111 research outputs found

    Movement of cadmium and lead in anthropogenically formed trophic chains of a pasture type

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    ABSTRACT: An investigation on the movement of Lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) in a trophic chain in 2 villages (industrial polluted and non polluted) has been conducted. The contents of the 2 heavy metals in the soil, food and in different organs of young kids, so as their transfer in the 3 trophic levels (using different static and dynamic methods of recalculation) have been established. The authors show, that it is expedient to determine quantitatively the chemical heterogeneity at the heterotrophic levels applying two criteria: along with the dynamic criterion “Clarc of concentration”(Cc), used up to know, to include also “Factor of bioaccumulation” (FB), which shows the real value of accumulation or dispersal of the chemical element according to its content in soil or at the trophic level of the autotrophic organisms. The increased Cc of lead /4,72/ and cadmium /49,14/ in soil is not the reason for the concentration in the nutrition chain at the level of the autotrophic organisms and at the level of the organisms phytophages /kids/. The studies of the FB show that the technogenically high Clarc of lead and cadmium in the ecotope is the reason for some changes in the metabolism, enabling the dispersal of lead along the trophic chain, the values falling down to 0,05 – 0,02 compared to its content in the ecotope, and, of cadmium – down to 0,03 – 0,15 in the tested organs and tissues. РЕЗЮМЕ: Проведено е изследване за движението на олово (Pb) и кадмий (Cd) в трофична верига в две села(промишлено замърсено и незамърсено). Установено е съдържанието на двата тежки метала в почвата, храната и различните органи на млади ярета и трансферът им в трите трофични нива, използвайки различни статични и динамични методи на изчисление. Авторите доказват, че е възможно количественото определяне на химичната хетерогенност на хетеротрофните нива, използвайки два критерия: наред с динамичния критерий “Кларк на концентрация” (Сс), използван досега, се включва и “Фактор на биоакумулация” (FB), който показва реалната стойност на натрупване или разсейване на химичния елемент според съдържанието му в почвата или на трофично ниво в автотрофния организъм. Повишеният Сс на олово /4,72/ и кадмий /49,14/ в почвата не е причина за концентрацията им в хранителната верига на нивото на автотрофните организми и на нивото на организмите-фитофаги /ярета/. Изследванията на FB показват, че техногенно високият кларк на олово и кадмий в екотопа е причина за някои промени в метаболизма, способстващи за разпръскване на оловото по трофичната верига и спада на стойностите до 0,05 – 0,02 в сравнение със съдържанието му в екотопа, и на кадмия – до 0,03 – 0,15 в изследваните органи и тъкани

    Nogo receptor is involved in the adhesion of dendritic cells to myelin

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    BACKGROUND: Nogo-66 receptor NgR1 and its structural homologue NgR2 are binding proteins for a number of myelin-associated inhibitory factors. After neuronal injury, these inhibitory factors are responsible for preventing axonal outgrowth via their interactions with NgR1 and NgR2 expressed on neurons. In vitro, cells expressing NgR1/2 are inhibited from adhering to and spreading on a myelin substrate. Neuronal injury also results in the presence of dendritic cells (DCs) in the central nervous system, where they can come into contact with myelin debris. The exact mechanisms of interaction of immune cells with CNS myelin are, however, poorly understood. METHODS: Human DCs were differentiated from peripheral blood monocytes and mouse DCs were differentiated from wild type and NgR1/NgR2 double knockout bone marrow precursors. NgR1 and NgR2 expression were determined with quantitative real time PCR and immunoblot, and adhesion of cells to myelin was quantified. RESULTS: We demonstrate that human immature myeloid DCs express NgR1 and NgR2, which are then down-regulated upon maturation. Human mature DCs also adhere to a much higher extent to a myelin substrate than immature DCs. We observe the same effect when the cells are plated on Nogo-66-His (binding peptide for NgR1), but not on control proteins. Mature DCs taken from Ngr1/2 knockout mice adhere to a much higher extent to myelin compared to wild type mouse DCs. In addition, Ngr1/2 knockout had no effect on in vitro DC differentiation or phenotype. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that a lack of NgR1/2 expression promotes the adhesion of DCs to myelin. This interaction could be important in neuroinflammatory disorders such as multiple sclerosis in which peripheral immune cells come into contact with myelin debris

    A Complementary and Revised View on the N-Acylation of Chitosan with Hexanoyl Chloride

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    The modification of the biobased polymer chitosan is a broad and widely studied field. Herein, an insight into the hydrophobization of low-molecular-weight chitosan by substitution of amino functionalities with hexanoyl chloride is reported. Thereby, the influence of the pH of the reaction media was investigated. Further, methods for the determination of the degree of substitution based on 1H-NMR, FTIR, and potentiometric titration were compared and discussed regarding their accuracy and precision. 1H-NMR was the most accurate method, while FTIR and the potentiometric titration, though precise and reproducible, underlie the influence of complete protonation and solubility issues. Additionally, the impact of the pH variation during the synthesis on the properties of the samples was investigated by Cd2+ sorption experiments. The adjusted pH values during the synthesis and, therefore, the obtained degrees of substitution possessed a strong impact on the adsorption properties of the final material

    SatSel: A Satellite Selection Algorithm to reduce delivery time in DTN-Nanosatellite Networks for Internet Access in Rural Areas.

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    There are some different ways to connect rural areas to the Internet. One of these provides the use of a nanosatellite constellation. This type of network allows people in rural areas to enjoy all services the Internet can offer keeping low the cost of Internet access. One of the critical aspect is related to the delivery time, because LEO satellite links are not always up. This means that the system must be able to deal with periodic disruptions and high delays in the path from the source to the destination, considering that data could be stored in nanosatellite, Internet gateway (also called hot spot), and rural gateway (also called cold spot) buffers also for several seconds or minutes waiting to be forwarded. In the path from rural areas to the Internet, it is possible to reduce data delivery time acting on rural gateways. We propose SatSel: a selection algorithm which allows the cold spots to choose the nanosatellite to whom upload data in order to reduce the data delivery tim

    Проучване на химичната нееднородност на кадмий и олово в трофична верига: автотрофни организми - дребни преживни животни в антропогенни екосистеми с повишен техногенен кларк

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    Our study discuss the movement of lead and cadmium in the anthropogenic ecosystem with increased technogenic klarck, investigating the changes in autotrophic organisms and secondary biological production from kids and lambs. We offer a new measure for estimation of chemical heterogeneity and it was found the topographic difference of species in the bioaccumulation of these toxic elements

    Stem cell-derived macrophages as a new platform for studying host-pathogen interactions in livestock

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    BACKGROUND: Infectious diseases of farmed and wild animals pose a recurrent threat to food security and human health. The macrophage, a key component of the innate immune system, is the first line of defence against many infectious agents and plays a major role in shaping the adaptive immune response. However, this phagocyte is a target and host for many pathogens. Understanding the molecular basis of interactions between macrophages and pathogens is therefore crucial for the development of effective strategies to combat important infectious diseases. RESULTS: We explored how porcine pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) can provide a limitless in vitro supply of genetically and experimentally tractable macrophages. Porcine PSC-derived macrophages (PSCdMs) exhibited molecular and functional characteristics of ex vivo primary macrophages and were productively infected by pig pathogens, including porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) and African swine fever virus (ASFV), two of the most economically important and devastating viruses in pig farming. Moreover, porcine PSCdMs were readily amenable to genetic modification by CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing applied either in parental stem cells or directly in the macrophages by lentiviral vector transduction. CONCLUSIONS: We show that porcine PSCdMs exhibit key macrophage characteristics, including infection by a range of commercially relevant pig pathogens. In addition, genetic engineering of PSCs and PSCdMs affords new opportunities for functional analysis of macrophage biology in an important livestock species. PSCs and differentiated derivatives should therefore represent a useful and ethical experimental platform to investigate the genetic and molecular basis of host-pathogen interactions in pigs, and also have wider applications in livestock. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12915-021-01217-8