767 research outputs found

    Disorder versus two transport lifetimes in a strongly correlated electron liquid

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    We report on angle-dependent measurements of the sheet resistances and Hall coefficients of electron liquids in SmTiO3/SrTiO3/SmTiO3 quantum well structures, which were grown by molecular beam epitaxy on (001) DyScO3. We compare their transport properties with those of similar structures grown on LSAT [(La0.3Sr0.7)(Al0.65Ta0.35)O3]. On DyScO3, planar defects normal to the quantum wells lead to a strong in-plane anisotropy in the transport properties. This allows for quantifying the role of defects in transport. In particular, we investigate differences in the longitudinal and Hall scattering rates, which is a non-Fermi liquid phenomenon known as lifetime separation. The residuals in both the longitudinal resistance and Hall angle were found to depend on the relative orientations of the transport direction to the planar defects. The Hall angle exhibited a robust T2 temperature dependence along all directions, whereas no simple power law could describe the temperature dependence of the longitudinal resistances. Remarkably, the degree of the carrier lifetime separation, as manifested in the distinctly different temperature dependences and diverging residuals near a critical quantum well thickness, was completely insensitive to disorder. The results allow for a clear distinction between disorder-induced contributions to the transport and intrinsic, non-Fermi liquid phenomena, which includes the lifetime separation.Comment: In press, Sci. Re

    Growth of strontium ruthenate films by hybrid molecular beam epitaxy

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    We report on the growth of epitaxial Sr2RuO4 films using a hybrid molecular beam epitaxy approach in which a volatile precursor containing RuO4 is used to supply ruthenium and oxygen. The use of the precursor overcomes a number of issues encountered in traditional MBE that uses elemental metal sources. Phase-pure, epitaxial thin films of Sr2RuO4 are obtained. At high substrate temperatures, growth proceeds in a layer-by-layer mode with intensity oscillations observed in reflection high-energy electron diffraction. Films are of high structural quality, as documented by x-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. The method should be suitable for the growth of other complex oxides containing ruthenium, opening up opportunities to investigate thin films that host rich exotic ground states.Comment: In press, APL Mate

    Response of the lattice across the filling-controlled Mott metal-insulator transition of a rare earth titanate

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    The lattice response of a prototype Mott insulator, SmTiO3, to hole doping is investigated with atomic-scale spatial resolution. SmTiO3 films are doped with Sr on the Sm site with concentrations that span the insulating and metallic sides of the filling-controlled Mott metal-insulator transition (MIT). The GdFeO3-type distortions are investigated using an atomic resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy technique that can resolve small lattice distortions with picometer precision. We show that these distortions are gradually and uniformly reduced as the Sr concentration is increased without any phase separation. Significant distortions persist into the metallic state. The results present a new picture of the physics of this prototype filling-controlled MIT, which is discussed.Comment: Accepted, Phys. Rev. Let

    Effects of radiative heat transfer on the structure of turbulent supersonic channel flow

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    International audienceThe interaction between turbulence in a minimal supersonic channel and radiative heat transfer is studied using large-eddy simulation. The working fluid is pure water vapour with temperature-dependent specific heats and molecular transport coefficients. Its line spectra properties are represented with a statistical narrow-band correlated-k model. A grey gas model is also tested. The parallel no-slip channel walls are treated as black surfaces concerning thermal radiation and are kept at a constant temperature of 1000 K. Simulations have been performed for different optical thicknesses (based on the Planck mean absorption coefficient) and different Mach numbers. Results for the mean flow variables, Reynolds stresses and certain terms of their transport equations indicate that thermal radiation effects counteract compressibility (Mach number) effects. An analysis of the total energy balance reveals the importance of radiative heat transfer, compared to the turbulent and mean molecular heat transport

    Dynamical temperature study for classical planar spin systems

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    In this micro-canonical simulation the temperature and also the specific heat are determined as averages of expressions easy to implement. The XY-chain is studied for a test. The second order transition on a cubic lattice and the first order transition on an fcc lattice are analyzed in greater detail to have a more severe test about the feasibility of this micro-canonical method.Comment: 9 pages in Latex(revtex), 7 PS-figure
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