1,747 research outputs found

    Noise-based volume rendering for the visualization of multivariate volumetric data

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    Self-assembled granular walkers

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    Mechanisms of locomotion in microscopic systems are of great interest not only for technological applications, but also for the sake of understanding, and potentially harnessing, processes far from thermal equilibrium. Down-scaling is a particular challenge, and has led to a number of interesting concepts including thermal ratchet systems and asymmetric swimmers. Here we present a system which is particularly intriguing, as it is self-assembling and uses a robust mechanism which can be implemented in various settings. It consists of small spheres of different size which adhere to each other, and are subject to an oscillating (zero average) external force eld. An inherent nonlinearity in the mutual force network leads to force rectication and hence to locomotion. We present a model that accounts for the observed behaviour and demonstrates the wide applicability and potential scalability of the concept.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Corrosion behaviour of nitrided ferritic stainless steels for use in solid oxide fuel cell devices

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    Plasma nitriding was applied to ferritic stainless steel substrates to improve their performances as interconnects for solid oxide fuel cell devices. The samples underwent electrical conductivity test and SEM/EDS, TEM/EDS, environmental-SEM analyses. The first stages of corrosion were recorded in-situ with the e-SEM. Nitriding is effective in limiting the undesired chromium evaporation from the steel substrates and accelerates the corrosion kinetics, but its influence of the electrical conductivity is ambiguous. No intergranular corrosion is found in the steel substrate after long time operation. Nitriding helps commercially competitive porous coating to improve chromium retention properties of metal interconnects

    How to erase surface plasmon fringes

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    We report the realization of a dual surface plasmon polariton (SPP) microscope based on leakage radiation (LR) analysis. The microscope can either image SPP propagation in the direct space or tin the Fourier space. This particularity allows in turn manipulation of the LR image for a clear separation of different interfering SPP contributions present close to optical nanoelements.Comment: Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 091117 (2006

    Volume Rendering with Advanced GPU Scheduling Strategies

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    Modern GPUs are powerful enough to enable interactive display of high-quality volume data even despite the fact that many volume rendering methods do not present a natural fit for current GPU hardware. However, there still is a vast amount of computational power that remains unused due to the inefficient use of the available hardware. In this work, we demonstrate how advanced scheduling methods can be employed to implement volume rendering algorithms in a way that better utilizes the GPU by example of three different state-of-the-art volume rendering techniques

    A Variational Loop Shrinking Analogy for Handle and Tunnel Detection and {Reeb} Graph Construction on Surfaces

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    The humble loop shrinking property played a central role in the inception of modern topology but it has been eclipsed by more abstract algebraic formalism. This is particularly true in the context of detecting relevant non-contractible loops on surfaces where elaborate homological and/or graph theoretical constructs are favored in algorithmic solutions. In this work, we devise a variational analogy to the loop shrinking property and show that it yields a simple, intuitive, yet powerful solution allowing a streamlined treatment of the problem of handle and tunnel loop detection. Our formalization tracks the evolution of a diffusion front randomly initiated on a single location on the surface. Capitalizing on a diffuse interface representation combined with a set of rules for concurrent front interactions, we develop a dynamic data structure for tracking the evolution on the surface encoded as a sparse matrix which serves for performing both diffusion numerics and loop detection and acts as the workhorse of our fully parallel implementation. The substantiated results suggest our approach outperforms state of the art and robustly copes with highly detailed geometric models. As a byproduct, our approach can be used to construct Reeb graphs by diffusion thus avoiding commonly encountered issues when using Morse functions

    Patterns and causes of food waste in the hospitality and food service sector: food waste prevention insights from Malaysia

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    Food waste has formidable detrimental impacts on food security, the environment, and the economy, which makes it a global challenge that requires urgent attention. This study investigates the patterns and causes of food waste generation in the hospitality and food service sector, with the aim of identifying the most promising food waste prevention measures. It presents a comparative analysis of five case studies from the hospitality and food service (HaFS) sector in Malaysia and uses a mixed-methods approach. This paper provides new empirical evidence to highlight the significant opportunity and scope for food waste reduction in the HaFS sector. The findings suggest that the scale of the problem is even bigger than previously thought. Nearly a third of all food was wasted in the case studies presented, and almost half of it was avoidable. Preparation waste was the largest fraction, followed by buffet leftover and then customer plate waste. Food waste represented an economic loss equal to 23% of the value of the food purchased. Causes of food waste generation included the restaurants' operating procedures and policies, and the social practices related to food consumption. Therefore, food waste prevention strategies should be twofold, tackling both the way the hospitality and food service sector outlets operate and organise themselves, and the customers’ social practices related to food consumption