869 research outputs found

    Decision-making on an explicit risk-taking task in preadolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

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    Summary.: Inappropriate risk-taking and disadvantageous decision-making have been described as major behavioural characteristics of patients with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). However these behaviours are difficult to measure in laboratory contexts and recent studies have yielded inconsistent results which might be related to task characteristics. The present study adopted the Game of Dice Task, a test procedure in which risks are made explicit and the load on working memory is minimal. As a result, preadolescents with ADHD (N = 23) made significantly more risky choices and suffered major losses of money compared to normal controls (N = 24) but only when they played the game a second time. Differences in risk-taking correlated significantly with hyperactivity as rated by parents and with inhibitory control, but not with working memory performance. The results are discussed in the context of current theories of ADH

    Behavioral and emotional problems reported by parents for ages 6 to 17 in a Swiss epidemiological study

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    In an epidemiological sample of children aged 6 to 17 a total of 1964 parents responded to the Child Behavior Check List (CBCL). A subgroup of 399 parents were interviewed with the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children (DISC). The mean syndrome scale scores in the various sex/age groups were in the lower range of several international studies using the CBCL. Effect analyses revealed sex to be more important than nationality (indigenous vs. immigrant) and age. All effects had to be considered as being small. Convergence between syndrome scales of the CBCL and interview-derived DSMIII-R diagnoses was good for three major groups of disorder

    Follow-up studies of anorexia nervosa: a review of four decades of outcome research

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    In 1983 we presented a systematic analysis of the available literature on the course of anorexia nervosa (Steinhausen & Glanville, 1983 a). The survey was based on 45 English and German language studies published between 1953 and 1981. During the past decade there has been a striking increase of publications related to eating disorders in general. This pertains as well to follow-up studies on anorexia nervosa. In addition to studies compiled in our previous report, we were able to locate another 22 follow-up studies published in major English and German language journals between 1981 and 198

    Вплив нормального тиску на напружений стан гуми ступінчастого каната на робочому органі підйомної машини

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    Досліджено напружений стан гуми ступінчастого гумотросового каната у разі його застосування на підйомній машині з бобінним робочим органом та зі шківом тертя. Показано, що максимальні напруження в гумі залежать від конструкції каната та тиску, що виникає поміж шарами. Форма поперечного перерізу троса також впливає на напружений стан гуми.Исследовано напряженное состояние резины ступенчатого резинотросового каната в случае его применения на подъемной машине с бобинным рабочим органом и со шкивом трения. Показано, что максимальные напряжения в резине зависят от конструкции каната и давления, возникающего между слоями. Форма поперечного сечения троса также влияет на напряженное состояние резины.The stress-strain state of stepped rubber-rope cable in bobbin of winding and in pulley friction, are investigated. Shown that the maximum stress in the rubber depends on the design of the rope and the pressure appeared between the layers. Cable cross-sectional shape also affects to the stressstrain state of rubber

    Familiality of neural preparation and response control in childhood attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder

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    Background Patients with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) exhibit difficulties in multiple attentional functions. Although high heritability rates suggest a strong genetic impact, aetiological pathways from genes and environmental factors to the ADHD phenotype are not well understood. Tracking the time course of deviant task processing using event-related electrophysiological brain activity should characterize the impact of familiality on the sequence of cognitive functions from preparation to response control in ADHD. Method Preparation and response control were assessed using behavioural and electrophysiological parameters of two versions of a cued continuous performance test with varying attentional load in boys with ADHD combined type (n=97), their non-affected siblings (n=27) and control children without a family history of ADHD (n=43). Results Children with ADHD and non-affected siblings showed more variable performance and made more omission errors than controls. The preparatory Cue-P3 and contingent negative variation (CNV) following cues were reduced in both ADHD children and their non-affected siblings compared with controls. The NoGo-P3 was diminished in ADHD compared with controls whilst non-affected siblings were located intermediate but did not differ from both other groups. No clear familiality effects were found for the Go-P3. Better task performance was further associated with higher CNV and P3 amplitudes. Conclusions Impairments in performance and electrophysiological parameters reflecting preparatory processes and to some extend also for inhibitory response control, especially under high attentional load, appeared to be familially driven in ADHD and may thus constitute functionally relevant endophenotypes for the disorde

    Psychosocial adaptation of adolescent migrants in a Swiss community survey

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compare psychosocial adaptation in adolescent (first generation) migrants, double-citizens (mainly second generation with one migrant parent), and native Swiss, and to compare migrants from various European regions. METHOD: Data from a community survey were based on 1,239 participants (mean age 13.8, SD = 1.6 years) with 996 natives, 55 double-citizens, and 188 migrants. The adolescents completed the youth self-report measuring emotional and behavioural problems, and various questionnaires addressing life events, personality variables, perceived parental behaviour (PPB), family functioning, school environment, and social network. RESULTS: Adolescent migrants had significantly higher scores for internalizing and externalizing problems. There was a pattern of various unfavourable psychosocial features including life events, coping, self-related cognitions, and PPB that was more common among adolescent migrants than natives. Double-citizens were similar to natives in all domains. Young adolescents from South and South-East Europe differed from natives in terms of more unfavourable psychosocial features. Migrant status was best predicted by adverse psychosocial features rather than emotional and behavioural problems. CONCLUSION: There is some indication that certain migrant adolescents are at risk of psychosocial mal-adaptation. Obviously, ethnic origin is an important moderator

    Numerical Investigation of Local Heat-Release Rates and Thermo-Chemical States in Side-Wall Quenching of Laminar Methane and Dimethyl Ether Flames

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    The local heat-release rate and the thermo-chemical state of laminar methane and dimethyl ether flames in a side-wall quenching configuration are analyzed. Both, detailed chemistry simulations and reduced chemistry manifolds, namely Flamelet-Generated Manifolds (FGM), Quenching Flamelet-generated Manifolds (QFM) and Reaction-Diffusion Manifolds (REDIM), are compared to experimental data of local heat-release rate imaging of the lab-scale side-wall quenching burner at Technical University of Darmstadt. To enable a direct comparison between the measurements and the numerical simulations, the measurement signals are computed in all numerical approaches. Considering experimental uncertainties, the detailed chemistry simulations show a reasonable agreement with the experimental heat-release rate. The comparison of the FGM, QFM and REDIM with the detailed simulations shows the high prediction quality of the chemistry manifolds. For the first time, the thermo-chemical state during quenching of a dimethyl ether-air flame is examined numerically. Therefore, the carbon monoxide and temperature predictions are analyzed in the vicinity of the wall. The obtained results are consistent with previous studies for methane- air flames and extend these findings to more complex oxygenated fuels. Furthermore, this work presents the first comparison of the QFM and the REDIM in a side-wall quenching burner

    Genetic analysis of reaction time variability: room for improvement?

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    Background Increased reaction time variability (RTV) on cognitive tasks requiring a speeded response is characteristic of several psychiatric disorders. In attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), the association with RTV is strong phenotypically and genetically, yet high RTV is not a stable impairment but shows ADHD-sensitive improvement under certain conditions, such as those with rewards. The state regulation theory proposed that the RTV difference score, which captures change from baseline to a rewarded or fast condition, specifically measures ‘state regulation'. By contrast, the interpretation of RTV baseline (slow, unrewarded) scores is debated. We aimed to investigate directly the degree of phenotypic and etiological overlap between RTV baseline and RTV difference scores. Method We conducted genetic model fitting analyses on go/no-go and fast task RTV data, across task conditions manipulating rewards and event rate, from a population-based twin sample (n=1314) and an ADHD and control sibling-pair sample (n=1265). Results Phenotypic and genetic/familial correlations were consistently high (0.72-0.98) between RTV baseline and difference scores, across tasks, manipulations and samples. By contrast, correlations were low between RTV in the manipulated condition and difference scores. A comparison across two different go/no-go task RTV difference scores (slow-fast/slow-incentive) showed high phenotypic and genetic/familial overlap (r=0.75-0.83). Conclusions Our finding that RTV difference scores measure largely the same etiological process as RTV under baseline condition supports theories emphasizing the malleability of the observed high RTV. Given the statistical shortcomings of difference scores, we recommend the use of RTV baseline scores for most analyses, including genetic analyse