46 research outputs found

    Morphological Assessment of Concomitant Lesions Detected in Goat Herds Naturally Infected with Paratuberculosis (Johne’s Disease)

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    [EN] Paratuberculosis (PTB), caused by Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP), causes significant financial losses in the ruminant industry. The aim of this study is to describe the concomitant pathological findings as well as PTB-induced lesions in 39 naturally infected goats (15 vaccinated and 24 non-vaccinated). All animals exhibited MAP-induced microscopic lesions affecting target organs, although only 62% of those were detected grossly. Mainly concomitant inflammatory pathologies were recognized affecting the hemolymphatic, respiratory and gastrointestinal systems. Non-vaccinated animals exhibited both moderate and marked granulomatous enteritis in contrast with vaccinated ones which presented mild intestinal affection. Our results demonstrate that non-vaccinated animals presented pneumonia in all age groups studied (from 12 up to >48 months old). A significantly higher prevalence of ileocecal valve PTB lesions was detected in non-vaccinated animals with pneumonic lesions (p = 0.027). Furthermore, a reduction of gastrointestinal non-PTB processes was described in vaccinated goats. In conclusion, a PTB infected goat herd can be affected by a wide range of concomitant pathologies, mostly inflammatory in origin. Anatomic pathology is of crucial importance for correct herd diagnosis and histopathology is an indispensable tool for lesion detection. Additionally, anti-MAP vaccination could have a beneficial effect on the reduction of respiratory and gastrointestinal non-PTB diseases.SIThis research was funded by CajaCanarias Foundation and “la Caixa” Foundation, grant reference number FCC-FC-2019-03 and by the PROID2020010047 grant from the Canary Regional Ministry of Economy, Knowledge and Work through the Canarian Agency for Research, Innovation and Information Society (ACIISI), for the implementation of I+D projects in the Canary RIS-3 priority areas, co-financed through PO FEDER Canarias 2014–2020. Elena Plamenova Stefanova was the recipient of a predoctoral contract of the The Ministry of Universities, Spain (FPU20/03693) and Charter100 2021 scholarship for PhD students’ mobilit

    A MSFD complementary approach for the assessment of pressures, knowledge and data gaps in Southern European Seas : the PERSEUS experience

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    PERSEUS project aims to identify the most relevant pressures exerted on the ecosystems of the Southern European Seas (SES), highlighting knowledge and data gaps that endanger the achievement of SES Good Environmental Status (GES) as mandated by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). A complementary approach has been adopted, by a meta-analysis of existing literature on pressure/impact/knowledge gaps summarized in tables related to the MSFD descriptors, discriminating open waters from coastal areas. A comparative assessment of the Initial Assessments (IAs) for five SES countries has been also independently performed. The comparison between meta-analysis results and IAs shows similarities for coastal areas only. Major knowledge gaps have been detected for the biodiversity, marine food web, marine litter and underwater noise descriptors. The meta-analysis also allowed the identification of additional research themes targeting research topics that are requested to the achievement of GES. 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license.peer-reviewe

    Моделирање на DC/DC конвертори за управување на еднонасочни мотори со компјутерска симулација

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    Во трудот е дадена методологијата и добиените резултати од компјутерска симулација и анализа на DC/DC конвертоти базирани на IGBT транзистори и применети во управувањето на еднонасочни електромотори. Направена е хармониска анализа на напонот и струјата на влез и излез од конверторот и одредени се хармониските изобличувања, факторот на моќнос и коефициентот на полезно дејство на конверторот. Исто така, дадени се и експерименталните резултати од примената на овој вид конвертори при регулирање на брзината на еднонасочен електромотор. Компјутерските симулации дадени во овој труд реализирани се со програмскиот пакет PowerSim

    Taking into account the parameters of popular science discourse in the implementation of audiovisual translation (on the example of TED-series of the small form “Small Thing Big Idea”)

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    В статье выделены параметры научно-популярного дискурса, которые необходимо учитывать при выполнении аудиовизуального перевода. Практический материал включает 16 короткометражек из серии TED (2 сезона Small Thing Big Idea). Проанализированы их регулятивные средства, способы подачи информации, а также композиционные схемы. Результаты исследования сведены в 1 диаграмму и 4 таблицы.The article highlights the parameters of popular science discourse to be taken into consideration while delivering audiovisual translation. The practical material encompasses 16 short-from TED series (2 Seasons of Small Thing Big Idea). Their regulatory means, modes of submitting the information, as well as compositional schemes have been analyzed, with the results of the research summarized in 1 diagram and 4 tables

    Basic geotechnical parameters of metallic mineral deposits in the Republic of Macedonia

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    This paper deals with the analysis of basic geotechnical properties of monolithic rock samples from several metallic mineral deposits in the Republic of Macedonia. Namely, results from geotechnical investigation on samples from the deposits of Ilovica, Borov Dol, Kazan Dol, Plavica, Kadiica and Bu�im were subject of the work presented herein. Over 800 different geotechnical tests have been performed on samples from different depths and zones of these deposits. The most frequently performed basic tests during geotechnical investigation phases included:point load index tests, unconfined compression tests, unit and specific weight, porosity, shear strength along joints. All data is statistically analyzed and certain conclusions for different geotechnical parameters are achieved. Special attention is paid to the vertical distribution of the parameter’s values, since this is of greatest interest for the mining planning and processes. Differences among certain deposits are discussed and certain conclusions and recommendations for further investigations are presented. We note that this is a first attempt to analyze such amount of geotechnical data from metallic mineral deposits in Macedonia, and the herein presented correlations are to be updated as new data is collected. Key words: geotechnical properties; metallic mineral deposits; statistical analysis; vertical distributio

    Treatment of osteogenesis imperfecta with bisphosphonates

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    Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is also known as Lobstein syndrome. It is an autosomal dominant genetic dis-order but in the past few years there is evidence of some recessive forms related to mutations in other genes (types 6, 7 and 8). OI is mostly caused by a mutation in the COL1A1 and COL1A2 genes encoding type I collagen. A substitution of the amino acid glycine with a larger amino acid in the structure of collagen leads to defective connective tissue. OI is either inherited or occurs spontaneously. Three alfa chains are the base of the collagen structure. Collagen synthesis includes an altering of each chain by cleavage, hydroxylation, glycosylation and then assembling them into a triple helix structure. In OI, insufficient normal molecules are produced due to defects in the intracellular events forming pro-alpha chains and helices are not formed.The disorder is characterized with brittle bones, muscle weakness, dental and respiratory problems, scoliosis, blue sclera, triangular face, macrocephaly, joint laxity and fractures.There is no cure for OI. However, there are ways to manage the disorder. The aim is to sustain mobility, bone mass, muscle strength and prevent fractures. Treatment may include intake of bisphosphonates, surgery (bone marrow transplantation), physiotherapy and physical aids. Bisphosphonates, growth factor, teripara-tide (a recombinant human form of parathyroid hormone) are directed to improving the function of osteo-blasts and suppressing osteoclasts which helps people with OI live a less painful life

    Design of an intelligent Wi-Fi sensor network

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    The interest of data management is important for industrial processes and has increased in parallel with the development of working machines and the technologies applied in these processes [1], [2], [3]. The analysis of these data provides a positive feedback in increasing the quality and quantity of work tasks that are subject to industrial processes. ? In modern industrial plants, the basic commitment is to collect, visualize and distribute data about quantities important to the process. These quantities, on one hand are process data that describe the industrial process (mass of matter, single pieces etc. ? , and on the other hand, they are quantities important for the maintenance of the working machines (current, temperature, pressure, flow, energy etc.). Figure 1 shows a block diagram of one intelligent system built in industrial plants