203 research outputs found
The Ethical Perceptions of Dog Tail Docking Amongst Owners and Veterinarians in South Carolina
This thesis aimed to discover, in depth, what tail docking of dogs is, why it is currently in practice, what the controversial opinions surrounding it are, how the opinions differ when taking into account the professionals of the field versus owners and breeders, and how it can be addressed in the future to treat our animals as humanely as possible.
Based on the surveying of South Carolinian owners, breeders, and veterinarians, it was discovered that dog tail-docking procedures are overwhelmingly used for cosmetic or aesthetic purposes, with the aim being to match breed standards. There was a disagreement amongst those surveyed on what constitutes a medical necessity to dock dogsâ tails and whether matching breed standards is a substantial reason to do so. Responses varied, with a significant number of breeders and owners indicating they supported the procedure when done to match breed standards, and others indicating they are against the procedure in all cases.
Veterinarians that were surveyed had split opinions when asked why they believe the procedure is chosenâ either to match breed standards or to prevent injury in working dogs, with emphasis on aesthetic, medically unnecessary purposes being over-represented amongst the two reasons. However, they agreed on the mechanism of action for docking tails, being surgical, and the age at which it should be done, being within a week of birth. Most veterinarians disagreed with banning the procedure as it could lead to dangerous botching of docked tails at home by breeders or prevention of the procedure when suggested for hunting and working dogs.
Matching breed standards has been deemed an unnecessary medical reason for docking tails by the AVMA and by veterinarians (6). However, that has not stopped the procedure from being pursued. Next steps for addressing this ethical issue is enforcing a policy by kennel clubs that manage what a typical breed should look like that allows the breed to have their natural tails, with exceptions in cases of physical necessityâ hunting and working dogs that can injure their tails on the job or breeds with predisposition to tail injuries. This comes at a cost too, however, as this is a preemptive measure with uncertainty on how many will actually injure their tails. In addition, the procedure can have negative side-effects, especially if performed improperly.
Limiting the procedure to only medically necessary instances, such as for dogs working in the armed forces or police forces, for hunting dogs, and for breeds that historically damage their tails, requires a definitive definition of what constitutes necessity, but would eliminate the procedure being done for showing purposes and to strictly match breed standards
Parentsâ attitudes and unequal opportunities in early childhood development: Evidence from Eastern India
Early childhood development is considered a crucial component for sustainable development, and parentsâ roles in this regard is unambiguously acknowledged. However, the evidence is sparsely available from developing countries like India on how parents can influence access to the early childhood development program. This study, based on an empirical footing, investigates whether parental attitude may lead to unequal opportunities in childrenâs access to preschools in India. The study portrays that the negative or indifferent attitude of parents predicts significantly lower access to preschools. Also, parentsâ education can be held responsible for the variation in parentsâ attitudes toward early education and care. A two-prong policy measure is thus suggested by educating parents on one hand and involving them in the implementation process of childhood development programs on the other
Family Climate in Pandemic Times: Adolescents and Mothers
In this article, we examine changes in family climate during the first Covidâ19ârelated lockdown in Germany. We compare the perspectives of mothers and adolescents to explore whether the factors of perceived changes in family climate are systematically and significantly different between these groups. We measure family climate as positive emotional climate, a subâdimension of the family environment scale, to capture a feeling of cohesion and emotional openness within the family. Based on family system theory and the family stress model, we expect an overall deterioration in family climate due to increased environmental adaptation in the pandemic. Furthermore, we expect family climate to deteriorate less when families have economic and social resources available. On the other hand, we assume that being employed and/or primarily responsible for family care relates to a stronger decline in the family climate. We employ longitudinal survey data (AID:A) from around 300 German families with children aged nine to 17 and apply individual fixed effects models to investigate changes in family climate from 2019 to 2020. Almost half of our respondents report a decrease in family climate. For mothers, the share of unpaid care work at home is the only significant predictor: Mothers doing more than 80% of the chores and childcare feel a greater decrease in family climate. For adolescents, however, being at risk of poverty and having less frequent family activities are important predictors of stronger decreases in family climate. In summary, our results illustrate the relevance of distinguishing between the perspective of children and parents in family studies
Multiple myeloma incidence, mortality, and prevalence estimates and projections, Australia, 1982â2043:a statistical modelling study
Objectives: To examine changes in multiple myeloma incidence and mortality rates during 1982â2018, and to estimate its incidence, mortality, and prevalence for 2019â2043. Study design: Population-based statistical modelling study; analysis of and projections based on Australian Institute of Health and Welfare multiple myeloma incidence, mortality, and survival data. Setting: Australia, 1982â2018 (historical data) and projections to 2043. Main outcome measures: Changes in multiple myeloma incidence and mortality rates, 1982â2018, determined by joinpoint regression analysis (age-standardised to 2021 Australian population); projection of rates to 2043 based on ageâperiodâcohort models; estimated 5- and 30-year prevalence of multiple myeloma (modified counting method). Results: The incidence of multiple myeloma increased during 1982â2018 (eg, annual percentage change [APC], 2006â2018, 1.9%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.7â2.2%), but the mortality rate declined during 1990â2018 (APC, â0.4%; 95% CI, â0.5% to â0.2%). The age-standardised incidence rate was projected to increase by 14.9% during 2018â2043, from 8.7 in 2018 to 10.0 (95% CI, 9.4â10.7) new cases per 100 000 population in 2043; the mortality rate was projected to decline by 27.5%, from 4.0 to 2.9 (95% CI, 2.6â3.3) deaths per 100 000 population. The annual number of people newly diagnosed with multiple myeloma was estimated to increase by 89.2%, from 2120 in 2018 to 4012 in 2043; the number of deaths from multiple myeloma was projected to increase by 31.7%, from 979 to 1289. The number of people living with multiple myeloma up to 30 years after initial diagnosis was projected to increase by 163%, from 10 288 in 2018 to 27 093 in 2043, including 13 019 people (48.1%) diagnosed during the preceding five years. Conclusion: Although the decline in the mortality rate was projected to continue, the projected increases in the incidence and prevalence of multiple myeloma in Australia over the next 25 years indicate that investment in prevention and early detection research, and planning for prolonged treatment and care, are needed.</p
Polarisierungen im Kontext Schule: Marginalisierungsprozesse am Ăbergang von der Grundschule in die Sekundarstufe I aus Sicht von Schulakteur/-innen und SchĂŒler/-innen
Das Forschungsprojekt âZusammenhĂ€nge zwischen prekĂ€ren Lebenslagen und Bildungsentscheidungen. Die Situation von SchĂŒler:innen am Ăbergang von der Grundschule in die Sekundarstufe Iâ untersuchte demnach zum einen die eigene Armutswahrnehmung von Familien in schwierigen Lebenslagen und ihre damit verbundenen Herausforderungen im Kontext Bildung sowie zum anderen die Armutswahrnehmung von SchĂŒler/-innen durch Lehrpersonen an Schulen. Um sowohl die AuĂen- als auch die Binnenperspektive zu erheben, wurden im Rahmen des von der Landeshauptstadt MĂŒnchen geförderten Projekts an vier in sehr unterschiedlichen SozialrĂ€umen liegenden MĂŒnchner Grundschulen insgesamt zwölf Expert/-inneninterviews mit Schulleitungen, Lehrer/-innen und Schulsozialarbeiter/-innen sowie neun Familieninterviews mit ViertklĂ€ssler/-innen und ihren Eltern durchgefĂŒhrt.
Anhand der drei Aspekte âArmutswahrnehmungenâ, âUnterstĂŒtzungsmöglichkeiten armer SchĂŒler/-innenâ und âZusammenarbeit zwischen Schule und Elternâ werden vor allem die WidersprĂŒchlichkeiten, aber auch ErgĂ€nzungen in den Perspektiven von befragten Schulakteur/-innen und Familien herausgestellt.
Es werden Handlungsimpulse aufgezeigt, wie arme und von Armut bedrohte Kinder und ihre Familien besser unterstĂŒtzt werden und bereits bestehende MaĂnahmen umgesetzt bzw. ausgebaut werden könnten und beim Kind ankommen
Beratungsbedarfe von Stieffamilien in Bayern: Abschlussbericht
Obwohl Stieffamilien mit etwa 10 % eine relevante Gruppe an allen Familien ausmachen und ihre Herausforderungen aufgrund der vielfĂ€ltigen Beziehungskonstellationen besonders komplex sind, war bislang nur wenig ĂŒber ihre speziellen Beratungsbedarfe bekannt. Diese ForschungslĂŒcke schlieĂt das Projekt "Beratungsbedarfe von Stieffamilien in Bayern", welches als Kooperationsprojekt des Deutschen Jugendinstituts (DJI) und des Staatsinstituts fĂŒr Familienforschung in Bayern (ifb) durchgefĂŒhrt wurde. Das Projekt wurde aus Mitteln des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums fĂŒr Familie, Arbeit und Soziales (StMAS) gefördert. Dazu wurden im Rahmen des Projektes einerseits SekundĂ€rdatenanalysen der deutschen Familiensurveys AID:A und pairfam durchgefĂŒhrt. Diese zeigen, dass Stieffamilien nicht nur mehr Herausforderungen meistern, sondern auch mehr Angebote der Familienberatung in Anspruch nehmen, als es sogenannte Kernfamilien tun. Die eigens fĂŒr das Projekt durchgefĂŒhrte Online-FachkrĂ€ftebefragung spiegelt dies wider und zeigt, dass ein ĂŒberproportionaler Anteil der Beratungen in der Erziehungs-, der Ehe-/Familien- und Lebensberatung sowie in den JugendĂ€mtern Stieffamilien betrifft. Die Beratungsanliegen der Stieffamilien drehen sich dabei hĂ€ufig um die Konflikte mit dem Ex-Partner oder der Ex-Partnerin, aber auch die Zusammenarbeit in Erziehungsfragen mit dem neuen Partner, bzw. der neuen Partnerin
wird oft thematisiert. Bei den FortbildungswĂŒnschen der FachkrĂ€fte stehen Themen, die den Stiefelternteil betreffen daher im Vordergrund: Besonders interessiert sind die FachkrĂ€fte an Fortbildungen zu Rollenkonflikten des Stiefelternteils, der Akzeptanz der Rolle des Stiefelternteils sowie der Etablierung einer gelungenen Zusammenarbeit in der Erziehung zwischen Stief- und leiblichem Elternteil. Die weitere Zusammenarbeit in der Erziehung mit dem Ex-Partner oder der Ex-Partnerin ist ebenfalls ein Thema, zu dem die FachkrĂ€fte sich Fortbildungen wĂŒnschen. Insgesamt fĂ€llt auf, dass besonders die - tendenziell jĂŒngeren - FachkrĂ€fte in den JugendĂ€mtern bislang weniger Fortbildungen gemacht haben, darin aber auch einen geringeren Bedarf sehen als die FachkrĂ€fte der Erziehungs- sowie Ehe-/Familien- und Lebensberatungsstellen. Hier bieten sich weitere Forschung sowie Intervention an, da es gerade die FachkrĂ€fte in den JugendĂ€mtern hĂ€ufig mit komplexen FĂ€llen zu tun haben. Die Studie schĂ€rft das Bewusstsein fĂŒr die speziellen Beratungsbedarfe von Stieffamilien und rĂŒckt dabei die Perspektive der FachkrĂ€fte in den Vordergrund. Es wird deutlich, dass Stieffamilien durch groĂe DiversitĂ€t gekennzeichnet sind und dementsprechend je spezifische Problemlagen aufweisen. Aus der Studie wurde deutlich, dass eine kontinuierliche, idealerweise lĂ€ngsschnittliche Beobachtung von komplexen Familienformen und deren speziellen Bedarfen eine gemeinsame Herausforderung fĂŒr Wissenschaft und Politik darstellt
Diamond Blackfan Anemia: A Nonclassical Patient With Diagnosis Assisted by Genomic Analysis
Diamond Blackfan anemia (DBA) is an inherited syndrome usually presenting with severe macrocytic anemia in infancy, paucity of erythroid precursors in the bone marrow, and congenital anomalies. We describe a child with mild, transfusion independent normocytic anemia whose diagnosis of DBA was established by identification of a novel de novo mutation disrupting normal splicing of the ribosomal protein RPL5. The diagnosis of DBA was confirmed by elevated erythrocyte adenosine deaminase levels and an abnormal ribosomal RNA profile. This case demonstrates the usefulness of genomic analysis in establishing the diagnosis of DBA in patients with a nonclassical presentation of the disease
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Whole-exome sequencing identifies an α-globin cluster triplication resulting in increased clinical severity of ÎČ-thalassemia
Whole-exome sequencing (WES) has been increasingly useful for the diagnosis of patients with rare causes of anemia, particularly when there is an atypical clinical presentation or targeted genotyping approaches are inconclusive. Here, we describe a 20-yr-old man with a lifelong moderate-to-severe anemia with accompanying splenomegaly who lacked a definitive diagnosis. After a thorough clinical workup and targeted genetic sequencing, we identified a paternally inherited ÎČ-globin mutation (HBB:c.93-21G>A, IVS-I-110:G>A), a known cause of ÎČ-thalassemia minor. As this mutation alone was inconsistent with the severity of the anemia, we performed WES. Although we could not identify any relevant pathogenic single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) or small indels, copy-number variant (CNV) analyses revealed a likely triplication of the entire α-globin cluster, which was subsequently confirmed by multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification. Treatment and follow-up was redefined according to the diagnosis of ÎČ-thalassemia intermedia resulting from a single ÎČ-thalassemia mutation in combination with an α-globin cluster triplication. Thus, we describe a case where the typical WES-based analysis of SNVs and small indels was unrevealing, but WES-based CNV analysis resulted in a definitive diagnosis that informed clinical decision-making. More generally, this case illustrates the value of performing CNV analysis when WES is otherwise unable to elucidate a clear genetic diagnosis
Emissions and Energy Impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act
If goals set under the Paris Agreement are met, the world may hold warming
well below 2 C; however, parties are not on track to deliver these commitments,
increasing focus on policy implementation to close the gap between ambition and
action. Recently, the US government passed its most prominent piece of climate
legislation to date, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA), designed to
invest in a wide range of programs that, among other provisions, incentivize
clean energy and carbon management, encourage electrification and efficiency
measures, reduce methane emissions, promote domestic supply chains, and address
environmental justice concerns. IRA's scope and complexity make modeling
important to understand impacts on emissions and energy systems. We leverage
results from nine independent, state-of-the-art models to examine potential
implications of key IRA provisions, showing economy wide emissions reductions
between 43-48% below 2005 by 2035
Accelerating functional gene discovery in osteoarthritis.
Osteoarthritis causes debilitating pain and disability, resulting in a considerable socioeconomic burden, yet no drugs are available that prevent disease onset or progression. Here, we develop, validate and use rapid-throughput imaging techniques to identify abnormal joint phenotypes in randomly selected mutant mice generated by the International Knockout Mouse Consortium. We identify 14 genes with functional involvement in osteoarthritis pathogenesis, including the homeobox gene Pitx1, and functionally characterize 6 candidate human osteoarthritis genes in mouse models. We demonstrate sensitivity of the methods by identifying age-related degenerative joint damage in wild-type mice. Finally, we phenotype previously generated mutant mice with an osteoarthritis-associated polymorphism in the Dio2 gene by CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing and demonstrate a protective role in disease onset with public health implications. We hope this expanding resource of mutant mice will accelerate functional gene discovery in osteoarthritis and offer drug discovery opportunities for this common, incapacitating chronic disease
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