803 research outputs found

    Sex differences of parvalbumin-immunoreactive neurons in the rat brain

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    During the last two decades numerous studies have proven the existence of sexual dimorphism in the brain of lower vertebrates, birds, and mammals. Differences between males and females have been found in various components of central nervous system (CNS), including volumes of certain nuclei, numbers of neurons and synaptic contacts, size of somata and outgrowths, as well as differences in neurotransmitter systems. The mechanisms by which these dimorphic features appear remain an open question for further elucidation. It is not clear yet how the morphological variations observed between sexes during development could be related to functional consequences in the adult organism.Biomedical Reviews 1997; 7: 91-96

    Topical intranasal analgesia with EMLA for closed rhinoplasty

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    Background: Rhinoplasty is a traumatic procedure associated with postoperative pain. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of topically administered intranasal EMLA 5% cream (lidocaine 25 mg/ prilocaine 25 mg) on the pain experienced in the postoperative period by patients who underwent closed rhinoplasty.Materials and methods: The study was conducted between October 2014 and May 2016 and included 66 patients divided in two groups, all of whom underwent closed rhinoplasty. In the first group (n = 33) when packaging and placing the nasal splint, each intranasal tampon (with Gelaspon) was applied with 2 ml EMLA 5% cream, and in the control group (n = 33) 2 ml Deflamol ointment was applied on each tampon. All patients were operated under general anesthesia after introduction with intravenous Propofol and maintenance of the anesthesia with Sevoflurane and opioid analgesic. After placing the patient under general anesthesia, the otorhinolaryngologist carries on with local infiltration anesthesia with a solution of lidocaine 0.5%and adrenaline 1: 100,000 4-6 ml. All patients received oral antibiotic treatment (with Klacid or Zinnat) for the period of the packaging. No corticosteroids were included in the therapeutic scheme. Post-operative pain was assessed on a visual analog scale on the 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48 hour in the patients of both groups.Results: The statistical analysis shows that there is a significant differencein reported results for the treatment of post-operative pain on the 1, 6 and 12 hour period in both groups studied. Four of the patients (12%) in the EMLA group had results from the VAS > 40 mm and required administration of a non-opioid analgesic in the first 24 hours, whilst in the control group this number of patients was 13 (39%).Conclusion: Intranasal application EMLA 5% cream in the packaging for reducing postoperative pain in patients who underwent closed rhinoplasty proves to be a simple and effective technique, in which we have not found adverse side effects in the study group patients despite this off label usage

    Necrotising sinusitis with orbital complication in patient with macrophage activation syndrome (MAS)

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    Background: Macrophage activation syndrome (MAC) is a potentially fatal clinical-laboratory syndrome of uncontrolled hyperinflammation arising as a result of hereditary or acquired immune-mediated processes of cellular overactivation and nonmalignant proliferation of tissue macrophages/histiocytes, which can cause multiorgan failure.Case report: We present a clinical case of 15-years old child, who was diagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthritis in 2019. The disease started with macrophage activation syndrome. In the next years the child had multiple hospitalizations in the Pediatrics clinic, but in the course of the disease it developed the picture of severe necrotic pansinuitis with an orbital complication, which required an immediate surgical intervention. Ever since the child had an ongoing necrotizing process in the area of the nasal passages, sinuses, upper jaw and hard palate. Other complications were breakthrough of the hard palate, loss of healthy teeth from the upper dentition and creation of direct communication between the oral cavity and the left maxillary sinus.Conclusions: The diagnosis of MAS is difficult to make, but increased awareness of this disease is an essential for its recognition. The struggle with autoimmune diseases often lasts for years with periods of exacerbation and remission of symptoms. Complications related to them can affect different organs and systems and require interdisciplinary approach

    Chicken egg white — characteristics of its properties and the prospects for functional foods development

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    The overview presents the literature data and the results of our own research on prospects of using the chicken eggs as the basis of functional foods. The composition of chicken eggs and their components, characteristics of egg white proteins properties are presented thereto. The biologically active compounds included into egg composition are analyzed. The data on the biological value of egg white are given. The characteristic of egg white foaming ability is presented. It has been shown that the ability of proteins to form stable intermolecular structures, especially with partially denaturated proteins, allows them forming viscoelastic superficial films that ensure foam stability. The high foaming ability of chicken egg protein macromolecules is directly related to their interphase properties, i. e. the ability to form interphase layers at the “liquid —  gas” interface. The foaming properties of the various egg proteins are not equal, and therefore they contribute to foaming properties at various extents. The model of egg white proteins gelation is considered and the factors influencing the gelation process are described. It has been shown that very important changes in proteins properties are caused by denaturation. The proteins lose their ability to hydrate; the protective aqueous shell around the globules disappears, the proteins stick together, grow larger and lose solubility. This process is called coagulation. The influence of denaturation and aggregation on variations of protein properties is described below. Data on protein fortification with functional ingredients (calcium, iodine, plant polyphenols) and creation of functional egg and meat foods are presented here

    PIN36 Six Years Observational Study of the Cost of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy and HIV/AIDS Control

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    The changes in the amino and fatty acid profiles in the semifinished foodstuffs based on broiler meat and components of chicken eggs after different types of thermal treatment

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    The changes in the amino and fatty acid profiles in the semifinished foodstuffs (SFFs) based on broiler meat and coagulated chicken egg melange after different types of thermal treatment (water or steam boiling, braising, baking, frying) were studied. The amino acid profiles were determined on Knauer analyzer; tryptophan by standard method. The biological value of the treated products was assessed using amino acid balance coefficients calculated by the method of N. N. Lipatov. It was found that the changes in the initial amino acid profiles of the SFFs were the least after water and steam boiling; braising and baking were found to increase the contents of the essential amino acids. The amino acid profiles in the treated SFFs were close to the reference values. The best criteria of their biological value (coefficient of rationality of amino acid composition, comparable redundance) were found after water and steam boiling. It was found that all types of thermal treatments insignificantly affected the parameters of fatty acid balance within the SFFs; the changes found were primarily related to slight increase in total content of saturated fatty acids and increase in total content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in compare to initial profiles, by 2.64–3.88% depending on the treatment type. The changes in ω‑6/ω‑3 PUFAs ratios were more substantial especially after braisin

    Analytical pre-test support of boil-down test QUENCH-11

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    Analytische Unterstützung zur Vorbereitung des Ausdampf-Versuchs QUENCH-11 Im QUENCH-Vorhaben des Forschungszentrums Karlsruhe soll das Fluten eines teilweise zerstörten Kerns untersucht werden. Der zweite LACOMERA Versuch Q-L2 (QUENCH-11) beginnt mit einer Ausdampfphase des Bündels, bis der Wasserspiegel das untere Bündel¬ende erreicht hat. Ein derartiger Versuch wurde bislang noch nicht in der QUENCH-Anlage durchgeführt, so dass mit SCDAP/RELAP5 mod3.2.irs eine Machbarkeitsstudie erforderlich war. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass eine Zusatzheizung im unteren Plenum notwendig ist, um den Wasserstand und die Verdampfungsrate (Dampfmassenstrom in der Ausdampfphase) unabhängig von der angestrebten Maximaltemperatur im Bündel zu regeln. Für eine verläss¬liche Versuchsplanung sowie zur Erstellung der Energiebilanz muss die Zusatzheizung in¬nerhalb des unteren Plenums unterhalb der Wasseroberfläche installiert werden, damit die Heizleistung vollständig in das Wasser eingekoppelt wird. Um die Verdampfungsrate über längere Zeit aufrecht zu erhalten, muss zusätzlich Wasser in das untere Plenum eingespeist werden. Anhand dieser Rechnungen wird der Testablauf im Detail diskutiert. Eine entsprechende Studie zeigte die Durchführbarkeit eines solchen Ausdampftests und war die Grundlage für die oben erwähnten Änderungen in der Anlage und der Versuchs-Durchführung gegenüber früheren Tests. Eine Reihe von Vorversuche wurde durchgeführt, um die Brauchbarkeit der Änderungen an der Anlage und der geplanten Versuchsführung zu prüfen und um Daten für das thermohydraulische Verhalten der Anlage zu bekommen, an denen die Code-Modelle für die Voraus- und Nachrechnungen von QUENCH-11 getestet werden können. Im Anschluss an die Vorversuche wurden wie bei früheren QUENCH-Tests detaillierte Vorausrechnungen mit verschiedenen Codes zu Versuchsablauf und -steuerung durchgeführt. Drei Forschungs¬einrichtungen in der EU waren beteiligt. Die berechneten Ergebnisse reagieren empfindlich auf Änderungen der Versuchsparameter wie das anfängliche axiale Temperaturprofil und die eingespeiste elektrische Leistung, wie es auch für die untersuchten physikalischen Bedin¬gungen im Versuch erwartet werden kann

    PAHs in fly ash from lignite combustion

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    Η έρευνα περιγράφει τον εντοπισμό και προσδιορισμό πολυκυκλικών αρωματικών υδρογονανθράκων (ΠΑΥ) σε ιπτάμενη τέφρα από την καύση λιγνιτών στο θερμοηλεκτρικό σταθμό Μαρίτσα Ίζτοκ- 2. Προσδιορίζεται συνολική περιεκτικότητα σε ΠΑΥ, ~17 pgr/kgr στερεάς ύλης. Περιγράφεται και η κατανομή των ΠΑ Υ ως προς τον αριθμό αρωματικών δακτυλίων (R). Εχει διαπιστωθεί ότι τα οργανικά εκχυλίσματα περιέχουν τρικυκλικούς/τετρακυκλικούς ΠΑ Υ και αλκυλιωμένα παράγωγα τους. Εχει υπολογιστεί και καρκινογόνο δυναμικό, 0,07385 σχετικά με το βενζοπυρένιο = 1. Μέσω αέριας χρωματογραφίας-φασματομετρίας μάζας και προτύπων δευτερίου προσδιορίστηκαν 17 ΠΑΥ, μερικοί από τους οποίους περιλαμβάνονται στη λίστα της USEPA. Οι τιμές που προσδιορίστηκαν είναι χαμηλότερες από τις οριακές τιμές ΠΑΥ σε έδαφος σύμφωνα με τη βουλγαρική νομοθεσία. Παρ 'όλα αυτά χρειάζεται να υπολογίζεται η περιεκτικότητα σε ΠΑ Υ στην ιπτάμενη τέφρα από την καύση λιγνιτών λόγω της τεράστιας ετήσιας παραγωγής υπολειμμάτων από την καύση ανθράκων.This paper describes state-of the art for isolation and determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in fly ash from lignite combustion in Maritza East Thermal Power Plant, Bulgaria. Total sum of-17 microg/kg solid by-product PAHs was determined. The profile of PAHs distribution according to the number of aromatic rings in the molecule (R) was determined. Organic extracts were mainly composed by PAHs, their alkylated homologues and heteroatom containing counterparts with dominance of three/four cyclic aromatic compounds. Respectively, relative carcinogenic potency values for PAHs compared to Benzofajpyrene with TEFEPA =1 was not high - 0,07385. Seventeen PAHs, some of them in the list of USEPA for priority pollutants with expressed carcinogenic/mutagenic potential, were identified and quantified by mass spectroscopy (GC/MS/MS) and d-PAHs as internal standards. Determined values for contents of PAHs under regulation were lower than their backgrounds in Bulgarian soils. Nevertheless PAHs in combustion fly ash should be monitored because of high solid by-products annual production and problems of reus