71 research outputs found

    Rock varnish evidence for a Younger Dryas wet period in the Dead Sea basin

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    Rock varnish from 14.6 to 13.2 ka recessional shorelines of late glacial Lake Lisan and fan delta surfaces between 280 and 365 m bmsl (meters below mean sea level) along the western margins of the Dead Sea contains replicable layering patterns, characterized by a low Mn and Ba orange/yellow surface layer and a high Mn and Ba dark basal layer. The deposition of the dark basal layers immediately after the lake recession represents a wet period coinciding with the Younger Dryas (YD) cooling (12.9–11.6 ka), manifesting the influence of midlatitude westerly winds in the eastern Mediterranean-central Levant (EM-CL). In contrast, varnish from the distal base of fan deltas contains only orange/yellow surface layers, diagnostic of the Holocene relatively dry climate. The absence of the dark basal layers in the varnish further indicates a YD high stand at ~365 m bmsl and a lake level rise of at least 100 m from its Bølling-Ållerød lowstand. This rise stands in contrast to the abrupt drop of the lake level during the Heinrich (H1) cold event, illustrating the opposite response of the EM-CL climate to changes in the North Atlantic climate. The YD wet event most likely reflects a southward shift of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation-modulated midlatitude westerly wind belt in the EM-CL region

    Radiocarbon Reservoir Ages as Freshwater-Brine Monitors in Lake Lisan, Dead Sea System

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    A continuous and high-resolution record of the radiocarbon reservoir age (RA) has been recovered from the primary aragonites that were deposited from the last glacial Lake Lisan. The RA is calculated as the difference between the measured 14C “apparent” age in the aragonite and the atmospheric age at any particular time. The RA shows temporal decreases during the time interval of ~28 to ~18 ka cal BP. This behavior is attributed to a continuous addition of low RA-high bicarbonate freshwater into the high RA-Ca-chloride (low bicarbonate) brine solution filling the lake. The mixing of the brine with freshwater drives the precipitation of CaCO3 in the form of aragonite from the lake epilimnion (surface layer). The runoff-brine mixture in Lake Lisan is also reflected by the Sr/Ca ratios that are positively correlated with the RA. Nevertheless, the 14C content in the epilimnion did not drop at the same rate as the atmospheric value but rather remained nearly constant. We suggest that turbulent mixing with the much saltier hypolimnion (lower layer) across the hypolimnion/epilimnion interface at a depth of about 390 m below sea level, buffered the 14C content as well as the Sr and Ca concentrations in the aragonite precipitating solution. The RA-Sr/Ca related limnological model developed here opens the way to determine the reservoir-age-corrected atmospheric ages of Lisan Formation aragonites beyond 28 ka cal BP

    Calibration of the 14C time scale to >40 ka by 234U–230Th dating of Lake Lisan sediments (last glacial Dead Sea)

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    A new comparison of 14C dates with 234U-230Th ages is presented of aragonites from Lake Lisan, the last Glacial Dead Sea, between ∼20–52 cal-ka-BP. The Lisan data are coincident with the coral based 14C-calendar age calibration through the continuous portion of the curve to 23.5 cal-ka-BP, and with the additional ‘checkpoints’ at ∼30 and ∼40 cal-ka-BP. The agreement with the corals provides evidence for the accuracy of the U-Th and 14C ages, and indicates that Lisan aragonites can potentially be used to generate a nearly continuous record of the atmospheric 14C variations through this crucial time interval. The Lisan data are compared with other records older than 25 cal-ka-BP from Lake Suigetsu, Japan, North Atlantic foraminifera, South African cave deposits and tufa from Spain. Over some age intervals the records show broad agreement, over other intervals they diverge. All agree that 14C ages were ∼2.5±0.5 ka younger than calendar ages between 20–32 cal-ka-BP. For ages >32 cal-ka-BP, the Lake Suigetsu data indicate small differences between 14C ages and calendar ages of less than 1.5 ka. The other records broadly agree that 14C ages are too young by ∼3±1 ka from 32–39 cal-ka-BP. At ∼40 cal-ka-BP, the foraminifera show equal 14C and calendar ages, while the corals, Lisan aragonites and the Spanish tufa indicate a large age difference of 4–5 ka. A recent paleomagnetic study of the Lisan Formation indicates that the high calendar-14C age difference at ∼40 cal-ka-BP may be associated with the Laschamp paleomagnetic excursion

    Freshwater on the route of hominids out of Africa revealed by U-Th in Red Sea corals

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    A fundamental issue in the evolution of human culture concerns the route and conditions of anatomically modern hominids during the migration out of Africa. A particular question is, how could anatomically modern hominids cross the hyperarid Arabian deserts? Here we outline the evidence for significant presence of freshwater along the Red Sea shores during the last interglacial period. Freshwater caused an extensive recrystallization of coral reefs from aragonite to calcite, indicating uplift of the reefs through well-developed phreatic freshwater coastal aquifers. Applying novel open-system U-Th dating methodology to the calcitic corals, we dated the freshwater recrystallization to ca. 140 ka, consistent with other geological lines of evidence placing the migration of anatomically modern hominids out of Africa at the onset of the last interglacial

    Dead Sea lake level for the last 260 ka

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    The rain regime of the Levant during the late Quaternary was controlled primarily by Mediterranean cyclonic systems associated with North Atlantic climate shifts. Lake levels in the Dead Sea basin have been robust recorders of the regional hydrology and generally indicate highstand (wet) conditions throughout glacial intervals and lowstands (dry) during interglacials. However, sporadic deposition of travertines and speleothems occurred in the Negev Desert and Arava Valley during past interglacials, suggesting intrusions of humidity from southern sources probably in association with enhanced activity of mid-latitude Red Sea synoptic troughs and/or low-latitude tropical plumes. The southerly incursions of wetness were superimposed on the long-term interglacial Levantine arid conditions, as reflected by the current prevailing hyperaridity, and could have had an important impact on human migra- tion through the Red Sea-Dead Sea corridor

    Primary carbonates and Ca-chloride brines as monitors of a paleo-hydrological regime in the Dead Sea basin

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    Lakes Samra, Lisan and the Dead Sea occupied the Dead Sea basin during the Last Interglacial (not, vert, similar140–75 ka BP), last glacial (not, vert, similar70–14 ka BP) and Holocene periods, respectively. The age of Lake Lisan and Samra was determined by U–Th dating of primary aragonites comprising parts of the lacustrine sedimentary sequences. The lakes have periodically deposited sequences of layered calcitic marls (Lake Samra) or laminated primary aragonite (Lake Lisan). The deposition of aragonite as the primary carbonate phase reflects the contribution of the incoming freshwater (loaded with bi-carbonate) and high Mg-, Ca-chloride brine that originated from the subsurface vicinity of the Dead Sea basin. Deposition of calcitic marls suggests a minor effect of the brines. The Ca-chloride subsurface brine has been migrating in and out of the wall rocks of the Dead Sea basin, reflecting the regional hydrological conditions. During most of the last glacial period and during the late Holocene, sufficient precipitation above the Judea Mountains pushed the subsurface Ca-chloride brines into the lakes causing the deposition of aragonite. During the Last Interglacial period the rain that precipitated above the Judea Mountains was insufficient to induce brine flow toward Lake Samra. It appears that sporadic floods provided calcium, bicarbonate and detritus to produce the Samra calcitic marls. Travertines deposited at the Samra–Lisan boundary indicate the early stage in the resumption of groundwater (springs) activity that led to the resurgence of Ca-chloride brine and rise of Lake Lisan. Similar variations in the regional rain precipitation and hydrological activity probably characterized the long-term geochemical evolution of Pleistocene lacustrine water-bodies in the Dead Sea basin, enabling the use of the carbonates as paleo-hydrological monitors