173 research outputs found

    The 30 GHz communications satellite low noise receiver

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    A Ka-band low noise front end in proof of concept (POC) model form for ultimate spaceborne communications receiver deployment was developed. The low noise receiver consists of a 27.5 to 30.0 GHz image enhanced mixer integrated with a 3.7 to 6.2 GHz FET low noise IF amplifier and driven by a self contained 23.8 GHz phase locked local oscillator source. The measured level of receiver performance over the 27.3 to 30.0 GHz RF/3.7 to 6.2 GHz IF band includes 5.5 to 6.5 dB (typ) SSB noise figure, 20.5 + or - 1.5 dB conversion gain and +23 dBm minimum third order two tone intermodulation output intercept point

    Results from a three year testing project of new strawberry cultivars in Verticillium infested soils and under organic farming conditions

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    As part of a research project 13 cultivars were planted in 2005 at 11 sites on 9 farms in 5 different Austrian regions. The aim was to find new cultivars tolerant to soil-borne pathogens and leaf/fruit diseases, with high yield, winter hardness and good fruit quality, to serve as alternative to the highly susceptible cultivar ‘Elsanta’, regarding soil-borne diseases. Plant vigour and infestation with Verticillium dahliae and leaf diseases were evaluated in 2005 und 2006 at 7 sites and in 2007 at 3 sites. In addition, following parameters were assessed on 2 organically managed sites in 2006 and 2007: marketable yield, percentage of different categories of unmarketable fruits and incidence of the blossom weevil. In 2006 fruit characteristics and consumer acceptance were studied. ‘Elsanta’ showed the highest infestation with V. dahliae whereas ‘Salsa’, ‘Daroyal’ and ‘Alice’ were most tolerant. ‘Dora’, ‘Eva’, ‘Queen Elisa’ and ‘Daroyal’ recorded significantly higher losses by the blossom weevil than ‘Alice’. ‘Alba’ and ‘Divine’ were the earliest cultivars in ripening time. Highest marketable yield per plant had the late ripening cultivars, particularly ‘Salsa’ and ‘Sonata’. Of all early ripening cultivars tested, ‘Elsanta’ showed the highest productivity, followed by 'Alba', ‘Darselect’, ‘Daroyal’ and ‘Eva’. Regarding fruit firmness, content of ascorbic acid, shelf life and appearance, ‘Alba’, ’Clery’, ‘Eva’ and ‘Queen Elisa’ were most convincing. The best tasting cultivars were ‘Clery’, ‘Daroyal’ and ‘Divine’. Summing up all the results, ‘Alba’, ‘Alice’ and ‘Salsa’ can be recommended for organic production, whereas ‘Clery’, ‘Daroyal’, ‘Darselect’, ‘Elsanta’, ‘Eva’, ‘Queen Elisa’ and ‘Sonata’ are classified as suitable for only a limited extent. ‘Elsanta’, ‘Divine’, ‘Dora’ and ‘Sonata’ are particularly unsuitable for growing in Verticillium infested soils. ‘Divine’, ‘Dora’, and ‘Record’ cannot be recommended for organic production at all

    Testung neuer Erdbeersorten im biologischen Anbau

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    In Osterreich ist die Nachfrage nach biologisch produzierten Erdbeeren im Steigen. Die im Erdbeeranbau verwendete Hauptsorte Elsanta weist aber eine hohe Anfälligkeit vor allem gegenüber Wurzelkrankheiten (Phytophthora sp., Verticillium sp.) auf. Für den biologischen Landbau ist sie daher nur bedingt geeignet. Am Markt werden regelmäßig neue Sorten angeboten, für deren Anbau es in Österreich noch wenig praktische Erfahrung gibt. Im vorliegenden Versuch wurden 12 neue und 2 Standardsorten auf ihre Eignung für den biologischen Anbau getestet

    Lösungsansätze für Nachbauprobleme durch bodenbürtige Pathogene im biologischen Erdbeeranbau

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    Soil-borne pathogens, above all Verticillium sp. cause plant losses and yield decreases in many Austrian strawberry fields, also in organic farming systems; in a research project possibilities to resolve this problem were examined. In a field trial, which was started 1998, organically managed and differently fertilized plots (green compost, manure, hornchips) were compared to an unfertilised control plot and to two mineral fertilized and conventionally treated plots; the differences in field characteristics of strawberries in 2004 and 2005 were low, but differences in storage and biochemical characteristics could be seen in 2005. Some new cultivars tested as alternative to the very sensitive 'Elsanta' planted in 2005 on several farms showed a higher tolerance to diseases and good yield and fruit quality characteristics. Brassica sp. planted as an intercrop before strawberries reduced the amount of microsclerotia of Verticillium dahliae in highly infested soils, nevertheless the system has to be optimised and adapted to our climatic and husbandry conditions in further trials

    Possible solutions for replant problems caused by soil-borne pathogens in organic strawberry production

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    Soil-borne pathogens, above all Verticillium sp. cause plant losses and yield decreases in many Austrian strawberry fields, also in organic farming systems; in a research project possibilities to resolve this problem were examined. In a field trial, which was started 1998, organically managed and differently fertilized plots (green compost, manure, hornchips) were compared to an unfertilised control plot and to two mineral fertilized and conventionally treated plots; the differences in field characteristics of strawberries in 2004 and 2005 were low, but differences in storage and biochemical characteristics could be seen in 2005. Some new cultivars tested as alternative to the very sensitive 'Elsanta' planted in 2005 on several farms showed a higher tolerance to diseases and good yield and fruit quality characteristics. Brassica sp. planted as an intercrop before strawberries reduced the amount of microsclerotia of Verticillium dahliae in highly infested soils, nevertheless the system has to be optimised and adapted to our climatic and husbandry conditions in further trials

    Conceptualizing throughput legitimacy: procedural mechanisms of accountability, transparency, inclusiveness and openness in EU governance

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    This symposium demonstrates the potential for throughput legitimacy as a concept for shedding empirical light on the strengths and weaknesses of multi-level governance, as well as challenging the concept theoretically. This article introduces the symposium by conceptualizing throughput legitimacy as an ‘umbrella concept’, encompassing a constellation of normative criteria not necessarily empirically interrelated. It argues that in order to interrogate multi-level governance processes in all their complexity, it makes sense for us to develop normative standards that are not naïve about the empirical realities of how power is exercised within multilevel governance, or how it may interact with legitimacy. We argue that while throughput legitimacy has its normative limits, it can be substantively useful for these purposes. While being no replacement for input and output legitimacy, throughput legitimacy offers distinctive normative criteria— accountability, transparency, inclusiveness and openness— and points towards substantive institutional reforms.Published versio

    A novel inhibitor of the alternative pathway of complement reverses inflammation and bone destruction in experimental arthritis

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    Complement is an important component of the innate and adaptive immune response, yet complement split products generated through activation of each of the three complement pathways (classical, alternative, and lectin) can cause inflammation and tissue destruction. Previous studies have shown that complement activation through the alternative, but not classical, pathway is required to initiate antibody-induced arthritis in mice, but it is unclear if the alternative pathway (AP) plays a role in established disease. Previously, we have shown that human complement receptor of the immunoglobulin superfamily (CRIg) is a selective inhibitor of the AP of complement. Here, we present the crystal structure of murine CRIg and, using mutants, provide evidence that the structural requirements for inhibition of the AP are conserved in human and mouse. A soluble form of CRIg reversed inflammation and bone loss in two experimental models of arthritis by inhibiting the AP of complement in the joint. Our data indicate that the AP of complement is not only required for disease induction, but also disease progression. The extracellular domain of CRIg thus provides a novel tool to study the effects of inhibiting the AP of complement in established disease and constitutes a promising therapeutic with selectivity for a single complement pathway

    Legitimacy in REDD+ governance in Indonesia

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    This paper addresses the question of legitimacy in REDD+ governance in Indonesia. It develops a legitimacy framework that builds on elements of Scharpf (J Eur Pub Policy 4(1):18–36, 1997) input and output legitimacy concept and the political economy lens described by Brockhaus and Angelsen (Analysing REDD+: Challenges and choices, CIFOR, Bogor, 2012). Using data collected through key informant interviews and focus groups, we identify and explore stakeholder perceptions of legitimacy. The analysis reveals a complex interplay between input and output legitimacy, finding that state, non-state and hybrid actors perceive output legitimacy (i.e. project outcomes) as highly dependent on the level of input legitimacy achieved during the governance process. Non-state actors perceive proxies for input legitimacy, such as participation and inclusion of local people, as goals in themselves. In the main, they perceive inclusion to be integral to the empowerment of local people. They perceive output legitimacy as less important because of the intangibility of REDD+ outcomes at this stage in the process. The findings also highlight the challenges associated with measuring the legitimacy of REDD+ governance in Indonesia

    Microsatellite and Mitochondrial Data Provide Evidence for a Single Major Introduction for the Neartic Leafhopper Scaphoideus titanus in Europe

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    Scaphoideus titanus, a leafhopper native to North America and invasive in Europe, is the vector of the Flavescence dorée phytoplasma, the causal agent of the most important form of grapevine yellows in European vineyards. We studied 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci and a 623 bp fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase II gene in native S. titanus from north-eastern America and introduced European populations, to elucidate the colonization scenario. Consistent with their recent history, invasive European populations were less genetically diverse than American populations for both types of markers, suggesting a recent bottleneck. Significant isolation by distance was detected between American populations but not between European populations. None of the European mitochondrial haplotypes was found in the American vineyards, from which they are assumed to have originated. The precise source of the invasive S. titanus populations therefore remains unclear. Nevertheless, the high heterozygosity of North-East American populations (which contained 92% of the observed alleles) suggests that this region is part of the native range of S. titanus. Clustering population genetics analyses with microsatellite and mitochondrial data suggested that European populations originated from a single introduction event. Most of the introduced populations clustered with populations from Long Island, the Atlantic Coast winegrowing region in which Vitis aestivalis occurs