148 research outputs found

    Near-ideal spontaneous photon sources in silicon quantum photonics

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    While integrated photonics is a robust platform for quantum information processing, architectures for photonic quantum computing place stringent demands on high quality information carriers. Sources of single photons that are highly indistinguishable and pure, that are either near-deterministic or heralded with high efficiency, and that are suitable for mass-manufacture, have been elusive. Here, we demonstrate on-chip photon sources that simultaneously meet each of these requirements. Our photon sources are fabricated in silicon using mature processes, and exploit a novel dual-mode pump-delayed excitation scheme to engineer the emission of spectrally pure photon pairs through intermodal spontaneous four-wave mixing in low-loss spiralled multi-mode waveguides. We simultaneously measure a spectral purity of 0.9904±0.00060.9904 \pm 0.0006, a mutual indistinguishably of 0.987±0.0020.987 \pm 0.002, and >90%>90\% intrinsic heralding efficiency. We measure on-chip quantum interference with a visibility of 0.96±0.020.96 \pm 0.02 between heralded photons from different sources. These results represent a decisive step for scaling quantum information processing in integrated photonics

    Interferometric cavity ring-down technique for ultra-high Q-factor microresonators

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    Microresonators (MRs) are key components in integrated optics. As a result, the estimation of their energy storage capacity as measured by the quality factor (Q) is crucial. However, in MR with high/ultra-high Q, the surface-wall roughness dominates the intrinsic Q and generates a coupling between counter-propagating modes. This splits the usual sharp single resonance and makes difficult the use of classical methods to assess Q. Here, we theoretically show that an interferometric excitation can be exploited in a Cavity Ring-Down (CRD) method to measure the ultimate Q of a MR. In fact, under suitable conditions, the resonant doublet merges into a single Lorentzian and the time dynamics of the MR assumes the usual behavior of a single-mode resonator unaffected by backscattering. This allows obtaining a typical exponential decay in the charging and discharging time of the MR, and thus, estimating its ultimate Q by measuring the photon lifetime.Comment: 5 pages and 2 figure

    A linear photonic swap test circuit for quantum kernel estimation

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    Among supervised learning models, Support Vector Machine stands out as one of the most robust and efficient models for classifying data clusters. At the core of this method, a kernel function is employed to calculate the distance between different elements of the dataset, allowing for their classification. Since every kernel function can be expressed as a scalar product, we can estimate it using Quantum Mechanics, where probability amplitudes and scalar products are fundamental objects. The swap test, indeed, is a quantum algorithm capable of computing the scalar product of two arbitrary wavefunctions, potentially enabling a quantum speed-up. Here, we present an integrated photonic circuit designed to implement the swap test algorithm. Our approach relies solely on linear optical integrated components and qudits, represented by single photons from an attenuated laser beam propagating through a set of waveguides. By utilizing 23^3 spatial degrees of freedom for the qudits, we can configure all the necessary arrangements to set any two-qubits state and perform the swap test. This simplifies the requirements on the circuitry elements and eliminates the need for non-linearity, heralding, or post-selection to achieve multi-qubits gates. Our photonic swap test circuit successfully encodes two qubits and estimates their scalar product with a measured root mean square error smaller than 0.05. This result paves the way for the development of integrated photonic architectures capable of performing Quantum Machine Learning tasks with robust devices operating at room temperature

    Field-Induced Nonlinearities in Silicon Waveguides Embedded in Lateral p-n Junctions

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    Silicon waveguides embedded in lateral p-n junctions show field-induced optical nonlinearities. By properly polarizing the junction, these can be used to achieve electro-optic modulation through the Direct Current Kerr effect. In addition, these enable second-order nonlinear processes such as the electric-field-induced second harmonic generation (EFISHG). In this work, we study in detail electro-optic effects in integrated silicon microresonators and demonstrate experimentally a field-induced resonance wavelength shift. This process is due to both the DC Kerr effect and the plasma-dispersion effect. By means of finite element method simulations, these effects are properly modeled and their contributions are accurately disentangled. The strength of the equivalent second-order nonlinear coefficient that would have provided the same electro-optic effect is about 16 pm/V. This result is comparable with that of materials possessing an intrinsic second order nonlinearity, and is one order of magnitude stronger than the most recent measurements of strain-induced Pockels effect in silicon

    SiN integrated photonic components in the Visible to Near-Infrared spectral region

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    Integrated photonics has emerged as one of the most promising platforms for quantum applications. The performances of quantum photonic integrated circuits (QPIC) necessitate a demanding optimization to achieve enhanced properties and tailored characteristics with more stringent requirements with respect to their classical counterparts. In this study, we report on the simulation, fabrication, and characterization of a series of fundamental components for photons manipulation in QPIC based on silicon nitride. These include crossing waveguides, multimode-interferometer-based integrated beam splitters (MMIs), asymmetric integrated Mach-Zehnder interferometers (MZIs) based on MMIs, and micro-ring resonators. Our investigation revolves primarily around the Visible to Near-Infrared spectral region, as these devices are meticulously designed and tailored for optimal operation within this wavelength range. By advancing the development of these elementary building blocks, we aim to pave the way for significant improvements in QPIC in a spectral region only little explored so far.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Photonic neural networks based on integrated silicon microresonators

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    The recent progress of artificial intelligence (AI) has boosted the computational possibilities in fields where standard computers are not able to perform. The AI paradigm is to emulate human intelligence and therefore breaks the familiar architecture on which digital computers are based. In particular, neuromorphic computing, artificial neural networks (ANN) and deep learning models mimic how the brain computes. Large networks of interconnected neurons whose synapsis are individually strengthened or weakened during the learning phase find many applications. With this respect, photonics is a suitable platform to implement ANN hardware thanks to its speed, low power dissipation and multi-wavelength opportunities. One photonic device candidate to perform as an optical neuron is the optical microring resonator. Indeed microring resonators show both a nonlinear response and a capability of optical energy storage, which can be interpreted as a fading memory. Moreover, by using silicon photonics, the photonic integrated circuits can be fabricated in volume and with integrated electronics on board. For these reasons, here, we describe the physics of silicon microring resonators and of arrays of microring resonators for application in neuromorphic computing. We describe different types of ANNs from feed-forward networks to photonics extreme learning machines and reservoir computing. In addition, we discuss also hybrid systems where silicon microresonators are coupled to other active materials. this review aims to introduce the basics and to discuss the most recent developments in the field.Comment: 35 pages, 23 figure

    Relationship among expression, amplification, and methylation of FE4 esterase genes in Italian populations of Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Homoptera : Aphididae)

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    The wide use of insecticides containing an esteric group selected resistant Myzus persicae populations characterised by the overproduction of one of two closely related carboxylesterases (E4 and FE4). In this paper, we present data collected from Italian population indicating that all the 22 populations analysed possess amplified FE4 gene only. The estimation of FE4 copy number, carried out by densitometric scanning of dot and Southern blots, puts in evidence that the different populations possess a gene copy number ranging from 6 to 104. Statistical analysis shows the existence of a high positive correlation between gene copy number and total esterase activity. In aphid strain with low FE4 copy number, these genes are almost totally methylated. On the contrary, aphid strains with high FE4 gene number evidenced highly variable methylation levels and absence of correlation between the number of genes and their methylation state. The same result has been observed when comparing FE4 methylation levels and esterase activity

    Unidirectional reflection from an integrated 'taiji' microresonator

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    We study light transmission and reflection from an integrated microresonator device, formed by a circular microresonator coupled to a bus waveguide, with an embedded S-shaped additional crossover waveguide element that selectively couples counter-propagating modes in a propagation-direction-dependent way. The overall shape of the device resembles a 'taiji' symbol, hence its name. While Lorentz reciprocity is preserved in transmission, the peculiar geometry allows us to exploit the non-Hermitian nature of the system to obtain high-contrast unidirectional reflection with negligible reflection for light incident in one direction and a significant reflection in the opposite direction