405 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Citra Merek Terhadap Minat Beli Samsung Galaxy S7 Egde Di Kota Palembang

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    The purpose of this study for analyze brand image on buying intention for Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge in Palembang. This study used survey. Population of this study were all of customers whom have intention to buy Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge in Palembang. This study used purposive sampling which involve 100 respondents. Analyze Technique of this study used multiple regression technique dan T test and F test. The result of this study showed that brand image which consisting of coorporate image, user image and product image significanly have influence on buying intention for Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge in Palembang

    Crucible of Civilization

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    A mixed methods investigation of multidimensional fatigue in the wind industry: towards a sustainable workforce

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    The wind industry encompasses a high hazard work environment with multiple demands unique to those working in this sector. A key risk to health, safety and productivity is operator fatigue. Poor management of operator fatigue is highly associated with unsafe behaviour as well as physical and mental health issues. Despite this, there is a lack of industry specific research on fatigue. Furthermore, wider organisational research and practice around fatigue management is highly reductionist, often simply addressing sleep-related strains. This could be attributed to the lack of agreed definition around the concept, particularly in the focussed literature on fatigue risk management. This research aimed to address these issues with a mixed methods approach to fatigue research in the wind industry.Research initially comprised a systematic review examining research on human factors in the wind industry which identified multiple unique industry-related strains. Following this, a qualitative interview study with wind industry employees was conducted. Findings suggested that fatigue is experienced as a multidimensional state highly impacted by cumulative strain. Finally, a 4-week quantitative diary study compared fatigue and sleep between working and non-working time and two different types of operations and maintenance roles. Findings indicated that fatigue was highly influenced by multiple work-related demands and that this impact was cumulative and occurred regardless of sleep acquisition. This emphasises the need to employ a multidimensional approach when researching and managing fatigue and for workplace interventions to be implemented with a focus on both organisational design and individual behaviour

    Parental Communication Patterns Towards Children with Special Needs During Puberty in Malalayang District, Manado City

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    Children are a gift that must be guarded, cared for and educated. Children who are born in a healthy or normal condition are the pride of parents. However, in reality there are still parents who have children who experience obstacles, disorders and delays in mental and physical growth called Children with Special Needs. The challenge is when children start to enter puberty, children will enter adolescence at this age, of course it will affect their physical and mental, for example, girls are marked by menstruation or menstruation. Conditions like this affect not only children but also parents. Because automatically parents must go directly to help. Unlike boys, physical changes do not have a big impact. Based on the characteristics of psychological growth, ABK is actually almost the same as normal children, for example, emotionally, the instinct to sympathize with others or the opposite sex is there. It's just that self-control is limited. For that, children with special needs in adolescence must continue to receive supervision from parents who must be more intensive in accompanying and even controlling children's actions. Based on the above phenomenon, the researcher is interested in conducting further research and this study is entitled Interpersonal Communication Patterns of Parents and Children with Special Needs During Puberty in Malalayang District. The aim is to find out how the communication patterns of parents who have children with special needs with the type of intellectual disability. Using the theory of Interpersonal Communication from Joseph Devito using qualitative methods and purposive sampling techniques where the informants needed in this study are parents who have adolescent children with special needs in Malalayang District, Manado City

    High-resolution radio observations of Seyfert galaxies in the extended 12-micron sample - II. The properties of compact radio components

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    We discuss the properties of compact nuclear radio components in Seyfert galaxies from the extended 12-micron AGN sample of Rush et al.(1993). Our main results can be summarised as follows. Type 1 and type 2 Seyferts produce compact radio components which are indistinguishable in strength and aspect, indicating that their central engines are alike as proposed by the unification model. Infrared IRAS fluxes are more closely correlated with low-resolution radio fluxes than high-resolution radio fluxes, suggesting that they are dominated by kiloparsec-scale, extra-nuclear emission regions; extra-nuclear emission may be stronger in type 2 Seyferts. Early-type Seyfert galaxies tend to have stronger nuclear radio emission than late-type Seyfert galaxies. V-shaped extended emission-line regions, indicative of `ionisation cones', are usually found in sources with large, collimated radio outflows. Hidden broad lines are most likely to be found in sources with powerful nuclear radio sources. Type 1 and type 2 Seyferts selected by their IRAS 12-micron flux densities have well matched properties


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    Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) memiliki misi yaitu untuk menyiapkan dan menghasilkan tenaga kependidikan (guru) yang memiliki nilai, sikap, pengetahuan dan ketrampilan secara profesional, maka pelaksanaan PPL ini akan sangat membantu mahasiswa dalam memasuki dunia kependidikan dan sebagai sarana untuk menerapkan ilmu yang diperolehnya selama mengikuti perkuliahan. Salah satu tempat yang menjadi lokasi PPL UNY 2016 adalah SMK Abdi Negara yang beralamat di Muntilan, Magelang. Kegiatan PPL dilaksanakan pada tanggal 15 Juli – 15 September 2016. Pelaksanaan kegiatan PPL dimulai dari observasi hingga pelaksanaan PPL yang terbagi menjadi beberapa tahap yaitu persiapan mengajar, pelaksanaan mengajar, dan evaluasi hasil mengajar. Kegiatan mengajar dilaksanakan setelah konsultasi Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) kepada guru pembimbing terlebih dahulu. Pelaksanaan PPL dilaksanakan pada Mata Pelajaran Seni Budaya (Seni Tari) di kelas XI AK, XI AP, XI PM pada pertemuan 1- 8 dan kelas X AK, X AP, X PM pada pertemuan ke 4-7. Selain itu, praktikan juga berperan dalam kegiatan persekolahan lainnya seperti piket Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar (KBM), piket di ruang piket, piket among siswa, inventarisasi buku-buku perpustakaan, dan lain-lain serta pembinaan ekstrakurikuler seni tari SMK Abdi Negara. Dengan adanya pengalaman tentang penyelenggaraan sekolah ini diharapkan praktikan mempunyai bekal untuk menjadi tenaga pendidik yang profesional. Hasil dari pelaksanaan PPL selama kurang lebih dua bulan di SMK Abdi Negara ini dapat dirasakan hasilnya oleh mahasiswa berupa penerapan ilmu pengetahuan dan praktik keguruan di bidang pendidikan seni tari yang diperoleh di bangku perkuliahan. Dalam pelaksanaan program-program tersebut tidak pernah terlepas dari hambatanhambatan. Akan tetapi hambatan tersebut dapat diatasi dengan adanya semangat dan kerjasama yang baik dari berbagai pihak yang terkait

    A Reminiscence

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