21 research outputs found

    Possible Therapeutic Use of Spermatogonial Stem Cells in the Treatment of Male Infertility: A Brief Overview

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    Development of germ cells is a process starting in fetus and completed only in puberty. Spermatogonial stem cells maintain spermatogenesis throughout the reproductive life of mammals. They are undifferentiated cells defined by their ability to both self-renew and differentiate into mature spermatozoa. This self-renewal and differentiation in turn is tightly regulated by a combination of intrinsic gene expression as well as the extrinsic gene signals from the local tissue microenvironment. The human testis is prone to damage, either for therapeutic reasons or because of toxic agents from the environment. For preservation of fertility, patients who will undergo radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy have an attractive possibility to keep in store and afterwards make a transfer of spermatogonial stem cells. Germ cell transplantation is not yet ready for the human fertility clinic, but it may be reasonable for young cancer patients, with no other options to preserve their fertility. Whereas this technique has become an important research tool in rodents, a clinical application must still be regarded as experimental, and many aspects of the procedure need to be optimized prior to a clinical application in men. In future, a range of options for the preservation of male fertility will get a new significance

    Planovi i programi fizičkog vaspitanja u procesu obuke u JNA u periodu 1945-1950. godine

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    The influence of physical training on bodies of athletes leads to changes that can be characterized as morphological, functional, electrophysiological and psychological. Dynamic exercise, such as running, swimming and riding a bicycle, leads to volume load of heart. Static exercise (gymnastics, weightlifting, wrestling) leads to the development of relatively large muscle force, with or without changes in muscle length and movement of the joint. Given the frequent number of sudden cardiac death cases in sport, it is important to distinguish between changes of the heart that occur as a result of adaptation to physical activity and changes due to some pathological conditions. The aim of this paper is to present the latest information on changes in ECG parameters depending on the load of athletes while performing aerobic trainings in order to better identify markers of adverse cardiovascular events, particularly sudden death in athletes. It is common to see on the ECG of athletes at rest hypertrophy of the left and right ventricle, interventricular conduction disorder, positive ST changes, and short-term tachycardia. Changes that occur in athletes are due to increased vagal tone and suppression of sympathetic nerve regulation. Many changes can be attributed to intrinsic cardiac component that is responsible for the lower frequency of athlete's heart deinnervation (with atropine or propranolol), which means that intense training influences how the autonomic regulation and the intrisic cardiac pacemaker function. It is common for athletes to have sinus bradycardia, sinus arrhythmia, first degree AV block and Mobitz I, as well as junctional rhythm, ST segment elevation, high and sharp, or biphasic T-waves, while ST depression or isolated T-wave inversion are less common. They can also have increased amplitude of P-wave and QRS complex, QRS axis rotation to the right and incomplete right branch block. Some but insufficient data tell about the presence of the third-degree AV block and atrial and ventricular ectopic beats and their predictive role for malignant rhythm disorders


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    The subject of this paper is a complex one, given that it deals with track and field, history, history of art and archeology. Intensive studies in this field began with the renewed Olympic Games in Athens in 1896. The beginning of the new millennium and modern technology have brought the first attempts at animation regarding the possible ways of performing the events at the ancient Olympic Games, among which was the stadium race. The problems that arose with the progress of a one-stade track and field race through a period of 12 centuries at the Festivity Games in Olympia can be solved integrally through aspects of axiological, epistemological and ontological questions, as well as through the experimental method of a possible way of performing the one-stade track and field race, which was represented at the Festivity Games in Olympia. Different analyses, descriptions, hypotheses and views by many authors dealing with the subject of ancient track and field events and way they were performed were the reason for this study in light of a possible way of performing the stadium race. The aim of this study was to define the most authentic way of performing the stadium race at the ancient Olympic Games. Historical and experimental methods were used in this study. Research results indicate that there were differences in this event was performed during the 12 centuries of life of the Festivity Games in Olympia. The research has been justified by an effort to clarify existing scientific hypotheses concerning a possible manner of performing the one-stade race at the ancient Olympic Games.

    Association between proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin 9 (PCSK9) and lipoprotein subclasses in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus: Effects of glycemic control

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    Background and aims: Dyslipidemia in type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is characterised by altered distributions of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) subclasses. Recent studies suggested that proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin 9 (PCSK9) may contribute to the development of dyslipidemia in T1DM. In this cross-sectional study, we investigated the association between PCSK9 and lipoprotein subclasses in young T1DM patients, with respect to glycemic control. Methods: Plasma PCSK9 and lipoprotein subclasses were determined in 207 patients with T1DM (106 boys and 101 girls), aged 13.9 +/- 3.0 years and treated by intensive insulin therapy. Results: Plasma PCSK9 levels significantly increased with worsening of glycemic control (p lt 0.001). T1DM patients with poor glucoregulation had the highest proportion of small, dense LDL (sdLDL) and smaller HDL particles, as well. PCSK9 was positively associated with markers of glucose homeostasis and serum lipid parameters only in patients with suboptimal/poor glucoregulation. In well-controlled T1DM, plasma PCSK9 level was inversely associated with a relative proportion of sdLDL particles (p lt 0.01) and this association remained significant in multivariate analysis. In T1DM patients with suboptimal/poor glycemic control, PCSK9 was positively associated with the proportion of the smallest HDL3c particles (p lt 0.001), but negatively with HDL size (p lt 0.05). Conclusions: The extent of achieved metabolic control modifies the association between PCSK9 and lipoprotein subclasses in T1DM. Further investigations are needed to reveal whether the observed effects of glycemic control on PCSK9 and sdLDL levels have causal consequences on CVD risk in young patients with T1DM


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    Human muscular system has a large number of innate slow contractile fibres which means that increase of oxygen absorption level can be achieved by adequate training. An athlete who is very good at performing activities which take endurance as well as at explosive strength activities, represents an ideal middle-distance runner who has rather even relation of both types of muscle fibres. This explains why a talented runner such as Steve Ovet achieved much better results than contemporary runners on middle-distance tracks. Besides, there are also some other things which are necessary: a healthy and strong heart, large capacity of lungs, optimal body proportions, basic speed impro¬ve¬ment, development of good running techniques as well as improvement of oxygen absor¬ption with improvement of tolerance for lack of oxygen. Mutual dependence of aerobic and anaerobic processes in running disciplines is different, what can be seen from the tables. However, it does not necessarily mean that tabular processes represent relations which should be observed in relation to length and load of training


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    Two and a half thousand years’ ago these words were engraved in a huge stone in Ancient Greece: „If you want to be strong-run, if you want to be beautiful- run, if you want to be clever- run“! „The alphabet of every sports school or healthy way of life is running in natural enviranment“. Walking tours and running are the most natural ways of physical activity necessery to everybody. Running provides the necessery amount of oxygen, improves lungs and heart function, activates blood circulation and methabolism. Cross, included in athletic programme teaching conducted in physical culture schooling contains components of educational and training directions. Improvements achieved by educational aspect can be seen through teaching students proper running technics at diferent natural. In course of study of researching athletics, cross running was introduced for the first time in 1982/83, at distances of 5km for men, and 3km for women at Faculty of physical culture in Belgrade and Leposavić. Experiment anticipates the use of three training programms, working methods are extended to 24 training stimulances at Faculty of physical culture at Leposavić. Disrtibution of the results shows high compatibility of the whole pattern. Largest amount of results is grouped into three middle intervals, while there were hardly excellent results: faster than (22min 53sek) or bad results slower then (32 min 2sek


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    Modern civilization moves to endless automation and mechanization. This fact, in one hand, has positive effect on increase of life standard, but also carries its own risks and threats of mankind. Axelberg, famous academician, makes an interesting remark that only a hundred years ago man did 96 % of his work by himself, while today most manufacturing processes are 100% automated. Stress, lack of physical activity and bad food regime are canses of organic damages of cardiopulmonary system. Latest research, conducted in many countries, shows that for proper functioning of every organism the minimum of moving is necessary.Term neurosis was introduced in medical literature by Scottish doctor W. Cullen in 1777. By that term were considered different clinical appearances which are believed neurotic todey, but also the phenomena today considered as psychosomatic disorders of character and behavior. Pavlov’s reflexive theory is basic in treatment of some types of neurossis’ during spa treatments in Nerečinska Banja. It usually starts at the beginning of May and ends in October, but sometimes if weather is nice, it can last until the middle of November. The treatment cure last tventy-one day, doesn’t include medicaments, but only spa water, baths and massage


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    the training process, it is necessary to know the rules and to apply the leading factors in time (the application of the means of physical exercises, methods, organizational forms of work and the scope optimization of the load intensity) which contribute to the effi ciency of the training process. The morphologic status represented by the information on longitudinal and transferal dimensionality of the skeleton as well as the information on the body volume has the doubtless but relatively small signifi cance for achieving the results in sprinter running as with men as well as with women. Sport result in the training process is the product of made selection, regular organization of the working methods and all this in compliance with the individual characteristics of a sportsman. The plan and the basic division of the activities are based on the exercises for loosening up, speeding up and on load exercises in all forms of the training proces