503 research outputs found

    Photophysical Characterization of GFP Variants by Single-Molecule Spectroscopy and Microscopy

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    Privacy preservation in mobile social networks

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    In this day and age with the prevalence of smartphones, networking has evolved in an intricate and complex way. With the help of a technology-driven society, the term "social networking" was created and came to mean using media platforms such as Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter to connect and interact with friends, family, or even complete strangers. Websites are created and put online each day, with many of them possessing hidden threats that the average person does not think about. A key feature that was created for vast amount of utility was the use of location-based services, where many websites inform their users that the website will be using the users' locations to enhance the functionality. However, still far too many websites do not inform their users that they may be tracked, or to what degree. In a similar juxtaposed scenario, the evolution of these social networks has allowed countless people to share photos with others online. While this seems harmless at face-value, there may be times in which people share photos of friends or other non-consenting individuals who do not want that picture viewable to anyone at the photo owner's control. There exists a lack of privacy controls for users to precisely de fine how they wish websites to use their location information, and for how others may share images of them online. This dissertation introduces two models that help mitigate these privacy concerns for social network users. MoveWithMe is an Android and iOS application which creates decoys that move locations along with the user in a consistent and semantically secure way. REMIND is the second model that performs rich probability calculations to determine which friends in a social network may pose a risk for privacy breaches when sharing images. Both models have undergone extensive testing to demonstrate their effectiveness and efficiency.Includes bibliographical reference

    Genetic and serological heterogeneity of the supertypic HLA-B locus specificities Bw4 and Bw6

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    Gene cloning and sequencing of the HLA-B locus split antigens B38 (B16.1) and B39 (B16.2) allowed localization of their subtypic as well as their public specificities HLA-Bw4 or -Bw6 to the c~-helical region of the c~ 1 domain flanked by the amino acid positions 74-83. Comparison of their amino acid sequences with those of other HLA-B-locus alleles established HLA-Bw6 to be distinguished by Ser at residue 77 and Asn at residue 80. In contrast, HLA-Bw4 is characterized by at least seven different patterns of amino acid exchanges at positions 77 and 80-83. Reactivity patterns of Bw4- or Bw6-specific monoclonal antibodies reveal two alloantigenic epitopes contributing to the HLA-Bw4 or -Bw6 specificity residing next to the region of highest diversity of the cr domain

    Inclusion in school social work

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    Ausgehend von einem vielfaltsorientierten Inklusionsverständnis zeigt die vorliegende Arbeit auf, dass Inklusion im Arbeitsfeld Schulsozialarbeit nicht nur gemäß der UN-Behindertenkonvention als Recht von Menschen mit Behinderung auf Teilhabe und Bildung an Regelschulen auslegt wird, sondern: 1. ein Prozess ist. 2. sich mit der Identifizierung und Beseitigung von Barrieren beschäftigt. 3. Präsenz, Teilhabe und den Erfolg aller Schülerinnen und Schüler anstrebt. 4. sich insbesondere auf Gruppen von Lernenden bezieht, die von gesellschaftlicher Marginalisierung, sozialem Ausschuss und Schulversagen bedroht sind. (vgl. Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission e.V. 2009:8ff; Lindmeier 2010:197) Diese Inklusionsdeutung hat folgende zwei Konsequenzen für die erfolgreiche Bewältigung der Inklusionsanforderung in der Schulsozialarbeit: 1. Schulsozialarbeit an Schulen etablieren und dabei die Verschränkung von Schul- und Jugendhilfelogik in Strukturen, Prozessen, Entscheidungen der jeweiligen Schule für die rechtzeitige und passgenaue Unterstützung von Schülerinnen und Schülern zielgerichtet gestalten. 2. Heranwachsende durch Interventionen und Maßnahmen nicht nur für Schulprozesse und –anforderungen zu stärken, sondern auch für die Anforderungen ihrer Lebenswelt und der anderen für sie relevanten gesellschaftlichen Bereiche tüchtig zu machen. Die Förderung der (politischen) Beteiligung von Einheimischen und Zugewanderten erweist sich durch gezielte Prozesse, Beteiligungsmöglichkeiten, Strukturen und passgenaue Informationsgestaltung als wesentlichen Bestandteil einer inklusionsorientierten Schulsozialarbeit. Durch systemische Steuerung werden Begegnungen und Auseinandersetzungen bzw. Interaktionen mit dem Anderen (mit oder ohne Beeinträchtigung, trotz kultureller, sozialer, psychischer und physischer Verschiedenheit) auf allen relevanten Schul- und Gesellschaftsebenen bzw. -bereichen Inbegriff gelingender Inklusionsarbeit. Die Art und Weise wie diese Auffassung von Inklusion in der Schulsozialarbeit umgesetzt wird, ergeht aus einer sequentiellen Kombination unterschiedlicher Forschungsmethoden anhand dieses Werkes. Das genannte Inklusionsverständnis wird auf alltagspraktische Deutungs- bzw. Handlungsmuster heruntergebrochen, die sich in der qualitativen Untersuchung herauskristallisiert haben ebenso wie damit verbundene Parameter der Inklusionsbewältigung. Anhand festgelegter Messkriterien werden diese Ergebnisse in der quantitativen Analysephase auf ihre tatsächliche Relevanz und Umsetzung im Praxisalltag von Schulsozialarbeitenden getestet. In diesem Zusammenhang geben Rückmeldungen zum Geleisteten sowie die Bewertung und Überprüfung des Erreichten im Verhältnis zum Erzielten Hinweise auf Erfolge und mögliche Verbesserungspotenziale. Denn je nach Zielgruppe und damit verbundene Deutungsmuster von Inklusion werden unterschiedliche Instrumente und Herangehensweisen umgesetzt. So wird für das Verständnis von Inklusion als Etablierung von Schulsozialarbeit an Schulen beispielsweise auf Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Lobbyismus in Form von Arbeitsgemeinschaften für Schulsozialarbeit zurückgegriffen. Diese zielgruppenspezifische inklusive Herangehensweise der Schulsozialarbeit hat das Potenzial, sowohl den unterschiedlichen Beteiligten mit ihren jeweiligen Beitrag und Nutzen zu verdeutlichen, als auch den für die Schulsozialarbeit ihnen gegenüber anfallenden Aufgaben. Und zwar auf institutioneller, programmatischer und individueller Ebene, wie auch die Notwendigkeit der aktiven politischen Beteiligung von Schulsozialarbeitenden, um auf politischer Ebene die für ihre Inklusionsarbeit förderlichen Rahmenbedingungen ausbauen zu können. Inklusionsarbeit ist für die Schulsozialarbeit somit auch politische Arbeit – auch im Sinne der Demokratisierung von jungen Menschen. Bei der Umsetzung von Inklusion durch Schulsozialarbeit treten zwar verschiedene Schwierigkeiten und Begrenzungen auf, wie etwa unzureichende Ressourcen in der Gestaltung der Erziehungspartnerschaft zwischen Elternhaus und Schule und im Management zu hoher Fallaufkommen. Aber an der tatsächlichen Mitwirkung von ursprünglich skeptischen Zielpersonen der Schulsozialarbeit gegenüber beispielsweise oder am erfolgreichen Schulverlauf und den konkreten beruflichen Perspektiven unterstützter Schülerinnen und Schülern ist zu erkennen, dass die Anforderung der Inklusion tatsächlich bewältigt wird. Die vorliegende Arbeit reiht sich somit nicht nur in die Debatte um Inklusion in der deutschen Gesellschaft bzw. in der Sozialen Arbeit ein und zeigt auf, dass Inklusion integraler Bestandteil der Schulsozialarbeit ist, sondern tangiert auch den Fach-diskurs um die Kooperation unterschiedlicher Professionen zum Zwecke der Förde-rung der Entwicklung von Heranwachsenden. Die interprofessionelle Zusammenarbeit stellt sich dabei als wesentlichen Faktor für den Erfolg von Inklusionsbemühungen der Schulsozialarbeitenden heraus. Grundlage dafür ist das Verständnis von Gesellschaft als Gefüge interdependenter Bereiche, deren Akteurinnen und Akteure miteinander interagieren sollen, damit Inklusion als Vision einer Gesellschaft in der, jedes Mitglied die Beteiligungsmöglichkeiten, die für ihn geeignet sind, erhält, erfolgreich umgesetzt werden kann. Auch bietet diese Forschung Anlass für weiterführende Analysen, weil die Befragten eigene ergänzende Sinndeutungen von Inklusion über die vom Fragebogen vorgegebenen Deutungsmuster hinaus angegeben haben. Daran können weitere Forschungen ebenso anknüpfen, wie auch an die hier bereits dargestellten Argumentationsstränge, die zahlreiche Anhaltspunkte für die Qualitätsentwicklung im Arbeitsfeld Schulsozialarbeit bieten. Zuletzt ist an dieser Stelle summarisch zu notieren, dass die erfolgreiche Bewälti-gung der Inklusionsanforderung durch Schulsozialarbeit sich am besten an den folgenden sechs Punkten orientieren soll: 1. Von welcher Inklusionsdeutung ist die Rede? 2. Welche Vorgehensweisen werden für ihre Realisierung umgesetzt? 3. Welche Ergebnisse erzielen diese Herangehensweisen? 4. Welche Wechselwirkungen ergeben sich zwischen dem umgesetzten Vor-gehen und den Ergebnissen? 5. Was erweist sich dabei als bewährt und was soll ansonsten verbessert werden? 6. Welche Maßnahmen werden wie und mit wem wann umgesetzt, um die angestrebten Verbesserungen bzw. die anvisierte Inklusionsdeutung zu realisieren?Starting from a diversity oriented inclusion understanding shows the present dissertation on, that inclusion in the working field school social work is interpreted not only in accordance with the UN Disability Convention as a right of people with disabilities to participation and education like in mainstream schools, but as: 1. A process. 2. Dealing with the identification and removal of barriers. 3. Presence, participation and the success of all students seeking 4. Including in particular groups of learners who are at risk of social marginalization, social committee and school failure (cf. German Commission for UNESCO 2009, p. 8ff.; Lindmeier 2010, p. 197) This inclusion interpretation has the following two consequences for the successful management of the inclusion requirement in the work field school social work: 1. Establish school social work at schools and thereby make the interconnection of school logic and youth welfare logic in structures, processes, decisions of the respective school for the timely, tailor-made and targeted support of students. 2. To strengthen adolescents through interventions and actions not only for school processes and requirements, but also for the needs of their living environment and of relevant other sectors of society for them. Promoting the (political) participation of local people and immigrants through specific processes, investment opportunities, structures and precise information design implements an essential component of an inclusion oriented school social work. Then this systemic control leads interactions with others (with or without disabilities, despite cultural, social, psychological and physical diversity) at all relevant educa-tional and social levels to successful inclusion work. The way in which this notion of inclusion is implemented in the school social work has been found out through a sequential combination of different research methods in this dissertation. The inclusion understanding is broken down into practical interpretive or behavioral patterns that have emerged in the qualitative research as well as related parameters of inclusion coping. Based on defined measurement criteria, these results has been tested in the quantitative analysis on their actual relevance and implementation in daily practice of school social workers. In this context, feedback on work done as well as the assessment and verification of achievements give in relationship to the achieved success evidence of potential improvements out. Because depending on the target audience and related interpretation patterns of inclusion different instruments and approaches will be implemented. For the understanding of inclusion as establishment of school social work at schools for example, public relations and lobbyism in the form of working groups for school social work are done. This targeted approach of inclusion in school social work has the potential to clarify various stakeholders with their respective contributions and benefits, as well as the necessary tasks of school social work towards them. This can be shown at the insti-tutional, programmatic and individual level, as well as the need of active political participation of school social workers in order to perform their working conditions. As consequence implementing inclusion means for school social work thus political work - also in terms of the democratization of young people. In the implementation of inclusion through school social workers indeed occur various difficulties and limitations, such as insufficient resources in the design of the educational partnership between home and school or such as insufficient staff in the management of excessive caseload. But on the participation of originally skeptical target people in interventions of school social work for example , or on success-ful school history and the concrete job prospects of supported students can be seen that the requirement of inclusion is been successfully managed. The present study is not only been classify in the debate about inclusion in the german society or in social work and demonstrates that inclusion is integrate in school social work , but it also affects the professional discourse to the cooperation of various professions for the purpose of promoting the development of adolescents . Then the inter-professional collaboration is emphasized here as an essential factor for the success of inclusion efforts of school social workers. This is based on the understanding of society as a structure of interdependent areas whose actors should interact so that inclusion as a vision of a society in which each member receives participation opportunities that are suitable for him, can be successfully implemented. This research provides also an opportunity for further analysis because the re-spondents indicated their own complementary interpretations of inclusion beyond the meanings given on the questionnaire. Those interpretations can also build further research, as well as the lines of argumentation already illustrated here, which offer various indications to the quality development for the work field school social work. At least it is summarily to note that the successful management of inclusion request by school social work is best to adhere by responding the following six questions: 1. From which interpretation of speech meaning inclusion is been talking about? 2. Which procedures are implemented for their realization? 3. What results achieving these approaches? 4. Which relations arise between the implemented actions and their results? 5. What might be good or ought to be improved? 6. Which steps are how and with whom when implemented in order to realize the desired improvements or the targeted interpretation of speech

    Mass-sensitive particle tracking to elucidate the membrane-associated MinDE reaction cycle

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    An iSCAT image processing and analysis strategy enables mass-sensitive particle tracking (MSPT) of single unlabeled biomolecules on a supported lipid bilayer. MSPT was used to observe the (dis-)assembly of membrane complexes in real-time. In spite of their great importance in biology, methods providing access to spontaneous molecular interactions with and on biological membranes have been sparse. The recent advent of mass photometry to quantify mass distributions of unlabeled biomolecules landing on surfaces raised hopes that this approach could be transferred to membranes. Here, by introducing a new interferometric scattering (iSCAT) image processing and analysis strategy adapted to diffusing particles, we enable mass-sensitive particle tracking (MSPT) of single unlabeled biomolecules on a supported lipid bilayer. We applied this approach to the highly nonlinear reaction cycles underlying MinDE protein self-organization. MSPT allowed us to determine the stoichiometry and turnover of individual membrane-bound MinD/MinDE protein complexes and to quantify their size-dependent diffusion. This study demonstrates the potential of MSPT to enhance our quantitative understanding of membrane-associated biological systems.We thank D. Bollschweiler (Cryo-EM MPIB Core Facility) for the initial introduction to the commercial Refeyn OneMP mass photometer, the MPIB Biochemistry Core Facility (Recombinant Protein Production)

    El cambio climático como aspecto adicional a considerar en los procesos de fusión de empresas pesqueras en el Perú: La protección constitucional de los recursos naturales en una regulación de libertad de empresa y libre competencia

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo plantear una mirada diferente al estudio y desarrollo de las fusiones empresariales en el mercado pesquero en el Perú, en relación a la visión tradicional de la mencionada institución legal, con rango constitucional, que son tratadas y reguladas solamente desde la perspectiva de la protección a la libertad de empresa y garantía de la libre competencia en el mercado. La idea general que se plantea en la presente investigación es que no todas las fusiones empresariales deben ser vistas desde esa única perspectiva económica, pues existen actividades (como la explotación de los recursos naturales, en tanto patrimonio de todos los peruanos, cuya protección está constitucionalmente plasmada) que deben ser reguladas a partir de la consideración del cambio climático. Este es un fenómeno actual cuyas consecuencias podrían ser nefastas con respecto a la explotación de los recursos naturales y, específicamente, en la actividad pesquera, si es que no se vincula con el concepto de sostenibilidad, tal como viene siendo entendido en diversos foros internacionales. Es, precisamente, esta propuesta la que se planteará al final del presente trabajo, en concordancia con la conciencia ecológica mundial para poder enfrentar los riesgos medioambientales y las consecuencias económicas que se derivan de estos; y cómo se deben tomar decisiones que podrán mitigar los posibles efectos en nuestro entorno climático y su incidencia en uno de nuestros principales recursos naturales, como es la pesca en nuestro mar.Trabajo de investigació

    Insights into receptor structure and dynamics at the surface of living cells

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    Evaluating protein structures in living cells remains a challenge. Here, we investigate Interleukin-4 receptor alpha (IL-4Rα) into which the non-canonical amino acid bicyclo[6.1.0]nonyne-lysine (BCNK) is incorporated by genetic code expansion. Bioorthogonal click labeling is performed with tetrazine-conjugated dyes. To quantify the reaction yield in situ, we develop brightness-calibrated ratiometric imaging, a protocol where fluorescent signals in confocal multi-color images are ascribed to local concentrations. Screening receptor mutants bearing BCNK in the extracellular domain uncovered site-specific variations of both click efficiency and Interleukin-4 binding affinity, indicating subtle well-defined structural perturbations. Molecular dynamics and continuum electrostatics calculations suggest solvent polarization to determine site-specific variations of BCNK reactivity. Strikingly, signatures of differential click efficiency, measured for IL-4Rα in ligand-bound and free form, mirror sub-angstrom deformations of the protein backbone at corresponding locations. Thus, click efficiency by itself represents a remarkably informative readout linked to protein structure and dynamics in the native plasma membrane

    Social Europe without social dialogue : decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union in C-928/19 P European Federation of Public Service Unions

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    Published online: 5 August 2022This article explores three dimensions of how the decision in EPSU affects the future of social Europe. First, it discusses how this decision rejects a right of legislative initiative shared among the social partners and the Commission and turns the participatory mechanism of social dialogue into a mere stakeholder consultation – an anti-model of social dialogue. Second, the article considers how the Court refuses to recognise social dialogue as an alternative means of democracy within the EU tying into the case-law on the European Citizens’ Initiative and constraining democratic deliberation in Europe. Finally, the article explains why the decision in EPSU is a lost chance to clarify that it is the Union’s fundamental interest to protect and promote fundamental rights.This article was published Open Access with the support from the EUI Library through the CRUI - CUP Transformative Agreement (2020-2022

    Chiral-invariant CP-violating Effective Interactions in Z Decays to three Jets

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    Tests of CP violation by appropriate momentum correlations in Z3Z\to 3 jets and in particular in ZbbˉXZ\to b\bar bX probe CP-violating effective couplings -- that manifest themselves as form factors -- which conserve the quark chirality and quark flavour. By giving two examples we show that such couplings can be induced at one-loop order in extensions of the Standard Model with CP violation beyond the Kobayashi-Maskawa phase. In one of the models we compute the chirality-conserving part of the CP-violating ZbbˉZb{\bar b}-gluon amplitude for massless bb quarks, determine the resulting effective dimension d=6d=6 couplings in the local limit, and discuss the possible size of the effects. Finally we show that in models with excited quarks the chiral-invariant CP-violating effective interactions could be quite large if appropriate couplings are of a size characteristic of a strong interactionComment: 14 pages, LaTeX with 4 postscript figures, epsf macro include

    Ultra-Sensitive CSF3R Deep Sequencing in Patients With Severe Congenital Neutropenia

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    High frequency of acquired CSF3R (colony stimulating factor 3 receptor, granulocyte) mutations has been described in patients with severe congenital neutropenia (CN) at pre-leukemia stage and overt acute myeloid leukemia (AML) or myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). Here, we report the establishment of an ultra-sensitive deep sequencing of a CSF3R segment encoding the intracellular “critical region” of the G-CSFR known to be mutated in CN-MDS/AML patients. Using this method, we achieved a mutant allele frequency (MAF) detection rate of 0.01%. We detected CSF3R mutations in CN patients with different genetic backgrounds, but not in patients with other types of bone marrow failure syndromes chronically treated with G-CSF (e.g., Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome). Comparison of CSF3R deep sequencing results of DNA and cDNA from the bone marrow and peripheral blood cells revealed the highest sensitivity of cDNA from the peripheral blood polymorphonuclear neutrophils. This approach enables the identification of low-frequency CSF3R mutant clones, increases sensitivity, and earlier detection of CSF3R mutations acquired during the course of leukemogenic evolution of pre-leukemia HSCs of CN patients. We suggest application of sequencing of the entire CSF3R gene at diagnosis to identify patients with inherited lost-of-function CSF3R mutations and annual ultra-deep sequencing of the critical region of CSF3R to monitor acquisition of CSF3R mutations