801 research outputs found

    SODA: A Service Oriented Data Acquisition Framework

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    Application of a Semantic Search Algorithm to Semi-Automatic GUI Generation

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    The Semantic Search research field aims to query metadata and to identify relevant subgraphs. While in traditional search engines queries are composed by lists of keywords connected through boolean operators, Semantic Search instead, requires the submission of semantic queries that are structured as a graph of concepts, entities and relations. Submission of this graph is however not trivial as while a list of keywords of interest can be provided by any user, the formulation of semantic queries is not easy as well. One of the main challenges of RDF Browsers lies in the implementation of interfaces that allow the common user to submit semantic queries by hiding their complexity. Furthermore a good semantic search algorithm is not enough to fullfil user needs, it is worthwhile to implement visualization methods which can support users in intuitively understanding why and how the results were retrieved. In this paper we present a novel solution to query RDF datasets and to browse the results of the queries in an appealing manner

    LIME: Towards a Metadata Module for Ontolex

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    The OntoLex W3C Community Group has been working for more than a year on realizing a proposal for a standard ontol-ogy lexicon model. As the core-specification of the model is almost com-plete, the group started development of additional modules for specific tasks and use cases. We think that in many usage scenarios (e.g. linguistic enrichment, lo-calization and alignment of ontologies) the discovery and exploitation of linguis-tically grounded datasets may benefit from summarizing information about their linguistic expressivity. While the VoID vocabulary covers the need for general metadata about linked datasets, this more specific information demands a dedicated extension. In this paper, we fill this gap by introducing LIME (Linguistic Metadata), a new vocabulary aiming at completing the OntoLex standard with specifications for linguistic metadata.

    Restablecimiento de una nueva normalidad biomecánica en las graves deformidades de la rodilla

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    En las graves alteraciones morfo-estructurales de la rodilla, con inestabilidad en varusvalgus, las prótesis vinculadas a bisagra simple, tendían a fallar. El presente trabajo se propone evidenciar que, en tales situaciones, la prótesis vinculada a rotación representa la solución más idónea para el restablecimiento de una nueva normalidad. 18 pacientes (13 mujeres y 5 hombres) con edad media de 68 años han sido sometidos a intervención para colocar prótesis de rodilla. Ha sido utilizado el implante Endo-Model® de Waldemar Link®, prótesis vinculada a rotación. El follow-up medio es de 19 meses con controles a 2, 3, 6 y 12 meses y después anuales. Los resultados han sido: óptimo para 17 pacientes y bueno para 1 paciente, en el cual se ha verificado la ruptura post-operatoria del tendón cuadricipital. Nuestra casuística muestra resultados comparables a los de otros autores. No hemos tenido movilizaciones asépticas o sépticas, ni complicaciones médicas intraoperatorias y post-operatorias. Consideramos que, en presencia de la correcta indicación clínica, la utilización de la prótesis vinculada a rotación es preferible a la de deslizamiento porque disminuye el riesgo de una movilización precoz del implante y del desgaste anormal de los componentes protésicos, restableciendo una nueva normalidad biomecánica.Peer Reviewe

    Integration of onshore and offshore seismic arrays to study the seismicity of the Calabrian Region: a two steps automatic procedure for the identification of the best stations geometry

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    We plan to deploy in the Taranto Gulf some Ocean Bottom broadband Seismometer with Hydrophones. Our aim is to investigate the offshore seismicity of the Sibari Gulf. The seismographic network optimization consists in the identification of the optimal sites for the installation of the offshore stations, which is a crucial factor for the success of the monitoring campaign. In this paper, we propose a two steps automatic procedure for the identification of the best stations geometry. In the first step, based on the application of a set of a priori criteria, the suitable sites to host the ocean bottom seismic stations are identified. In the second step, the network improvement is evaluated for all the possible stations geometries by means of numerical simulation. The application of this procedure allows us to identify the best stations geometry to be achieved in the monitoring campaign

    A Semantic Web methodological framework to evaluate the support of integrity in thesaurus tools

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    12 p.With the Semantic Web, thesauri recover a relevant role supporting semantic searches and other added-value services. Thesaurus standards define what constructs a thesaurus can have and the integrity rules it must comply with. Thesaurus editors can be helped in their work if thesaurus tools offer them support for integrity, warning when integrity rules are violated and/or helping them to correct these mistakes. The most recent thesaurus standard is ISO 25964, which supersedes ISO 2788, evolving towards concept-based thesauri, better aligned with the Semantic Web approach than the term-based thesauri of ISO 2788. However, the W3C recommendation for KOS (Knowledge Organization System) representation in the semantic web context is SKOS, which is in fact prior to ISO 25964. This paper focuses on thesaurus integrity and the evolution from ISO 2788 to ISO 25964. Its effect on integrity issues is analyzed. A methodological proposal for evaluating integrity support in thesaurus tools, arising from the results of this work, is presented. Its target audience is professionals in charge of thesaurus edition. Besides being adapted to the most recent thesaurus standard, ISO 25964, it also includes the comparison of ISO standards with SKOS. The paper is completed with the presentation of the results of applying it to three thesaurus tools

    Towards VocBench 3: Pushing collaborative development of thesauri and ontologies further beyond

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    More than three years have passed since the release of the second edition of VocBench, an open source collaborative web platform for the development of thesauri complying with Semantic Web standards. In these years, a vibrant user community has gathered around the system, consisting of public organizations, companies and independent users looking for open source solutions for maintaining their thesauri, code lists and authority resources. The focus on collaboration, the differentiation of user roles and the workflow management for content validation and publication have been the strengths of the platform, especially for those organizations requiring a centralized and controlled publication environment. Now the time has come to widen the scope of the platform: funded by the ISA2programme of the European Commission, VocBench 3 will offer a general-purpose collaborative environment for development of any kind of RDF dataset, improving the editing capabilities of its predecessor, while still maintaining the peculiar aspects that determined its success. In this paper, we review the requirements and the new objectives set for version 3, and then introduce the new characteristics that were implemented for this next iteration of the platform