625 research outputs found

    Un proyecto de hip hop comunitario

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Belles Arts. Facultat de Belles Arts. Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2018-2019, Tutor: Hernández, Fernando (Hernández Hernández)[spa] En el siguiente texto relato la experiencia del proyecto “Efecto Micelio”, cuyo objeti vo formal es la creación comunitaria de un video musical creado entre jóvenes de tres comunidades en distintas partes del mundo. Este trabajo se centra en el grupo parti cipante de Premià de Mar, Barcelona. Concretamente, investi go la intersección de las pedagogías críti cas, las prácti cas artí sti cas comunitarias y las herramientas del Hip Hop en nuestro enfoque pedagógico, y refl exiono desde una perspecti va etnográfi ca acerca de las problemáti -cas, dilemas y retos que se dieron durante el proceso, sirviéndome de entrevistas y otras fuentes primarias para hilar mi narración.[eng] In the following text I describe the experience of the “Efecto Micelio” project, whose formal objecti ve is the community creati on of a music video created by young people from three communiti es in diff erent parts of the world. This work focuses on the parti cipating group from Premià de Mar, Barcelona. Specifi cally, I investi gate the intersecti on of criti cal pedagogies, community artistic practices and the Hip Hop tools in our pedagogical approach, and refl ect from an ethnographic point of view on the problems, dilemmas and challenges that took place during the process, using interviews and other primary sources to spin together my narrati on

    Forord til »værdiformsanalytisk rekonstruktion«

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    Small chromosomes among Danish Candida glabrata isolates originated through different mechanisms

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    We analyzed 192 strains of the pathogenic yeast Candida glabrata from patients, mainly suffering from systemic infection, at Danish hospitals during 1985-1999. Our analysis showed that these strains were closely related but exhibited large karyotype polymorphism. Nine strains contained small chromosomes, which were smaller than 0.5 Mb. Regarding the year, patient and hospital, these C. glabrata strains had independent origin and the analyzed small chromosomes were structurally not related to each other (i.e. they contained different sets of genes). We suggest that at least two mechanisms could participate in their origin: (i) through a segmental duplication which covered the centromeric region, or (ii) by a translocation event moving a larger chromosome arm to another chromosome that leaves the centromere part with the shorter arm. The first type of small chromosomes carrying duplicated genes exhibited mitotic instability, while the second type, which contained the corresponding genes in only one copy in the genome, was mitotically stable. Apparently, in patients C. glabrata chromosomes are frequently reshuffled resulting in new genetic configurations, including appearance of small chromosomes, and some of these resulting "mutant" strains can have increased fitness in a certain patient "environment"

    Donor Variability in Growth Kinetics of Healthy hMSCs Using Manual Processing:Considerations for Manufacture of Cell Therapies

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    Human mesenchymal stromal cells (hMSCs) are excellent candidates for cell therapy but their expansion to desired clinical quantities can be compromised by ex vivo processing, due to differences between donor material and process variation. The aim of this article is to characterize growth kinetics of healthy baseline "reference" hMSCs using typical manual processing. Bone-marrow derived hMSCs from ten donors are isolated based on plastic adherence, expanded, and analyzed for their growth kinetics until passage 4. Results indicate that hMSC density decreases with overall time in culture (p < 0.001) but no significant differences are observed between successive passages after passage 1. In addition, fold increase in cell number dropped between passage 1 and 2 for three batches, which correlated to lower performance in total fold increase and expansion potential of these batches, suggesting that proliferative ability of hMSCs can be predicted at an early stage. An indicative bounded operating window is determined between passage 1 and 3 (PDL < 10), despite the high inter-donor variability present under standardized hMSC expansion conditions used. hMSC growth profile analysis will be of benefit to cell therapy manufacturing as a tool to predict culture performance and attainment of clinically-relevant yields, therefore stratifying the patient population based on early observation

    Reduced Reactivation from Dormancy but Maintained Lineage Choice of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells with Donor Age

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    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are promising for cell-based regeneration therapies but up to date it is still controversial whether their function is maintained throughout ageing. Aim of this study was to address whether frequency, activation in vitro, replicative function, and in vitro lineage choice of MSC is maintained throughout ageing to answer the question whether MSC-based regeneration strategies should be restricted to younger individuals. MSC from bone marrow aspirates of 28 donors (5–80 years) were characterized regarding colony-forming unit-fibroblast (CFU-F) numbers, single cell cloning efficiency (SSCE), osteogenic, adipogenic and chondrogenic differentiation capacity in vitro. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, mineralization, Oil Red O content, proteoglycan- and collagen type II deposition were quantified. While CFU-F frequency was maintained, SSCE and early proliferation rate decreased significantly with advanced donor age. MSC with higher proliferation rate before start of induction showed stronger osteogenic, adipogenic and chondrogenic differentiation. MSC with high osteogenic capacity underwent better chondrogenesis and showed a trend to better adipogenesis. Lineage choice was, however, unaltered with age. Conclusion: Ageing influenced activation from dormancy and replicative function of MSC in a way that it may be more demanding to mobilize MSC to fast cell growth at advanced age. Since fast proliferation came along with high multilineage capacity, the proliferation status of expanded MSC rather than donor age may provide an argument to restrict MSC-based therapies to certain individuals

    Psoriasiform skin disease in transgenic pigs with high-copy ectopic expression of human integrins α2 and β1

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    Psoriasis is a complex human-specific disease characterized by perturbed keratinocyte proliferation and a pro-inflammatory environment in the skin. Porcine skin architecture and immunity are very similar to that in humans, rendering the pig a suitable animal model for studying the biology and treatment of psoriasis. Expression of integrins, which is normally confined to the basal layer of the epidermis, is maintained in suprabasal keratinocytes in psoriatic skin, modulating proliferation and differentiation as well as leukocyte infiltration. Here, we generated minipigs co-expressing integrins α2 and β1 in suprabasal epidermal layers. Integrin-transgenic minipigs born into the project displayed skin phenotypes that correlated with the number of inserted transgenes. Molecular analyses were in good concordance with histological observations of psoriatic hallmarks, including hypogranulosis and T-lymphocyte infiltration. These findings mark the first creation of minipigs with a psoriasiform phenotype resembling human psoriasis and demonstrate that integrin signaling plays a key role in psoriasis pathology