956 research outputs found

    Molecular Identification and Subtype Analysis of Blastocystis.

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    Several typing methods have been used in studies aiming to unravel the molecular epidemiology of Blastocystis, which is one of the most common intestinal parasites in human and many non-human hosts. Such studies have the potential to add to knowledge on Blastocystis transmission, host specificity, phylogeography, and clinical and public health significance, but rely on robust, standardized methods by which data can be generated and compared directly between studies. One of the most used methods is "barcoding,", which involves single-round PCR amplification and sequencing of partial small subunit ribosomal RNA genes of the parasites. Recently, a publicly available online facility was developed for quick and standardized identification of subtypes (ribosomal lineages) and subtype alleles (variation within subtypes) based on sequence data obtained by barcoding PCR. Moreover, a modified barcoding approach is now available using nested PCR, which enables detection of mixed subtype infections. © 2016 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc

    The United Nations – what has religion got to do with it?

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    In the last two decades there has been a pressing need to make sense of religion in international politics. Here Anne Stensvold finds that the struggle over values at the UN is not a fight over ultimate truth but about how to accommodate religion in a globalized world. Rather than focusing on ‘good’ or ‘bad’ religion we need to look at how people actually relate to religion in the public sphere

    Liking and taste responsiveness across PROP-taster groups in children

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    Overweight and obesity and the associated health risks are a growing concern globally. Research has shown that people who are obese early in life and especially in preadolescence have a high risk of also being obese in adulthood. It is therefore extremely important to form healthy food habits from childhood. The objective of this thesis is to investigate the associations between children’s taste intensity perception and their hedonic responses. This was done by highlighting taste responsiveness, PROP (6-n-propylthiouracil) responsiveness, stated and actual liking of foods, as well as food familiarity. 148 preadolescences aged 11 to 13 years old completed a sensory consumer test at schools where instructions were given from a remote location. The participants answered a questionnaire about familiarity and stated liking of 28 food items. The children also performed a tasting of four samples of grapefruit juice with different levels of sugar added, and four samples of vegetable broth samples with different levels of salt added. Samples were tasted twice, once for liking and once for taste responsiveness, respectively. PROP responsiveness was recorded using a paper disc test. The results showed a significant and positive correlation between stated liking and familiarity of the 28 food items. When tasting samples, children reported differences in liking of grapefruit juice samples; the samples were more liked as sugar content rose. For vegetable broth samples, no differences in liking were recorded between samples across children, but PROP phenotypes liked vegetable broth samples significantly different, with non-tasters liking samples significantly more than the other PROP phenotype groups. Several differences in taste responsiveness were found between PROP phenotypes, both for basic taste responsiveness and liking of samples. Familiarity, responsiveness to sweet taste and PROP responsiveness were significant in predicting liking of grapefruit juice samples. The results from this study add to the understanding of food choices in children in relation to taste sensitivity perception, familiarity, and how remote testing can be utilized in sensory evaluation with preadolescents.Overvekt og fedme og tilknyttede helseproblemer er et økende problem over hele verden. Forskning har vist at mennesker med fedme tidlig i livet og spesielt tidlig i ungdomstiden har høy risiko for å ha fedme også i voksen alder. Dermed er det ekstremt viktig å skape sunne matvaner fra barndommen. Målet med denne oppgaven er å undersøke sammenhengene mellom hvordan barn opplever smak og deres hedoniske respons. Dette ble gjort ved å legge vekt på barnas smaksrespons, respons for PROP (6-n-propylthiouracil), oppgitt og opplevd liking av matvarer, og kjennskap til matvarer. 148 barn fra 11 til 13 år (tidlig ungdom) deltok i en sensorisk forbrukerundersøkelse gjennomført på skoler hvor instruksjoner ble gitt fra en ekstern lokasjon. Deltakerne svarte på en spørreundersøkelse hvor de ble spurt om kjennskap til og oppgitt liking av 28 matvarer. De gjennomførte også en smakstest av fire prøver med grapefruktjuice tilsatt ulike mengder sukker, og fire prøver med grønnsaksbuljong tilsatt ulike mengder salt. Prøvene ble smakt på to ganger, en gang for liking og en gang for å registrere smakssensitivitet. PROP respons ble registrert gjennom en papirdisktest.M-MA

    A taxonomic and phylogeographic study of the Botrychium lunaria complex

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    This dissertation documents an analysis of genetic diversity in the Botrychium lunaria complex using starch gel enzyme electrophoresis and statistical analysis of genetic relationships. The study resulted in identifying the genetic variation within and between the entities comprising the complex and revealed their geographic distribution. These results provided a basis for inferring what entities comprise the complex and how the entities may be recognized taxonomically. This study also examines the biogeography of the B. lunaria complex. I used the results of enzyme electrophoresis studies, statistical analysis and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) mapping to investigate the complex\u27s origins, the relationships between its entities, how the entities arose and their patterns of geographic distribution. Studies revealed considerable genetic diversity within the B. lunaria complex as well as distinct geographic patterns to the complex\u27s genetic diversity. In addition, I determined how the genetic entities should be recognized taxonomically and at which taxonomic levels they should be recognized. Geographic distribution of the members of the B. lunaria complex reflects their phylogenetic relationships. Their genetic composition, migration patterns and divergence times reveal genetic isolation that can probably be attributed to Quaternary glacial-interglacial cycles. The present distribution of members of the B. lunaria complex can also be explained, in part, by long distance dispersal via spores. Divergences between taxa occurred during different glacial periods. Distributions of taxa also indicate post-glacial spread of taxa and genotypes. Beringia, the landmass connecting eastern Siberia and Alaska, is a center of moonwort diversity as well as providing a colonization route between Eurasia and North America

    Treatment of Compulsive Gambling

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    A program for treatment of compulsive gambling is presented. The participant in the study was a 27-year old teacher. Before the treatment started he spent about $3.700 a month and his debt because of gambling was 60 000 dollars. The procedure included different parts; self-recording, establishment of alternative and incompatible behavior, relapse prevention and restrictions in access to money. To ensure that it was not the prevention from the access to money that stopped the use of money spent on gambling, thus, a couple of days every month participant had access to a certain amount of money. After the start of the treatment he has not lost or spent any money on gambling for nearly two years

    Blastocystis: Isolation, Xenic Cultivation, and Cryopreservation.

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    Blastocystis is an intestinal parasite that is very easily isolated in culture from fresh stool samples. In fact, the parasite grows so readily in culture that short-term in vitro culture is sometimes used as a diagnostic tool in the absence of DNA-based methods. While axenizing Blastocystis cultures remains a significant challenge, the parasite can be propagated for several months in the presence of metabolically active bacteria (xenic culture). Hence, culture can be used for maintaining live Blastocystis strain libraries. This enables the production of a stable resource of reference material, which for instance can be used for DNA-based assays and research. Blastocystis isolates can also be cryopreserved with a view to reestablishing them in culture. Here, we provide protocols for xenic in vitro culture and cryopreservation of Blastocystis. © 2016 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc

    Current status of Blastocystis: A personal view.

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    Despite Blastocystis being one of the most widespread and prevalent intestinal eukaryotes, its role in health and disease remains elusive. DNA-based detection methods have led to a recognition that the organism is much more common than previously thought, at least in some geographic regions and some groups of individuals. Molecular methods have also enabled us to start categorizing the vast genetic heterogeneity that exists among Blastocystis isolates, wherein the key to potential differences in the clinical outcome of Blastocystis carriage may lie. In this review we summarize some of the recent developments and advances in Blastocystis research, including updates on diagnostic methods, molecular epidemiology, genetic diversity, host specificity, clinical significance, taxonomy, and genomics. As we are now in the microbiome era, we also review some of the steps taken towards understanding the place of Blastocystis in the intestinal microbiota

    Associations between Gut Microbiota and Common Luminal Intestinal Parasites

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier (Cell Press) via the DOI in this record.The development and integration of DNA-based methods in research and clinical microbiology laboratories have enabled standardised and comprehensive detection and differentiation of the microbes colonising our guts. For instance, the single-celled parasites Blastocystis and Dientamoeba appear to be much more common than previously thought, especially so in healthy individuals. While increasing evidence appears to suggest limited pathogenicity of these parasites, next-generation-sequencing-based studies have helped us to appreciate links between parasite colonisation and certain host phenotypical characteristics and gut microbial profiles. The fundamental question remains as to whether such parasites are merely indicators or active manipulators of gut microbiota structure and function. In this article, we collate existing evidence that these parasites are, at minimum, indicators of intestinal microbiota structure
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