de la investigación. Se interpretó cualitativamente los estados mentales dominantes de los encuestados, se aclaró el número óptimo de factores de la investigación y se describió las características semánticas psicológicas del fenómeno estudiado. El análisis factorial ANOVA permitió determinar la estructura de los estados mentales dominantes de los encuestados, que combina siete estados actuales (F1-F7), lo que constituye el 71.651% de la dispersión. El más importante de la estructura factorial es F4 “La Dominación pragmática”, que tiene más interrelaciones (n = 4) y la conexión más estable con F1 (rs=.333; p≤.01). Se argumentó que los parámetros psicológicos, la estructura y la interdependencia de factores son componentes clave para resolver las tareas de actividad táctica, de servicio, de fuego y de combate. Es conveniente poner en práctica los resultados del estudio durante la formación profesional y el entrenamiento táctico de los militares

    Technologies of Visualization of Educational Material - One of the Ways to Form Information Competence

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    The urgency of the article lies in the substantiation of the importance of using visualization technology in the process of education in the current period, defining the difference between this technology and the principle of visualization at the lesson in the today's educational institution. The article covers the concept of information competence and its components, describes techniques of visualization technology of teaching material, aimed at forming this competence. Special attention is paid to the methods of visualization at a lesson for the purpose of better knowledge assimilation. The article also describes different ways of visualization of educational information as a prerequisite for successful teaching of school subjects. The data contained in the article are the results of the analysis of digital services of visualization of educational content and the study of methodological foundations for the use of all kinds of information visualization tools at different stages of learning during the present lesson. The article covers in detail the most modern ways and means of information visualization, including mental maps, timelines, etc., because enormous information flows require the ability to assess this information, to determine its reliability and trustworthiness, to determine the main thing in it. The content of the article is of practical importance for teachers of today's schools. </p

    The Teacher's Role in the Use of E-learning Technologies for English Language Learning in Higher Education: the Neural Impact of Electronic Services on the Student's Brain

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    The process of globalization affects all areas of the education system, necessitating the correlation of the sphere of professional activity with the requirements for the competence of a modern specialist. Mastering the current information and communication space determines the need to master the unified tool of interaction technologies of e-learning English in higher education institutions. Future graduates of higher education institutions, no matter what field they work in, need skills that promote interaction, implementation of professional self-development. Training highly professional specialists with not only theoretical knowledge and practical skills in their specialty, but also advanced means of communication, electronic platforms, knowledge of a foreign language is fully consistent with the main task of the university. Knowledge of a foreign language contributes to professional culture, creates opportunities to freely navigate in the studied scientific research from the field of knowledge. Higher education professors face the task of not only creating the conditions for learning a foreign language, but also to purposefully motivate students to master it as a necessary competence for carrying out professional activities. The study of a foreign language should be professionally oriented, contribute to the solution of cognitive and communicative needs of students. The article researches the most effective e-learning technologies in English classes in higher education institutions (HEI); defines the role of the teacher when using e-learning technologies of English language in higher education institutions; describes the educational centers and platforms for e-learning; defines the neural influence of electronic services on the brain of the student.</p

    Anticipatory Resource of Temporary Regulation of Sensorimotor Action

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    The aim of the study is to determine the composition and functional significance of anticipatory resources in the process of temporal regulation of sensorimotor action.Materials and methods. The subjects were male (35 people) and female (31 people) students. The tasks of a simple sensory response, a choice reaction (three alternatives), and a “double choice” were implemented in a computer version of the experiment. In the “double choice” task, the stimulation variation was first provided (possible stimuli: one or three), and then a stimulus for a fast motor response was presented after some time, the orientation time (independent variable). Results. The participants’ initial reaction to the option with three alternative stimuli in the “double choice” task was negative. The time of the motor response falls linearly as the orientation time increases in both the male and female groups for the variant with one possible stimulus and the frequency of anticipatory effects and premature actions increases in a quadratic pattern. It must be noted that with enough orientation time, determining the expected duration of the sensorimotor action is quite straightforward. It was demonstrated that, in the presence of a margin of orientation time, operational estimates and revisions of the time required to accomplish an action dramatically improve the likelihood of anticipatory effects. Conclusions. Actualization of the anticipatory resource (which includes temporary memory standards, the ability to accurately determine and correlate the durations of processes and time intervals, time estimation skills, and individual characteristics that influence decision making) ensures the determination of the total duration of a sensorimotor action, prompt correction of its implementation, and a significant reduction in the time it takes to respond to a motor stimulus.</p