104 research outputs found

    Analisi metrica in ambiente digitale di due carte pregeodetiche coeve condotta con metodologie non convenzionali

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    La cartografia storica digitalizzata e opportunamente georeferenziata risulta uno strumento fondamentale per l’analisi quantitativa dell’antico assetto del territorio e per lo studio delle relative dinamiche evolutive. Purtroppo però, la georeferenziazione non è sempre immediata per via di varie deformazioni contenute nelle carte, particolarmente quelle pregeodetiche. In questi casi risulta indispensabile una analisi metrica preventiva degli esemplari per l’individuazione delle principali problematiche presenti, analisi che può essere condotta con i moderni approcci digitali e supportata quando possibile da uno studio delle tecniche e delle strumentazioni di rilievo adottate dai cartografi autori. Il presente lavoro riguarda l’analisi di due carte coeve dell’area deltizia del fiume Po, redatte alla fine del XVI secolo da Ottavio Fabri (forse inventore della squadra zoppa, strumento la cui costruzione ed il cui utilizzo sono descritti in un manuale tecnico redatto dal medesimo), che in uno dei due esemplari ha operato insieme al collega Gerolamo Pontara. Sulla base delle informazioni deducibili sia dal manuale del Fabri sia dalle carte analizzate, nonché da un ulteriore esemplare redatto dai medesimi autori, è possibile ipotizzare che il rilievo sia stato sviluppato per sub-aree, rilevate con differenti metodi e strumenti, e forse anche in tempi differenti. Ciò suggerisce la necessità di adottare modalità non convenzionali per l’analisi e la georeferenziazione degli originali cartografici, per un’affidabile utilizzazione del prodotto-derivato ai fini di ulteriori studi territoriali di tipo geo-ambientale o storico ed economico in senso stretto.Digitized and georeferenced historical cartography is a fundamental tool for quantitative analysis and study of the ancient territory and its dynamics. Unfortunately, the georeferencing process is not always immediate due to some deformations that can affect the maps, especially the pre-geodetic ones. Therefore, in these cases most of all, a preventive metric analysis of the maps, combined with recognition of deformations, results necessary; the task can be performed by means of modern digital tools, and supported from preliminary studies on the original surveying instruments and methods. In this study, two contemporary late sixteenth century map of the Po delta area (Italy) are analyzed; they were made by Ottavio Fabri (author of a technical book, in which he describes construction modalities and use of the squadra zoppa, a mobile square maybe invented by him), with the colleague Gerolamo Pontara in one of the two samples. On the basis of information that can be deduced from the manual, and these maps and another map made by the same authors, a multi-stage survey can be inferred; in this case the survey could have be done in sub-areas, where different methods and instruments were used, maybe in different times. The fact suggests the necessity of adopting non-conventional modalities for the georeferencing of the map samples; in this way the new products can be effectively used for territorial researches of geo-environmental, historical and economic significance

    Errata corrige in Bollettino AIC 149/2013

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    Geological and Geochemical Setting of Natural Hydrocarbon Emissions in Italy

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    none3Hydrocarbons are contained in underground geological formations where they can slowly migrate under the action of tectonic activity. For this reason spontaneous hydrocarbon emissions may be detected on earth’s surface and they have historically attracted man’s attention, even often being the subject of health or religious cults. In nearly the whole of all Italy the various levels of interest aroused by hydrocarbons in local populations and in economic and industrial structure are recognizable in the historical and archeological documentation. During 19th and 20th centuries many hydrocarbon emissions were recorded and described but unfortunately over past few decades they have been erased by roads and towns building Scientific literature has only recently turned its attention to the databases of gas or oil natural emissions, while a possible loss of knowledge of geosites related to hydrocarbons has occurred. In recent years, some authors have recovered information about the occurrence and chemical composition of gaseous hydrocarbons bubbling in mud volcanoes. Present-day scientific literature has devoted its attention to hydrocarbon spontaneous emissions but part of the flowing methane and oil emissions have not been completely listed. A recovery attempt of the available historical and recent information on natural hydrocarbon emissions has been carried out, comparing them with the updated findings on the geological features of Italy. Surface hydrocarbon occurrences are represented by gas seeps, oil seeps and mud volcanoes. At times gas seeps are accompanied by cold or warm water springs due to gas interaction with less deep groundwater circulation paths. Mud volcanoes are mainly related to areas of tectonic compression characterized by thick sedimentary sequences. Their occurrence is limited to the continental Apenninic chain and Sicily. Some hydrocarbon seeps, sinkholes and mud volcanoes have been reported offshore within a few kilometers of the coast and their origin has been seen to be similar to continental hydrocarbon emissions. The mapping of most important gas emissions shows that the hydrocarbon domain is chiefly located in the core of the raised Apennine belt immediately behind the chain front at the boundary of and its related Plio-Quaternary foredeep, whereas CO2 emissions are located in the Apennine backdeep area. The geographic distribution of important gas accumulations in Italy does not show a highly significant correlation between surface seepages and the exploited reservoirs and it could also suggest the existence of other still unknown deep reservoirs or their small remnants difficult to be checked up. The majority of the hydrocarbon wells is characterized by biogenic gases, while thermogenic methane is predominant in surface seeping, confirming the sealed condition of most of the biogenic reservoirs and that they still have not experienced the complete evolution of organic matter towards the thermogenic terms induced by pressure and temperature.the study is permanently available at : http://www.intechopen.com/articles/show/title/geological-and-geochemical-setting-of-natural-hydrocarbon-emissions-in-italy . It was submitted to a referees check (Website: http://www.intechopen.com/) The electronic form allows the study to be immediately known and read out all over the world. This is the first complete review for the natural seeps in the entire Italy over the last fourty years, thus it will surely be usefull as a general overview for students and researcher of this specific topic.openMartinelli G.; Cremonini S.; Samonati E.Martinelli G.; Cremonini S.; Samonati E

    Analysis of Pre-Geodetic Maps in Search of Construction Steps Details

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    Regeneration of ancient cartography in digital form is an interesting way not only to preserve historical cartographic documents as a cultural heritage, but also to allow new chances of understanding and using the historical information they record. In such a way, modern digital techniques, in particular study of map deformations and georeferencing, help in metric analysis of ancient cartography, and at last they appear to be useful for researchers to derive historical information for their studies, for example related to urban development or to geomorphological and environmental topics. The present research would give an example of the usefulness of the digital regeneration of ancient cartography, coupled with a visual analysis of the drawing. The study subject is a set of three maps portraying the Po river delta area (Northern Adriatic Sea, South of Venice, Italy) at the end of the 16th century, today preserved in the Venice National Archive. As they depict different landforms of the easternmost peripheral areas that today no longer exist, they are compelling for a geomorphological analysis, and they constitute a very interesting case study. The three map samples, drawn by three famous land surveyors, were analysed and cross-compared to try to find out information concerning the late Renaissance land-surveying techniques and the related cartographic draft steps. The kinds of evidence taken into account consist of technical signs preserved either in the palimpsest of the maps or in their final drawing. The meaning of some signs is explained by the Authors themselves in the legend, whereas the meaning of others can be inferred by an interesting methodological textbook, written by the main author to describe a new topographical instrument invented and used by himself. All these signs highlight a very interesting class of information related to the hidden steps of pre-geodetic map construction, which up to now is probably still poorly known and studied. Furthermore, an unusual methodological tool, never applied to this kind of researches up to now, is here proposed, i.e. the splitting of the original cartographic drawing in some subareas and its relocation to overcome the local gross topographic inconsistencies recorded on the maps

    The interplay between different stimuli in a 4D printed photo-, thermal-, and water-responsive liquid crystal elastomer actuator

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    Multi-stimuli responsivity in 3D-printed objects is receiving much attention. However, the simultaneous interplay between different environmental stimuli is largely unexplored. In this work, we demonstrate direct ink writing of an oligomeric ink containing an azobenzene photo-switch with an accessible hydrogen bond allowing triple responsivity to light, heat, and water. The resulting printed liquid crystal elastomer performs multiple actuations, the specific response depending on the environmental conditions. Bilayer films formed by printing on a static substrate can rapidly change shape, bending almost 80 degrees if irradiated in air or undergoing a shrinkage of about 50 % of its length when heated. The bilayer film assumes dramatically different shapes in water depending on combined environmental temperature and lighting conditions.</p

    The O3E program: Innovative educational and communication tools for better face natural hazards and emergencies

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    As dramatically reminded during the last days by the Haiti disaster, earthquakes are traumatic events as storms or floods. They cause more damages when population don’t have the knowledge of these phenomena and doesn’t know how to deal with it. Presently, it’s not possible to predict an earthquakes or extreme meteorological events. Preparation stay the best and efficient way to save life. Education and training are two essential ingredients to help the population to perceive the scientific information formerly confined in the laboratories, in particular in the domain of the environmental risk. The “O3E” innovative Project (European Observatory for Education and Environment) is established after 10 years (1997-2007) of regional, national and international programs (“Sismos of the Schools”, “Rinamed Medocc”), and from Italian and Swiss experiences concerning environment tools for education. This project with cooperation between scientists of France, Italy and Switzerland, is born to promote a responsible behavior of young citizens by means of scientific information about natural risks. ARGAL (Agency for Geological Risk in the Latin Arc - France) operates the administrative and technical coordination. The first innovative output of O3E is the creation of a school network in the Alpine and Mediterranean areas equipped with environmental sensors installed direct into the educational buildings. The data by seismometers, weather stations, river’s flows and soil moisture, recorded in the schools and processed by the students, are collected on dedicated servers and then made available through a internet platform to the entire educational community. By means of coordinated activities of critical analysis of data, their comparison with the information available through other media, the awareness about the importance of knowledge and evaluation of reliable data about their own territory is promoted. This equipment’s network “O3E," is the starting point of many other activities realized by the consortium with students and teachers. The teachers attend common meetings to exchange ideas and methods. The students are involved in activities of teaching towards younger pupils. The number of involved schools can theoretically increase without limit, by means of the implemented virtual network and e-learning tools at the dedicated web site. Various general objectives are pursued. - To promote the applied sciences and new technologies. - To put in network the actors of Education and formation. - To develop the sense of the autonomy and the responsibility in the young people. - To reinforce and develop relationships with regional partners of the educational and university fields. - To support a rational awakening for the prevention of the natural risks that can make the difference during the event in terms of safety. With these premises, the “O3E” experience sets up a permanent educational network of citizens in the Alpine and Mediterranean areas, building an exchange of knowledge on natural risks prevention.PublishedVienna5.9. Formazione e informazioneope

    Biogenic selenium nanoparticles: characterization, antimicrobial activity and effects on human dendritic cells and fibroblasts

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    Tailored nanoparticles offer a novel approach to fight antibiotic-resistant microorganisms. We analysed biogenic selenium nanoparticles (SeNPs) of bacterial origin to determine their antimicrobial activity against selected pathogens in their planktonic and biofilm states. SeNPs synthesized by Gram-negative Stenotrophomonas maltophilia [Sm-SeNPs()] and Gram-positive Bacillus mycoides [Bm-SeNPs(+)] were active at low minimum inhibitory concentrations against a number of clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa but did not inhibit clinical isolates of the yeast species Candida albicans and C. parapsilosis. However, the SeNPs were able to inhibit biofilm formation and also to disaggregate the mature glycocalyx in both P. aeruginosa and Candida spp. The Sm-SeNPs() and Bm-SeNPs(+) both achieved much stronger antimicrobial effects than synthetic selenium nanoparticles (Ch-SeNPs). Dendritic cells and fibroblasts exposed to Sm-SeNPs(), Bm-SeNPs(+) and Ch-SeNPs did not show any loss of cell viability, any increase in the release of reactive oxygen species or any significant increase in the secretion of pro-inflammatory and immunostimulatory cytokines. Biogenic SeNPs therefore appear to be reliable candidates for safe medical applications, alone or in association with traditional antibiotics, to inhibit the growth of clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa or to facilitate the penetration of P. aeruginosa and Candida spp. biofilms by antimicrobial agents

    The body of evidence of late-life depression: the complex relationship between depressive symptoms, movement, dyspnea and cognition

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    Background: Physical symptoms play an important role in late-life depression and may contribute to residual symptomatology after antidepressant treatment. In this exploratory study, we examined the role of specific bodily dimensions including movement, respiratory functions, fear of falling, cognition, and physical weakness in older people with depression.Methods: Clinically stable older patients with major depression within a Psychiatric Consultation-Liaison program for Primary Care underwent comprehensive assessment of depressive symptoms, instrumental movement analysis, dyspnea, weakness, activity limitations, cognitive function, and fear of falling. Network analysis was performed to explore the unique adjusted associations between clinical dimensions.Results: Sadness was associated with worse turning and walking ability and movement transitions from walking to sitting, as well as with worse general cognitive abilities. Sadness was also connected with dyspnea, while neurovegetative depressive burden was connected with activity limitations.Discussion: Limitations of motor and cognitive function, dyspnea, and weakness may contribute to the persistence of residual symptoms of late-life depression

    The O3E program: Innovative educational and communication tools for better face natural hazards and emergencies

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    As dramatically reminded during the last days by the Haiti disaster, earthquakes are traumatic events as storms or floods. They cause more damages when population don’t have the knowledge of these phenomena and doesn’t know how to deal with it. Presently, it’s not possible to predict an earthquakes or extreme meteorological events. Preparation stay the best and efficient way to save life. Education and training are two essential ingredients to help the population to perceive the scientific information formerly confined in the laboratories, in particular in the domain of the environmental risk. The “O3E” innovative Project (European Observatory for Education and Environment) is established after 10 years (1997-2007) of regional, national and international programs (“Sismos of the Schools”, “Rinamed Medocc”), and from Italian and Swiss experiences concerning environment tools for education. This project with cooperation between scientists of France, Italy and Switzerland, is born to promote a responsible behavior of young citizens by means of scientific information about natural risks. ARGAL (Agency for Geological Risk in the Latin Arc - France) operates the administrative and technical coordination. The first innovative output of O3E is the creation of a school network in the Alpine and Mediterranean areas equipped with environmental sensors installed direct into the educational buildings. The data by seismometers, weather stations, river’s flows and soil moisture, recorded in the schools and processed by the students, are collected on dedicated servers and then made available through a internet platform to the entire educational community. By means of coordinated activities of critical analysis of data, their comparison with the information available through other media, the awareness about the importance of knowledge and evaluation of reliable data about their own territory is promoted. This equipment’s network “O3E," is the starting point of many other activities realized by the consortium with students and teachers. The teachers attend common meetings to exchange ideas and methods. The students are involved in activities of teaching towards younger pupils. The number of involved schools can theoretically increase without limit, by means of the implemented virtual network and e-learning tools at the dedicated web site. Various general objectives are pursued. - To promote the applied sciences and new technologies. - To put in network the actors of Education and formation. - To develop the sense of the autonomy and the responsibility in the young people. - To reinforce and develop relationships with regional partners of the educational and university fields. - To support a rational awakening for the prevention of the natural risks that can make the difference during the event in terms of safety. With these premises, the “O3E” experience sets up a permanent educational network of citizens in the Alpine and Mediterranean areas, building an exchange of knowledge on natural risks prevention
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